本文整理汇总了C++中ImageType类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ImageType类的具体用法?C++ ImageType怎么用?C++ ImageType使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
pcl::pcl_2d::convolution_2d::conv (ImageType &output, ImageType &kernel, ImageType &input){
int rows = input.size ();
int cols = input[0].size ();
int k_rows = kernel.size ();
int k_cols = kernel[0].size ();
/*default boundary option : zero padding*/
output.resize (input.size ());
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
output[i].resize (cols);
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
output[i][j] = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < k_rows; k++)
for (int l = 0; l < k_cols; l++)
if ((i + k - k_rows / 2) < 0 || (i + k - k_rows / 2) >= rows || (j + l - k_cols / 2) < 0 || (j + l - k_cols / 2) >= cols)
output[i][j] += kernel[k][l] * input[i + k - k_rows / 2][j + l - k_cols / 2];
示例2: expandImage
Expand image function
Writen by: Jeremiah Berns
Dependincies, image.cpp, image.h
Discription: Will accept the shrunken image, the grow size of the image, and then
expand the image back to 256x256
void expandImage(ImageType oldImage, ImageType& newImage, int growVal, string newImageName)
//Variable decliration
int rows, cols, Q, tempValue;
//Variable setting
oldImage.getImageInfo(rows, cols, Q);
for(int i=0;i<rows;i++)
for(int j=0;j<cols;j++)
oldImage.getPixelVal(i,j, tempValue);
for(int k=0;k<growVal;k++)
for(int l=0;l<growVal;l++)
writeImage(newImageName, newImage);
template <unsigned dim,typename T> void
itkPhilipsRECDataImageReader::applyCorrection(FloatImageType::PointType correctorigin,
FloatImageType::DirectionType correctdirection)
// To take care of dimensions 3 and 4,
// we need new direction and point types.
typedef itk::Image<T,dim> ImageType;
typedef typename ImageType::DirectionType correctDirectionType;
typedef typename ImageType::PointType correctPointType;
correctDirectionType direction;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++)
direction[i][j] = correctdirection[i][j];
correctPointType origin;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
origin[i] = correctorigin[i];
ImageType* img = (ImageType *) (data()->data());
示例4: testSkinRecogWithThreshold
void testSkinRecogWithThreshold(const std::vector<double> &mean, const Matrix &cov, ImageType &image, std::string out){
RGB white(255,255,255);
RGB black(0,0,0);
int height, width, levels;
RGB val;
std::vector<double> pc(2); // pure color
double thR, thG;
for(int row = 0; row < height; row++){
for(int col = 0; col < width; col++){
image.getPixelVal(row, col, val);
pc[0] = val.r/float(val.r+val.g+val.b);
pc[1] = val.g/float(val.r+val.g+val.b);
thR = exp(-(cov[0][0] * pow((pc[0] - mean[0]),2) + cov[0][1] * (pc[0]- mean[0])));
thG = exp(-(cov[1][0] * (pc[1] - mean[1]) + cov[1][1] * pow((pc[1] - mean[1]),2)));
if((thR >= .9 && thG >= 1.0 && thG < 1.2)
|| (thR <= .8 && thR >= .7 && thG > 1.1)){
image.setPixelVal(row, col, white);
image.setPixelVal(row, col, black);
} // end outer for loop
writeImage(out.c_str(), image);
示例5: verifyImagePixels
void verifyImagePixels(const ImageType& image,
ImageFunction expectedPixels) {
auto width = image.getWidth();
auto height = image.getHeight();
verifyImagePixels(image, width, height, expectedPixels);
示例6: getLocalWorkSize
cl::NDRange getLocalWorkSize(const ImageType&,
const ImageType& destinationImage) const override {
auto width = destinationImage.getWidth();
auto height = destinationImage.getHeight();
return cl::NDRange(width / 2, height / 2);
示例7: createXipImageSingle
static SoXipDataImage *
createXipImageSingle(SoItkDataImage * xipItkImage, SbXipImage::DataType typeFlag,
int bitsPerComp, SbXipImage::ComponentLayoutType compLayout)
typedef typename itk::Image<Type, nDims> ImageType;
ImageType * itkImage = reinterpret_cast<ImageType *>(xipItkImage->getPointer());
typename ImageType::RegionType region = itkImage->GetBufferedRegion();
SbXipImageDimensions dimensions(1, 1, 1);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nDims; ++ i)
dimensions[i] = region.GetSize()[i];
SbXipImage* image =
new SbXipImage(dimensions, typeFlag, bitsPerComp,
itkImage->GetBufferPointer(), nComps,
SbXipImage::INTERLEAVED, compLayout,
if (!image) return 0;
SoXipDataImage * xipImage = new SoXipDataImage;
return xipImage;
pcl::pcl_2d::edge::ComputeDerivativeXCentral (ImageType &output, ImageType &input){
ImageType kernel;
kernel.resize (3);
kernel[0].resize (1); kernel[1].resize (1); kernel[2].resize (1);
kernel[0][0] = -1; kernel[1][0] = 0; kernel[2][0] = 1;
conv_2d->convolve (output, kernel, input);
示例9: crop
void crop(ImageType& image)
// initialize to -1 for input validation
int ULr = -1, ULc = -1, LRr = -1, LRc = -1;
int N, M, Q;
int errorCode = 0;
// get values
// get inputs
cout << "Enter the upper left corner's row: ";
cin >> ULr;
cout << endl << "Enter the upper left corner's column: ";
cin >> ULc;
cout << endl << "Enter the lower right corner's row: ";
cin >> LRr;
cout << endl << "Enter the lower right corner's column: ";
cin >> LRc;
// check for errors
if(ULr < 0 || ULc < 0 || LRr < 0 || LRc < 0)
errorCode = 1;
else if(ULr > N || LRr > N || ULc > M || LRc > M)
errorCode = 2;
else if(ULr >= LRr || ULc >= LRc)
errorCode = 3;
case 1:
cout << "ERROR: All inputs must be non-negative.";
case 2:
cout << "ERROR: All crop boundaries must be within image boundaries.";
case 3:
cout << "ERROR: All crop boundaries must be in the correct order.";
// crop image if no error was found
if(errorCode == 0)
image.getSubImage(ULr, ULc, LRr, LRc, image);
cout << endl << endl << "Image has been cropped successfully.";
示例10: write_output
void write_output (const VectorType& data,
const vector<vector<int> >& mask_indices,
ImageType& image) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < mask_indices.size(); i++) {
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < image.ndim(); dim++)
image.index(dim) = mask_indices[i][dim];
image.value() = data[i];
示例11: ImageType
bool GtPlusAccumulatorImageTriggerGadget::storeImage(const ISMRMRD::ImageHeader& imgHeader, const hoNDArray<ValueType>& img, const ISMRMRD::MetaContainer& attrib, ImageBufferType& buf)
long long cha = attrib.as_long(GADGETRON_CHA, 0);
size_t slc = imgHeader.slice;
long long e2 = attrib.as_long(GADGETRON_E2, 0);
size_t con = imgHeader.contrast;
size_t phs = imgHeader.phase;
size_t rep = imgHeader.repetition;
size_t set = imgHeader.set;
size_t ave = imgHeader.average;
// create image
ImageType* storedImage = new ImageType();
storedImage->attrib_ = attrib;
GADGET_CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(gtPlus_util_.setMetaAttributesFromImageHeaderISMRMRD(imgHeader, storedImage->attrib_));
storedImage->attrib_.set(GADGETRON_PASS_IMMEDIATE, (long)0);
buf(cha, slc, e2, con, phs, rep, set, ave) = storedImage;
if ( pass_image_immediate_ )
Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage<ImageBufferType>* cm1 = new Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage<ImageBufferType>();
ImageBufferType& imgBuf = *(cm1->getObjectPtr());
std::vector<size_t> dim2D(num_of_dimensions_, 1);
imgBuf(0) = new ImageType();
*imgBuf(0) = *storedImage;
// set the pass_image flag, so next gadget knows
imgBuf(0)->attrib_.set(GADGETRON_PASS_IMMEDIATE, (long)1);
if (this->next()->putq(cm1) < 0)
return false;
GERROR_STREAM("Error happens in GtPlusAccumulatorImageTriggerGadget::storeImage(const ISMRMRD::ImageHeader& imgHeader, const hoNDArray<ValueType>& img, const ISMRMRD::MetaContainer& attrib, ImageBufferType& buf) ... ");
return false;
return true;
pcl::keypoint::hessianBlob (ImageType &output, ImageType &input, const float sigma, bool SCALED){
/*creating the gaussian kernels*/
ImageType kernel, cornerness;
conv_2d.gaussianKernel (5, sigma, kernel);
/*scaling the image with differentiation scale*/
ImageType smoothed_image;
conv_2d.convolve (smoothed_image, kernel, input);
/*image derivatives*/
ImageType I_x, I_y;
edge_detection.ComputeDerivativeXCentral (I_x, smoothed_image);
edge_detection.ComputeDerivativeYCentral (I_y, smoothed_image);
/*second moment matrix*/
ImageType I_xx, I_yy, I_xy;
edge_detection.ComputeDerivativeXCentral (I_xx, I_x);
edge_detection.ComputeDerivativeYCentral (I_xy, I_x);
edge_detection.ComputeDerivativeYCentral (I_yy, I_y);
/*Determinant of Hessian*/
const size_t height = input.size ();
const size_t width = input[0].size ();
float min = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float max = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
cornerness.resize (height);
for (size_t i = 0; i < height; i++)
cornerness[i].resize (width);
for (size_t j = 0; j < width; j++)
cornerness[i][j] = sigma*sigma*(I_xx[i][j]+I_yy[i][j]-I_xy[i][j]*I_xy[i][j]);
if(cornerness[i][j] < min)
min = cornerness[i][j];
if(cornerness[i][j] > max)
max = cornerness[i][j];
/*local maxima*/
output.resize (height);
output[0].resize (width);
output[height-1].resize (width);
for (size_t i = 1; i < height - 1; i++)
output[i].resize (width);
for (size_t j = 1; j < width - 1; j++)
output[i][j] = ((cornerness[i][j]-min)/(max-min));
output[i][j] = cornerness[i][j];
示例13: newIntImage
static jobject newIntImage(JNIEnv* env, ImageType& image) {
jclass cls = safeFindClassMacro(cls, "Lcom/intel/vpg/IntImage;")
jmethodID clsCons = safeFindMethodMacro(clsCons, cls, "<init>", "(II)V")
jobject jintImage = env->NewObject(cls, clsCons, image.getWidth(),
jfieldID dataField = env->GetFieldID(cls, "data", "[I");
jintArray jdata = (jintArray) env->GetObjectField(jintImage, dataField);
arrayCopyToJNIMacro(data, Int, jint, image.getData())
return jintImage;
示例14: img
std::unique_ptr<Image<OpenCVColorType>> OpenCVImageDenoiser::denoise(const ImageType& image) const
cv::Mat img(image.height(), image.width(), CV_8UC3);
for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; ++j)
img.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j) = image[{i, j}];
// cv::cvtColor(img, img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cv::Mat res(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC3);
cv::fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(img, res);
return std::make_unique<OpenCVImage>(res);
示例15: testSkinRecognition
void testSkinRecognition(const BayesianClassifier &classifier, ImageType &image, ImageType &ref, std::string out, bool YCbCr){
int height, width, levels;
ImageType outImg(height,width,levels);
RGB val1, val2;
int label;
std::vector<double> color(2);
int TP = 0, TN = 0, FN = 0, FP = 0;
RGB white(255,255,255);
RGB black(0,0,0);
for(int row = 0; row < height; row++){
for(int col = 0; col < width; col++){
image.getPixelVal(row, col, val1);
ref.getPixelVal(row, col, val2);
if(YCbCr == true){
color[0] = -0.169*val1.r - 0.332*val1.g+ 0.500*val1.b;
color[1] = 0.500*val1.r - 0.419*val1.g - 0.081*val1.b;
color[0] = val1.r/float(val1.r+val1.g+val1.b);
color[1] = val1.g/float(val1.r+val1.g+val1.b);
label = classifier.predict(color);
if(label == 0){
outImg.setPixelVal(row, col, white);
if(val2 != black){ TP++; } else{ FP++; }
outImg.setPixelVal(row, col, black);
if(val2 == black){ TN++; } else{ FN++; }
} // end outer for loop
std::cout << std::endl
<< "TP: " << TP << std::endl
<< "TN: " << TN << std::endl
<< "FP: " << FP << std::endl
<< "FN: " << FN << std::endl;
/*std::stringstream ss;
ss << FP << " " << FN;
Debugger debugger("Data_Prog2/errors3a.txt",true);
writeImage(out.c_str(), outImg);