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C++ FbxSurfaceMaterial::GetName方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中FbxSurfaceMaterial::GetName方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ FbxSurfaceMaterial::GetName方法的具体用法?C++ FbxSurfaceMaterial::GetName怎么用?C++ FbxSurfaceMaterial::GetName使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在FbxSurfaceMaterial的用法示例。


示例1: MapMaterials

void MaterialHandler::MapMaterials(FbxNode * pNode, SceneMap * sceneMap)

	//Recursively extract the children
	for (int j = 0; j < pNode->GetChildCount(); j++)
		MapMaterials(pNode->GetChild(j), sceneMap);

	FbxGeometry* pGeometry = pNode->GetGeometry();
	int materialCount = 0;
	FbxNode* node = NULL;

	if (pGeometry) {

		node = pGeometry->GetNode();

		if (node)
			materialCount = pNode->GetMaterialCount();

		if (materialCount > 0)

			for (int i = 0; i < materialCount; i++)
				if (pNode->GetMaterial(i))
					FbxSurfaceMaterial *pMaterial = node->GetMaterial(i);
					std::cout << pMaterial->GetName() << "\n";

						if (sceneMap->materialHash.find(pMaterial->GetName()) == sceneMap->materialHash.end()) {
							// not found
							std::cout << "New material found!  mapping..\n";
							sceneMap->materialHash[pMaterial->GetName()] = sceneMap->materialID;
							sceneMap->materialID += 1;
						else {
							// found
							std::cout << "Material " << pMaterial->GetName() << " already exist .. skipping mapping of material" << std::endl;

					//ProcessData(pMaterial, materialCount, outputMat);




示例2: loadMaterial

void FBXSceneEncoder::loadMaterial(FbxNode* fbxNode)
    Node* node = findNode(fbxNode);
    Model* model = (node) ? node->getModel() : NULL;

    const int materialCount = fbxNode->GetMaterialCount();
    for (int index = 0; index < materialCount; ++index)
        FbxSurfaceMaterial* fbxMaterial = fbxNode->GetMaterial(index);
        string materialName(fbxMaterial->GetName());
        Material* material = NULL;
        map<string, Material*>::iterator it = _materials.find(materialName);
        if (it != _materials.end())
            // This material was already loaded so don't load it again
            material = it->second;
            if (EncoderArguments::getInstance()->outputMaterialEnabled())
                material = createMaterial(materialName, fbxMaterial, node);
                // If outputMaterialEnabled() is not enabled then only create the materials for the purpose of writing 
                // the material name in the GPB file. There is no need to load uniforms and samplers for the material.
                material = new Material(materialName);
            _materials[materialName] = material;

        if (materialCount == 1 && material && model)
            model->setMaterial(material); // TODO: add support for materials per mesh part
        else if (materialCount > 1 && material && model)
            model->setMaterial(material, index);

    const int childCount = fbxNode->GetChildCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
        FbxNode* childNode = fbxNode->GetChild(i);
        if (childNode)

示例3: BindMaterial

		void FbxLoader::BindMaterial(FbxNode* node, Node& meshNode)
			const int materialCount = node->GetMaterialCount();

			for(int i = 0; i < materialCount; i++) {
				FbxSurfaceMaterial* surfaceMaterial = node->GetMaterial(i);
				auto name = surfaceMaterial->GetName();
				meshNode.materialNames[i] = name;
				if(materials[name].normalMapName != "")
					meshNode.useNormalMap = true;

示例4: LoadMaterialAttributes

void FBXImporter::LoadMaterialAttributes(FBXMeshData* fbxMeshData)
	// Get the name of material.
	FbxSurfaceMaterial* surfaceMaterial = fbxMeshData->mSurfaceMaterial;
	const char* materialName = surfaceMaterial->GetName();

	// Phong material
	if (surfaceMaterial->GetClassId().Is(FbxSurfacePhong::ClassId))
		// Ambient color.
		FbxDouble3 ambient = ((FbxSurfacePhong*)surfaceMaterial)->Ambient;

		// Diffuse color.
		FbxDouble3 diffuse = ((FbxSurfacePhong*)surfaceMaterial)->Diffuse;

		// Specular color.
		FbxDouble3 specular = ((FbxSurfacePhong*)surfaceMaterial)->Specular;

		// Emissive color.
		FbxDouble3 emissive = ((FbxSurfacePhong*)surfaceMaterial)->Emissive;

		// Opacity.
		FbxDouble opacity = ((FbxSurfacePhong*)surfaceMaterial)->TransparencyFactor;

		// Shininess.
		FbxDouble shininess = ((FbxSurfacePhong*)surfaceMaterial)->Shininess;

		// Reflectivety.
		FbxDouble reflectiveity = ((FbxSurfacePhong*)surfaceMaterial)->ReflectionFactor;

	// Lambert material.
	if (surfaceMaterial->GetClassId().Is(FbxSurfaceLambert::ClassId))
		// Ambient color.
		FbxDouble3 ambient = ((FbxSurfaceLambert*)surfaceMaterial)->Ambient;

		// Diffuse color.
		FbxDouble3 diffuse = ((FbxSurfaceLambert*)surfaceMaterial)->Diffuse;

		// Emissive color.
		FbxDouble3 emissive = ((FbxSurfaceLambert*)surfaceMaterial)->Emissive;

		// Opacity.
		FbxDouble opacity = ((FbxSurfaceLambert*)surfaceMaterial)->TransparencyFactor;

示例5: LoadMaterial

	void FbxUtil::LoadMaterial(const SceneNode::Ptr &ntNode, FbxNode *fbxNode)
		if (fbxNode->GetMaterialCount() > 0)
			FbxSurfaceMaterial *fbxMaterial = fbxNode->GetMaterial(0);

			// only supports phong material
			if (fbxMaterial->GetClassId().Is(FbxSurfacePhong::ClassId))
				Material::Ptr material = EntityUtil::Instance()->FindEntity<Material>(fbxMaterial->GetName());

				if (material == nullptr)
					material = CreateMaterial(fbxMaterial);

				if (auto ptr = ntNode->GetComponent<MeshRender>())

示例6: supported

bool UnFbx::FFbxImporter::CreateAndLinkExpressionForMaterialProperty(
							FbxSurfaceMaterial& FbxMaterial,
							UMaterial* UnrealMaterial,
							const char* MaterialProperty ,
							FExpressionInput& MaterialInput, 
							bool bSetupAsNormalMap,
							TArray<FString>& UVSet )
	bool bCreated = false;
	FbxProperty FbxProperty = FbxMaterial.FindProperty( MaterialProperty );
	if( FbxProperty.IsValid() )
		int32 LayeredTextureCount = FbxProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(FbxLayeredTexture::ClassId);
		if (LayeredTextureCount>0)
			UE_LOG(LogFbxMaterialImport, Warning,TEXT("Layered TEXTures are not supported (material %s)"),ANSI_TO_TCHAR(FbxMaterial.GetName()));
			int32 TextureCount = FbxProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(FbxTexture::ClassId);
			if (TextureCount>0)
				for(int32 TextureIndex =0; TextureIndex<TextureCount; ++TextureIndex)
					FbxFileTexture* FbxTexture = FbxProperty.GetSrcObject(FBX_TYPE(FbxFileTexture), TextureIndex);

					// create an unreal texture asset
					UTexture* UnrealTexture = ImportTexture(FbxTexture, bSetupAsNormalMap);
					if (UnrealTexture)
						// and link it to the material 
						UMaterialExpressionTextureSample* UnrealTextureExpression = ConstructObject<UMaterialExpressionTextureSample>( UMaterialExpressionTextureSample::StaticClass(), UnrealMaterial );
						UnrealMaterial->Expressions.Add( UnrealTextureExpression );
						MaterialInput.Expression = UnrealTextureExpression;
						UnrealTextureExpression->Texture = UnrealTexture;
						UnrealTextureExpression->SamplerType = bSetupAsNormalMap ? SAMPLERTYPE_Normal : SAMPLERTYPE_Color;
						// add/find UVSet and set it to the texture
						FbxString UVSetName = FbxTexture->UVSet.Get();
						FString LocalUVSetName = ANSI_TO_TCHAR(UVSetName.Buffer());
						int32 SetIndex = UVSet.Find(LocalUVSetName);
						UMaterialExpressionTextureCoordinate* MyCoordExpression = ConstructObject<UMaterialExpressionTextureCoordinate>( UMaterialExpressionTextureCoordinate::StaticClass(), UnrealMaterial );
						UnrealMaterial->Expressions.Add( MyCoordExpression );
						MyCoordExpression->CoordinateIndex = (SetIndex >= 0)? SetIndex: 0;
						UnrealTextureExpression->Coordinates.Expression = MyCoordExpression;

						if ( !bSetupAsNormalMap )
							UnrealMaterial->BaseColor.Expression = UnrealTextureExpression;
							UnrealMaterial->Normal.Expression = UnrealTextureExpression;

						bCreated = true;

			if (MaterialInput.Expression)
				TArray<FExpressionOutput> Outputs = MaterialInput.Expression->GetOutputs();
				FExpressionOutput* Output = Outputs.GetTypedData();
				MaterialInput.Mask = Output->Mask;
				MaterialInput.MaskR = Output->MaskR;
				MaterialInput.MaskG = Output->MaskG;
				MaterialInput.MaskB = Output->MaskB;
				MaterialInput.MaskA = Output->MaskA;

	return bCreated;

示例7: if

void Tools::DisplayMaterial::DisplayMaterial( FbxGeometry *i_geometry )
	DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "\n\n--------------------\nMaterial\n--------------------" );
	int materialCount = 0;
	FbxNode *node = NULL;

	if( i_geometry )
		node = i_geometry->GetNode();
		if( node )
			materialCount = node->GetMaterialCount();

	if( materialCount > 0 )
		FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> double3;
		FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> double1;
		FbxColor theColor;

		for( int ctr = 0; ctr < materialCount; ctr++ )
			DisplayCommon::DisplayInt( "        Material ", ctr );

			FbxSurfaceMaterial *material = node->GetMaterial( ctr );

			DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "            Name: \"", (char *) material->GetName(), "\"" ); 

			//Get the implementation to see if it's a hardware shader.
			// Note:: this cause memory leak
			const FbxImplementation* implementation = GetImplementation( material, FBXSDK_IMPLEMENTATION_HLSL );
			FbxString implementationType = "HLSL";
			if( !implementation )
				implementation = GetImplementation( material, FBXSDK_IMPLEMENTATION_CGFX );
				implementationType = "CGFX";

			if( implementation )
				//Now we have a hardware shader, let's read it
				FBXSDK_printf( "            Hardware Shader Type: %s\n", implemenationType.Buffer() );
				DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "            Hardware Shader Type: ", implemenationType );

				const FbxBindingTable* rootTable = implementation->GetRootTable();
				FbxString fileName = rootTable->DescAbsoluteURL.Get();
				FbxString techniqueName = rootTable->DescTAG.Get(); 

				const FbxBindingTable* table = implementation->GetRootTable();
				size_t entryNum = table->GetEntryCount();

				for( int i = 0; i < (int)entryNum; i++ )
					const FbxBindingTableEntry& entry = table->GetEntry( i );
					const char *entrySrcType = entry.GetEntryType( true ); 
					FbxProperty fbxProp;

					FbxString test = entry.GetSource();
					FBXSDK_printf( "            Entry: %s\n", test.Buffer() );
					DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "            Entry: %s\n", test );

					if ( strcmp( FbxPropertyEntryView::sEntryType, entrySrcType ) == 0 )
						fbxProp = material->FindPropertyHierarchical(entry.GetSource()); 
						if( !fbxProp.IsValid() )
							fbxProp = material->RootProperty.FindHierarchical( entry.GetSource() );
					else if( strcmp( FbxConstantEntryView::sEntryType, entrySrcType ) == 0 )
						fbxProp = implementation->GetConstants().FindHierarchical( entry.GetSource() );
					if( fbxProp.IsValid() )
						if( fbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>() > 0 )
							//do what you want with the textures
							for( int j = 0; j < fbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxFileTexture>(); j++ )
								FbxFileTexture *tex = fbxProp.GetSrcObject<FbxFileTexture>( j );
								FBXSDK_printf( "           File Texture: %s\n", tex->GetFileName() );
								DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "           File Texture: %s\n", tex->GetFileName() );
							for( int j = 0; j < fbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxLayeredTexture>(); j++ )
								FbxLayeredTexture *tex = fbxProp.GetSrcObject<FbxLayeredTexture>( j );
								FBXSDK_printf( "        Layered Texture: %s\n", tex->GetName() );
								DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "        Layered Texture: %s\n", tex->GetName() );
							for( int j = 0; j < fbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxProceduralTexture>(); j++ )
								FbxProceduralTexture *tex = fbxProp.GetSrcObject<FbxProceduralTexture>( j );
								FBXSDK_printf( "     Procedural Texture: %s\n", tex->GetName() );
								DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "     Procedural Texture: %s\n", tex->GetName() );
							FbxDataType fbxType = fbxProp.GetPropertyDataType();

示例8: FromFbxMesh

//converts a FBX mesh to a CC mesh
static ccMesh* FromFbxMesh(FbxMesh* fbxMesh, FileIOFilter::LoadParameters& parameters)
	if (!fbxMesh)
		return 0;

	int polyCount = fbxMesh->GetPolygonCount();
	unsigned triCount = 0;
	unsigned polyVertCount = 0; //different from vertCount (vertices can be counted multiple times here!)
	//as we can't load all polygons (yet ;) we already look if we can load any!
		unsigned skipped = 0;
		for (int i=0; i<polyCount; ++i)
			int pSize = fbxMesh->GetPolygonSize(i);

			if (pSize == 3)
				polyVertCount += 3;
			else if (pSize == 4)
				triCount += 2;
				polyVertCount += 4;

		if (triCount == 0)
			ccLog::Warning(QString("[FBX] No triangle or quad found in mesh '%1'! (polygons with more than 4 vertices are not supported for the moment)").arg(fbxMesh->GetName()));
			return 0;
		else if (skipped != 0)
			ccLog::Warning(QString("[FBX] Some polygons in mesh '%1' were ignored (%2): polygons with more than 4 vertices are not supported for the moment)").arg(fbxMesh->GetName()).arg(skipped));
			return 0;

	int vertCount = fbxMesh->GetControlPointsCount();
	if (vertCount <= 0)
		ccLog::Warning(QString("[FBX] Mesh '%1' has no vetex or no polygon?!").arg(fbxMesh->GetName()));
		return 0;

	ccPointCloud* vertices = new ccPointCloud("vertices");
	ccMesh* mesh = new ccMesh(vertices);
	if (!mesh->reserve(static_cast<unsigned>(triCount)) || !vertices->reserve(vertCount))
		ccLog::Warning(QString("[FBX] Not enough memory to load mesh '%1'!").arg(fbxMesh->GetName()));
		delete mesh;
		return 0;

		for (int l=0; l<fbxMesh->GetElementVertexColorCount(); l++)
			FbxGeometryElementVertexColor* vertColor = fbxMesh->GetElementVertexColor(l);
			//CC can only handle per-vertex colors
			if (vertColor->GetMappingMode() == FbxGeometryElement::eByControlPoint)
				if (vertColor->GetReferenceMode() == FbxGeometryElement::eDirect
					|| vertColor->GetReferenceMode() == FbxGeometryElement::eIndexToDirect)
					if (vertices->reserveTheRGBTable())
						switch (vertColor->GetReferenceMode())
						case FbxGeometryElement::eDirect:
								for (int i=0; i<vertCount; ++i)
									FbxColor c = vertColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(i);
									vertices->addRGBColor(	static_cast<colorType>(c.mRed	* ccColor::MAX),
															static_cast<colorType>(c.mGreen	* ccColor::MAX),
															static_cast<colorType>(c.mBlue	* ccColor::MAX) );
						case FbxGeometryElement::eIndexToDirect:
								for (int i=0; i<vertCount; ++i)
									int id = vertColor->GetIndexArray().GetAt(i);
									FbxColor c = vertColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id);
									vertices->addRGBColor(	static_cast<colorType>(c.mRed	* ccColor::MAX),
															static_cast<colorType>(c.mGreen	* ccColor::MAX),
															static_cast<colorType>(c.mBlue	* ccColor::MAX) );

示例9: ImportMesh

    static void ImportMesh(SceneImport* import, FbxMesh* mesh, MatrixStack4x4& matrixStack, std::map<int, FbxNode*>& nodeToJointIndex)
        MeshBuilder builder = MeshBuilder();
        ASSERT_OR_DIE(mesh->IsTriangleMesh(), "Was unable to load the mesh, it's not a triangle mesh!");
        Matrix4x4 geoTransform = GetGeometricTransform(mesh);

        int controlPointCount = mesh->GetControlPointsCount();

        //Figure out our weighs for all verts before importing any of them
        std::vector<SkinWeight> skinWeights;
        if (HasSkinWeights(mesh))
            GetSkinWeights(import, skinWeights, mesh, nodeToJointIndex);
            FbxNode* node = mesh->GetNode();
            //Walk tree up till you reach the node associated with that joint.
            //Find the first parent node that has a joint associated with it
            //All vertices (fully weighted)
            //All Skin Weights = indices{jointINdex, 0, 0, 0 } weights{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

            int jointIndex = Skeleton::INVALID_JOINT_INDEX;
            for (auto iter = nodeToJointIndex.begin(); iter != nodeToJointIndex.end(); ++iter)
                if (iter->second == node)
                    jointIndex = iter->first;

            if (jointIndex == Skeleton::INVALID_JOINT_INDEX)
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < skinWeights.size(); ++i)
                    skinWeights[i].indices = Vector4Int::ZERO;
                    skinWeights[i].weights = Vector4::UNIT_X;
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < skinWeights.size(); ++i)
                    skinWeights[i].indices = Vector4Int(jointIndex, 0, 0, 0);
                    skinWeights[i].weights = Vector4::UNIT_X;

            Matrix4x4 transform = matrixStack.GetTop();
            int polyCount = mesh->GetPolygonCount();
            for (int polyIndex = 0; polyIndex < polyCount; ++polyIndex)
                int vertCount = mesh->GetPolygonSize(polyIndex);
                ASSERT_OR_DIE(vertCount == 3, "Vertex count was not 3");
                for (int vertIndex = 0; vertIndex < vertCount; ++vertIndex)
                    ImportVertex(builder, transform, mesh, polyIndex, vertIndex, skinWeights);

        FbxSurfaceMaterial* material = mesh->GetNode()->GetMaterial(0);


