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C++ FPoly::SplitWithPlaneFast方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中FPoly::SplitWithPlaneFast方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ FPoly::SplitWithPlaneFast方法的具体用法?C++ FPoly::SplitWithPlaneFast怎么用?C++ FPoly::SplitWithPlaneFast使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在FPoly的用法示例。


示例1: if

// Find the best splitting polygon within a pool of polygons, and return its
// index (into the PolyList array).
static FPoly *FindBestSplit
	int32					NumPolys,
	FPoly**				PolyList,
	FBSPOps::EBspOptimization	Opt,
	int32					Balance,
	int32					InPortalBias

	// No need to test if only one poly.
	if( NumPolys==1 )
		return PolyList[0];

	FPoly   *Poly, *Best=NULL;
	float   Score, BestScore;
	int32     i, Index, j, Inc;
	int32     Splits, Front, Back, Coplanar, AllSemiSolids;

	//PortalBias -- added by Legend on 4/12/2000
	float	PortalBias = InPortalBias / 100.0f;
	Balance &= 0xFF;								// keep only the low byte to recover "Balance"
	//UE_LOG(LogBSPOps, Log, TEXT("Balance=%d PortalBias=%f"), Balance, PortalBias );

	if		(Opt==FBSPOps::BSP_Optimal)  Inc = 1;					// Test lots of nodes.
	else if (Opt==FBSPOps::BSP_Good)		Inc = FMath::Max(1,NumPolys/20);	// Test 20 nodes.
	else /* BSP_Lame */			Inc = FMath::Max(1,NumPolys/4);	// Test 4 nodes.

	// See if there are any non-semisolid polygons here.
	for( i=0; i<NumPolys; i++ )
		if( !(PolyList[i]->PolyFlags & PF_AddLast) )
	AllSemiSolids = (i>=NumPolys);

	// Search through all polygons in the pool and find:
	// A. The number of splits each poly would make.
	// B. The number of front and back nodes the polygon would create.
	// C. Number of coplanars.
	BestScore = 0;
	for( i=0; i<NumPolys; i+=Inc )
		Splits = Front = Back = Coplanar = 0;
		Index = i-1;
			Poly = PolyList[Index];
		} while( Index<(i+Inc) && Index<NumPolys 
			&& ( (Poly->PolyFlags & PF_AddLast) && !(Poly->PolyFlags & PF_Portal) )
			&& !AllSemiSolids );
		if( Index>=i+Inc || Index>=NumPolys )

		for( j=0; j<NumPolys; j+=Inc ) if( j != Index )
			FPoly *OtherPoly = PolyList[j];
			switch( OtherPoly->SplitWithPlaneFast( FPlane( Poly->Vertices[0], Poly->Normal), NULL, NULL ) )
				case SP_Coplanar:

				case SP_Front:

				case SP_Back:

				case SP_Split:
					// Disfavor splitting polys that are zone portals.
					if( !(OtherPoly->PolyFlags & PF_Portal) )
						Splits += 16;
		// added by Legend 1/31/1999
		// Score optimization: minimize cuts vs. balance tree (as specified in BSP Rebuilder dialog)
		Score = ( 100.0 - float(Balance) ) * Splits + float(Balance) * FMath::Abs( Front - Back );
		if( Poly->PolyFlags & PF_Portal )
			// PortalBias -- added by Legend on 4/12/2000
			// PortalBias enables level designers to control the effect of Portals on the BSP.
			// This effect can range from 0.0 (ignore portals), to 1.0 (portals cut everything).
			// In builds prior to this (since the 221 build dating back to 1/31/1999) the bias
			// has been 1.0 causing the portals to cut the BSP in ways that will potentially
			// degrade level performance, and increase the BSP complexity.
			// By setting the bias to a value between 0.3 and 0.7 the positive effects of 
			// the portals are preserved without giving them unreasonable priority in the BSP.
