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C++ CClipboard::open方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中CClipboard::open方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ CClipboard::open方法的具体用法?C++ CClipboard::open怎么用?C++ CClipboard::open使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在CClipboard的用法示例。



// TODO: there's some integer -> char encoding going on here. i find it 
// hard to believe that the clipboard is the only thing doing this. maybe
// we should refactor this stuff out of the clipboard.
TEST(CClipboardTests, marshall_withTextSize285_sizeCharsValid)
	// 285 chars
	CString data;
	data.append("Synergy is Free and Open Source Software that lets you ");
	data.append("easily share your mouse and keyboard between multiple ");
	data.append("computers, where each computer has it's own display. No ");
	data.append("special hardware is required, all you need is a local area ");
	data.append("network. Synergy is supported on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.");

	CClipboard clipboard;
	clipboard.add(IClipboard::kText, data);

	CString actual = clipboard.marshall();

	// 4 asserts here, but that's ok because we're really just asserting 1 
	// thing. the 32-bit size value is split into 4 chars. if the size is 285
	// (29 more than the 8-bit max size), the last char "rolls over" to 29 
	// (this is caused by a bit-wise & on 0xff and 8-bit truncation). each 
	// char before the last stores a bit-shifted version of the number, each 
	// 1 more power than the last, which is done by bit-shifting [0] by 24, 
	// [1] by 16, [2] by 8 ([3] is not bit-shifted).
	EXPECT_EQ(0, actual[8]); // 285 >> 24 = 285 / (256^3) = 0
	EXPECT_EQ(0, actual[9]); // 285 >> 16 = 285 / (256^2) = 0
	EXPECT_EQ(1, actual[10]); // 285 >> 8 = 285 / (256^1) = 1(.11328125)
	EXPECT_EQ(29, actual[11]); // 285 - 256 = 29


CClient::sendClipboard(ClipboardID id)
	// note -- m_mutex must be locked on entry
	assert(m_screen != NULL);
	assert(m_server != NULL);

	// get clipboard data.  set the clipboard time to the last
	// clipboard time before getting the data from the screen
	// as the screen may detect an unchanged clipboard and
	// avoid copying the data.
	CClipboard clipboard;
	if (clipboard.open(m_timeClipboard[id])) {
	m_screen->getClipboard(id, &clipboard);

	// check time
	if (m_timeClipboard[id] == 0 ||
		clipboard.getTime() != m_timeClipboard[id]) {
		// save new time
		m_timeClipboard[id] = clipboard.getTime();

		// marshall the data
		CString data = clipboard.marshall();

		// save and send data if different or not yet sent
		if (!m_sentClipboard[id] || data != m_dataClipboard[id]) {
			m_sentClipboard[id] = true;
			m_dataClipboard[id] = data;
			m_server->onClipboardChanged(id, &clipboard);

示例3: getName

CPrimaryClient::setClipboard(ClipboardID id, const IClipboard* clipboard)
	LOG((CLOG_INFO "xCprimaryClient::setClipboard call. Name: %s", getName().c_str()));
	// ignore if this clipboard is already clean
	if (m_clipboardDirty[id]) {
		// this clipboard is now clean
		m_clipboardDirty[id] = false;
	CClipboard Clipboard;
			CString content, new_content;
				CString prefix, source;
				content = Clipboard.get(IClipboard::kFilePath);
				size_t pos = content.find("\n");
				source = content.substr(0,pos);
				//content = content.substr(pos+1, content.size());
				CScreenMounts *map = ((CServerApp*) &ARCH->app())->args().m_config->getMounts(source, getName());
				LOG((CLOG_INFO "X_PAS1 setClipboard: %s %s",source.c_str(), content.c_str()));
				if (map!=NULL && !map->empty())
					while (pos < content.size())
						CString line = content.substr(pos, content.find("\n", pos)-pos+1);
						pos = content.find("\n", pos);
						LOG ((CLOG_INFO "X_PAS2 The line is: %s\n", line.c_str()));
						for( CScreenMounts::iterator it = map->begin(); it != map->end(); it++)
							int p = line.find(it->first);
							if( p != std::string::npos)
								line = it->second + line.substr(p + it->first.size() );
						LOG ((CLOG_INFO "it changed to: %s\n", line.c_str()));
					Clipboard.add(IClipboard::kFilePath, new_content);
					LOG((CLOG_INFO "X_PAS3 setClipboard: %s %s",source.c_str(), Clipboard.get(IClipboard::kFilePath).c_str()));
				LOG((CLOG_INFO "X_PAS4 Changed2 clipboard: %s", new_content.c_str()));
		// set clipboard
		m_screen->setClipboard(id, &Clipboard);
