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C++ Automaton::RemoveUnreachableStates方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Automaton::RemoveUnreachableStates方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Automaton::RemoveUnreachableStates方法的具体用法?C++ Automaton::RemoveUnreachableStates怎么用?C++ Automaton::RemoveUnreachableStates使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Automaton的用法示例。


示例1: decideWS1S

 * Performs a decision procedure of automaton corresponding to the formula phi
 * This takes several steps, as first we compute the final states of the
 * corresponding subset construction automaton and then try to find some
 * example and counterexample for the automaton/formula
 * It holds, that formula is unsatisfiable if there does not exist such
 * example, valid if there does not exists a unsatisfiable counterexample
 * and else it is satisfiable.
 * @param formulaPrefixSet: set of second-order variables corresponding to
 * 		the prefix of the closed formula phi
 * @param negFormulaPrefixSet: set of second-order variables corresponding to
 * 		the prefix of the closed negation of formula phi
 * @return: Decision procedure results
int decideWS1S(Automaton & aut, PrefixListType formulaPrefixSet, PrefixListType negFormulaPrefixSet) {
	// Number of determinizations
	unsigned formulaDeterminizations = formulaPrefixSet.size();
	unsigned negFormulaDeterminizations = negFormulaPrefixSet.size();
	unsigned cacheSize = (formulaDeterminizations >= negFormulaDeterminizations) ? formulaDeterminizations : negFormulaDeterminizations;

#if (USE_STATECACHE == true)
#if (USE_BDDCACHE == true)

	if(options.dump) {
		std::cout << "[*] Commencing decision procedure for WS1S\n";

	// Construct initial state of final automaton
	MacroStateSet* initialState = constructInitialState(aut, formulaDeterminizations);
	MacroStateSet* negInitialState = constructInitialState(aut, negFormulaDeterminizations);

	// Compute the final states
	StateHT allStates;

	// checks if there exists a satisfying example in formula
	bool hasExample = existsSatisfyingExample(aut, initialState, formulaPrefixSet);
	if(options.dump) {
		if(hasExample) {
			std::cout << "[!] Found Satisfying example in formula\n";
		} else {
			std::cout << "[-] Satisfying example not found in formula\n";

			delete initialState;
			delete negInitialState;


	// checks if there exists a unsatisfying example in formula
	bool hasCounterExample = existsUnsatisfyingExample(aut, negInitialState, negFormulaPrefixSet);
	if(options.dump) {
		if(hasCounterExample) {
			std::cout << "[!] Found Unsatisfying example in formula\n";
		} else {
			std::cout << "[-] Unsatisfying example not found in formula\n";

	int answer;
	// No satisfiable solution was found
	if(!hasExample) {
	// There exists a satisfiable solution and does not exist an unsatisfiable solution
	} else if (!hasCounterExample) {
		answer = VALID;
	// else there only exists a satisfiable solution
	} else if (hasExample) {
		answer = SATISFIABLE;
	} else {
		answer = -1;

	delete initialState;
	delete negInitialState;

	return answer;
