本文整理汇总了C++中ArrayData::emplace_back方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ArrayData::emplace_back方法的具体用法?C++ ArrayData::emplace_back怎么用?C++ ArrayData::emplace_back使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类ArrayData
示例1: HandleRequest
bool ActionsHandler::HandleRequest(
AsioTlsStream& stream,
const ApiUser::Ptr& user,
boost::beast::http::request<boost::beast::http::string_body>& request,
const Url::Ptr& url,
boost::beast::http::response<boost::beast::http::string_body>& response,
const Dictionary::Ptr& params,
boost::asio::yield_context& yc,
HttpServerConnection& server
namespace http = boost::beast::http;
if (url->GetPath().size() != 3)
return false;
if (request.method() != http::verb::post)
return false;
String actionName = url->GetPath()[2];
ApiAction::Ptr action = ApiAction::GetByName(actionName);
if (!action) {
HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 404, "Action '" + actionName + "' does not exist.");
return true;
QueryDescription qd;
const std::vector<String>& types = action->GetTypes();
std::vector<Value> objs;
String permission = "actions/" + actionName;
if (!types.empty()) {
qd.Types = std::set<String>(types.begin(), types.end());
qd.Permission = permission;
try {
objs = FilterUtility::GetFilterTargets(qd, params, user);
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 404,
"No objects found.",
return true;
} else {
FilterUtility::CheckPermission(user, permission);
ArrayData results;
Log(LogNotice, "ApiActionHandler")
<< "Running action " << actionName;
bool verbose = false;
if (params)
verbose = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "verbose");
for (const ConfigObject::Ptr& obj : objs) {
try {
results.emplace_back(action->Invoke(obj, params));
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
Dictionary::Ptr fail = new Dictionary({
{ "code", 500 },
{ "status", "Action execution failed: '" + DiagnosticInformation(ex, false) + "'." }
/* Exception for actions. Normally we would handle this inside SendJsonError(). */
if (verbose)
fail->Set("diagnostic_information", DiagnosticInformation(ex));
int statusCode = 500;
for (const Dictionary::Ptr& res : results) {
if (res->Contains("code") && res->Get("code") == 200) {
statusCode = 200;
Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary({
{ "results", new Array(std::move(results)) }
HttpUtility::SendJsonBody(response, params, result);
return true;
示例2: make_pair
std::pair<Dictionary::Ptr, Dictionary::Ptr> ApiListener::GetStatus()
Dictionary::Ptr perfdata = new Dictionary();
/* cluster stats */
double allEndpoints = 0;
Array::Ptr allNotConnectedEndpoints = new Array();
Array::Ptr allConnectedEndpoints = new Array();
Zone::Ptr my_zone = Zone::GetLocalZone();
Dictionary::Ptr connectedZones = new Dictionary();
for (const Zone::Ptr& zone : ConfigType::GetObjectsByType<Zone>()) {
/* only check endpoints in a) the same zone b) our parent zone c) immediate child zones */
if (my_zone != zone && my_zone != zone->GetParent() && zone != my_zone->GetParent()) {
Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener")
<< "Not checking connection to Zone '" << zone->GetName() << "' because it's not in the same zone, a parent or a child zone.";
bool zoneConnected = false;
int countZoneEndpoints = 0;
double zoneLag = 0;
ArrayData zoneEndpoints;
for (const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint : zone->GetEndpoints()) {
if (endpoint->GetName() == GetIdentity())
double eplag = CalculateZoneLag(endpoint);
if (eplag > 0 && eplag > zoneLag)
zoneLag = eplag;
if (!endpoint->GetConnected()) {
} else {
zoneConnected = true;
/* if there's only one endpoint inside the zone, we're not connected - that's us, fake it */
if (zone->GetEndpoints().size() == 1 && countZoneEndpoints == 0)
zoneConnected = true;
String parentZoneName;
Zone::Ptr parentZone = zone->GetParent();
if (parentZone)
parentZoneName = parentZone->GetName();
Dictionary::Ptr zoneStats = new Dictionary({
{ "connected", zoneConnected },
{ "client_log_lag", zoneLag },
{ "endpoints", new Array(std::move(zoneEndpoints)) },
{ "parent_zone", parentZoneName }
connectedZones->Set(zone->GetName(), zoneStats);
/* connection stats */
size_t jsonRpcClients = GetAnonymousClients().size();
size_t httpClients = GetHttpClients().size();
size_t workQueueItems = JsonRpcConnection::GetWorkQueueLength();
size_t workQueueCount = JsonRpcConnection::GetWorkQueueCount();
size_t syncQueueItems = m_SyncQueue.GetLength();
size_t relayQueueItems = m_RelayQueue.GetLength();
double workQueueItemRate = JsonRpcConnection::GetWorkQueueRate();
double syncQueueItemRate = m_SyncQueue.GetTaskCount(60) / 60.0;
double relayQueueItemRate = m_RelayQueue.GetTaskCount(60) / 60.0;
Dictionary::Ptr status = new Dictionary({
{ "identity", GetIdentity() },
{ "num_endpoints", allEndpoints },
{ "num_conn_endpoints", allConnectedEndpoints->GetLength() },
{ "num_not_conn_endpoints", allNotConnectedEndpoints->GetLength() },
{ "conn_endpoints", allConnectedEndpoints },
{ "not_conn_endpoints", allNotConnectedEndpoints },
{ "zones", connectedZones },
{ "json_rpc", new Dictionary({
{ "clients", jsonRpcClients },
{ "work_queue_items", workQueueItems },
{ "work_queue_count", workQueueCount },
{ "sync_queue_items", syncQueueItems },
{ "relay_queue_items", relayQueueItems },
{ "work_queue_item_rate", workQueueItemRate },
{ "sync_queue_item_rate", syncQueueItemRate },
{ "relay_queue_item_rate", relayQueueItemRate }
}) },