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C++ ArgParser::showOptValues方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中ArgParser::showOptValues方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ArgParser::showOptValues方法的具体用法?C++ ArgParser::showOptValues怎么用?C++ ArgParser::showOptValues使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ArgParser的用法示例。


示例1: main

 * gets the command line arguments, set parameters accordingly and triggers the data acquisition to generate CSV files.
 * Input data are contained in a RINEX observation or navigation file containing header and epoch data.
 * The output is a CSV (Comma Separated Values) text data file. This type of files can be used to import data to some available
 * application (like MS Excel).
 * A detailed definition of the RINEX format can be found in the document "RINEX: The Receiver Independent Exchange
 * Format Version 2.10" from Werner Gurtner; Astronomical Institute; University of Berne. An updated document exists
 * also for Version 3.01.
 *@param argc the number of arguments passed from the command line
 *@param argv the array of arguments passed from the command line
 *@return  the exit status according to the following values and meaning::
 *		- (0) no errors have been detected
 *		- (1) an error has been detected in arguments
 *		- (2) error when opening the input file
 *		- (3) error when reading, setting or printing header data
 *		- (4) error in data filtering parameters
 *		- (5) there were format errors in epoch data or no epoch data exist
 *		- (6) error when creating output file
 *		- (7) inconsistent data in RINEX VERSION header record
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	int anInt;		//a general purpose int variable
	string aStr;	//a general purpose string variable
	string fileName;
	double aDouble;	//a general purpose double variable
	/**The main process sequence follows:*/
	/// 1- Defines and sets the error logger object
	Logger log("LogFile.txt", string(), string(argv[0]) + MYVER + string(" START"));
	/// 2- Setups the valid options in the command line. They will be used by the argument/option parser
	TOT = parser.addOption("-t", "--totime=TOT", "TOT", "Select epochs before the given date and time (comma separated yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm,sec", "");
	SELSAT = parser.addOption("-s", "--selsat", "SELSAT", "Select system-satellite from input (comma separated list of sys-prn, like G01,G02)", "");
	SELOBS2 = parser.addOption("-p", "--selobs2", "SELOBS2", "Select system-observable (ver.2.10 notation) from input (comma separated list, like C1,L1,L2)", "");
	SELOBS3 = parser.addOption("-o", "--selobs", "SELOBS3", "Select system-observable (ver.3.01 notation) from input (comma separated list, like GC1C,GL1C)", "");
	LOGLEVEL = parser.addOption("-l", "--llevel", "LOGLEVEL", "Maximum level to log (SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST)", "INFO");
	HELP = parser.addOption("-h", "--help", "HELP", "Show usage data and stops", false);
	FROMT = parser.addOption("-f", "--fromtime=FROMT", "FROMT", "Select epochs from the given date and time (comma separated yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm,sec", "");
	/// 3- Setups the default values for operators in the command line
	INRINEX = parser.addOperator("RINEX.DAT");
	/// 4- Parses arguments in the command line extracting options and operators
	try {
		parser.parseArgs(argc, argv);
	}  catch (string error) {
		parser.usage("Argument error: " + error, CMDLINE);
		return 1;
	if (parser.getBoolOpt(HELP)) {
		//help info has been requested
		parser.usage("Parses and read the given observation RINEX file generating a CSV ot TXT file with the requested characteristics", CMDLINE);
		return 0;
	/// 5- Sets logging level stated in option. Default level is INFO
	/// 7 - Set 1st and last epoch time tags (if selected from / to epochs time) 
	TimeIntervalParams timeInterval;
	int week, year, month, day, hour, minute;
	double tow, second;
	aStr = parser.getStrOpt(FROMT);
	if (!aStr.empty()) {
		if (sscanf(aStr.c_str(), "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%lf", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second) != 6) {
			log.severe("Cannot state 'from time' for the time interval");
			return 1;
		setWeekTow (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, week, tow);
		timeInterval.fromTimeTag = getSecsGPSEphe(week, tow);
		timeInterval.fromTime = true;
	} else timeInterval.fromTime = false;
	aStr = parser.getStrOpt(TOT);
	if (!aStr.empty()) {
		if (sscanf(aStr.c_str(), "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%lf", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second) != 6) {
			log.severe("Cannot state 'to time' for the time interval");
			return 1;
		setWeekTow (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, week, tow);
		timeInterval.toTimeTag = getSecsGPSEphe(week, tow);
		timeInterval.toTime = true;
	} else timeInterval.toTime = false;
	/// 7- Opens the RINEX input file passed as operator
	FILE* inFile;
	fileName = parser.getOperator(INRINEX);
	if ((inFile = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) {
		log.severe("Cannot open file " + fileName);
		return 2;
	/// 8- Create a RINEX object and extract header data from the RINEX input file
	RinexData rinex(RinexData::VTBD, &log);
	char fileType = ' ';
	char sysId = ' ';
	try {
		if (!rinex.getHdLnData(RinexData::INFILEVER, aDouble, fileType, sysId)) {
			log.severe("This RINEX input file version cannot be processed");
			return 3;
	}  catch (string error) {
