本文整理汇总了C++中AbstractDistMatrix类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AbstractDistMatrix类的具体用法?C++ AbstractDistMatrix怎么用?C++ AbstractDistMatrix使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: Blocksize
void LUNMedium
( const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& UPre, AbstractDistMatrix<F>& XPre,
bool checkIfSingular )
const Int m = XPre.Height();
const Int bsize = Blocksize();
const Grid& g = UPre.Grid();
DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> UProx( UPre );
DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
auto& U = UProx.GetLocked();
auto& X = XProx.Get();
DistMatrix<F,MC, STAR> U01_MC_STAR(g);
DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> U11_STAR_STAR(g);
DistMatrix<F,MR, STAR> X1Trans_MR_STAR(g);
const Int kLast = LastOffset( m, bsize );
Int k=kLast, kOld=m;
while( true )
const bool in2x2 = ( k>0 && U.Get(k,k-1) != F(0) );
if( in2x2 )
const Int nb = kOld-k;
const Range<Int> ind0( 0, k ),
ind1( k, k+nb );
auto U01 = U( ind0, ind1 );
auto U11 = U( ind1, ind1 );
auto X0 = X( ind0, ALL );
auto X1 = X( ind1, ALL );
U11_STAR_STAR = U11; // U11[* ,* ] <- U11[MC,MR]
X1Trans_MR_STAR.AlignWith( X0 );
Transpose( X1, X1Trans_MR_STAR );
// X1^T[MR,* ] := X1^T[MR,* ] U11^-T[* ,* ]
// = (U11^-1[* ,* ] X1[* ,MR])^T
F(1), U11_STAR_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, checkIfSingular );
Transpose( X1Trans_MR_STAR, X1 );
U01_MC_STAR.AlignWith( X0 );
U01_MC_STAR = U01; // U01[MC,* ] <- U01[MC,MR]
// X0[MC,MR] -= U01[MC,* ] X1[* ,MR]
( NORMAL, TRANSPOSE, F(-1), U01_MC_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, F(1), X0 );
if( k == 0 )
kOld = k;
k -= Min(bsize,k);
示例2: Zero
void GetMappedDiagonal
( const DistMatrix<T,U,V,BLOCK>& A,
AbstractDistMatrix<S>& d,
function<S(const T&)> func,
Int offset )
EL_DEBUG_ONLY(AssertSameGrids( A, d ))
// TODO(poulson): Make this more efficient
const Int diagLength = A.DiagonalLength(offset);
d.Resize( diagLength, 1 );
Zero( d );
if( d.Participating() && A.RedundantRank() == 0 )
const Int iStart = Max(-offset,0);
const Int jStart = Max( offset,0);
for( Int k=0; k<diagLength; ++k )
if( A.IsLocal(iStart+k,jStart+k) )
const Int iLoc = A.LocalRow(iStart+k);
const Int jLoc = A.LocalCol(jStart+k);
示例3: Blocksize
void UN_C
( T alpha,
const AbstractDistMatrix<T>& APre,
AbstractDistMatrix<T>& CPre,
bool conjugate=false )
const Int r = APre.Width();
const Int bsize = Blocksize();
const Grid& g = APre.Grid();
DistMatrixReadProxy<T,T,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<T,T,MC,MR> CProx( CPre );
auto& A = AProx.GetLocked();
auto& C = CProx.Get();
// Temporary distributions
DistMatrix<T,MC, STAR> A1_MC_STAR(g);
DistMatrix<T,VR, STAR> A1_VR_STAR(g);
DistMatrix<T,STAR,MR > A1Trans_STAR_MR(g);
A1_MC_STAR.AlignWith( C );
A1_VR_STAR.AlignWith( C );
A1Trans_STAR_MR.AlignWith( C );
for( Int k=0; k<r; k+=bsize )
const Int nb = Min(bsize,r-k);
auto A1 = A( ALL, IR(k,k+nb) );
Transpose( A1_VR_STAR, A1Trans_STAR_MR, conjugate );
LocalTrrk( UPPER, alpha, A1_MC_STAR, A1Trans_STAR_MR, T(1), C );
示例4: AssertSameGrids
void MinEig
( const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& xPre,
AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& minEigsPre,
const AbstractDistMatrix<Int>& orders,
const AbstractDistMatrix<Int>& firstIndsPre,
Int cutoff )
AssertSameGrids( xPre, minEigsPre, orders, firstIndsPre );
ElementalProxyCtrl ctrl;
ctrl.colConstrain = true;
ctrl.colAlign = 0;
xProx( xPre, ctrl );
minEigsProx( minEigsPre, ctrl );
firstIndsProx( firstIndsPre, ctrl );
auto& x = xProx.GetLocked();
auto& minEigs = minEigsProx.Get();
auto& firstInds = firstIndsProx.GetLocked();
const Int height = x.Height();
const Int localHeight = x.LocalHeight();
if( x.Width() != 1 || orders.Width() != 1 || firstInds.Width() != 1 )
LogicError("x, orders, and firstInds should be column vectors");
if( orders.Height() != height || firstInds.Height() != height )
LogicError("orders and firstInds should be of the same height as x");
示例5: G
void Mehrotra
( const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& A,
const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& b,
const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& c,
const AbstractDistMatrix<Int>& orders,
const AbstractDistMatrix<Int>& firstInds,
AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& x,
AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& y,
AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& z,
const MehrotraCtrl<Real>& ctrl )
const Int n = c.Height();
const Grid& grid = c.Grid();
DistMatrix<Real> G(grid);
Identity( G, n, n );
G *= -1;
DistMatrix<Real> h(grid);
Zeros( h, n, 1 );
MehrotraCtrl<Real> affineCtrl = ctrl;
affineCtrl.primalInit = false;
affineCtrl.dualInit = false;
DistMatrix<Real> s(grid);
示例6: ExplicitTriang
void ExplicitTriang( AbstractDistMatrix<F>& A )
DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("rq::ExplicitTriang"))
DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR> t(A.Grid());
DistMatrix<Base<F>,MD,STAR> d(A.Grid());
Householder( A, t, d );
MakeTrapezoidal( UPPER, A, A.Width()-A.Height() );
示例7: LogicError
inline void AssertSameDists
( const AbstractDistMatrix<T>& A1, const AbstractDistMatrix<T>& A2,
Args&... args )
if( A1.ColDist() != A2.ColDist() || A1.RowDist() != A2.RowDist() )
LogicError("Distributions did not match");
AssertSameDists( A2, args... );
示例8: size
inline void
( const AbstractDistMatrix<U,Int>& A ) const
if( Height() != A.Width() || Width() != A.Height() )
throw std::logic_error
("Assertion that matrices be the same size (after trans.) failed");
示例9: Min
void ApplyQ
( LeftOrRight side,
Orientation orientation,
const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& APre,
const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& householderScalars,
const AbstractDistMatrix<Base<F>>& signature,
AbstractDistMatrix<F>& BPre )
const bool normal = (orientation==NORMAL);
const bool onLeft = (side==LEFT);
const bool applyDFirst = normal==onLeft;
const Int minDim = Min(APre.Height(),APre.Width());
const ForwardOrBackward direction = ( normal==onLeft ? BACKWARD : FORWARD );
const Conjugation conjugation = ( normal ? CONJUGATED : UNCONJUGATED );
DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> BProx( BPre );
auto& A = AProx.GetLocked();
auto& B = BProx.Get();
const Int m = B.Height();
const Int n = B.Width();
if( applyDFirst )
if( onLeft )
auto BTop = B( IR(0,minDim), IR(0,n) );
DiagonalScale( side, orientation, signature, BTop );
auto BLeft = B( IR(0,m), IR(0,minDim) );
DiagonalScale( side, orientation, signature, BLeft );
( side, LOWER, VERTICAL, direction, conjugation, 0,
A, householderScalars, B );
if( !applyDFirst )
if( onLeft )
auto BTop = B( IR(0,minDim), IR(0,n) );
DiagonalScale( side, orientation, signature, BTop );
auto BLeft = B( IR(0,m), IR(0,minDim) );
DiagonalScale( side, orientation, signature, BLeft );
示例10: xProx
void LAV
( const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& A,
const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& b,
AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& xPre,
const lp::affine::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl )
DistMatrixWriteProxy<Real,Real,MC,MR> xProx( xPre );
auto& x = xProx.Get();
const Int m = A.Height();
const Int n = A.Width();
const Grid& g = A.Grid();
const Range<Int> xInd(0,n), uInd(n,n+m), vInd(n+m,n+2*m);
DistMatrix<Real> c(g), AHat(g), G(g), h(g);
// c := [0;1;1]
// ============
Zeros( c, n+2*m, 1 );
auto cuv = c( IR(n,n+2*m), ALL );
Fill( cuv, Real(1) );
// \hat A := [A, I, -I]
// ====================
Zeros( AHat, m, n+2*m );
auto AHatx = AHat( IR(0,m), xInd );
auto AHatu = AHat( IR(0,m), uInd );
auto AHatv = AHat( IR(0,m), vInd );
AHatx = A;
FillDiagonal( AHatu, Real( 1) );
FillDiagonal( AHatv, Real(-1) );
// G := | 0 -I 0 |
// | 0 0 -I |
// ================
Zeros( G, 2*m, n+2*m );
auto Guv = G( IR(0,2*m), IR(n,n+2*m) );
FillDiagonal( Guv, Real(-1) );
// h := | 0 |
// | 0 |
// ==========
Zeros( h, 2*m, 1 );
// Solve the affine linear program
// ===============================
DistMatrix<Real> xHat(g), y(g), z(g), s(g);
LP( AHat, G, b, c, h, xHat, y, z, s, ctrl );
// Extract x
// =========
x = xHat( xInd, ALL );
示例11: Zero
void Her2k
( UpperOrLower uplo, Orientation orientation,
T alpha, const AbstractDistMatrix<T>& A, const AbstractDistMatrix<T>& B,
AbstractDistMatrix<T>& C )
const Int n = ( orientation==NORMAL ? A.Height() : A.Width() );
C.Resize( n, n );
Zero( C );
Syr2k( uplo, orientation, alpha, A, B, T(0), C, true );
示例12: Blocksize
void LLNMedium
( const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& LPre,
AbstractDistMatrix<F>& XPre,
bool checkIfSingular )
const Int m = XPre.Height();
const Int bsize = Blocksize();
const Grid& g = LPre.Grid();
DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> LProx( LPre );
DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
auto& L = LProx.GetLocked();
auto& X = XProx.Get();
DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> L11_STAR_STAR(g);
DistMatrix<F,MC, STAR> L21_MC_STAR(g);
DistMatrix<F,MR, STAR> X1Trans_MR_STAR(g);
for( Int k=0; k<m; k+=bsize )
const Int nbProp = Min(bsize,m-k);
const bool in2x2 = ( k+nbProp<m && L.Get(k+nbProp-1,k+nbProp) != F(0) );
const Int nb = ( in2x2 ? nbProp+1 : nbProp );
const Range<Int> ind1( k, k+nb ),
ind2( k+nb, m );
auto L11 = L( ind1, ind1 );
auto L21 = L( ind2, ind1 );
auto X1 = X( ind1, ALL );
auto X2 = X( ind2, ALL );
L11_STAR_STAR = L11; // L11[* ,* ] <- L11[MC,MR]
X1Trans_MR_STAR.AlignWith( X2 );
Transpose( X1, X1Trans_MR_STAR );
// X1^T[MR,* ] := X1^T[MR,* ] L11^-T[* ,* ]
// = (L11^-1[* ,* ] X1[* ,MR])^T
F(1), L11_STAR_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, checkIfSingular );
Transpose( X1Trans_MR_STAR, X1 );
L21_MC_STAR.AlignWith( X2 );
L21_MC_STAR = L21; // L21[MC,* ] <- L21[MC,MR]
// X2[MC,MR] -= L21[MC,* ] X1[* ,MR]
( NORMAL, TRANSPOSE, F(-1), L21_MC_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, F(1), X2 );
示例13: Blocksize
void LUNMedium
( UnitOrNonUnit diag,
const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& UPre,
AbstractDistMatrix<F>& XPre,
bool checkIfSingular )
const Int m = XPre.Height();
const Int bsize = Blocksize();
const Grid& g = UPre.Grid();
DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> UProx( UPre );
DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
auto& U = UProx.GetLocked();
auto& X = XProx.Get();
DistMatrix<F,MC, STAR> U01_MC_STAR(g);
DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> U11_STAR_STAR(g);
DistMatrix<F,MR, STAR> X1Trans_MR_STAR(g);
const Int kLast = LastOffset( m, bsize );
for( Int k=kLast; k>=0; k-=bsize )
const Int nb = Min(bsize,m-k);
const Range<Int> ind0( 0, k ),
ind1( k, k+nb );
auto U01 = U( ind0, ind1 );
auto U11 = U( ind1, ind1 );
auto X0 = X( ind0, ALL );
auto X1 = X( ind1, ALL );
U11_STAR_STAR = U11; // U11[* ,* ] <- U11[MC,MR]
X1Trans_MR_STAR.AlignWith( X0 );
Transpose( X1, X1Trans_MR_STAR );
// X1^T[MR,* ] := X1^T[MR,* ] U11^-T[* ,* ]
// = (U11^-1[* ,* ] X1[* ,MR])^T
F(1), U11_STAR_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, checkIfSingular );
Transpose( X1Trans_MR_STAR, X1 );
U01_MC_STAR.AlignWith( X0 );
U01_MC_STAR = U01; // U01[MC,* ] <- U01[MC,MR]
// X0[MC,MR] -= U01[MC,* ] X1[* ,MR]
( NORMAL, TRANSPOSE, F(-1), U01_MC_STAR, X1Trans_MR_STAR, F(1), X0 );
示例14: ZeroNorm
Int ZeroNorm( const AbstractDistMatrix<T>& A, Base<T> tol )
DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("ZeroNorm"))
Int numNonzeros;
if( A.Participating() )
const Int numLocalNonzeros = ZeroNorm( A.LockedMatrix(), tol );
numNonzeros = mpi::AllReduce( numLocalNonzeros, A.DistComm() );
mpi::Broadcast( numNonzeros, A.Root(), A.CrossComm() );
return numNonzeros;
示例15: Lotkin
void Lotkin( AbstractDistMatrix<F>& A, Int n )
DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("Lotkin"))
Hilbert( A, n );
// Set first row to all ones
if( A.ColShift() == 0 )
const Int localWidth = A.LocalWidth();
for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<localWidth; ++jLoc )
A.SetLocal( 0, jLoc, F(1) );