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C++ AXObject::detachFromParent方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AXObject::detachFromParent方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AXObject::detachFromParent方法的具体用法?C++ AXObject::detachFromParent怎么用?C++ AXObject::detachFromParent使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AXObject的用法示例。


示例1: updateAriaOwns

    for (const String& idName : idVector) {
        Element* element = scope.getElementById(AtomicString(idName));
        if (!element)

        AXObject* child = getOrCreate(element);
        if (!child)

        // If this child is already aria-owned by a different owner, continue.
        // It's an author error if this happens and we don't worry about which of the
        // two owners wins ownership of the child, as long as only one of them does.
        if (isAriaOwned(child) && getAriaOwnedParent(child) != owner)

        // You can't own yourself!
        if (child == owner)

        // Walk up the parents of the owner object, make sure that this child doesn't appear
        // there, as that would create a cycle.
        bool foundCycle = false;
        for (AXObject* parent = owner->parentObject(); parent && !foundCycle; parent = parent->parentObject()) {
            if (parent == child)
                foundCycle = true;
        if (foundCycle)


    // Compare this to the current list of owned children, and exit early if there are no changes.
    Vector<AXID> currentChildAXIDs = m_ariaOwnerToChildrenMapping.get(owner->axObjectID());
    bool same = true;
    if (currentChildAXIDs.size() != newChildAXIDs.size()) {
        same = false;
    } else {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < currentChildAXIDs.size() && same; ++i) {
            if (currentChildAXIDs[i] != newChildAXIDs[i])
                same = false;
    if (same)

    // The list of owned children has changed. Even if they were just reordered, to be safe
    // and handle all cases we remove all of the current owned children and add the new list
    // of owned children.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < currentChildAXIDs.size(); ++i) {
        // Find the AXObject for the child that this owner no longer owns.
        AXID removedChildID = currentChildAXIDs[i];
        AXObject* removedChild = objectFromAXID(removedChildID);

        // It's possible that this child has already been owned by some other owner,
        // in which case we don't need to do anything.
        if (removedChild && getAriaOwnedParent(removedChild) != owner)

        // Remove it from the child -> owner mapping so it's not owned by this owner anymore.

        if (removedChild) {
            // If the child still exists, find its "real" parent, and reparent it back to
            // its real parent in the tree by detaching it from its current parent and
            // calling childrenChanged on its real parent.
            AXID realParentID = m_ariaOwnedChildToRealParentMapping.get(removedChildID);
            AXObject* realParent = objectFromAXID(realParentID);

        // Remove the child -> original parent mapping too since this object has now been
        // reparented back to its original parent.

    for (size_t i = 0; i < newChildAXIDs.size(); ++i) {
        // Find the AXObject for the child that will now be a child of this owner.
        AXID addedChildID = newChildAXIDs[i];
        AXObject* addedChild = objectFromAXID(addedChildID);

        // Add this child to the mapping from child to owner.
        m_ariaOwnedChildToOwnerMapping.set(addedChildID, owner->axObjectID());

        // Add its parent object to a mapping from child to real parent. If later this owner
        // doesn't own this child anymore, we need to return it to its original parent.
        AXObject* originalParent = addedChild->parentObject();
        m_ariaOwnedChildToRealParentMapping.set(addedChildID, originalParent->axObjectID());

        // Now detach the object from its original parent and call childrenChanged on the
        // original parent so that it can recompute its list of children.

    // Finally, update the mapping from the owner to the list of child IDs.
    m_ariaOwnerToChildrenMapping.set(owner->axObjectID(), newChildAXIDs);
