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C++ AST::asNumericLiteral方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AST::asNumericLiteral方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AST::asNumericLiteral方法的具体用法?C++ AST::asNumericLiteral怎么用?C++ AST::asNumericLiteral使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AST的用法示例。


示例1: fineTuneASTNodePositions

    } else if (StringLiteralAST *stringLiteralAST = ast->asStringLiteral()) {
        // Select literal without quotes on first step, and the whole literal on next step.
        if (currentASTStep() == 1) {
            Token firstToken = m_unit->tokenAt(stringLiteralAST->firstToken());
            bool isRawLiteral = firstToken.f.kind >= T_FIRST_RAW_STRING_LITERAL
                                && firstToken.f.kind <= T_RAW_UTF32_STRING_LITERAL;
            if (debug && isRawLiteral)
                qDebug() << "Is raw literal.";

            // Start from positions that include quotes.
            int newPosEnd = positions.astPosEnd;

            // Decrement last position to skip last quote.

            // If raw literal also skip parenthesis.
            if (isRawLiteral)

            // Start position will be the end position minus the size of the actual contents of the
            // literal.
            int newPosStart = newPosEnd - static_cast<int>(firstToken.string->size());

            // Skip raw literal parentheses.
            if (isRawLiteral)
                newPosStart += 2;

            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd;
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting inner contents of string literal.";
    } else if (NumericLiteralAST *numericLiteralAST = ast->asNumericLiteral()) {
        Token firstToken = m_unit->tokenAt(numericLiteralAST->firstToken());
        // If char literal, select it without quotes on first step.
        if (firstToken.isCharLiteral()) {
            if (currentASTStep() == 1) {
                if (debug)
                    qDebug() << "Selecting inner contents of char literal.";

                positions.astPosEnd = positions.astPosEnd - 1;
                positions.astPosStart = positions.astPosEnd - int(firstToken.literal->size());
    } else if (ForStatementAST *forStatementAST = ast->asForStatement()) {
        unsigned firstParenTokenIndex = forStatementAST->lparen_token;
        unsigned lastParenTokenIndex = forStatementAST->rparen_token;
        fineTuneForStatementPositions(firstParenTokenIndex, lastParenTokenIndex, positions);
    } else if (RangeBasedForStatementAST *rangeForStatementAST = ast->asRangeBasedForStatement()) {
        unsigned firstParenTokenIndex = rangeForStatementAST->lparen_token;
        unsigned lastParenTokenIndex = rangeForStatementAST->rparen_token;
        fineTuneForStatementPositions(firstParenTokenIndex, lastParenTokenIndex, positions);
    } else if (ClassSpecifierAST *classSpecificerAST = ast->asClassSpecifier()) {

        unsigned firstBraceTokenIndex = classSpecificerAST->lbrace_token;
        unsigned lastBraceTokenIndex = classSpecificerAST->rbrace_token;
        unsigned classKeywordTokenIndex = classSpecificerAST->classkey_token;

        Token firstBraceToken = m_unit->tokenAt(firstBraceTokenIndex);
        Token lastBraceToken = m_unit->tokenAt(lastBraceTokenIndex);
        Token classKeywordToken = m_unit->tokenAt(classKeywordTokenIndex);

        if (debug) {
            qDebug() << "firstBraceToken:" << firstBraceToken.spell();
            qDebug() << "lastBraceToken:" << lastBraceToken.spell();
