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C++ AMDataSource::value方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AMDataSource::value方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AMDataSource::value方法的具体用法?C++ AMDataSource::value怎么用?C++ AMDataSource::value使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AMDataSource的用法示例。


示例1: switch

void AMExternalScanDataSourceAB::copyValues(int dataSourceIndex)
	AMDataSource* ds = scan_->dataSourceAt(dataSourceIndex);
	const AMnDIndex size = ds->size();

	switch(ds->rank()) {
	case 0:
		values_ << ds->value(AMnDIndex());

	case 1: {
		for(int i=0; i<size.i(); i++)
			values_[i] = ds->value(i);
	case 2: {
		for(int i=0; i<size.i(); i++)
			for(int j=0; j<size.j(); j++)
				values_[i*size.j() + j] = ds->value(AMnDIndex(i,j));
	case 3: {
		for(int i=0; i<size.i(); i++)
			for(int j=0; j<size.j(); j++)
				for(int k=0; k<size.k(); k++)
					values_[i*size.j()*size.k() + j*size.k() + k] = ds->value(AMnDIndex(i,j,k));
	case 4: {
		for(int i=0; i<size.i(); i++)
			for(int j=0; j<size.j(); j++)
				for(int k=0; k<size.k(); k++)
					for(int l=0; l<size.l(); l++)
						values_[i*size.j()*size.k()*size.l() + j*size.k()*size.l() + k*size.l() + l] = ds->value(AMnDIndex(i,j,k,l));
	case 5: {
		for(int i=0; i<size.i(); i++)
			for(int j=0; j<size.j(); j++)
				for(int k=0; k<size.k(); k++)
					for(int l=0; l<size.l(); l++)
						for(int m=0; m<size.m(); m++)
							values_[i*size.j()*size.k()*size.l()*size.m() + j*size.k()*size.l()*size.m() + k*size.l()*size.m() + l*size.m() + m] = ds->value(AMnDIndex(i,j,k,l,m));
		/// \todo oh god, we really need a block copy or a multi-dimensional iterator for AMDataSource::value()...

示例2: writeMainTable

void VESPERSExporterSMAK::writeMainTable()
	QTextStream ts(file_);

	// 1. Column header.
	if(option_->columnHeaderIncluded()) {

		ts << "# ";

		for(int c=0; c<mainTableDataSources_.count(); c++) {


				ts << "H" << option_->columnDelimiter() << "V" << option_->columnDelimiter();

			ts << parseKeywordString(option_->columnHeader()) << option_->columnDelimiter();

	ts << option_->newlineDelimiter() << option_->columnHeaderDelimiter() << option_->newlineDelimiter();

	// 2. rows
	VESPERS2DScanConfiguration *config = qobject_cast<VESPERS2DScanConfiguration *>(const_cast<AMScanConfiguration *>(currentScan_->scanConfiguration()));
	if (!config)

	QString suffix;

	if (config->ccdDetector().testFlag(VESPERS::Roper))
		suffix = "spe";

	else if (config->ccdDetector().testFlag(VESPERS::Mar))
		suffix = "tif";

	else if (config->ccdDetector().testFlag(VESPERS::Pilatus))
		suffix = "tif";

	QString ccdFileName = config->ccdFileName();
	int yRange = yRange_ == -1 ? currentScan_->scanSize(1) : (yRange_-1);
	int xRange = currentScan_->scanSize(0);

	for(int y = 0; y < yRange; y++) {

		for (int x = 0; x < xRange; x++){

			// over rows within columns
			for(int c=0; c<mainTableDataSources_.count(); c++) {

				AMDataSource* ds = currentScan_->dataSourceAt(currentDataSourceIndex_);
				int precision = option_->exportPrecision(ds->name());

				// print x and y column?
				if(mainTableIncludeX_.at(c)) {

					ts << ds->axisValue(0,x).toString(precision);
					ts << option_->columnDelimiter();
					ts << ds->axisValue(1, y).toString(precision);
					ts << option_->columnDelimiter();

					ts << QString("%1_%2.%3").arg(ccdFileName).arg(int(ds->value(AMnDIndex(x, y)))-1).arg(suffix);	// The -1 is because the value stored here is the NEXT number in the scan.  Purely a nomenclature setup from the EPICS interface.

					ts << ds->value(AMnDIndex(x, y)).toString(precision);

				ts << option_->columnDelimiter();

			ts << option_->newlineDelimiter();

	if (yRange_ != -1 && xIndex_ != -1){

		for (int x = 0; x < xIndex_; x++){

			// over rows within columns
			for(int c=0; c<mainTableDataSources_.count(); c++) {

				AMDataSource* ds = currentScan_->dataSourceAt(currentDataSourceIndex_);
				int precision = option_->exportPrecision(ds->name());

				// print x and y column?
				if(mainTableIncludeX_.at(c)) {

					ts << ds->axisValue(0,x).toString(precision);
					ts << option_->columnDelimiter();
					ts << ds->axisValue(1, yRange_-1).toString(precision);
					ts << option_->columnDelimiter();

					ts << QString("%1_%2.%3").arg(ccdFileName).arg(int(ds->value(AMnDIndex(x, yRange_-1)))-1).arg(suffix);	// The -1 is because the value stored here is the NEXT number in the scan.  Purely a nomenclature setup from the EPICS interface.

					ts << ds->value(AMnDIndex(x, yRange_-1)).toString(precision);

示例3: out

bool AMExporter2DAscii::writeSeparateFiles(const QString &destinationFolderPath)
	if (option_->higherDimensionsInRows()){

		for (int s = 0, sSize = separateFileDataSources_.size(); s < sSize; s++) {

			setCurrentDataSource(separateFileDataSources_.at(s));	// sets currentDataSourceIndex_
			AMDataSource* source = currentScan_->dataSourceAt(currentDataSourceIndex_);

			QFile output;
			QString separateFileName = parseKeywordString( destinationFolderPath % "/" % option_->separateSectionFileName() );
			separateFileName = removeNonPrintableCharacters(separateFileName);

			if(!openFile(&output, separateFileName)) {
				AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(this, AMErrorReport::Alert, -4, "Export failed (partially): You selected to create separate files for certain data sets. Could not open the file '" % separateFileName % "' for writing.  Check that you have permission to save files there, and that a file with that name doesn't already exists."));
				return false;

			int spectraSize = source->size(2);
			QString columnDelimiter = option_->columnDelimiter();
			QString newLineDelimiter = option_->newlineDelimiter();
			QTextStream out(&output);
			int yRange = yRange_ == -1 ? currentScan_->scanSize(1) : (yRange_-1);
			int xRange = currentScan_->scanSize(0);

			for (int y = 0; y < yRange; y++){

				for (int x = 0; x < xRange; x++){

					QVector<double> data(spectraSize);
					source->values(AMnDIndex(x, y, 0), AMnDIndex(x, y, spectraSize-1), data.data());

					for (int i = 0; i < spectraSize; i++)
						out << data.at(i) << columnDelimiter;

					out << newLineDelimiter;

			if (yRange_ != -1 && xIndex_ != -1){

				for (int i = 0; i < xIndex_; i++){

					QVector<double> data(spectraSize);
					source->values(AMnDIndex(i, yRange_-1, 0), AMnDIndex(i, yRange_-1, spectraSize-1), data.data());

					for (int i = 0; i < spectraSize; i++)
						out << data.at(i) << columnDelimiter;

					out << newLineDelimiter;

				out << newLineDelimiter;



		for (int s = 0, sSize = separateFileDataSources_.size(); s < sSize; s++) {

			setCurrentDataSource(separateFileDataSources_.at(s));	// sets currentDataSourceIndex_
			AMDataSource* source = currentScan_->dataSourceAt(currentDataSourceIndex_);

			QFile output;
			QString separateFileName = parseKeywordString( destinationFolderPath % "/" % option_->separateSectionFileName() );
			separateFileName = removeNonPrintableCharacters(separateFileName);

			if(!openFile(&output, separateFileName)) {
				AMErrorMon::report(AMErrorReport(this, AMErrorReport::Alert, -4, "Export failed (partially): You selected to create separate files for certain data sets. Could not open the file '" % separateFileName % "' for writing.  Check that you have permission to save files there, and that a file with that name doesn't already exists."));
				return false;

			int spectraSize = source->size(2);
			QString columnDelimiter = option_->columnDelimiter();
			QString newLineDelimiter = option_->newlineDelimiter();
			QTextStream out(&output);
			int yRange = yRange_ == -1 ? currentScan_->scanSize(1) : (yRange_-1);
			int xRange = currentScan_->scanSize(0);

			for (int i = 0; i < spectraSize; i++){

				for (int y = 0; y < yRange; y++)
					for (int x = 0; x < xRange; x++)
						out << double(source->value(AMnDIndex(x, y, i))) << columnDelimiter;

				if (yRange_ != -1 && xIndex_ != -1){

					for (int x = 0; x < xIndex_; x++)
						out << double(source->value(AMnDIndex(x, yRange_-1, i))) << columnDelimiter;

				out << newLineDelimiter;


示例4: ts

void AMExporter2DAscii::writeMainTable()
	QTextStream ts(file_);

	// 1. Column header.
	if(option_->columnHeaderIncluded()) {

		ts << "# ";

		for(int c=0; c<mainTableDataSources_.count(); c++) {


				ts << currentScan_->rawData()->scanAxisAt(0).name << option_->columnDelimiter() << currentScan_->rawData()->scanAxisAt(1).name << option_->columnDelimiter();

			ts << parseKeywordString(option_->columnHeader()) << option_->columnDelimiter();

	ts << option_->newlineDelimiter() << option_->columnHeaderDelimiter() << option_->newlineDelimiter();

	// 2. rows
	int yRange = yRange_ == -1 ? currentScan_->scanSize(1) : (yRange_-1);
	int xRange = currentScan_->scanSize(0);

	for(int y = 0; y < yRange; y++) {

		for (int x = 0; x < xRange; x++){

			// over rows within columns
			for(int c=0; c<mainTableDataSources_.count(); c++) {
				AMDataSource* ds = currentScan_->dataSourceAt(currentDataSourceIndex_);

				// print x and y column?
				if(mainTableIncludeX_.at(c)) {

					ts << ds->axisValue(0, x).toString();
					ts << option_->columnDelimiter();
					ts << ds->axisValue(1, y).toString();
					ts << option_->columnDelimiter();

				ts << ds->value(AMnDIndex(x, y)).toString();

				ts << option_->columnDelimiter();

			ts << option_->newlineDelimiter();

	if (yRange_ != -1 && xIndex_ != -1){

		for (int i = 0; i < xIndex_; i++){

			// over rows within columns
			for(int c=0; c<mainTableDataSources_.count(); c++) {
				AMDataSource* ds = currentScan_->dataSourceAt(currentDataSourceIndex_);

				// print x and y column?
				if(mainTableIncludeX_.at(c)) {

					ts << ds->axisValue(0,i).toString();
					ts << option_->columnDelimiter();
					ts << ds->axisValue(1, yRange_-1).toString();
					ts << option_->columnDelimiter();

				ts << ds->value(AMnDIndex(i, yRange_-1)).toString();

				ts << option_->columnDelimiter();

			ts << option_->newlineDelimiter();

	ts << option_->newlineDelimiter();

示例5: writeSeparateSections

void AMExporterGeneralAscii::writeSeparateSections()
	QTextStream ts(file_);

	if (option_->higherDimensionsInRows()){

		for(int s=0; s<separateSectionDataSources_.count(); s++) {

			ts << option_->newlineDelimiter();

			setCurrentDataSource(separateSectionDataSources_.at(s));	// sets currentDataSourceIndex_
			AMDataSource* ds = currentScan_->dataSourceAt(currentDataSourceIndex_);
			int precision = option_->exportPrecision(ds->name());

			// section header?
			if(option_->sectionHeaderIncluded()) {
				ts << parseKeywordString(option_->sectionHeader());
				ts << option_->newlineDelimiter();

			// column header?
			if(option_->columnHeaderIncluded()) {
				// 1D data sources:
				if(ds->rank() == 0) {
					ts << parseKeywordString(option_->columnHeader()) << option_->columnDelimiter();
				else if(ds->rank() == 1) {
						ts << parseKeywordString(option_->columnHeader()) << ".X" << option_->columnDelimiter();
					ts << parseKeywordString(option_->columnHeader()) << option_->columnDelimiter();
				else if(ds->rank() == 2) {	// 2D
						ts << parseKeywordString(option_->columnHeader()) << ".X" << option_->columnDelimiter();
					// need a loop over the second axis columns
					for(int cc=0; cc<ds->size(1); cc++) {
						ts << parseKeywordString(option_->columnHeader()) << "[" << ds->axisValue(1, cc).toString(precision) << ds->axisInfoAt(1).units << "]" << option_->columnDelimiter();
				ts << option_->newlineDelimiter() << option_->columnHeaderDelimiter() << option_->newlineDelimiter();

			// table
			switch(ds->rank()) {
			case 0:
				ts << ds->value(AMnDIndex()).toString(precision) << option_->columnDelimiter() << option_->newlineDelimiter();
			case 1: {
				int maxTableRows = ds->size(0);
				for(int r=0; r<maxTableRows; r++) {
					if(separateSectionIncludeX_.at(s)) {
						ts << ds->axisValue(0,r).toString(precision) << option_->columnDelimiter();
					ts << ds->value(r).toString(precision) << option_->columnDelimiter() << option_->newlineDelimiter();
			case 2: {
				int maxTableRows = ds->size(0);
				for(int r=0; r<maxTableRows; r++) {
						ts << ds->axisValue(0,r).toString(precision) << option_->columnDelimiter();
					// need a loop over the second axis columns
					for(int cc=0; cc<ds->size(1); cc++) {
						ts << ds->value(AMnDIndex(r,cc)).toString(precision) << option_->columnDelimiter();
					ts << option_->newlineDelimiter();
				/// \todo Implement 3D

	// For writing out in columns.  Essentially transposing the file.

		for(int s=0; s<separateSectionDataSources_.count(); s++) {

			setCurrentDataSource(separateSectionDataSources_.at(s));	// sets currentDataSourceIndex_
			AMDataSource* ds = currentScan_->dataSourceAt(currentDataSourceIndex_);
			int precision = option_->exportPrecision(ds->name());

			// section header?
			if(option_->sectionHeaderIncluded()) {
				ts << parseKeywordString(option_->sectionHeader());
				ts << option_->newlineDelimiter();

			// If including the X values.
			if (separateSectionIncludeX_.at(s)){


				case 0:

示例6: ts

void VESPERSExporter2DAscii::writeMainTable()
	QTextStream ts(file_);

	// 1. Column header.
	if(option_->columnHeaderIncluded()) {

		ts << "# ";

		for(int c=0; c<mainTableDataSources_.count(); c++) {


				ts << currentScan_->rawData()->scanAxisAt(0).name << option_->columnDelimiter() << currentScan_->rawData()->scanAxisAt(1).name << option_->columnDelimiter();

			ts << parseKeywordString(option_->columnHeader()) << option_->columnDelimiter();

	ts << option_->newlineDelimiter() << option_->columnHeaderDelimiter() << option_->newlineDelimiter();

	// 2. rows
	VESPERS::CCDDetectors ccdDetector;
	QString ccdFileName = "";

	VESPERS2DScanConfiguration *configuration2D = qobject_cast<VESPERS2DScanConfiguration *>(const_cast<AMScanConfiguration *>(currentScan_->scanConfiguration()));
	VESPERSTimedLineScanConfiguration *timedConfiguration = qobject_cast<VESPERSTimedLineScanConfiguration *>(const_cast<AMScanConfiguration *>(currentScan_->scanConfiguration()));

	if (configuration2D){

		ccdDetector = configuration2D->ccdDetector();
		ccdFileName = configuration2D->ccdFileName();

	else if (timedConfiguration){

		ccdDetector = timedConfiguration->ccdDetector();
		ccdFileName = timedConfiguration->ccdFileName();


	QString ccdString;

	// This will return -1 if it fails.  This means any checks inside this loop will always fail if the CCD was not included.
	int yRange = yRange_ == -1 ? currentScan_->scanSize(1) : (yRange_-1);
	int xRange = currentScan_->scanSize(0);

	if (ccdDetector.testFlag(VESPERS::Roper))
		ccdString = ccdFileName % "_%1.spe";

	else if (ccdDetector.testFlag(VESPERS::Mar))
		ccdString = ccdFileName % "_%1.tif";

	else if (ccdDetector.testFlag(VESPERS::Pilatus))
		ccdString = ccdFileName % "-%1.tif";
		ccdString = "";

	for(int y = 0; y < yRange; y++) {

		for (int x = 0; x < xRange; x++){

			// over rows within columns
			for(int c=0; c<mainTableDataSources_.count(); c++) {
				AMDataSource* ds = currentScan_->dataSourceAt(currentDataSourceIndex_);
				int precision = option_->exportPrecision(ds->name());

				// print x and y column?
				if(mainTableIncludeX_.at(c)) {

					ts << ds->axisValue(0, x).toString(precision);
					ts << option_->columnDelimiter();
					ts << ds->axisValue(1, y).toString(precision);
					ts << option_->columnDelimiter();

					ts << QString(ccdString).arg(int(ds->value(AMnDIndex(x, y)))-1);	// The -1 is because the value stored here is the NEXT number in the scan.  Purely a nomenclature setup from the EPICS interface.
					ts << ds->value(AMnDIndex(x, y)).toString(precision);

				ts << option_->columnDelimiter();

			ts << option_->newlineDelimiter();

	if (yRange_ != -1 && xIndex_ != -1){

		for (int x = 0; x < xIndex_; x++){

			// over rows within columns
			for(int c=0; c<mainTableDataSources_.count(); c++) {

