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C++ ACTIVE_TASK::check_max_disk_exceeded方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中ACTIVE_TASK::check_max_disk_exceeded方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACTIVE_TASK::check_max_disk_exceeded方法的具体用法?C++ ACTIVE_TASK::check_max_disk_exceeded怎么用?C++ ACTIVE_TASK::check_max_disk_exceeded使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ACTIVE_TASK的用法示例。


示例1: check_rsc_limits_exceeded

// Check if any of the active tasks have exceeded their
// resource limits on disk, CPU time or memory
bool ACTIVE_TASK_SET::check_rsc_limits_exceeded() {
//LOGD("app_control: ACTIVE_TASK_SET::check_rsc_limits_exceeded");
    unsigned int i;
    ACTIVE_TASK *atp;
    static double last_disk_check_time = 0;
    bool do_disk_check = false;
    bool did_anything = false;

    double ram_left = gstate.available_ram();
    double max_ram = gstate.max_available_ram();

    // Some slot dirs have lots of files,
    // so only check every min(disk_interval, 300) secs
    double min_interval = gstate.global_prefs.disk_interval;
    if (min_interval < 300) min_interval = 300;
    if (gstate.now > last_disk_check_time + min_interval) {
        do_disk_check = true;
    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {
        atp = active_tasks[i];
        if (atp->task_state() != PROCESS_EXECUTING) continue;
        if (!atp->result->non_cpu_intensive() && (atp->elapsed_time > atp->max_elapsed_time)) {
            msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,
                "Aborting task %s: exceeded elapsed time limit %.2f (%.2fG/%.2fG)",
                atp->result->name, atp->max_elapsed_time,
            atp->abort_task(ERR_RSC_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "Maximum elapsed time exceeded");
            did_anything = true;
        if (atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed > max_ram) {
            msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,
                "Aborting task %s: exceeded memory limit %.2fMB > %.2fMB\n",
                atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed/MEGA, max_ram/MEGA
            atp->abort_task(ERR_RSC_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "Maximum memory exceeded");
            did_anything = true;
        if (do_disk_check && atp->check_max_disk_exceeded()) {
            did_anything = true;
        ram_left -= atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed;
    if (ram_left < 0) {
        gstate.request_schedule_cpus("RAM usage limit exceeded");
    if (do_disk_check) {
        last_disk_check_time = gstate.now;
    return did_anything;

示例2: check_rsc_limits_exceeded

// Check if any of the active tasks have exceeded their
// resource limits on disk, CPU time or memory
// TODO: this gets called ever 1 sec,
// but mem and disk usage are computed less often.
// refactor.
bool ACTIVE_TASK_SET::check_rsc_limits_exceeded() {
    unsigned int i;
    ACTIVE_TASK *atp;
    static double last_disk_check_time = 0;
    bool do_disk_check = false;
    bool did_anything = false;
    char buf[256];

    double ram_left = gstate.available_ram();
    double max_ram = gstate.max_available_ram();

    // Some slot dirs have lots of files,
    // so only check every min(disk_interval, 300) secs
    double min_interval = gstate.global_prefs.disk_interval;
    if (min_interval < 300) min_interval = 300;
    if (gstate.clock_change || gstate.now > last_disk_check_time + min_interval) {
        do_disk_check = true;
    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {
        atp = active_tasks[i];
        if (atp->task_state() != PROCESS_EXECUTING) continue;
        if (!atp->result->non_cpu_intensive() && (atp->elapsed_time > atp->max_elapsed_time)) {
            sprintf(buf, "exceeded elapsed time limit %.2f (%.2fG/%.2fG)",
            msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,
                "Aborting task %s: %s", atp->result->name, buf
            atp->abort_task(EXIT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, buf);
            did_anything = true;
#if 0
        // removing this for now because most projects currently
        // have too-low values of workunit.rsc_memory_bound
        // (causing lots of aborts)
        // and I don't think we can expect projects to provide
        // accurate bounds.
        if (atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed > atp->max_mem_usage) {
            sprintf(buf, "working set size > workunit.rsc_memory_bound: %.2fMB > %.2fMB",
                atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed/MEGA, atp->max_mem_usage/MEGA
            msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,
                "Aborting task %s: %s",
                atp->result->name, buf
            atp->abort_task(EXIT_MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, buf);
            did_anything = true;
        if (atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed > max_ram) {
            sprintf(buf, "working set size > client RAM limit: %.2fMB > %.2fMB",
                atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed/MEGA, max_ram/MEGA
            msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,
                "Aborting task %s: %s",
                atp->result->name, buf
            atp->abort_task(EXIT_MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, buf);
            did_anything = true;
        if (do_disk_check || atp->peak_disk_usage == 0) {
            if (atp->check_max_disk_exceeded()) {
                did_anything = true;

        // don't count RAM usage of non-CPU-intensive jobs
        if (!atp->result->non_cpu_intensive()) {
            ram_left -= atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed;
    if (ram_left < 0) {
        gstate.request_schedule_cpus("RAM usage limit exceeded");
    if (do_disk_check) {
        last_disk_check_time = gstate.now;
    return did_anything;
