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C++ ACE_TString::rfind方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中ACE_TString::rfind方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACE_TString::rfind方法的具体用法?C++ ACE_TString::rfind怎么用?C++ ACE_TString::rfind使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ACE_TString的用法示例。



File::File(const ACE_TString& fname_phys, const ACE_TString& logical,
           Directory* parent)
  : physical_file_()
  , physical_dir_()
  , logical_relative_(logical)
  , parent_(parent, false)
  String_Index_t last_slash = fname_phys.rfind(ACE_TEXT('/'));

  if (last_slash == ACE_TString::npos) {
    physical_file_ = fname_phys;
    physical_dir_ = ACE_TEXT(".");

  } else {
    physical_file_ = fname_phys.c_str() + last_slash + 1;
    physical_dir_.set(fname_phys.c_str(), last_slash, true);

示例2: base

ACE_DLL_Handle::get_dll_names (const ACE_TCHAR *dll_name,
                               ACE_Array<ACE_TString> &try_names)
  // Build the array of DLL names to try on this platform by applying the
  // proper prefixes and/or suffixes to the specified dll_name.
  ACE_TString base (dll_name);
  ACE_TString base_dir, base_file, base_suffix;

  // 1. Separate the dll_name into the dir part and the file part. We
  // only decorate the file part to determine the names to try loading.
  ACE_TString::size_type pos = base.rfind (ACE_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
  if (pos != ACE_TString::npos)
      base_dir = base.substr (0, pos + 1);
      base_file = base.substr (pos + 1);
    base_file = base;

  // 2. Locate the file suffix, if there is one. Move the '.' and the
  // suffix to base_suffix.
  if ((pos = base_file.rfind (ACE_TEXT ('.'))) != ACE_TString::npos)
      base_suffix = base_file.substr (pos);
      base_file = base_file.substr (0, pos);

  // 3. Build the combinations to try for this platform.
  // Try these combinations:
  //   - name with decorator and platform's suffix appended (if not supplied)
  //   - name with platform's suffix appended (if not supplied)
  //   - name with platform's dll prefix (if it has one) and suffix
  //   - name with platform's dll prefix, decorator, and suffix.
  //   - name as originally given
  // We first try to find the file using the decorator so that when a
  // filename with and without decorator is used, we get the file with
  // the same decorator as the ACE dll has and then as last resort
  // the one without. For example with msvc, the debug build has a "d"
  // decorator, but the release build has none and we really want to get
  // the debug version of the library in a debug application instead
  // of the release one.
  // So we need room for 5 entries in try_names.
  try_names.size (0);
  if ((try_names.max_size () - try_names.size ()) < 5)
    try_names.max_size (try_names.max_size () + 5);
#if defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR) && !defined (ACE_DISABLE_DEBUG_DLL_CHECK)
  ACE_TString decorator (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR);
  ACE_TString suffix (ACE_DLL_SUFFIX);
  ACE_TString prefix (ACE_DLL_PREFIX);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < 5 && try_names.size () < try_names.max_size (); ++i)
      ACE_TString try_this;
      size_t j = try_names.size ();
      switch (i)
        case 0:        // Name + decorator + suffix
        case 1:        // Name + suffix
        case 2:        // Prefix + name + decorator + suffix
        case 3:        // Prefix + name + suffix
          if (
              base_suffix.length () > 0
#if !(defined(ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR) && !defined (ACE_DISABLE_DEBUG_DLL_CHECK))
              || (i == 1 || i == 3)    // No decorator desired; skip
          try_this = base_dir;
          if (i > 1)
            try_this += prefix;
          try_this += base_file;
          if (base_suffix.length () > 0)
            try_this += base_suffix;
#if defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR) && !defined (ACE_DISABLE_DEBUG_DLL_CHECK)
              try_this += decorator;
              try_this += suffix;
        case 4:
          try_this = dll_name;

      if (try_this.length ())
          try_names.size (j + 1);
          try_names.set (try_this, j);

示例3: base

ACE_DLL_Handle::get_dll_names (const ACE_TCHAR *dll_name,
                               ACE_Array<ACE_TString> &try_names)
  // Build the array of DLL names to try on this platform by applying the
  // proper prefixes and/or suffixes to the specified dll_name.
  ACE_TString base (dll_name);
  ACE_TString base_dir, base_file, base_suffix;

  // 1. Separate the dll_name into the dir part and the file part. We
  // only decorate the file part to determine the names to try loading.
  int pos = base.rfind (ACE_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
  if (pos != ACE_TString::npos)
      base_dir = base.substr (0, static_cast<ssize_t>(pos) + 1);
      base_file = base.substr (static_cast<size_t>(pos) + 1);
    base_file = base;

  // 2. Locate the file suffix, if there is one. Move the '.' and the
  // suffix to base_suffix.
  if ((pos = base_file.rfind (ACE_LIB_TEXT ('.'))) != ACE_TString::npos)
      base_suffix = base_file.substr (static_cast<size_t>(pos));
      base_file = base_file.substr (0, static_cast<ssize_t>(pos));

  // 3. Build the combinations to try for this platform.
  // Try these combinations:
  //   - name as originally given
  //   - name with decorator and platform's suffix appended (if not supplied)
  //   - name with platform's suffix appended (if not supplied)
  //   - name with platform's dll prefix (if it has one) and suffix
  //   - name with platform's dll prefix, decorator, and suffix.
  // So we need room for 5 entries in try_names.
  try_names.size (0);
  if ((try_names.max_size () - try_names.size ()) < 5)
    try_names.max_size (try_names.max_size () + 5);
#if defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR) && !defined (ACE_DISABLE_DEBUG_DLL_CHECK)
  ACE_TString decorator (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR);
  ACE_TString suffix (ACE_DLL_SUFFIX);
  ACE_TString prefix (ACE_DLL_PREFIX);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < 5 && try_names.size () < try_names.max_size (); ++i)
      ACE_TString try_this;
      size_t j = try_names.size ();
      switch (i)
        case 0:
          try_this = dll_name;

        case 1:        // Name + decorator + suffix
        case 2:        // Name + suffix
        case 3:        // Prefix + name + decorator + suffix
        case 4:        // Prefix + name + suffix
          if (
              base_suffix.length () > 0
#if !(defined(ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR) && !defined (ACE_DISABLE_DEBUG_DLL_CHECK))
              || (i == 2 || i == 4)    // No decorator desired; skip
          try_this = base_dir;
          if (i > 2)
            try_this += prefix;
          try_this += base_file;
          if (base_suffix.length () > 0)
            try_this += base_suffix;
#if defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LD_DECORATOR_STR) && !defined (ACE_DISABLE_DEBUG_DLL_CHECK)
              try_this += decorator;
              try_this += suffix;

      if (try_this.length ())
          try_names.size (j + 1);
          try_names.set (try_this, j);

示例4: ExtractProperties

    int ExtractProperties(const ACE_TString& input, mstrings_t& properties)
        TTASSERT(input.find('\n') == input.rfind('\n'));

        bool bSyntaxError = false;
        if( input.length() == 0 )
            bSyntaxError = true;

        size_t offset = input.find(' ');//past command
        if(offset == ACE_TString::npos)
            return 0;

        while(offset < input.length() && !bSyntaxError)
            //past any spaces
            offset = pastBlanks(offset, input);
            if(offset == input.length())

            size_t propBegin = offset;
            ACE_TString prop;
            ACE_TString value;
            while(offset < input.length()) //extract property name
                if( input[offset] != ' ' && input[offset] != '=') offset ++;
                else break;
            if(offset == input.length())
                bSyntaxError = true; //no properties in ACE_TString

            prop = input.substr(propBegin, offset-propBegin); //set propertyname
            TTASSERT(properties.find(prop) == properties.end());
            offset = pastBlanks(offset, input); //past spaces
            if(offset == input.length())
                bSyntaxError = true;
            if(input[offset] != '=')
                bSyntaxError = true;
            else offset ++; //past =

            offset = pastBlanks(offset, input); //past spaces
            if(offset == input.length())
                bSyntaxError = true;

            //determine whether it's a string or an integer
            if(input[offset] == '"') //a ACE_TString
                bool found = false;
                size_t strBegin = ++offset; //past "
                while(!found && offset<input.length())
                    if(input[offset]==ACE_TEXT('\"') && input[offset-1] != ACE_TEXT('\\')) found = true;
                    if(input[offset] == '\\')
                        offset += 2;
                    else if(input[offset] == '"')
                        found = true;

                    bSyntaxError = true;

                value = input.substr(strBegin, offset-strBegin-1);
                offset ++; //past \"

                properties[prop] = RebuildString(value);
                //properties.SetAt(prop, RebuildString(value));
            else if(input[offset] == '[') // an int list
                bool found = false;
                size_t listBegin = ++offset; //past "
                while(!found && offset<input.length())
                    if(input[offset] == ']') found = true;
