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C++ ACE_Process_Options::get_thread_attributes方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中ACE_Process_Options::get_thread_attributes方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACE_Process_Options::get_thread_attributes方法的具体用法?C++ ACE_Process_Options::get_thread_attributes怎么用?C++ ACE_Process_Options::get_thread_attributes使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ACE_Process_Options的用法示例。


示例1: if

ACE_Process::spawn (ACE_Process_Options &options)
  if (this->prepare (options) < 0)
    return ACE_INVALID_PID;

  // Stash the passed/duped handle sets away in this object for later
  // closing if needed or requested. At the same time, figure out which
  // ones to include in command line options if that's needed below.
  ACE_Handle_Set *set_p = 0;
  if (options.dup_handles (this->dup_handles_))
    set_p = &this->dup_handles_;
  else if (options.passed_handles (this->handles_passed_))
    set_p = &this->handles_passed_;

  // If we are going to end up running a new program (i.e. Win32, or
  // NO_EXEC option is set) then get any handles passed in the options,
  // and tack them onto the command line with +H <handle> options,
  // unless the command line runs out of space.
  // Note that we're using the knowledge that all the options, argvs, etc.
  // passed to the options are all sitting in the command_line_buf. Any
  // call to get the argv then splits them out. So, regardless of the
  // platform, tack them all onto the command line buf and take it
  // from there.
  if (set_p && !ACE_BIT_ENABLED (options.creation_flags (),
      int maxlen = 0;
      ACE_TCHAR *cmd_line_buf = options.command_line_buf (&maxlen);
      size_t max_len = static_cast<size_t> (maxlen);
      size_t curr_len = ACE_OS::strlen (cmd_line_buf);
      ACE_Handle_Set_Iterator h_iter (*set_p);
      // Because the length of the to-be-formatted +H option is not
      // known, and we don't have a snprintf, guess at the space
      // needed (20 chars), and use that as a limit.
      for (ACE_HANDLE h = h_iter ();
           h != ACE_INVALID_HANDLE && curr_len + 20 < max_len;
           h = h_iter ())
#if defined (ACE_WIN32)
# if defined (ACE_WIN64)
          curr_len += ACE_OS::sprintf (&cmd_line_buf[curr_len],
                                       ACE_TEXT (" +H %I64p"),
# else
          curr_len += ACE_OS::sprintf (&cmd_line_buf[curr_len],
                                       ACE_TEXT (" +H %p"),
# endif  /* ACE_WIN64 */
          curr_len += ACE_OS::sprintf (&cmd_line_buf[curr_len],
                                       ACE_TEXT (" +H %d"),
#endif /* ACE_WIN32 */

#if defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE)
  // Note that WinCE does not have process name included in the command line as argv[0]
  // like other OS environment.  Therefore, it is user's whole responsibility to call
  // 'ACE_Process_Options::process_name(const ACE_TCHAR *name)' to set the proper
  // process name (the execution file name with path if needed).
  BOOL fork_result =
    ACE_TEXT_CreateProcess (options.process_name(),
                            options.get_process_attributes(),  // must be NULL in CE
                            options.get_thread_attributes(),   // must be NULL in CE
                            options.handle_inheritance(),      // must be false in CE
                            options.creation_flags(),          // must be NULL in CE
                            options.env_buf(),                 // environment variables, must be NULL in CE
                            options.working_directory(),       // must be NULL in CE
                            options.startup_info(),            // must be NULL in CE

  if (fork_result)
      parent (this->getpid ());
      return this->getpid ();

#elif defined (ACE_WIN32)
  void* env_buf = options.env_buf ();
  DWORD flags = options.creation_flags ();
# if defined (ACE_HAS_WCHAR) && !defined (ACE_USES_WCHAR)
  wchar_t* wenv_buf = 0;
  if (options.use_unicode_environment ())
      wenv_buf = this->convert_env_buffer (options.env_buf ());
      env_buf = wenv_buf;
# endif

  BOOL fork_result =
    ACE_TEXT_CreateProcess (0,
                            options.command_line_buf (),
                            options.get_process_attributes (),
                            options.get_thread_attributes (),
                            options.handle_inheritance (),
