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C++ AArch64FunctionInfo::setStackRealigned方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AArch64FunctionInfo::setStackRealigned方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AArch64FunctionInfo::setStackRealigned方法的具体用法?C++ AArch64FunctionInfo::setStackRealigned怎么用?C++ AArch64FunctionInfo::setStackRealigned使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AArch64FunctionInfo的用法示例。


示例1: hasFP

    if (NeedsRealignment) {
      scratchSPReg = findScratchNonCalleeSaveRegister(&MBB);
      assert(scratchSPReg != AArch64::NoRegister);

    // If we're a leaf function, try using the red zone.
    if (!canUseRedZone(MF))
      // FIXME: in the case of dynamic re-alignment, NumBytes doesn't have
      // the correct value here, as NumBytes also includes padding bytes,
      // which shouldn't be counted here.
      emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, scratchSPReg, AArch64::SP, -NumBytes, TII,

    if (NeedsRealignment) {
      const unsigned Alignment = MFI->getMaxAlignment();
      const unsigned NrBitsToZero = countTrailingZeros(Alignment);
      assert(NrBitsToZero > 1);
      assert(scratchSPReg != AArch64::SP);

      // SUB X9, SP, NumBytes
      //   -- X9 is temporary register, so shouldn't contain any live data here,
      //   -- free to use. This is already produced by emitFrameOffset above.
      // AND SP, X9, 0b11111...0000
      // The logical immediates have a non-trivial encoding. The following
      // formula computes the encoded immediate with all ones but
      // NrBitsToZero zero bits as least significant bits.
      uint32_t andMaskEncoded = (1 << 12)                         // = N
                                | ((64 - NrBitsToZero) << 6)      // immr
                                | ((64 - NrBitsToZero - 1) << 0); // imms

      BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::ANDXri), AArch64::SP)
          .addReg(scratchSPReg, RegState::Kill)

  // If we need a base pointer, set it up here. It's whatever the value of the
  // stack pointer is at this point. Any variable size objects will be allocated
  // after this, so we can still use the base pointer to reference locals.
  // FIXME: Clarify FrameSetup flags here.
  // Note: Use emitFrameOffset() like above for FP if the FrameSetup flag is
  // needed.
  if (RegInfo->hasBasePointer(MF)) {
    TII->copyPhysReg(MBB, MBBI, DL, RegInfo->getBaseRegister(), AArch64::SP,

  if (needsFrameMoves) {
    const DataLayout &TD = MF.getDataLayout();
    const int StackGrowth = -TD.getPointerSize(0);
    unsigned FramePtr = RegInfo->getFrameRegister(MF);
    // An example of the prologue:
    //     .globl __foo
    //     .align 2
    //  __foo:
    // Ltmp0:
    //     .cfi_startproc
    //     .cfi_personality 155, ___gxx_personality_v0
    // Leh_func_begin:
    //     .cfi_lsda 16, Lexception33
    //     stp  xa,bx, [sp, -#offset]!
    //     ...
