本文整理汇总了C++中x0函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ x0函数的具体用法?C++ x0怎么用?C++ x0使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: MatrizRes
LinAlg::Matrix<float> SistemasLineares::GaussJacobi(LinAlg::Matrix<float> MatrizUni, unsigned MaxIterations)
//Matriz Resposta
LinAlg::Matrix<float> MatrizRes(MaxIterations, MatrizUni.getNumberOfColumns());
LinAlg::Matrix<float> C (MatrizUni.getNumberOfRows(), MatrizUni.getNumberOfColumns() - 1);
LinAlg::Matrix<float> g (MatrizUni.getNumberOfRows(), 1);
LinAlg::Matrix<float> x0(C.getNumberOfColumns(), 1);
// //Deixa o vetor de chute inicial padronizado como vetor linha
if(this->X0.getNumberOfColumns() < this->X0.getNumberOfRows())
// //Insere o chute inicial na Matriz resposta
for(unsigned i = 1; i < MatrizRes.getNumberOfColumns() - 1; ++i)
x0(1,i) = this->X0(1,i);
//Laço para contar as linhas da MatrizUni e Matriz C.
for(unsigned i = 1; i <= MatrizUni.getNumberOfRows(); ++i)
{ //Laço para contar as colunas da MAtrizUni e Matriz C.
for(unsigned j = 1; j < MatrizUni.getNumberOfColumns(); ++j)
if(i != j)
C(i,j) = - MatrizUni(i,j)/MatrizUni(i,i);//Matriz com a diagonal zerada.
g(i,1) = MatrizUni(i,MatrizUni.getNumberOfColumns()) / MatrizUni(i,i);//Matriz dos termos independentes.
MatrizRes = ~x0;
for(unsigned k = 1; k < MaxIterations; ++k)
x0 = (C * x0) + g;
MatrizRes = MatrizRes || ~x0;
return MatrizRes;
示例2: x0
void CVMath::setupMatrixM1()
Line r1 = Points::getInstance().getR1();
Line r2 = Points::getInstance().getR2();
Line r3 = Points::getInstance().getR3();
Line r4 = Points::getInstance().getR4();
l0 << r1.x, r1.y, r1.z;
l1 << r2.x, r2.y, r2.z;
l2 << r3.x, r3.y, r3.z;
l3 << r4.x, r4.y, r4.z;
x0 = l0.cross(l1);
x0 << x0(0)/x0(2), x0(1)/x0(2), 1;
x1 = l2.cross(l3);
x1 << x1(0)/x1(2), x1(1)/x1(2), 1;
l = x0.cross(x1);
Hp = MatrixXd(3, 3);
Hp << 1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
l(0), l(1), l(2);
std::cout << Hp << std::endl;
Vector3d l0;
Vector3d l1;
Hp_INV = MatrixXd(3, 3);
Hp_INV = Hp.inverse().eval();
std::cout << Hp_INV << std::endl;
示例3: Initialize
Vector Initialize()
Vector x0(3, 0.0);
x0(0) = 10000;
return x0;
示例4: print
void MyWidget::process()
variant = ui->comboBox->currentIndex();
print(QString("Variant %1").arg(variant));
print(QString("[%1; %2]").arg(x0(), 0, 'g', 5).arg(xFinish(), 0, 'g', 3));
qreal x = x0(), y = y0(), z = z0();
for (int i = 1; x < xFinish() || qFuzzyCompare(x, xFinish()); ++i)
qreal k1 = h() * f(x, y, z);
qreal q1 = h() * g(x, y, z);
qreal k2 = h() * f(x + h() / 2.0, y + k1 / 2.0, z + q1 / 2.0);
qreal q2 = h() * g(x + h() / 2.0, y + k1 / 2.0, z + q1 / 2.0);
qreal k3 = h() * f(x + h() / 2.0, y + k2 / 2.0, z + q2 / 2.0);
qreal q3 = h() * g(x + h() / 2.0, y + k2 / 2.0, z + q2 / 2.0);
qreal k4 = h() * f(x + h(), y + k3, z + q3);
qreal q4 = h() * g(x + h(), y + k3, z + q3);
print(QString("y(%1) = %2").arg(x, 0, 'g', 5).arg(y, 0, 'g', 5));
print(QString("y_ex(%1) = %2").arg(x, 0, 'g',5).arg(yt(x), 0, 'g', 5));
print(QString("error(%1) = %2").arg(x, 0, 'g',5).arg(ypo(y, x), 0, 'g', 5));
x += h();
y += (k1 + 2.0 * k2 + 2.0 * k3 + k4) / 6.0;
z += (q1 + 2.0 * q2 + 2.0 * q3 + q4) / 6.0;
示例5: tx
void FoncATrou_OPB_Comp<Type>::calc_buf
INT ** output,
INT *** input
for (INT d= 0; d<dim_out() ; d++)
INT a0 = _cpt[ycur()];
INT a1 = _cpt[ycur()+1];
for (INT a=a0 ; a<a1 ; a++)
INT x = _tx[a];
for (INT d= 0; d<dim_out() ; d++)
output[d][x] = _v[d][a];
示例6: halfTest
void xRungeKutta4 :: halfTest (void)
gpstk::Matrix<double> x0(2,1), truncError(2,1);
x0(0,0) = 0.001; // Initial angle in radians
x0(1,0) = 0.0; // Initial angular velocity in radians/second
PendulumIntegrator pModel(x0,0.);
double g = 9.81, L = 1.0;
double deltaT = .00001; // Step size in seconds for integrator
double time = 0;
double Nper = 2.5; // number of periods
double addError = 0; //Total Error for angle
double addDotError = 0; //Total Error for rate of change in angle
long count = 0;
while (pModel.getTime() < Nper * (2*3.14159265/sqrt(g/L)))
addError += fabs(truncError(0,0));
addDotError += fabs(truncError(1,0));
示例7: nnls_solver
mat nnls_solver(const mat & H, mat mu, const umat & mask, int max_iter, double rel_tol, int n_threads)
* Description: sequential Coordinate-wise algorithm for non-negative least square regression problem
* A x = b, s.t. x[!m] >= 0, x[m] == 0
* Arguments:
* H : A^T * A
* mu : -A^T * b
* mask : a mask matrix (m) of same dim of x
* max_iter : maximum number of iterations
* rel_tol : stop criterion, minimum change on x between two successive iteration
* n_threads : number of threads
* Return:
* x : solution to argmin_{x, x>=0} ||Ax - b||_F^2
* Reference:
* http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/ftp/articles/franc/Franc-TR-2005-06.pdf
* Author:
* Eric Xihui Lin <[email protected]>
* Version:
* 2015-11-16
mat x(H.n_cols, mu.n_cols, fill::zeros);
if (n_threads < 0) n_threads = 0;
bool is_masked = !mask.empty();
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(n_threads) schedule(dynamic)
for (int j = 0; j < mu.n_cols; j++)
if (is_masked && arma::all(mask.col(j)))
vec x0(H.n_cols);
// x0.fill(-9999);
double tmp;
int i = 0;
double err1, err2 = 9999;
do {
// break if all entries of col_j are masked
x0 = x.col(j);
err1 = err2;
err2 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < H.n_cols; k++)
if (is_masked && mask(k,j) > 0) continue;
tmp = x(k,j) - mu(k,j) / H(k,k);
if (tmp < 0) tmp = 0;
if (tmp != x(k,j))
mu.col(j) += (tmp - x(k,j)) * H.col(k);
x(k,j) = tmp;
tmp = std::abs(x(k,j) - x0(k));
if (tmp > err2) err2 = tmp;
} while(++i < max_iter && std::abs(err1 - err2) / (err1 + 1e-9) > rel_tol);
return x;
示例8: Initialize
Vector Initialize()
Vector x0(3, 0.0);
x0(0) = 400;
x0(1) = 798;
return x0;
示例9: x0
void MinimizerThread::run()
boost::numeric::ublas::vector< double > x0(2);
x0(0) = x0_;
x0(1) = y0_;
NativeSolver *nativeSolver = dynamic_cast< NativeSolver * >(solver_);
if(C_ != NULL)
solver_->setup(*objFunc_, x0, Solver::DefaultSetup(), *C_);
solver_->setup(*objFunc_, x0, Solver::DefaultSetup(), NoConstraints());
if(nativeSolver->getM() > 1)
unsigned int nIter = 0;
NativeSolver::IterationStatus status = NativeSolver::ITERATION_CONTINUE;
while(status == NativeSolver::ITERATION_CONTINUE &&
(nativeSolver->hasBuiltInStoppingCriterion() ||
!stopCrit_->test(*nativeSolver)) &&
nIter < 10000 && !terminationFlag_)
status = nativeSolver->iterate();
if(nativeSolver->getM() > 1)
results_.xMin = nativeSolver->getX()[0];
results_.yMin = nativeSolver->getX()[1];
results_.fMin = nativeSolver->getFVal();
results_.numIter = nativeSolver->getNumIter();
results_.numFuncEval = nativeSolver->getNumFuncEval();
results_.numGradEval = nativeSolver->getNumGradEval();
// TODO: stopping criterion for LMBM?
boost::shared_ptr< Solver::Results > results =
solver_->solve(*objFunc_, x0, GradNormTest(1e-8));
results_.xMin = results->xMin[0];
results_.yMin = results->xMin[1];
results_.fMin = results->fMin;
results_.numIter = results->numIter;
results_.numFuncEval = results->numFuncEval;
results_.numGradEval = results->numGradEval;
//results_.iterates = results->iterates; // TODO: iterates?
示例10: usageExample
// Our verification program simply instantiate several 'MyGenericContainer'
// templates with the two test types above, and checks that the allocator
// slot is as expected:
int usageExample()
bslma::TestAllocator ta0;
bslma::TestAllocator ta1;
// With 'MyTestTypeWithNoBslmaAllocatorTraits', the slot should never be set.
MyTestTypeWithNoBslmaAllocatorTraits x;
allocSlot = &ta0;
MyGenericContainer<MyTestTypeWithNoBslmaAllocatorTraits> x0(x);
ASSERT(&ta0 == allocSlot);
allocSlot = &ta0;
MyGenericContainer<MyTestTypeWithNoBslmaAllocatorTraits> x1(x, &ta1);
ASSERT(&ta0 == allocSlot);
// With 'MyTestTypeWithBslmaAllocatorTraits', the slot should be set to the
// allocator argument, or to 0 if not specified:
MyTestTypeWithBslmaAllocatorTraits y;
allocSlot = &ta0;
MyGenericContainer<MyTestTypeWithBslmaAllocatorTraits> y0(y);
ASSERT(0 == allocSlot);
allocSlot = &ta0;
MyGenericContainer<MyTestTypeWithBslmaAllocatorTraits> y1(y, &ta1);
ASSERT(&ta1 == allocSlot);
return 0;
示例11: x0
void Bidomain::DoOdeRhs(
const Array<OneD, const Array<OneD, NekDouble> >&inarray,
Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> >&outarray,
const NekDouble time)
int nq = m_fields[0]->GetNpoints();
m_cell->TimeIntegrate(inarray, outarray, time);
if (m_stimDuration > 0 && time < m_stimDuration)
Array<OneD,NekDouble> x0(nq);
Array<OneD,NekDouble> x1(nq);
Array<OneD,NekDouble> x2(nq);
Array<OneD,NekDouble> result(nq);
// get the coordinates
LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ifunc
= m_session->GetFunction("Stimulus", "u");
ifunc->Evaluate(x0,x1,x2,time, result);
Vmath::Vadd(nq, outarray[0], 1, result, 1, outarray[0], 1);
Vmath::Smul(nq, 1.0/m_capMembrane, outarray[0], 1, outarray[0], 1);
示例12: x0
void MainWindow::plot3(QCustomPlot *customPlot)
QVector<double> x0(pts), y0(pts);
double y_inc = 1.0;
for (int i=0; i<pts; ++i) {
x0[i] = (double)0.5*i/pts;
y0[i] = y_inc*(w[i]);
customPlot->graph()->setData(x0, y0);
customPlot->graph()->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssNone); // (QCP::ScatterStyle)(rand()%9+1));
QPen graphPen;
// customPlot->setInteraction(QCustomPlot::iSelectPlottables);
示例13: ext
QgsLineString *QgsMapToolAddRectangle::rectangleToLinestring( const bool isOriented ) const
std::unique_ptr<QgsLineString> ext( new QgsLineString() );
if ( mRectangle.isEmpty() )
return ext.release();
QgsPoint x0( mRectangle.xMinimum(), mRectangle.yMinimum() );
QgsPoint x1, x2, x3;
if ( isOriented )
const double perpendicular = 90.0 * mSide;
x1 = x0.project( mDistance1, mAzimuth );
x3 = x0.project( mDistance2, mAzimuth + perpendicular );
x2 = x1.project( mDistance2, mAzimuth + perpendicular );
x1 = QgsPoint( mRectangle.xMinimum(), mRectangle.yMaximum() );
x2 = QgsPoint( mRectangle.xMaximum(), mRectangle.yMaximum() );
x3 = QgsPoint( mRectangle.xMaximum(), mRectangle.yMinimum() );
ext->addVertex( x0 );
ext->addVertex( x1 );
ext->addVertex( x2 );
ext->addVertex( x3 );
ext->addVertex( x0 );
return ext.release();
示例14: r
boost::variate_generator<RNG&, boost::uniform_real<Float_t> > r(_rng, boost::uniform_real<Float_t>(-1,1));
Parameter result;
Float_t factor=4;
Float_t maxpos=0.1*factor;
Float_t maxang=osg::PI/45*factor;
result._pos=Vec3_t(r(), r(), r())*maxpos;
} while (result._pos.length()>maxpos);
boost::variate_generator<RNG&, boost::uniform_real<Float_t> > rsimple(_rng, boost::uniform_real<Float_t>(0,1));
Float_t x0(rsimple());
Float_t t1(2*osg::PI*rsimple()), t2(2*osg::PI*rsimple());
Float_t s1(sin(t1)), s2(sin(t2)), c1(cos(t1)), c2(cos(t2));
Float_t r1(sqrt(1-x0)), r2(sqrt(x0));
Quat_t randomori=Quat_t(s1*r1, c1*r1, s2*r2, c2*r2);
result._ori.slerp(maxang, Quat_t(), randomori);
Quat_t temp=par._ori*result._ori;
// bond rotatio
for (unsigned int i=0; i!=_fit->RotCount(); ++i)
return result;
示例15: gauss
int gauss(dvec& x, dvec& w) {
int n = x.size();
double dist = 1;
double tol = 1e-15;
int iter = 0;
// Use Chebyshev-Gauss nodes and initial guess
// chebnodes(x);
dvec x0(x);
dvec L(n,0.0);
dvec Lp(n,0.0);
dvec a(n,0.0);
dvec b(n,0.0);
// Iteratively correct nodes with Newton's method
while(dist>tol) {
dist = dist_max(x,x0);
x0 = x;
// Compute Weights
for(int i=0;i<n;++i){
w[i] = 2.0/((1-x[i]*x[i])*(Lp[i]*Lp[i]));
return iter;