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C++ slotIntVal函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中slotIntVal函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ slotIntVal函数的具体用法?C++ slotIntVal怎么用?C++ slotIntVal使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: prHIDDequeueElement

int prHIDDequeueElement(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)

	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2; //class
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1; //locID device
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp; //element cookie
	int locID, cookieNum;
	int err = slotIntVal(b, &locID);
	if (err) return err;
	err = slotIntVal(c, &cookieNum);
	if (err) return err;
	IOHIDElementCookie cookie = (IOHIDElementCookie) cookieNum;
	//look for the right device:
    pRecDevice  pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
	while (pCurrentHIDDevice && (pCurrentHIDDevice->locID !=locID))
        pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pCurrentHIDDevice);
	if(!pCurrentHIDDevice) return errFailed;
	//look for the right element:
	pRecElement pCurrentHIDElement =  HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeAll);
    while (pCurrentHIDElement && (pCurrentHIDElement->cookie != cookie))
        pCurrentHIDElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pCurrentHIDElement, kHIDElementTypeAll);
	if(!pCurrentHIDElement) return errFailed;
	HIDDequeueElement(pCurrentHIDDevice, pCurrentHIDElement);
	return errNone;

示例2: prConnectMIDIIn

int prConnectMIDIIn(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	//PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;

	int err, inputIndex, uid;
	err = slotIntVal(b, &inputIndex);
	if (err) return errWrongType;
	if (inputIndex < 0 || inputIndex >= gNumMIDIInPorts) return errIndexOutOfRange;

	err = slotIntVal(c, &uid);
	if (err) return errWrongType;

    size_t uid_t = uid;
	MIDIEndpointRef src=0;
	MIDIObjectType mtype;
	MIDIObjectFindByUniqueID(uid, (MIDIObjectRef*)&src, &mtype);
	if (mtype != kMIDIObjectType_Source) return errFailed;

	//pass the uid to the midiReadProc to identify the src

	MIDIPortConnectSource(gMIDIInPort[inputIndex], src, (void*)uid_t);

	return errNone;

示例3: prHIDGetValue

int prHIDGetValue(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2; //class
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1; //locID device
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp; //element cookie
	int locID, cookieNum;
	int err = slotIntVal(b, &locID);
	if (err) return err;
	err = slotIntVal(c, &cookieNum);
	if (err) return err;
	IOHIDElementCookie cookie = (IOHIDElementCookie) cookieNum;
	//look for the right device:
    pRecDevice  pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
	while (pCurrentHIDDevice && (pCurrentHIDDevice->locID !=locID))
        pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pCurrentHIDDevice);
	if(!pCurrentHIDDevice) return errFailed;
	//look for the right element:
	pRecElement pCurrentHIDElement =  HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeAll);
	// use gElementCookie to find current element
    while (pCurrentHIDElement && (pCurrentHIDElement->cookie != cookie))
        pCurrentHIDElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pCurrentHIDElement, kHIDElementTypeAll);

	if (pCurrentHIDElement)
		SInt32 value = HIDGetElementValue (pCurrentHIDDevice, pCurrentHIDElement);
		 // if it's not a button and it's not a hatswitch then calibrate
		if(( pCurrentHIDElement->type != kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button ) &&
			( pCurrentHIDElement->usagePage == 0x01 && pCurrentHIDElement->usage != kHIDUsage_GD_Hatswitch))
			value = HIDCalibrateValue ( value, pCurrentHIDElement );
		SetInt(a, value);
	else SetNil(a);
	return errNone;


示例4: ScIDE_SetDocSelectionMirror

int ScIDE_SetDocSelectionMirror(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
    if (!gIpcClient) {
        error("ScIDE not connected\n");
        return errFailed;
    PyrSlot * docIDSlot = g->sp - 2;
    char id[255];
    if (slotStrVal( docIDSlot, id, 255 ))
        return errWrongType;
    int start, range, err = errNone;
    PyrSlot * startSlot = g->sp-1;
    err = slotIntVal(startSlot, &start);
    if (err) return err;
    PyrSlot * rangeSlot = g->sp;
    err = slotIntVal(rangeSlot, &range);
    if (err) return err;
    QByteArray key = QByteArray(id);
    gIpcClient->setSelectionMirrorForDocument(key, start, range);
    return errNone;

示例5: ScIDE_GetDocTextMirror

int ScIDE_GetDocTextMirror(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
    if (!gIpcClient) {
        error("ScIDE not connected\n");
        return errFailed;
    PyrSlot * returnSlot = g->sp - numArgsPushed + 1;
    PyrSlot * docIDSlot = g->sp - 2;
    char id[255];
    if (slotStrVal( docIDSlot, id, 255 ))
        return errWrongType;
    int pos, range, err = errNone;
    PyrSlot * posSlot = g->sp-1;
    err = slotIntVal(posSlot, &pos);
    if (err) return err;
    PyrSlot * rangeSlot = g->sp;
    err = slotIntVal(rangeSlot, &range);
    if (err) return err;
    QByteArray key = QByteArray(id);
    QString docText = gIpcClient->getTextMirrorForDocument(key, pos, range);
    PyrString* pyrString = newPyrString(g->gc, docText.toLatin1().constData(), 0, true);
    SetObject(returnSlot, pyrString);

    return errNone;

示例6: prConnectMIDIIn

int prConnectMIDIIn(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	ScopeMutexLock mulo(&gPmStreamMutex);

	//PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;

	int err, inputIndex, uid;
	err = slotIntVal(b, &inputIndex);
	if (err) return errWrongType;
	if (inputIndex < 0 || inputIndex >= gNumMIDIInPorts) 
	return errIndexOutOfRange;

	err = slotIntVal(c, &uid);
	if (err) 
	return errWrongType;

	PmStream* inStream = NULL;
	int pmdid = gMidiInputIndexToPmDevIndex[uid];

	PmError pmerr = Pm_OpenInput( &inStream, pmdid, 

	if(pmerr != pmNoError)
	return errFailed;

	gMIDIInStreams[uid] = inStream;
	return errNone;

示例7: prSignalFade

int prSignalFade(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a, *b, *c, *d, *e;
	int err;
	int start, end;
	float lvl0, lvl1;

	a = g->sp - 4;
	b = g->sp - 3;
	c = g->sp - 2;
	d = g->sp - 1;
	e = g->sp;

	err = slotIntVal(b, &start);
	if (err) {
		if (IsNil(b)) start = 0;
		else return err;

	err = slotIntVal(c, &end);
	if (err) {
		if (IsNil(c)) end = slotRawObject(a)->size;
		else return err;

	err = slotFloatVal(d, &lvl0);
	if (err) return err;

	err = slotFloatVal(e, &lvl1);
	if (err) return err;

	signal_fade_range(slotRawObject(a), start, end, lvl0, lvl1);
	return errNone;

示例8: prHIDSetValue

int prHIDSetValue(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 3; //class
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 2; //locID
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp - 1; //element device
	PyrSlot *d = g->sp; //value cookie
	int locID, cookieNum, value;
	int err = slotIntVal(b, &locID);
	if (err) return err;
	err = slotIntVal(c, &cookieNum);
	if (err) return err;
	IOHIDElementCookie cookie = (IOHIDElementCookie) cookieNum;
	err = slotIntVal(d, &value);
	if (err) return err;
	//look for the right device:
    pRecDevice  pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
	while (pCurrentHIDDevice && (pCurrentHIDDevice->locID !=locID))
        pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pCurrentHIDDevice);
	if(!pCurrentHIDDevice) return errFailed;
	//look for the right element:
	pRecElement pCurrentHIDElement =  HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeAll);
	// use gElementCookie to find current element
    while (pCurrentHIDElement && (pCurrentHIDElement->cookie != cookie))
        pCurrentHIDElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pCurrentHIDElement, kHIDElementTypeAll);
//struct IOHIDEventStruct
//    IOHIDElementType	type;
//    IOHIDElementCookie	elementCookie;
//    SInt32		value;
//    AbsoluteTime	timestamp;
//    UInt32		longValueSize;
//    void *		longValue;

	if (pCurrentHIDElement)
		IOHIDEventStruct event =
		SInt32 value = HIDSetElementValue (pCurrentHIDDevice, pCurrentHIDElement, &event);
		 // if it's not a button and it's not a hatswitch then calibrate
	//	if(( pCurrentHIDElement->type != kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button ) &&
	//		( pCurrentHIDElement->usagePage == 0x01 && pCurrentHIDElement->usage != kHIDUsage_GD_Hatswitch))
	//		value = HIDCalibrateValue ( value, pCurrentHIDElement );
		SetInt(a, value);
	else SetNil(a);
	return errNone;


示例9: prSerialPort_Open

static int prSerialPort_Open(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *args = g->sp - 1 - SerialPort::kNumOptions;

	int err;

	PyrSlot* self = args+0;

	if (getSerialPort(self) != 0)
		return errFailed;

	char portName[PATH_MAX];
	err = slotStrVal(args+1, portName, sizeof(portName));
	printf("portName %s\n", portName);
	if (err) return err;

	SerialPort::Options options;
	SerialPort* port = 0;

	options.exclusive = IsTrue(args+2);

	int baudrate;
	err = slotIntVal(args+3, &baudrate);
	if (err) return err;
	options.baudrate = baudrate;

	int databits;
	err = slotIntVal(args+4, &databits);
	if (err) return err;
	options.databits = databits;

	options.stopbit = IsTrue(args+5);

	int parity;
	err = slotIntVal(args+6, &parity);
	if (err) return err;
	options.parity = (SerialPort::Parity)parity;

	options.crtscts = IsTrue(args+7);
	options.xonxoff = IsTrue(args+8);

	try {
		port = new SerialPort(slotRawObject(self), portName, options);
	} catch (SerialPort::Error& e) {
		std::ostringstream os;
		os << "SerialPort Error: " << e.what();
		return errFailed;

	SetPtr(slotRawObject(self)->slots+0, port);

	return errNone;

示例10: prInitMIDI

int prInitMIDI(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	//PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;

	int err, numIn, numOut;
	err = slotIntVal(b, &numIn);
	if (err) return errWrongType;

	err = slotIntVal(c, &numOut);
	if (err) return errWrongType;

	return initMIDI(numIn, numOut);

示例11: prLID_GetAbsInfo

int prLID_GetAbsInfo(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot* args = g->sp - 2;
	int evtCode;
	int err;

	PyrObject* obj = SC_LID::getObject(args+0);
	if (!obj) return errWrongType;

	err = slotIntVal(args+1, &evtCode);
	if (err) return err;

	if (!isKindOfSlot(args+2, s_absInfoClass->u.classobj))
		return errWrongType;
	PyrObject* infoObj = slotRawObject(&args[2]);

	SC_LID* dev = SC_LID::getDevice(obj);
	if (!dev) return errFailed;

	struct input_absinfo info;
	err = dev->getAbsInfo(evtCode, &info);
	if (err) return err;

	SetInt(infoObj->slots+0, info.value);
	SetInt(infoObj->slots+1, info.minimum);
	SetInt(infoObj->slots+2, info.maximum);
	SetInt(infoObj->slots+3, info.fuzz);
	SetInt(infoObj->slots+4, info.flat);

	slotCopy(&args[0], &args[2]);

	return errNone;

示例12: prAllocSharedControls

int prAllocSharedControls(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	//PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp;

	if (gInternalSynthServer.mWorld) {
		post("can't allocate while internal server is running\n");
		return errNone;
	if (gInternalSynthServer.mSharedControls != gDefaultSharedControls) {
		gInternalSynthServer.mSharedControls = gDefaultSharedControls;
	int numSharedControls;
	int err = slotIntVal(b, &numSharedControls);
	if (err) return err;
	if (numSharedControls <= 0) {
		gInternalSynthServer.mNumSharedControls = 0;
	} else if (numSharedControls < kNumDefaultSharedControls) {
		gInternalSynthServer.mNumSharedControls = numSharedControls;
	} else {
		gInternalSynthServer.mNumSharedControls = numSharedControls;
		gInternalSynthServer.mSharedControls = (float*)calloc(numSharedControls, sizeof(float));
	return errNone;

示例13: prSpeakText

int prSpeakText(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed){

	OSErr theErr = noErr;
	PyrSlot *obj = g->sp-2;
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp-1;
	PyrSlot *str = g->sp;

	int chan;

	slotIntVal(a, &chan);
	chan = sc_clip(chan, 0, kMaxSpeechChannels);
	if(speechStrings[chan] != NULL) {
		post("voice %i already speaking\n", chan);
		return errNone;
	} else {
//	speechStrings[chan] = (char*)pyr_pool_compile->Alloc((a->uo->size + 1)* sizeof(char));
	speechStrings[chan] = (char*) malloc((str->uo->size + 1)* sizeof(char));

	slotStrVal(str, speechStrings[chan], str->uo->size+1);

	//if(!fCurSpeechChannel) theErr = NewSpeechChannel( NULL, &fCurSpeechChannel );
	theErr = SpeakText( fCurSpeechChannel[chan], speechStrings[chan], strlen(speechStrings[chan]));
	//should be freed only after the text was spoken!
//	todo move this bit to the callback!
//	pyr_pool_compile->Free(theTextToSpeak);
	return errNone;

示例14: prDirectory_At

int prDirectory_At(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;

	PyrSlot *dirPathSlot = slotRawObject(a)->slots + 0;
	int err, index;
	err = slotIntVal(c, &index);
	if (err) {
		return err;

	char name[256], fullPathName[256];
	int nameLength, creationDate, modificationDate, isDirectory, isVisible, sizeIfFile;
	int dirPathLength = slotRawObject(dirPathSlot)->size;

	err = dir_Lookup(slotRawObject(dirPathSlot)s->s, dirPathLength, index+1,
		name, &nameLength, &creationDate, &modificationDate, &isDirectory, &isVisible, &sizeIfFile);
	if (err == 1) {
		return errNone;
	if (err) {
		error("Invalid path\n");
		return errFailed;

	if (dirPathLength + nameLength + 1 > 255) {
		error("Full path name too long.\n");
		return errFailed;

	PyrSlot *entryName = slotRawObject(b)->slots + 0;
	PyrSlot *entryPath = slotRawObject(b)->slots + 1;
	PyrSlot *entryIsDir = slotRawObject(b)->slots + 2;
	PyrSlot *entryIsVisible = slotRawObject(b)->slots + 3;

	PyrString *nameString = newPyrString(g->gc, name, 0, true);
	SetObject(entryName, nameString);
	g->gc->GCWrite(slotRawObject(b), (PyrObject*)nameString);

	memcpy(fullPathName, slotRawObject(dirPathSlot)s->s, dirPathLength);
	fullPathName[dirPathLength] = DELIMITOR;
	strcpy(fullPathName + dirPathLength + 1, name);

	PyrString *pathString = newPyrString(g->gc, fullPathName, 0, true);
	SetObject(entryPath, pathString);
	g->gc->GCWrite(slotRawObject(b), (PyrObject*)pathString);

	if (isDirectory) { SetTrue(entryIsDir); } else { SetFalse(entryIsDir); }
	if (isVisible) { SetTrue(entryIsVisible); } else { SetFalse(entryIsVisible); }


	return errNone;

示例15: prSCDoc_ParseFile

int prSCDoc_ParseFile(struct VMGlobals* g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a, *b, *c;
    char filename[PATH_MAX];
    int mode, err;

	a = g->sp - 2;
	b = g->sp - 1;
	c = g->sp;

    err = slotStrVal(b, filename, PATH_MAX);
    if (err) return err;
    err = slotIntVal(c, &mode);
    if (err) return err;

    DocNode *n = scdoc_parse_file(filename, mode);
    if(n) {
//        doc_node_dump(n);
        _doc_traverse(g, n, NULL, a);
    } else {
    return errNone;
