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C++ sinh函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中sinh函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ sinh函数的具体用法?C++ sinh怎么用?C++ sinh使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: YgooSmathYPfsinh

INLINE P YgooSmathYPfsinh(P x) {
  INTFLO iz, ix; ix.i = (PINT)x; 
  iz.f = (float)sinh((double)ix.f);
  return (P)iz.i;

示例2: _sinh

inline double _sinh(double arg)            { return  sinh(arg); }

示例3: sinhf

sinhf (float x)
  return (float) sinh ((double) x);

示例4: str_char

double Formulaeditor::factor(qint32& nPosition, QString& strCharacter)
    qreal f = 0.0;
    qint32 wI = 0, wL = 0, wBeginn = 0, wError = 0;

    if	(strCharacter == str_char(0)) return 0.0;
    // read digit and save as float in f
    if (((strCharacter >= "0") && (strCharacter <= "9")) || (strCharacter == "."))
        wBeginn = nPosition;

            char_n(nPosition, strCharacter);
        while ((((strCharacter >= "0") && (strCharacter <= "9")) || (strCharacter == ".")));

        if (strCharacter == ".")
                char_n(nPosition, strCharacter);
            while (!(((qint8)strCharacter.at(0).digitValue() >= 0) && ((qint8)strCharacter.at(0).digitValue() <=  9))  || (strCharacter.at(0) == '.'));

        QString g_strF = m_strFunction.mid(wBeginn - 1, nPosition - wBeginn);
        f = g_strF.toFloat();
        QString strCharacterUpper = strCharacter.toUpper();
        if (strCharacter == "(")
            char_n(nPosition, strCharacter);
            f = expression(nPosition, strCharacter);
            if (strCharacter == ")")
                char_n(nPosition, strCharacter);
        else if (strCharacterUpper == "X")
            char_n(nPosition, strCharacter);
            f = m_dFktValue;
            bool gefunden = false;
            qint32 AnzStdFunctions = m_strStandardFunction.length() - 1;
            for (wI = 1; wI <= AnzStdFunctions; wI++)
                wL = m_strStandardFunction.at(wI).length();
                QString strFunktionUpper = m_strFunction.mid(nPosition - 1, wL);
                strFunktionUpper = strFunktionUpper.toUpper();
                QString strDummy(m_strStandardFunction.at(wI));
                strDummy = strDummy.toUpper();
                if (strFunktionUpper == strDummy)
                    gefunden = true;
                    nPosition = nPosition + wL - 1;
                    char_n(nPosition, strCharacter);
                    // ! recursion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    f = factor(nPosition, strCharacter);
                    if (strFunktionUpper == "ABS")
                        f = fabs(f);
                    else if (strFunktionUpper == "SQRT")
                        if (f >= 0)
                            f = sqrt(f);
                            wError = -1;
                    else if (strFunktionUpper == "SINH")
                        f = sinh(f);
                    else if (strFunktionUpper == "COSH")
                        f = cosh(f);
                    else if (strFunktionUpper == "TANH")
                        f = tanh(f);
                    else if (strFunktionUpper == "ARCTAN")
                        f = atan(f);
                    else if (strFunktionUpper == "LN")
                        if (f >= 0)
                            f = log(f);
                            wError = -1;
                    else if (strFunktionUpper == "LOG")
                        if (f >= 0)
                            f = log10(f);
                            wError = -1;
                    else if (strFunktionUpper == "EXP")
                        //if (f <= 41)
                            f = exp(f);
                            //wError = -1;
                    else if (strFunktionUpper == "SIN")

示例5: c_qd_sinh

void c_qd_sinh(const double *a, double *b) {
  qd_real bb;
  bb = sinh(qd_real(a));
  TO_DOUBLE_PTR(bb, b);

示例6: math_sinh

static VALUE
math_sinh(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
    return DBL2NUM(sinh(RFLOAT_VALUE(x)));

示例7: math_sinh

static int math_sinh (lua_State *L) {
  lua_pushnumber(L, sinh(luaL_checknumber(L, 1)));
  return 1;

示例8: printf

        //            yParticle = fRand->Uniform( fYmin+yStringShift, fYmax+yStringShift ); //use it to "shuffle" particles in y!
        //        yParticle += fRand->Gaus(0,1);
        //        yParticle = fRand->Uniform( -yStringSize/2, yStringSize/2 );
        yParticle = fRand->Uniform( -yStringSize/2+yStringShift, yStringSize/2+yStringShift );

        // to get pions = 0.8 when half of them goes from rho decays:
        // probabilities for rho, pions, kaons+protons should be 0.25, 0.5, 0.25
        //        k=1 //ratio of pions from rho-s to pions from string
        //        a=0.8 //ratio of final state pions to all charged
        //        x=(a*k)/(2*k+2-a*k)
        //        y=(a*k)/(2*k+2-a*k)*2/k
        //        z=1-x-y
        //        check: (2*x+y)/(2*x+y+z)

        // TMP: just assign mass for particle. Todo?: separate mechanisms for mesons and proton (?)
        double particleMass = mPion;
        // ##### tune particle ratios!
        if (0) // only rho mesons!!!
            while ( fabs(particleMass-mRho) > mRhoWidth/2 )
                particleMass = fRand->Gaus(mRho,mRhoWidth/2);//( fRand->Uniform(0,1) > 0.5 ? fRand->Gaus(mRho,mRhoWidth/2) : mPion );
        //        else //if (0)
        //        {
        //            double probPID = fRand->Uniform(0,1);
        //            if ( probPID < 0.0 )
        //                particleMass = fRand->Gaus(mRho,mRhoWidth/2);//( fRand->Uniform(0,1) > 0.5 ? fRand->Gaus(mRho,mRhoWidth/2) : mPion );
        //            else if ( probPID < 0.75 )
        //                particleMass = mPion;
        //            else //kaon or proton (13% and 4%)
        //            {
        //                if ( fRand->Uniform(0,1) < 13./(13+4) )
        //                    particleMass = mKaon;
        //                else
        //                    particleMass = mProton;
        //            }
        //        }
            short q1 = breakPointType[iBreak];
            short q2 = breakPointType[iBreak+1];
            if ( q1 == 0 && q2 == 0 ) // u/d quarks => pions
                particleMass = mPion;
            else if ( (q1 == 0 && q2 == 1)
                      || (q1 == 1 && q2 == 0) ) // u/d and s quarks => kaons
                particleMass = mKaon;
            else if ( q1 == 1 && q2 == 1 ) // two s quarks => phi
                particleMass = mPhi;
            else if ( (q1 == 0 && q2 == 2)
                      || (q1 == 2 && q2 == 0) ) // u/d quarks and diquark  => protons/neutrons (!!! also neutrons!)
                particleMass = mProton;
            else if ( (q1 == 1 && q2 == 2)
                      || (q1 == 2 && q2 == 1) ) // s quark and diquark  => Lambda
                particleMass = mLambda;
            else if ( q1 == 3 || q2 == 3 ) // KOSTYL': if at least one of the two string ends is a c-quark
                //(q1 == 0 && q2 == 3)
//                      || (q1 == 3 && q2 == 0) ) // u/d quarks and c quark  => D-meson
                particleMass = mD0;
                cout << "breakPointTypes: impossible configuration! "
                     << q1 << " and " <<  q2 << endl;
                particleMass = mLambda;

        //        cout << particleMass << endl;

        //        ptParticle = fRand->Exp(0.45);

        // prepare lorentz vector
        if (1) //use direct sampling of pt "boltzman" distr
            if ( fabs( particleMass-mPion) < 0.001 )
                ptParticle = funcPtBoltzmanLikePion->GetRandom();
            else if ( fabs( particleMass-mKaon) < 0.001 )
                ptParticle = funcPtBoltzmanLikeKaon->GetRandom();
            else if ( fabs( particleMass-mProton) < 0.001 )
                ptParticle = funcPtBoltzmanLikeProton->GetRandom();
            else if ( fabs( particleMass-mD0) < 0.001 )
                ptParticle = funcPtBoltzmanLikeDmeson->GetRandom();
        if (0)
            phiParticle = fRand->Uniform( 0, TMath::TwoPi() );

        double mT = sqrt( ptParticle*ptParticle + particleMass*particleMass );
        double pX = ptParticle * cos(phiParticle);
        double pY = ptParticle * sin(phiParticle);
        double pZ = mT*sinh(yParticle);
        vArr[iBreak].SetXYZM( pX, pY, pZ, particleMass );


    return nParticlesInString;


示例9: fun_fit

//function to fit
double fun_fit(double Z2,double M,int t)
  if(parity==1) return Z2*exp(-M*TH)*cosh(M*(TH-t))/sinh(M);
  else return Z2*exp(-M*TH)*sin(M*(TH-t))/sinh(M);

示例10: Reel

Constante& Rationnel::sinush()const
    Reel* res = new Reel(sinh((float)num/den));
    return *res;


double HHVM_FUNCTION(sinh, double arg) { return sinh(arg); }

示例12: printf

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

printf("%f\n", sin(0.12));
printf("%f\n", cos(0.12));
printf("%f\n", tan(0.12));
printf("%f\n", asin(0.12));
printf("%f\n", acos(0.12));
printf("%f\n", atan(0.12));
printf("%f\n", sinh(0.12));
printf("%f\n", cosh(0.12));
printf("%f\n", tanh(0.12));
printf("%f\n", exp(0.12));
printf("%f\n", fabs(-0.12));
printf("%f\n", log(0.12));
printf("%f\n", log10(0.12));
printf("%f\n", pow(0.12, 0.12));
printf("%f\n", sqrt(0.12));
printf("%f\n", round(12.34));
printf("%f\n", ceil(12.34));
printf("%f\n", floor(12.34));

void main() {}

示例13: r_sinh

double r_sinh(real *x)
return( sinh(*x) );

示例14: operator

    double nCNa = ((nConIntraNa/ConExtraNa)*exp(nCurlyPhi)- 1)/
      (exp(nCurlyPhi)- 1);
    double ngNaNMDA = ((nPK*F*F)/(RT))*ConExtraNa; 
    double nINaNMDA = 1.e-3 * ngNaNMDA * nA2 * nB2 * nCNa * nVm; 
    double nCCa = ((nConIntraCa/ConExtraCa)*exp(2*nCurlyPhi)- 1)/
      (exp(2*nCurlyPhi)- 1);
    double ngCaNMDA = ((4*6*nPK*F*F)/(RT))*ConExtraCa; 
    double nICaNMDA = 1.e-3 * ngCaNMDA * nA2 * nB2 * nCCa * nVm; 
    double aConGLU=ConExtraglu;
    double aA2 = 1100*aConGLU/(1100*aConGLU + 190) ; 
    double aCK = ((aConIntraK/ConExtraK)*exp(aCurlyPhi)- 1)/
      (exp(aCurlyPhi)- 1);

    double agKAMPA = ((aPK*F*F)/(RT))*ConExtraK ; 
    double aIKAMPA = 1.e-3 * agKAMPA * aA2 * aCK * aVm; 
    double aCNa = ((aConIntraNa/ConExtraNa)*exp(aCurlyPhi)- 1)/
      (exp(aCurlyPhi)- 1);
    double agNaAMPA = ((aPK*F*F)/(RT))*ConExtraNa; 
    double aINaAMPA = 1.e-3 * agNaAMPA * aA2 * aCNa * aVm; 
    //aINaAMPA*= bAMPA;
    //courants de la pompe Na+/K+  
    double nCapitalPhi = FRT*(nVm + 176.5); 
    double nA3 = pow(ConExtraK/(ConExtraK + 3.7),2) ; 
    double nB3 = pow(nConIntraNa/(nConIntraNa + 0.6),3) ; 
    double nC3 = (0.052*sinh(nCapitalPhi))/(0.026*exp(nCapitalPhi) + 
    double nIKpompeKNa = -0.01 * nrNaK * depol * nA3 * nB3 * nC3 ; 
    //double nINapompeKNa = (3/2)*(-10)^(-2) * nrNaK * depol * nA3 * nB3 * nC3; 
    double nINapompeKNa = (1.5)*0.01 * nrNaK * depol * nA3 * nB3 * nC3;

    double aCapitalPhi = FRT*(aVm + 176.5); 
    double aA3 = pow(ConExtraK/(ConExtraK + 3.7),2) ; 
    double aB3 = pow(aConIntraNa/(aConIntraNa + 0.6),3) ; 
    double aC3 = (0.052*sinh(aCapitalPhi))/(0.026*exp(aCapitalPhi) +
    double aIKpompeKNa = -0.01 * arNaK * depol * aA3 * aB3 * aC3 ; 
    double aINapompeKNa = (1.5)*0.01  * arNaK * depol * aA3 * aB3 * aC3; 

    //courant de la pompe Ca2+
    double nICapompe = depol*ngCapompe*0.01*nConIntraCa/(nConIntraCa+0.0002);
    double aICapompe = depol*agCapompe*0.01*aConIntraCa/(aConIntraCa+0.0002);

    //courant de la pompe Cl-
    double nIClpompe=-0.01 * depol *ngClpompe * nConIntraCl/(nConIntraCl+25);
    double aIClpompe=-0.01 * depol *agClpompe * aConIntraCl/(aConIntraCl+25);  

    //courants de l'antiport Na+/Ca2+   
    double aa=F/(2*RT);
    double nA4 = pow(nConIntraNa,3)*ConExtraCa*exp(aa*nVm)
      - pow(ConExtraNa,3)*nConIntraCa*exp(-aa*nVm); 

示例15: ctss_calculate_biquad_coeff

void ctss_calculate_biquad_coeff(CTSS_DSPNode *node,
                                 CTSS_BiquadType type,
                                 float freq,
                                 float dbGain,
                                 float bandwidth) {
  CTSS_BiquadState *state = node->state;
  float a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2;

  float A     = powf(10.0f, dbGain / 40.0f);
  float omega = HZ_TO_RAD(freq);
  float sn    = sinf(omega);
  float cs    = cosf(omega);
  float alpha = sn * sinh(CT_LN2 / 2.0f * bandwidth * omega / sn);
  float beta  = sqrtf(A + A);

  switch (type) {
    case LPF:
      b0 = (1.0f - cs) / 2.0f;
      b1 = 1.0f - cs;
      b2 = (1.0f - cs) / 2.0f;
      a0 = 1.0f + alpha;
      a1 = -2.0f * cs;
      a2 = 1.0f - alpha;
    case HPF:
      b0 = (1.0f + cs) / 2.0f;
      b1 = -(1.0f + cs);
      b2 = (1.0f + cs) / 2.0f;
      a0 = 1.0f + alpha;
      a1 = -2.0f * cs;
      a2 = 1.0f - alpha;
    case BPF:
      b0 = alpha;
      b1 = 0;
      b2 = -alpha;
      a0 = 1.0f + alpha;
      a1 = -2.0f * cs;
      a2 = 1.0f - alpha;
    case NOTCH:
      b0 = 1.0f;
      b1 = -2.0f * cs;
      b2 = 1.0f;
      a0 = 1.0f + alpha;
      a1 = -2.0f * cs;
      a2 = 1.0f - alpha;
    case PEQ:
      b0 = 1.0f + (alpha * A);
      b1 = -2.0f * cs;
      b2 = 1.0f - (alpha * A);
      a0 = 1.0f + (alpha / A);
      a1 = -2.0f * cs;
      a2 = 1.0f - (alpha / A);
    case LSH:
      b0 = A * ((A + 1.0f) - (A - 1.0f) * cs + beta * sn);
      b1 = 2.0f * A * ((A - 1.0f) - (A + 1.0f) * cs);
      b2 = A * ((A + 1.0f) - (A - 1.0f) * cs - beta * sn);
      a0 = (A + 1.0f) + (A - 1.0f) * cs + beta * sn;
      a1 = -2.0f * ((A - 1.0f) + (A + 1.0f) * cs);
      a2 = (A + 1.0f) + (A - 1.0f) * cs - beta * sn;
    case HSH:
      b0 = A * ((A + 1.0f) + (A - 1.0f) * cs + beta * sn);
      b1 = -2.0f * A * ((A - 1.0f) + (A + 1.0f) * cs);
      b2 = A * ((A + 1.0f) + (A - 1.0f) * cs - beta * sn);
      a0 = (A + 1.0f) - (A - 1.0f) * cs + beta * sn;
      a1 = 2.0f * ((A - 1.0f) - (A + 1.0f) * cs);
      a2 = (A + 1.0f) - (A - 1.0f) * cs - beta * sn;

  a0 = 1.0f / a0;

  state->f[0] = b0 * a0;
  state->f[1] = b1 * a0;
  state->f[2] = b2 * a0;
  state->f[3] = a1 * a0;
  state->f[4] = a2 * a0;

  state->f[5] = state->f[6] = state->f[7] = state->f[8] = 0.0f;
