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C++ sin_lookup函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中sin_lookup函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ sin_lookup函数的具体用法?C++ sin_lookup怎么用?C++ sin_lookup使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: second_display_layer_update_callback

void second_display_layer_update_callback(Layer *me, GContext* ctx) {
	(void) me;

	time_t now = time(NULL);
	struct tm *t = localtime(&now);

	int32_t second_angle = t->tm_sec * (0xffff / 60);
	int second_hand_length = 70;
	GPoint center = grect_center_point(&GRECT_FULL_WINDOW);
	GPoint second = GPoint(center.x, center.y - second_hand_length);

	if (init_anim < ANIM_SECONDS) {
		second = GPoint(center.x, center.y - 70);
	} else if (init_anim == ANIM_SECONDS) {
		second_angle_anim += 0xffff / 60;
		if (second_angle_anim >= second_angle) {
			init_anim = ANIM_DONE;
			second =
					GPoint(center.x + second_hand_length * sin_lookup(second_angle)/0xffff,
							center.y + (-second_hand_length) * cos_lookup(second_angle)/0xffff);
		} else {
			second =
					GPoint(center.x + second_hand_length * sin_lookup(second_angle_anim)/0xffff,
							center.y + (-second_hand_length) * cos_lookup(second_angle_anim)/0xffff);
	} else {
		second =
				GPoint(center.x + second_hand_length * sin_lookup(second_angle)/0xffff,
						center.y + (-second_hand_length) * cos_lookup(second_angle)/0xffff);

	graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite);

	graphics_draw_line(ctx, center, second);

示例2: second_display_layer_update_callback

void second_display_layer_update_callback(Layer *me, GContext* ctx) {

  PblTm t;

  int32_t second_angle = t.tm_sec * (0xffff/60);
  int32_t counter_second_angle = t.tm_sec * (0xffff/60);
     counter_second_angle += 0xffff/2;
     counter_second_angle -= 0xffff/2;
  int second_hand_length = 60;
  int counter_second_hand_length = 15;

  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);

  GPoint center = grect_center_point(&me->frame);
  GPoint counter_second = GPoint(center.x + counter_second_hand_length * sin_lookup(counter_second_angle)/0xffff,
				center.y + (-counter_second_hand_length) * cos_lookup(counter_second_angle)/0xffff);
  GPoint second = GPoint(center.x + second_hand_length * sin_lookup(second_angle)/0xffff,
				center.y + (-second_hand_length) * cos_lookup(second_angle)/0xffff);

  graphics_draw_line(ctx, counter_second, second);

示例3: update_scale

static void update_scale(Layer *layer, GContext *context) {
  GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(layer);
  GPoint center = GPoint(bounds.size.w / 2, bounds.size.h / 2);

  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(context, GColorWhite);
  GPoint start;
  GPoint end;
  for( int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
    int32_t current_angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * i / 12;
    // create an oval shape indicator start point
    start.x = (sin_lookup(current_angle) * 65 / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.x;
    start.y = (-cos_lookup(current_angle) * 75 / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.y;
    end.x = (sin_lookup(current_angle) * 100 / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.x;
    end.y = (-cos_lookup(current_angle) * 100 / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.y;

    if (i % 3  == 0) {
      // reached a quarter, draw bigger indicator
      graphics_context_set_stroke_width(context, 6);
    } else {
      graphics_context_set_stroke_width(context, 3);

    graphics_draw_line(context, start, end);          

示例4: update_time

static void update_time() {
  // Get a tm structure
  time_t temp = time(NULL); 
  struct tm *t = localtime(&temp);
  srand((unsigned) time(&temp));
  static PropertyAnimation *s_min_animation, *s_hour_animation, *s_ufo_animation;
  static GRect min_from_frame, min_to_frame, hour_to_frame, hour_from_frame, ufo_to_frame, ufo_from_frame;
  static int x1ufo, x2ufo, y1ufo, y2ufo;
  int min_distance   = 64;
  int hour_distance  = 40;
  int32_t min_angle  = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * t->tm_min/60;
  int32_t hour_angle = (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (((t->tm_hour % 12) * 6) + (t->tm_min / 10))) / (12 * 6);
  xmin = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(min_angle)    * min_distance  / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + 72 - 16;
  ymin = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(min_angle)   * min_distance  / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + 86 - 16;
  xhour = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(hour_angle)  * hour_distance / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + 72 - 14;
  yhour = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(hour_angle) * hour_distance / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + 86 - 14;
  min_from_frame  = GRect(oldxmin, oldymin, 32, 32);
  min_to_frame    = GRect(xmin, ymin, 32, 32);
  hour_from_frame = GRect(oldxhour, oldyhour, 28,28);
  hour_to_frame   = GRect(xhour, yhour, 28,28);
  s_min_animation = property_animation_create_layer_frame((Layer *)s_min_layer, &min_from_frame, &min_to_frame);
  animation_set_duration((Animation *)s_min_animation,1000);
  s_hour_animation = property_animation_create_layer_frame((Layer *)s_hour_layer, &hour_from_frame, &hour_to_frame);
  animation_set_duration((Animation *)s_hour_animation,1000);

  animation_set_handlers((Animation*) s_min_animation, (AnimationHandlers) {
    .stopped = (AnimationStoppedHandler) animation_sunmoon_stopped,
  }, NULL);

示例5: hands_update_proc

static void hands_update_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {
  GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(layer);
  GPoint center = grect_center_point(&bounds);
  const int16_t hourHandLength = bounds.size.w / 2 +20;
  const int16_t minuteHandLength = hourHandLength - 30;

  GPoint minuteHand;
  center.y +=20;

  time_t now = time(NULL);
  struct tm *t = localtime(&now);

  for (int i=0;i<12;i++)
    int16_t minute_angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (((59-t->tm_min)+i*5)%60) / 60;
    minuteHand.y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(minute_angle) * (int32_t)minuteHandLength / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.y;
    minuteHand.x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(minute_angle) * (int32_t)minuteHandLength / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.x;

    GRect frame = layer_get_frame(text_layer_get_layer(num_layer[i]));
    frame.origin.x = minuteHand.x-frame.size.w/2;
    frame.origin.y = minuteHand.y-frame.size.h/2;
    int16_t hour_angle = (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (((24-t->tm_hour+i) % 12) * 6) +
                         ((TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (60-t->tm_min)) / 10))     / (12 * 6);
    minuteHand.y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(hour_angle) * (int32_t)hourHandLength / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.y;
    minuteHand.x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(hour_angle) * (int32_t)hourHandLength / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.x;
    frame = layer_get_frame(text_layer_get_layer(hour_layer[i]));
    frame.origin.x = minuteHand.x-frame.size.w/2;
    frame.origin.y = minuteHand.y-frame.size.h/2;

  // draw minute line
  // draw background
  transbitmap_draw_in_rect(background_bitmap, ctx, bounds);
  // draw date

示例6: rotate

void rotate(uint16_t ang,GPoint *p)
  int16_t ox=p->x;
  int16_t oy=p->y;

示例7: update_main_proc

static void update_main_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {
  GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(s_main_layer);
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_fill_rect(ctx, bounds, 0, GCornerNone);
  if(s_is_running) {
    show_round_meter(ctx, &bounds);

  graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, ANTIALIASING);

  Time mode_time;
  time_t t = time(NULL);
  struct tm *time_now = localtime(&t);
  mode_time.hours = time_now->tm_hour;
  mode_time.minutes = time_now->tm_min;
  // Adjust for minutes through the hour
  float minute_angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.minutes / 60;
  float hour_angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.hours / 12;

  hour_angle += (minute_angle / TRIG_MAX_ANGLE) * (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 12);

  // Plot hands
  GPoint minute_hand = (GPoint) {
    .x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.minutes / 60 ) * (int32_t)(HAND_RADIUS - HAND_MARGIN) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.x,
    .y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.minutes / 60) * (int32_t)(HAND_RADIUS - HAND_MARGIN) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.y,
  GPoint hour_hand = (GPoint) {
    .x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(hour_angle) * (int32_t)(HAND_RADIUS - (2 * HAND_MARGIN)) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.x,
    .y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(hour_angle) * (int32_t)(HAND_RADIUS - (2 * HAND_MARGIN)) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.y,
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 4);
  // Draw hands with positive length only
    graphics_draw_line(ctx, s_center, hour_hand);
    graphics_draw_line(ctx, s_center, minute_hand);
  // center dot
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_fill_circle(ctx, s_center, 7);

static void main_select_click_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) {
  window_stack_push(s_menu_window, false);

static void main_click_config_provider(void *context) {
  window_single_click_subscribe(BUTTON_ID_SELECT, main_select_click_handler);

示例8: batteryLineArc

void batteryLineArc(GContext *ctx, float start_angle, float end_angle, GPoint centre, int radius, int thickness){
	float minus_bit = radius - thickness/2 + 0.5;// + (user_battery_colour <= 1 ? 0.5 : 0); //add 0.5 for the int casting, later !!! dark colours like 1.0, light better with 0.5
	float add_bit = (radius + thickness/2 + 0.5); 
	graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 1);
	if (start_angle == 0) {
		start_angle = 2.5;	// for some reason, 0 seems to start too far to the left....at least for my purposes
	for (float i = start_angle; i <= end_angle; i+=0.5) {
		GPoint inside_point = (GPoint) {
			.x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(i * TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 360) * minus_bit / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + centre.x,
			.y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(i * TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 360) * minus_bit / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + centre.y,

		GPoint outside_point = (GPoint) {
			.x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(i * TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 360) * add_bit / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + centre.x,
			.y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(i * TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 360) * add_bit / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + centre.y,
		graphics_draw_line(ctx, inside_point, outside_point);

/*************************** AnimationImplementation **************************/

static void animation_started(Animation *anim, void *context) {
  s_animating = true;

static void animation_stopped(Animation *anim, bool stopped, void *context) {
  s_animating = false;

static void animate(int duration, int delay, AnimationImplementation *implementation, bool handlers) {
  Animation *anim = animation_create();
  animation_set_duration(anim, duration);
  animation_set_delay(anim, delay);
  animation_set_curve(anim, AnimationCurveEaseInOut);
  animation_set_implementation(anim, implementation);
	if(handlers) {
    animation_set_handlers(anim, (AnimationHandlers) {
      .started = animation_started,
      .stopped = animation_stopped
    }, NULL);

示例9: Graphics_RenderCircle

void Graphics_RenderCircle(u16 CentreX, u16 CentreY, u16 Radius, u16 colour, TFT *TftPtr){
	double x, y, old_x, old_y;
	int i = 0;
	x = (Radius*(cos_lookup(i))) + CentreX;
	y = (Radius*(sin_lookup(i))) + CentreY;
	for(i = SIN_DIV; i<=360; i = i+SIN_DIV){
		old_x = x;
		old_y = y;
		x = (Radius*(cos_lookup(i))) + CentreX;
		y = (Radius*(sin_lookup(i))) + CentreY;
		render_line(old_x, old_y, x, y, colour, TftPtr);

示例10: anim_update

static void anim_update(Animation *animation, const AnimationProgress progress) {
    int max_angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 8;

    int angle_left = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 4 + (max_angle * progress) / ANIMATION_NORMALIZED_MAX;
    int angle_right = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 4 - (max_angle * progress) / ANIMATION_NORMALIZED_MAX;
    int length_left = (left_length * progress) / ANIMATION_NORMALIZED_MAX;
    int length_right = (right_length * progress) / ANIMATION_NORMALIZED_MAX;
    left_end = GPoint(left_start.x + (cos_lookup(angle_left) * length_left) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO,
                      left_start.y - (sin_lookup(angle_left) * length_left) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO);

    right_end = GPoint(right_start.x + (cos_lookup(angle_right) * length_right) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO,
                       right_start.y - (sin_lookup(angle_right) * length_right) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO);

示例11: draw_compass_face

void draw_compass_face(void) {
  int32_t starx = 0;
  int32_t stary = 0;
  if (orientToHeading) {
    starx = center.x;
    stary = center.y-63;
  } else if (heading>=0) {
    starx = center.x + 63 * sin_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * heading / 360 + orientation)/TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
    stary = center.y - 63 * cos_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * heading / 360 + orientation)/TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
  layer_set_frame((Layer *) star_layer, GRect(starx - 14, stary - 18, 28, 28));
  int32_t nx = center.x + 63 * sin_lookup(orientation)/TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
  int32_t ny = center.y - 63 * cos_lookup(orientation)/TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
#ifndef PBL_COLOR
  if (orientToHeading && (abs(nx-starx)<10) && (abs(ny-stary)<10))
    text_layer_set_text(n_layer, "");
    text_layer_set_text(n_layer, "N");
  layer_set_frame((Layer *) n_layer, GRect(nx - 14, ny - 18, 28, 28));
  int32_t ex = center.x + 63 * sin_lookup(orientation + TRIG_MAX_ANGLE/4)/TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
  int32_t ey = center.y - 63 * cos_lookup(orientation + TRIG_MAX_ANGLE/4)/TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
#ifndef PBL_COLOR
  if (orientToHeading && (abs(ex-starx)<10) && (abs(ey-stary)<10))
    text_layer_set_text(e_layer, "");
    text_layer_set_text(e_layer, "E");
  layer_set_frame((Layer *) e_layer, GRect(ex - 14, ey - 18, 28, 28));
  int32_t sx = center.x + 63 * sin_lookup(orientation + TRIG_MAX_ANGLE/2)/TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
  int32_t sy = center.y - 63 * cos_lookup(orientation + TRIG_MAX_ANGLE/2)/TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
#ifndef PBL_COLOR
  if (orientToHeading && (abs(sx-starx)<10) &&  (abs(sy-stary)<10))
    text_layer_set_text(s_layer, "");
    text_layer_set_text(s_layer, "S");
  layer_set_frame((Layer *) s_layer, GRect(sx - 14, sy - 18, 28, 28));
  int32_t wx = center.x + 63 * sin_lookup(orientation + TRIG_MAX_ANGLE*3/4)/TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
  int32_t wy = center.y - 63 * cos_lookup(orientation + TRIG_MAX_ANGLE*3/4)/TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
#ifndef PBL_COLOR
  if (orientToHeading && (abs(wx-starx)<10) &&  (abs(wy-stary)<10))
    text_layer_set_text(w_layer, "");
    text_layer_set_text(w_layer, "W");
  layer_set_frame((Layer *) w_layer, GRect(wx - 14, wy - 18, 28, 28));

示例12: set_hand_angle

void set_hand_angle(RotBmpPairContainer *hand_image_container, unsigned int hand_angle, GPoint offset) {
  signed short x_fudge = 0;
  signed short y_fudge = 0;

  unsigned int pebble_angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * hand_angle / 360;

  x_fudge += offset.x * cos_lookup(pebble_angle) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO - offset.y * sin_lookup(pebble_angle) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
  y_fudge += offset.x * sin_lookup(pebble_angle) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO + offset.y * cos_lookup(pebble_angle) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO;

  // (144 = screen width, 168 = screen height)
  hand_image_container->layer.layer.frame.origin.x = (144/2) - (hand_image_container->layer.layer.frame.size.w/2) + x_fudge;
  hand_image_container->layer.layer.frame.origin.y = (168/2) - (hand_image_container->layer.layer.frame.size.h/2) + y_fudge;


示例13: set_hand_text

void set_hand_text(TextLayer *text_layer, unsigned int hand_angle, char *text, GPoint offset, GSize size) {
  signed short x_fudge = (144/2);
  signed short y_fudge = (168/2);

  unsigned int pebble_angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * hand_angle / 360;

  x_fudge += offset.x * cos_lookup(pebble_angle) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO - offset.y * sin_lookup(pebble_angle) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
  y_fudge += offset.x * sin_lookup(pebble_angle) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO + offset.y * cos_lookup(pebble_angle) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO;

  x_fudge -= size.w / 2;
  y_fudge -= size.h / 2;

  layer_set_frame(&text_layer->layer, GRect(x_fudge, y_fudge, size.w, size.h));
  text_layer_set_text(text_layer, text);

示例14: startup_animation_init

void startup_animation_init() {
  hour_delta = GPoint(
    DOTS_RADIUS * sin_lookup(hour_angle) / ONE,
    -DOTS_RADIUS * cos_lookup(hour_angle) / ONE);
  gpath_move_to(hour_path, GPoint(CENTER_X + hour_delta.x, CENTER_Y + hour_delta.y));
  min_delta = GPoint(
    DOTS_RADIUS * sin_lookup(min_angle) / ONE,
    -DOTS_RADIUS * cos_lookup(min_angle) / ONE);
  gpath_move_to(min_path, GPoint(CENTER_X + min_delta.x, CENTER_Y + min_delta.y));
  sec_delta = GPoint(
    DOTS_RADIUS * sin_lookup(sec_angle) / ONE,
    -DOTS_RADIUS * cos_lookup(sec_angle) / ONE);
  gpath_move_to(sec_path, GPoint(CENTER_X + sec_delta.x, CENTER_Y + sec_delta.y));

示例15: hands_update_proc

static void hands_update_proc(Layer* me, GContext* ctx) {
  const GPoint center = grect_center_point(&me->bounds);
  const int16_t secondHandLength = me->bounds.size.w / 2;

  GPoint secondHand;

  PblTm t;

  int32_t second_angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * t.tm_sec / 60;
  secondHand.y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(second_angle) * (int32_t)secondHandLength / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.y;
  secondHand.x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(second_angle) * (int32_t)secondHandLength / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.x;

  // second hand
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_draw_line(ctx, secondHand, center);

  // minute/hour hand
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorBlack);

  gpath_rotate_to(&s_data.minute_arrow, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * t.tm_min / 60);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, &s_data.minute_arrow);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, &s_data.minute_arrow);

  gpath_rotate_to(&s_data.hour_arrow, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (((t.tm_hour % 12) * 6) + (t.tm_min / 10))) / (12 * 6));
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, &s_data.hour_arrow);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, &s_data.hour_arrow);

  // dot in the middle
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_fill_rect(ctx, GRect(me->bounds.size.w / 2-1, me->bounds.size.h / 2-1, 3, 3), 0, GCornerNone);
