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C++ sid函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中sid函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ sid函数的具体用法?C++ sid怎么用?C++ sid使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: sid

int CSkypeProto::RevokeAuth(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	CContact::Ref contact;
	MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)wParam;
	SEString sid(_T2A(::db_get_wsa(hContact, this->m_szModuleName, SKYPE_SETTINGS_SID)));
	if (this->GetContact(sid, contact))
		if (contact->SetBuddyStatus(false))
			this->setByte(hContact, "Grant", 1);

	return 0;

示例2: while

void Router::doClose(Connection *conn, RouterMsg *pMsg)
	GatewayInfo *pInfo = (GatewayInfo*)conn->getData();
	int pos = 0;
	while(pos + SID_LENGTH <= pMsg->slen){
		std::string sid(pMsg->data + pos, SID_LENGTH);
		LOG("close connection, sid=%s", sid.c_str());
		pos+= SID_LENGTH;

示例3: ul

// session 可读
void TcpListener::event_readable(TcpSession::TcpSessionWptr session)
	auto sptr = std::move(session.lock());
	if (!sptr)
	std::uint32_t sid = sptr->sid();

	// 添加到事件列表
	std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(m_mtx_ev);
	m_events.push_back(std::bind(&TcpListener::fun_session_readable, this, sid));

示例4: sid

MCONTACT CSkypeProto::AddContact(CContact::Ref contact, bool isTemporary)
	ptrW sid(::mir_utf8decodeW(contact->GetSid()));

	CContact::AVAILABILITY availability;

	MCONTACT hContact = this->GetContactBySid(sid);
	if ( !hContact)
		hContact = (MCONTACT)::CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD, 0, 0);
		::CallService(MS_PROTO_ADDTOCONTACT, hContact, (LPARAM)this->m_szModuleName);

		ptrW nick(::mir_utf8decodeW(contact->GetNick()));

		switch(availability) {
		case CContact::SKYPEOUT:
			this->setByte(hContact, "IsSkypeOut", 1);

		case CContact::PENDINGAUTH:
			::db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1);

		case CContact::BLOCKED:
		case CContact::BLOCKED_SKYPEOUT:
			::db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1);

			this->delSetting(hContact, "IsSkypeOut");
			::db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden");
			::db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList");

		this->setTString(hContact, SKYPE_SETTINGS_SID, sid);
		this->setTString(hContact, "Nick", nick);

		if ( !this->getTString(SKYPE_SETTINGS_DEF_GROUP, &dbv))
			::db_set_ts(hContact, "CList", "Group", dbv.ptszVal);

	return hContact;

示例5: assert

void PmpPimProtocol::onCreateProfile(PMPFrame * pFrame)

    std::string str = bufferToString(pFrame->data,true);
    unsigned int pos = stringInBufSize(str);
    iviLink::Profile::Uid profileUid(str);
    str = bufferToString(pFrame->data + pos,true);
    pos += stringInBufSize(str);
    iviLink::Profile::IUid piuid(str);
    str = bufferToString(pFrame->data + pos,true);
    iviLink::Service::Uid sid(str);

    mEventFactory->pimProtocolCreateProfile(profileUid, piuid, sid);

示例6: while

void Worker::doKick(RouterMsg *pMsg)
	int pos = 0;
	while(pos + SID_LENGTH <= pMsg->slen)
		std::string sid(pMsg->data + pos, SID_LENGTH);
		LOG("kick user, sid=%s", sid.c_str());
		ClientList::const_iterator it = arrClients.find(sid);
		if(it != arrClients.end()){
			Connection *pClient = it->second;
		pos+= SID_LENGTH;

示例7: availDevices

// Create a new sid emulation.
unsigned int InnovBuilder::create(unsigned int sids)
    m_status = true;

    // Check available devices
    unsigned int count = availDevices();
    if (count == 0)
        m_errorBuffer = "Innovation SSI-2001 ERROR: No devices found";
        goto InnovBuilder_create_error;

    if (count < sids)
        sids = count;

    for (count = 0; count < sids; count++)
            std::auto_ptr<Innov> sid(new Innov(this));

            // SID init failed?
            if (!sid->getStatus())
                m_errorBuffer = sid->error();
                goto InnovBuilder_create_error;
        // Memory alloc failed?
        catch (std::bad_alloc const &)
            m_errorBuffer.assign(name()).append(" ERROR: Unable to create Innov object");
            goto InnovBuilder_create_error;

    return count;

    m_status = false;
    return count;

示例8: bufferToString

      void CPmpPimClbCtrl::onProfileDied(PMPFrame * pFrame)
         std::string str = bufferToString(pFrame->data,true);
         unsigned int pos = stringInBufSize(str);
         iviLink::Profile::IUid piuid(str);
         str = bufferToString(pFrame->data + pos,true);
         iviLink::Service::Uid sid(str);


         PMPFrame pResp;
         pResp.size = sizeof(PMPFrame);
         pResp.frameType = PMP_FRAME_TYPE_RESPONSE;
         pResp.id = pFrame->id;
         pResp.client = pFrame->client;
         pResp.reqType = pFrame->reqType;


示例9: readFixedLength

pBuffer SourceBase::
        readFixedLength( const Interval& I )
    TIME_SOURCEBASE TaskTimer tt("%s.%s %s",
                  vartype(*this).c_str(), __FUNCTION__ ,
                  I.toString().c_str() );

    // Try a simple read
    pBuffer p = readChecked( I );
    if (I == p->getInterval())
        return p;

    // Didn't get exact result, prepare new Buffer
    pBuffer r( new Buffer(I, p->sample_rate(), p->number_of_channels ()) );

    for (int c=0; c<r->number_of_channels (); ++c)
    #ifndef USE_CUDA
        // Allocate cpu memory and prevent calling an unnecessary clear by flagging the store as up-to-date
        CpuMemoryStorage::WriteAll<3>( r->getChannel (c)->waveform_data() );
        if (p->getChannel (c)->waveform_data()->HasValidContent<CudaGlobalStorage>())
            CudaGlobalStorage::WriteAll<3>( r->getChannel (c)->waveform_data() );
            CpuMemoryStorage::WriteAll<3>( r->getChannel (c)->waveform_data() );

    Intervals sid(I);

    while (sid)
        if (!p)
            p = readChecked( sid.fetchFirstInterval() );

        sid -= p->getInterval();
        TIME_SOURCEBASE_LINE((*r) |= *p); // Fill buffer

    return r;

示例10: sid

bool CHalfLife2::GetServerSteam3Id(char *pszOut, size_t len) const
	CSteamID sid(GetServerSteamId64());

	switch (sid.GetEAccountType())
	case k_EAccountTypeAnonGameServer:
		ke::SafeSprintf(pszOut, len, "[A:%u:%u:%u]", sid.GetEUniverse(), sid.GetAccountID(), sid.GetUnAccountInstance());
	case k_EAccountTypeGameServer:
		ke::SafeSprintf(pszOut, len, "[G:%u:%u]", sid.GetEUniverse(), sid.GetAccountID());
	case k_EAccountTypeInvalid:
		ke::SafeSprintf(pszOut, len, "[I:%u:%u]", sid.GetEUniverse(), sid.GetAccountID());
		return false;

	return true;

示例11: lock

void GroupListModule_Impl::_groupUnreadCntResponse(CImPdu* pdu)
	CImPduClientGroupUnreadMsgCntResponse* pduOfflineMsgCnt = (CImPduClientGroupUnreadMsgCntResponse*)pdu;
	client_group_unread_cnt_t* pList = pduOfflineMsgCnt->GetGroupUnreadList();
	for (UInt32 i = 0; i < pduOfflineMsgCnt->GetGroupUnreadCnt(); ++i)
		client_group_unread_cnt_t pInfo = pList[i];
			util::TTAutoLock lock(&m_lock);
			std::string sid(pInfo.group_id_url, pInfo.group_id_len);
				CImPduClientGroupUnreadMsgRequest pduData(sid.c_str());

示例12: sid

const char *ReSIDBuilder::credits ()
    m_status = true;

    // Available devices
    if (sidobjs.size ())
        ReSID *sid = (ReSID *) sidobjs[0];
        return sid->credits ();

    {   // Create an emulation to obtain credits
        ReSID sid(this);
        if (!sid)
            m_status = false;
            strcpy (m_errorBuffer, sid.error ());
            return 0;
        return sid.credits ();

示例13: assert

vec4_gs_visitor::set_stream_control_data_bits(unsigned stream_id)
   /* control_data_bits |= stream_id << ((2 * (vertex_count - 1)) % 32) */

   /* Note: we are calling this *before* increasing vertex_count, so
    * this->vertex_count == vertex_count - 1 in the formula above.

   /* Stream mode uses 2 bits per vertex */
   assert(c->control_data_bits_per_vertex == 2);

   /* Must be a valid stream */
   assert(stream_id >= 0 && stream_id < MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS);

   /* Control data bits are initialized to 0 so we don't have to set any
    * bits when sending vertices to stream 0.
   if (stream_id == 0)

   /* reg::sid = stream_id */
   src_reg sid(this, glsl_type::uint_type);
   emit(MOV(dst_reg(sid), stream_id));

   /* reg:shift_count = 2 * (vertex_count - 1) */
   src_reg shift_count(this, glsl_type::uint_type);
   emit(SHL(dst_reg(shift_count), this->vertex_count, 1u));

   /* Note: we're relying on the fact that the GEN SHL instruction only pays
    * attention to the lower 5 bits of its second source argument, so on this
    * architecture, stream_id << 2 * (vertex_count - 1) is equivalent to
    * stream_id << ((2 * (vertex_count - 1)) % 32).
   src_reg mask(this, glsl_type::uint_type);
   emit(SHL(dst_reg(mask), sid, shift_count));
   emit(OR(dst_reg(this->control_data_bits), this->control_data_bits, mask));

示例14: ensure_equals

  void tester::test<14>()
    BankSelection mixed;
    ensure_equals("Has 2 wildcards", mixed.fWildCards.size(), 2u);
    ensure_equals("Has 8 exact matches", mixed.fMatches.size(), 8u);
    std::string msg;
    msg = "Should not match ";
    SourceID sid(ID::kScVe,ID::kNotApplicable,"general","default");
    ensure(msg + sid.str(), !mixed.Includes(sid));
    sid = SourceID(ID::kMuSc,ID::kNotApplicable,"wrong","default");
    ensure(msg + sid.str(), !mixed.Includes(sid));

    msg = "Should match ";
    sid = SourceID(ID::kMuSc,ID::kNotApplicable,"general","default");
    ensure(msg + sid.str(), mixed.Includes(sid));

    sid = SourceID(ID::kSiR1_4, ID::kFast, "general", "default");
    ensure(msg + sid.str(), mixed.Includes(sid));

示例15: sid

void randomizer_base::setupIOMappings( )
    int ninput_streams = 0;
    int noutput_streams = 0;
    std::vector<std::string>::iterator pname;
    std::string sid("");
    int inMode=RealMode;

    if ( !validGRBlock() ) return;
    ninput_streams  = gr_sptr->get_max_input_streams();
    gr_io_signature_sptr g_isig = gr_sptr->input_signature();

    noutput_streams = gr_sptr->get_max_output_streams();
    gr_io_signature_sptr g_osig = gr_sptr->output_signature();

    LOG_DEBUG( randomizer_base, "GNUHAWK IO MAPPINGS IN/OUT " << ninput_streams << "/" << noutput_streams );

    // Someone reset the GR Block so we need to clean up old mappings if they exists
    // we need to reset the io signatures and check the vlens
    if ( _istreams.size() > 0 || _ostreams.size() > 0 ) {

        LOG_DEBUG( randomizer_base, "RESET INPUT SIGNATURE SIZE:" << _istreams.size() );
        IStreamList::iterator istream;
        for ( int idx=0 ; istream != _istreams.end(); idx++, istream++ ) {
            // re-add existing stream definitons
            LOG_DEBUG(  randomizer_base, "ADD READ INDEX TO GNU RADIO BLOCK");
            if ( ninput_streams == -1 ) gr_sptr->add_read_index();

            // setup io signature
            istream->associate( gr_sptr );

        LOG_DEBUG( randomizer_base, "RESET OUTPUT SIGNATURE SIZE:" << _ostreams.size() );
        OStreamList::iterator ostream;
        for ( int idx=0 ; ostream != _ostreams.end(); idx++, ostream++ ) {
            // need to evaluate new settings...???
            ostream->associate( gr_sptr );


   // Setup mapping of RH port to GNU RADIO Block input streams
   // For version 1,  we are ignoring the GNU Radio input stream -1 case that allows multiple data 
   // streams over a single connection.  We are mapping a single RH Port to a single GNU Radio stream.
   // Stream Identifiers will  be pass along as they are received
    LOG_TRACE( randomizer_base, "setupIOMappings INPUT PORTS: " << inPorts.size() );
    pname = inputPortOrder.begin();
    for( int i=0; pname != inputPortOrder.end(); pname++ ) {

        // grab ports based on their order in the scd.xml file
        RH_ProvidesPortMap::iterator p_in = inPorts.find(*pname);
        if ( p_in != inPorts.end() ) {
            bulkio::InOctetPort *port = dynamic_cast< bulkio::InOctetPort * >(p_in->second);
            int mode = inMode;
            sid = "";

            // need to add read index to GNU Radio Block for processing streams when max_input == -1
            if ( ninput_streams == -1 ) gr_sptr->add_read_index();

            // check if we received SRI during setup
            BULKIO::StreamSRISequence_var sris = port->activeSRIs();
            if (  sris->length() > 0 ) {
                BULKIO::StreamSRI sri = sris[sris->length()-1];
                mode = sri.mode;
            std::vector<int> in;
            io_mapping.push_back( in );
            _istreams.push_back( gr_istream< bulkio::InOctetPort > ( port, gr_sptr, i, mode, sid ));
            LOG_DEBUG( randomizer_base, "ADDING INPUT MAP IDX:" << i << " SID:" << sid );
            // increment port counter

    // Setup mapping of RH port to GNU RADIO Block input streams
    // For version 1,  we are ignoring the GNU Radio output stream -1 case that allows multiple data 
    // streams over a single connection.  We are mapping a single RH Port to a single GNU Radio stream.
    LOG_TRACE( randomizer_base, "setupIOMappings OutputPorts: " << outPorts.size() );
    pname = outputPortOrder.begin();
    for( int i=0; pname != outputPortOrder.end(); pname++ ) {

        // grab ports based on their order in the scd.xml file
        RH_UsesPortMap::iterator p_out = outPorts.find(*pname);
        if ( p_out != outPorts.end() ) {
            bulkio::OutOctetPort *port = dynamic_cast< bulkio::OutOctetPort * >(p_out->second);
            int idx = -1;
            BULKIO::StreamSRI sri = createOutputSRI( i, idx );
            if (idx == -1) idx = i;
            if(idx < (int)io_mapping.size()) io_mapping[idx].push_back(i);
            int mode = sri.mode;
            sid = sri.streamID;
            _ostreams.push_back( gr_ostream< bulkio::OutOctetPort > ( port, gr_sptr, i, mode, sid ));
