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C++ shaping函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中shaping函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ shaping函数的具体用法?C++ shaping怎么用?C++ shaping使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: defined

void tst_QTextScriptEngine::linearB()
#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
        if (QFontDatabase().families(QFontDatabase::Any).contains("Penuturesu")) {
            QFont f("Penuturesu");
	    const ShapeTable shape_table [] = {
		{ { 0xd800, 0xdc01, 0xd800, 0xdc02, 0xd800, 0xdc03,  0 },
                  { 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0 } },
		{ {0}, {0} }

	    const ShapeTable *s = shape_table;
	    while (s->unicode[0]) {
		QVERIFY( shaping(f, s) );
	} else {
	    QSKIP("couln't find Penuturesu", SkipAll);
    QSKIP("X11 specific test", SkipAll);

示例2: shaping

const Shaping FontStack::getShaping(const std::u32string &string, const float maxWidth,
                                    const float lineHeight, const float horizontalAlign,
                                    const float verticalAlign, const float justify,
                                    const float spacing, const vec2<float> &translate) const {
    Shaping shaping(translate.x * 24, translate.y * 24);

    // the y offset *should* be part of the font metadata
    const int32_t yOffset = -17;

    int32_t x = std::round(translate.x * 24); // one em
    const int32_t y = std::round(translate.y * 24) + yOffset; // one em

    // Loop through all characters of this label and shape.
    for (uint32_t chr : string) {
        auto metric = metrics.find(chr);
        if (metric != metrics.end()) {
            shaping.positionedGlyphs.emplace_back(chr, x, y);
            x += metric->second.advance + spacing;

    if (!shaping.positionedGlyphs.size())
        return shaping;

    lineWrap(shaping, lineHeight, maxWidth, horizontalAlign, verticalAlign, justify);

    return shaping;

示例3: loadFace

void tst_QScriptEngine::nko()
        FT_Face face = loadFace("DejaVuSans.ttf");
        if (face) {
	    const ShapeTable shape_table [] = {
                { { 0x7ca, 0x0 },
                  { 0x5c1, 0x0 } },
                { { 0x7ca, 0x7ca, 0x0 },
                  { 0x14db, 0x14d9, 0x0 } },
                { { 0x7ca, 0x7fa, 0x7ca, 0x0 },
                  { 0x14db, 0x5ec, 0x14d9, 0x0 } },
                { { 0x7ca, 0x7f3, 0x7ca, 0x0 },
                  { 0x14db, 0x5e7, 0x14d9, 0x0 } },
                { { 0x7ca, 0x7f3, 0x7fa, 0x7ca, 0x0 },
                  { 0x14db, 0x5e7, 0x5ec, 0x14d9, 0x0 } },
                { {0}, {0} }

	    const ShapeTable *s = shape_table;
	    while (s->unicode[0]) {
                QVERIFY( shaping(face, s, HB_Script_Nko) );

	} else {
	    QSKIP("couln't find DejaVuSans.ttf");

示例4: shaping

const Shaping GlyphSet::getShaping(const std::u32string &string, const float maxWidth,
                                    const float lineHeight, const float horizontalAlign,
                                    const float verticalAlign, const float justify,
                                    const float spacing, const Point<float> &translate) const {
    Shaping shaping(translate.x * 24, translate.y * 24, string);

    // the y offset *should* be part of the font metadata
    const int32_t yOffset = -17;

    float x = 0;
    const float y = yOffset;

    // Loop through all characters of this label and shape.
    for (uint32_t chr : string) {
        auto it = sdfs.find(chr);
        if (it != sdfs.end()) {
            shaping.positionedGlyphs.emplace_back(chr, x, y);
            x += it->second.metrics.advance + spacing;

    if (shaping.positionedGlyphs.empty())
        return shaping;

    lineWrap(shaping, lineHeight, maxWidth, horizontalAlign, verticalAlign, justify, translate);

    return shaping;
