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C++ sf_intalloc函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中sf_intalloc函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ sf_intalloc函数的具体用法?C++ sf_intalloc怎么用?C++ sf_intalloc使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: main

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) 
    int m, k, l, seed;
    sf_file  bshuffle,ashuffle;
    sf_axis ax,at,ap,av;
    int nx,nt,np,nv,iteration,*a1, *a2;
    float ***bsh, ***bsh2;


    if (!sf_getint("iteration",&iteration)) iteration=1;
    if (!sf_getint("seed",&seed)) seed=2012;
    at=sf_iaxa( bshuffle,1); nt=sf_n(at);
    ax=sf_iaxa( bshuffle,3); nx=sf_n(ax);
    ap=sf_iaxa( bshuffle,2); np=sf_n(ap);
    av=sf_iaxa( bshuffle,4); nv=sf_n(av);


    for (m=0; m<np; m++) {

    bubble(a1, a2, np);

    for (k=0; k<nv; k++) {
	for(l=0; l<nx; l++) {
	    for (m=0; m<np; m++) {
		memcpy(bsh2[l][m], bsh[l][a2[m]], nt*sizeof(float));

    exit (0);

示例2: lint2d_make

lint2d lint2d_make(	int na, 
					pt2d *aa, 
					fdm2d fdm)
/*< init 2D linear interpolation >*/
    lint2d ca;
    int    ia;
    float f1,f2;
    ca = (lint2d) sf_alloc(1,sizeof(*ca));

    ca->n = na;

    ca->w00 = sf_floatalloc(na);
    ca->w01 = sf_floatalloc(na);
    ca->w10 = sf_floatalloc(na);
    ca->w11 = sf_floatalloc(na);

    ca->jz  = sf_intalloc(na);
    ca->jx  = sf_intalloc(na);

    for (ia=0; ia<na; ia++) {
		if(aa[ia].z >= fdm->ozpad && 
			aa[ia].z <  fdm->ozpad + (fdm->nzpad-1)*fdm->dz &&
			aa[ia].x >= fdm->oxpad && 
			aa[ia].x <  fdm->oxpad + (fdm->nxpad-1)*fdm->dx   ) {
			ca->jz[ia] = NINT((aa[ia].z-fdm->ozpad)/fdm->dz);
			ca->jx[ia] = NINT((aa[ia].x-fdm->oxpad)/fdm->dx);
			f1 = (aa[ia].z-fdm->ozpad)/fdm->dz - ca->jz[ia];
			f2 = (aa[ia].x-fdm->oxpad)/fdm->dx - ca->jx[ia];
		else {
			ca->jz[ia] = 0; 
			ca->jx[ia] = 0;
			f1 = 1; 
			f2 = 0;
		ca->w00[ia] = (1-f1)*(1-f2);
		ca->w01[ia] = (  f1)*(1-f2);
		ca->w10[ia] = (1-f1)*(  f2);
		ca->w11[ia] = (  f1)*(  f2);
    return ca;

示例3: lint2d_make

lint2d lint2d_make(int    na, 
		   pt2d*  aa, 
		   fdm2d fdm)
/*< init 2D linear interpolation >*/
    lint2d ca;
    int    ia;
    float f1,f2;
    ca = (lint2d) sf_alloc(1,sizeof(*ca));

    ca->n = na;

    ca->w00 = sf_floatalloc(na);
    ca->w01 = sf_floatalloc(na);
    ca->w10 = sf_floatalloc(na);
    ca->w11 = sf_floatalloc(na);

    ca->j1  = sf_intalloc(na);
    ca->j2  = sf_intalloc(na);

    for (ia=0;ia<na;ia++) {
	if(aa[ia].z >= fdm->o1pad && 
	   aa[ia].z <  fdm->o1pad + (fdm->n1pad-1)*fdm->d1 &&
	   aa[ia].x >= fdm->o2pad && 
	   aa[ia].x <  fdm->o2pad + (fdm->n2pad-1)*fdm->d2   ) {
	    ca->j1[ia] = (int)( (aa[ia].z-fdm->o1pad)/fdm->d1);
	    ca->j2[ia] = (int)( (aa[ia].x-fdm->o2pad)/fdm->d2);
	    f1 = (aa[ia].z-fdm->o1pad)/fdm->d1 - ca->j1[ia];
	    f2 = (aa[ia].x-fdm->o2pad)/fdm->d2 - ca->j2[ia];
	} else {
	    ca->j1[ia] = 0; 
	    ca->j2[ia] = 0;
	    f1 = 1; 
	    f2 = 0;

	ca->w00[ia] = (1-f1)*(1-f2);
	ca->w01[ia] = (  f1)*(1-f2);
	ca->w10[ia] = (1-f1)*(  f2);
	ca->w11[ia] = (  f1)*(  f2);

    return ca;

示例4: wmedian

float wmedian(float *temp,float *weight,int nfw)
/*< get a weighted median value >*/
    int i, j, pass, *index, b;
    float wm, a, *data;
    data = sf_floatalloc(nfw);
    index = sf_intalloc(nfw);
    for (j=0; j < nfw; j++) {
	data[j] = temp[j]*weight[j];
	index[j] = j;
    for(pass=1; pass < nfw; pass++) {
	for(i=0; i < nfw-pass; i++) {
	    if(data[i] > data[i+1]) {
		a = data[i];
		b = index[i];
		data[i] = data[i+1];
		index[i] = index[i+1];
		data[i+1] = a;
		index[i+1] = b;
    wm = temp[index[nfw/2]];
    return wm;

示例5: stretch4_init

map4 stretch4_init (int n1, float o1, float d1 /* regular axis */, 
		    int nd                     /* data samples */, 
		    float eps                  /* regularization */)
/*< initialize >*/
    int i;
    map4 str;
    str = (map4) sf_alloc (1, sizeof(*str));

    str->nt = n1; 
    str->t0 = o1; 
    str->dt = d1; 
    str->nd = nd; 
    str->eps = eps;
    str->x = sf_intalloc (nd);
    str->m = sf_boolalloc (nd);
    str->w = sf_floatalloc2 (4,nd);
    str->diag = sf_floatalloc (str->nt);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	str->offd[i] = sf_floatalloc (str->nt-1-i);
    str->slv = sf_banded_init (str->nt,3);
    str->tslv = sf_spline4_init(str->nt);

    return str;

示例6: mutingf

int mutingf(int nt, int nx, float dt, float dx, float dz, int isx, int isz, int gpz, float vel, int wd, float **dat)
/*< muting function >*/
  float z2; /* source location */
  float tt;
  int *t;
  int ix,it,cut;

  t = sf_intalloc(nx);

  z2= powf((isz-gpz)*dz,2);

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(ix,tt,cut)
  for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
    tt = sqrtf( powf((isx-ix)*dx,2) + z2 ) / vel;
    cut = (int) (tt/dt) + wd; /* why cannot use int to convert */
    if (cut > nt) cut = nt;
    t[ix] = cut;

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(ix,it)
  for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
    for (it = 0; it < t[ix]; it ++) {
      dat[ix][it] = 0.0f;

  return 0;

示例7: sf_stretch_init

sf_map sf_stretch_init (int n1, float o1, float d1 /* regular axis */, 
			int nd                     /* data length */, 
			float eps                  /* regularization */, 
			bool narrow                /* if zero boundary */)
/*< initialize >*/
    sf_map str;
    str = (sf_map) sf_alloc (1, sizeof(*str));

    str->nt = n1; 
    str->t0 = o1; 
    str->dt = d1; 
    str->nd = nd; 
    str->eps = eps;
    str->narrow = narrow;
    str->x = sf_intalloc (nd);
    str->m = sf_boolalloc (nd);
    str->w = sf_floatalloc (nd);
    str->diag = sf_floatalloc (n1);
    str->offd = sf_floatalloc (n1-1);
    str->slv = sf_tridiagonal_init (n1);

    return str;

示例8: nallocate

nfilter nallocate(int np   /* number of patches */, 
		  int nd   /* data size */, 
		  int *nh  /* filter size [np] */, 
		  int *pch /* patching [nd] */) 
/*< allocate >*/
    nfilter aa;
    int ip, id;
    aa = (nfilter) sf_alloc(1,sizeof(*aa));

    aa->np = np;
    aa->hlx = (sf_filter*) sf_alloc(np,sizeof(sf_filter));

    for (ip=0; ip < np; ip++) {
	aa->hlx[ip] = sf_allocatehelix(nh[ip]);
    aa->pch = sf_intalloc(nd);
    for (id=0; id < nd; id++) {
	aa->pch[id] = pch[id];

    aa->mis = NULL;
    return aa;

示例9: sf_upgrad_init

sf_upgrad sf_upgrad_init(int mdim        /* number of dimensions */,
			 const int *mm   /* [dim] data size */,
			 const float *d  /* [dim] data sampling */)
/*< initialize >*/
    sf_upgrad upg;
    int i;

    if (mdim > 3) sf_error("%s: dim=%d > 3",__FILE__,mdim);

    ndim = mdim;
    nn = mm;

    nt = 1;
    for (i=0; i < ndim; i++) {
	ss[i] = nt;
	nt *= nn[i];
	dd[i] = 1.0/(d[i]*d[i]);

    upg = (sf_upgrad) sf_alloc(1,sizeof(*upg));

    upg->update = sf_ucharalloc2(2,nt);
    upg->ww = sf_floatalloc2(ndim+1,nt);
    upg->order = sf_intalloc(nt);

    return upg;

示例10: fastmarch_init

void fastmarch_init(int nx_init, int nz_init, int nt_init,
		    float hx_init, float hz_init, float ht_init,
		    float *x0_init, float *t0_init, float *v_init, float *s_init)
/*< initialize >*/
    int i,j,ind, nxz;

    nx = nx_init;
    nz = nz_init;
    nt = nt_init;
    nt1 = nt-1;
    nx1 = nx-1;

    hx = hx_init;
    hz = hz_init;
    ht = ht_init;

    x0 = x0_init;
    t0 = t0_init;

    v = v_init;
    s = s_init;

    nxz = nx*nz;

    pup= sf_intalloc(nxz);
    ms= sf_charalloc(nxz);
    r= sf_intalloc(nxz);
    p= sf_intalloc(nxz);


    for( i=0;i<nx;i++ ) {
	for( j=1;j<nz;j++ ) {


示例11: vp_plot_init

void vp_plot_init(int n2)
    int  i, len;

    dashtype = sf_floatalloc(n2);
    if (!sf_getfloats ("dash",dashtype,n2)) {
	/*  line dash type	
	    0 continuos (default)
	    1 fine dash
	    2 fine dot
	    3 dash
	    4 large dash
	    5 dot dash
	    6 large dash small dash
	    7 double dot
	    8 double dash
	    9 loose dash  The part after the decimal point determines the pattern repetition interval */	   
	for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) 
	    dashtype[i] = 0.;

    fat = sf_intalloc(n2);
    if (!sf_getints("plotfat",fat,n2)) {
	/* line fatness */
	for (i = 0; i < n2; i++)
	    fat[i] = 0;
    col = sf_intalloc(n2);
    if (!sf_getints("plotcol",col,n2)) {
	/* line color 
	   7 white
	   6 yellow (default)
	   5 cyan
	   4 green
	   3 magenta
	   2 red
	   1 blue
	   0 black */
	for (i = 0; i < n2; i++)
	    col[i] = 6 - (i % 6);

示例12: mflt_init

void* mflt_init(int m1, int mw)
/*< median filter initialize >*/
	struct tag_mflt *p;
	p=sf_alloc(1, sizeof(struct tag_mflt));

	p->n1 = m1;
	p->nw = mw;
	p->bi = sf_floatalloc(m1+2*mw);
	p->pi = sf_intalloc(2*mw+1);
	return p;

示例13: medbin_init

void medbin_init (float **coord       /* coordinates [nd][2] */, 
		  float o1, float o2, 
		  float d1, float d2,
		  int   n1, int   n2  /* axes */,
		  int nd_in           /* number of data points */) 
/*< initialize >*/
    int id, im, i1, i2, start;

    nd = nd_in; 
    nm = n1*n2;

    ct = sf_intalloc(nm);
    pt = sf_intalloc(nm);
    k = sf_intalloc(nd);
    m = sf_boolalloc(nd);
    bd = sf_floatalloc(nd);

    for (im=0; im < nm; im++) {
	ct[im] = 0.;
    for (id = 0; id < nd; id++) {
	i1 = 0.5 + (coord[id][0] - o1)/d1;
	i2 = 0.5 + (coord[id][1] - o2)/d2;
	m[id] = (bool)
	    ((i1 >= 0) && (i1 < n1) &&    
	     (i2 >= 0) && (i2 < n2));
	if (m[id]) {
	    im = i2*n1+i1;
	    k[id] = im; 

    start = 0;
    for (im=0; im < nm; im++) {
	pt[im] = start;
	start += ct[im];

示例14: steep

sf_filter steep(int dim    /* number of dimensions */,
                int *n     /* data size [dim] */,
                int *a     /* filter size [dim] */,
                float *d   /* axis sampling [dim] */,
                float vel  /* velocity */,
                float tgap /* time gap */)
/*< define PEF >*/
    int *lag, c[SF_MAX_DIM], i, h, na, j;
    float x, t0;
    sf_filter aa;

    na = 1;
    for (j=0; j < dim; j++) {
        na *= a[j];

    lag = sf_intalloc(na);

    for (h=i=0; i < na; i++) {
        sf_line2cart(dim, a, i, c);

        for (j=0; j < dim-1; j++) {
            c[j] -= (a[j]-1)/2;

        t0 = 0.;
        for (j=0; j < dim-1; j++) {
            x = d[j]*c[j];
            t0 += x*x;
        t0 = sqrtf(t0)/vel;
        if (t0 < tgap) t0 = tgap;

        x = d[dim-1]*c[dim-1];
        if(x >= t0) {
            lag[h] = sf_cart2line(dim, n, c);

    aa = sf_allocatehelix(h);

    for (i=0; i < h; i++) {
        aa->lag[i] = lag[i];
        aa->flt[i] = 0.;


    return aa;

示例15: main

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    sf_file in, out ;
    int i1, i2, n1, n2, *v;
    float o1, d1, **u;
    char *l1, *u1;
    sf_axis ax;

    sf_init(argc, argv);

    in  = sf_input("in");  /* delay file (int) */
    out = sf_output("out");

    if(!sf_histint(in, "n1", &n2)) sf_error("n1 needed");
    sf_shiftdim(in, out, 1);

    if(!sf_getint("n1", &n1)) n1=1000; /* samples */
    if(!sf_getfloat("o1", &o1)) o1=0.0; /* sampling interval */
    if(!sf_getfloat("d1", &d1)) d1=0.004; /* original  */
    if((l1=sf_getstring("l1")) == NULL) l1="Time"; /* label "Time" */
    if((u1=sf_getstring("u1")) == NULL) u1="s"; /* unit "s" */

    ax = sf_maxa(n1, o1, d1);
    sf_setlabel(ax, l1);
    sf_setunit(ax, u1);
    sf_oaxa(out, ax, 1);
    sf_putint(out, "n2", n2);
    sf_settype(out, SF_FLOAT);

    v = sf_intalloc(n2);
    u = sf_floatalloc2(n1, n2);
    sf_intread(v, n2, in);

    for(i2=0; i2<n2; i2++)
        for(i1=0; i1<n1; i1++)
            if(i1==v[i2])	u[i2][i1] = 1;
            else u[i2][i1] = 0;

    sf_floatwrite(u[0], n1*n2, out);


    return 0;

