本文整理汇总了C++中setval函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ setval函数的具体用法?C++ setval怎么用?C++ setval使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: PronyModel
double PronyModel(double t, matrix* beta, void *params)
matrix *Ji, *taui;
double *p;
double J0, J, Jval, tauval;
int n, i;
p = (double*) params;
J0 = *p;
/* Pull out all the parameter values */
n = nRows(beta)/2;
Ji = CreateMatrix(n, 1);
taui = CreateMatrix(n, 1);
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
setval(Ji, val(beta, 2*i, 0), i, 0);
setval(taui, val(beta, 2*i+1, 0), i, 0);
J = J0;
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
Jval = val(Ji, i, 0)*val(Ji, i, 0);
tauval = val(taui, i, 0)*val(taui, i, 0);
J += Jval * (1-exp(-t/tauval));
return J;
示例2: aout_addsym
static unsigned long aout_addsym(char *name,taddr value,int bind,
int info,int type,int desc,int be)
/* add a new symbol, return its symbol table index */
struct SymbolNode **chain = &aoutsymlist.hashtab[hashcode(name)%SYMHTABSIZE];
struct SymbolNode *sym;
while (sym = *chain)
chain = &sym->hashchain;
/* new symbol table entry */
*chain = sym = mycalloc(sizeof(struct SymbolNode));
if (!name)
name = emptystr;
sym->name = name;
sym->index = aoutsymlist.nextindex++;
sym->s.n_type = type;
/* GNU binutils don't use BIND_LOCAL/GLOBAL in a.out files! We do! */
sym->s.n_other = ((bind&0xf)<<4) | (info&0xf);
return sym->index;
示例3: _start
void _start(void)
struct uart *const uart = get_base_uart(0);
struct dma *const dma =((struct dma *)get_base_dmas()) + 0;
/*开启uart0 的DMA received 功能*/
//uart->UCON |= 0x2 << 2;
uart->UCON = 9;
/* 设置源 */
dma->DISRC = (unsigned int)buf;
dma->DISRCC = 0; /* 数据源在内存中,ahb */
/* 设置目的地址 */
dma->DIDST =(unsigned int)&uart->UTXH;
dma->DIDSTC |= 3; /* 目的地址uart连接在apb上*/
setval(dma->DCON, 0x001, 3, 24); /* 接上uart0 */
setval(dma->DCON, 0x1, 1, 23); /* 硬件DMA*/
setval(dma->DCON, 0x1, 1, 22); /* 关闭重载 */
setval(dma->DCON, sizeof(buf), 20, 0);
/* 激活DMA */
dma->DMASKTRIG |= 0x2;
示例4: run
/* Of a 209-line interpreter, the actual interpreting function is only 17 lines... */
void run() {
// run the program
for (ip = 0; ip < n_of_lines; ip++) {
switch (pgm[ip].instruction) {
case LBL:
break; // don't do anything, labels have already been stored.
case CPY:
case INC:
case DEC:
if (memval(value(pgm[ip].op1))) {
setval(value(pgm[ip].op1), memval(value(pgm[ip].op1))-1);
} else {
ip = getlbl(pgm[ip].op2);
case OUT:
case INP:
示例5: CreateElementMatrix
matrix* CreateElementMatrix(struct fe *p, Elem2D *elem, matrix *guess)
basis *b;
b = p->b;
int nvars = p->nvars;
int i, j;
double value = 0;
matrix *m;
m = CreateMatrix(b->n*nvars, b->n*nvars);
for(i=0; i<b->n*nvars; i+=nvars) {
for(j=0; j<b->n*nvars; j+=nvars) {
/* dRx/dx */
value = quad2d3generic(p, guess, elem, &ElemJdRxdx, i/2, j/2);
setval(m, value, i, j);
/* dRy/dx */
value = quad2d3generic(p, guess, elem, &ElemJdRydx, i/2, j/2);
setval(m, value, i+1, j);
/* dRx/dy */
value = quad2d3generic(p, guess, elem, &ElemJdRxdy, i/2, j/2);
setval(m, value, i, j+1);
/* dRy/dy */
value = quad2d3generic(p, guess, elem, &ElemJdRydy, i/2, j/2);
setval(m, value, i+1, j+1);
return m;
示例6: setval
void Filter::sliderValueChanged (Slider* sliderThatWasMoved)
if (sliderThatWasMoved == lower_cutoffslider)
//[UserSliderCode_lower_cutoffslider] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == upper_cutoffslider)
//[UserSliderCode_upper_cutoffslider] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == sharpnessslider)
//[UserSliderCode_sharpnessslider] -- add your slider handling code here..
示例7: main
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i, j, k;
double Ti, Mj, percent;
vector *T, *M;
matrix *t, *Jij, *betaij, *output, *ttmp;
if(argc < 3) {
"fitcreep: <file> <t1> <t2> ... <tn>\n"
"<file>: Filename containing the creep function data.\n"
"<t1>: First retardation time\n"
"<t2>: Second retardation time\n"
"<tn>: Nth retardation time.\n");
T = linspaceV(333, 363, 10);
M = linspaceV(.05, .4, 10);
ttmp = linspace(1e-3, 1e3, 1000);
t = mtxtrn(ttmp);
output = CreateMatrix(len(T)*len(M), 2+5);
for(i=0; i<len(T); i++) {
Ti = valV(T, i);
for(j=0; j<len(M); j++) {
Mj = valV(M, j);
Jij = makedata(t, Ti, Mj);
betaij = fitdata(t, Jij);
setval(output, Ti, i*len(M)+j, 0);
setval(output, Mj, i*len(M)+j, 1);
setval(output, val(Jij, 0, 0), i*len(M)+j, 2);
for(k=0; k<nRows(betaij); k++)
setval(output, pow(val(betaij, k, 0), 2), i*len(T)+j, k+3);
/* Print the percent done */
percent = (1.*i*len(M)+j)/(len(M)*len(T))*100.;
printf("%3.2f %%\r", percent);
mtxprntfilehdr(output, "output.csv", "T,M,J0,J1,tau1,J2,tau2\n");
return 0;
示例8: CreateElementLoad
/* Create the load vector */
matrix* CreateElementLoad(double Pe, double h) {
matrix *f;
f = CreateMatrix(2, 1);
setval(f, 0, 0, 0);
setval(f, 0, 1, 0);
return f;
示例9: testload
matrix* testload(double Pe, double h) {
matrix *f;
f = CreateMatrix(2, 1);
setval(f, h/2, 0, 0);
setval(f, h/2, 1, 0);
return f;
示例10: addRel64
static void addRel64(int be,taddr o,taddr a,taddr i)
struct RelocNode *rn = mymalloc(sizeof(struct RelocNode));
#if RELA
示例11: CreateElementMatrix
/* Create the element matrix for the specified values of Pe and h */
matrix* CreateElementMatrix(double Pe, double h)
matrix *elem;
elem = CreateMatrix(2, 2);
setval(elem, 1/h-Pe/2, 0, 0);
setval(elem, -1/h+Pe/2, 0, 1);
setval(elem, -1/h-Pe/2, 1, 0);
setval(elem, 1/h+Pe/2, 1, 1);
return elem;
示例12: testelem
/* Test functions to create the element and load matricies based on the equation
* in Problem 1
matrix* testelem(double Pe, double h)
matrix *elem;
elem = CreateMatrix(2, 2);
setval(elem, -1/h+h/3, 0, 0);
setval(elem, 1/h+h/6, 0, 1);
setval(elem, 1/h+h/6, 1, 0);
setval(elem, -1/h+h/3, 1, 1);
return elem;
示例13: GetDeformedCoords
matrix* GetDeformedCoords(struct fe *p, matrix *Soln)
matrix *Def;
int i;
Def = CreateMatrix(nRows(Soln)/2, 2);
for(i=0; i<nRows(Soln)/2; i++) {
setval(Def, val(Soln, 2*i, 0) + valV(GetNodeCoordinates(p->mesh, i), 0), i, 0);
setval(Def, val(Soln, 2*i+1, 0) + valV(GetNodeCoordinates(p->mesh, i), 1), i, 1);
return Def;
示例14: FormatDisplacements
matrix* FormatDisplacements(struct fe *p, matrix *Soln)
matrix *Def;
int i;
Def = CreateMatrix(nRows(Soln)/2, 2);
for(i=0; i<nRows(Soln)/2; i++) {
setval(Def, val(Soln, 2*i, 0), i, 0);
setval(Def, val(Soln, 2*i+1, 0), i, 1);
return Def;
示例15: main
* Fit the GAB parameters given water activity
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
matrix *data, *aw, *Xdb, *tmp0, *tmp1, *beta0, *beta;
if(argc != 2) {
puts("gab <aw.csv>");
//data = mtxloadcsv("Andrieu.csv", 0);
data = mtxloadcsv(argv[1], 0);
/* Get the water activity from column 1 and the moisture content from
* column 6. */
aw = ExtractColumn(data, 0);
Xdb = ExtractColumn(data, 5);
/* Stick the two matricies together and delete any rows that contain
* empty values */
tmp0 = AugmentMatrix(aw, Xdb);
tmp1 = DeleteNaNRows(tmp0);
/* Pull the two columns back apart */
aw = ExtractColumn(tmp1, 0);
Xdb = ExtractColumn(tmp1, 1);
/* Set up the beta matrix with some initial guesses at the GAB constants.
* The solver needs these to be pretty close to the actual values, or it
* will fail to converge */
beta0 = CreateOnesMatrix(3, 1);
setval(beta0, 6, 0, 0);
setval(beta0, .5, 1, 0);
setval(beta0, .04, 2, 0);
/* Attempt to fit the gab parameters to the supplied data */
beta = fitnlm(&gab, aw, Xdb, beta0);
/* Print out the fitted values */
printf("C = %g\nk = %g\nXm = %g\n",
val(beta, 0, 0),
val(beta, 1, 0),
val(beta, 2, 0));
return 0;