本文整理汇总了C++中set_pbc函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ set_pbc函数的具体用法?C++ set_pbc怎么用?C++ set_pbc使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: set_pbc
static t_bbb *mk_bonds(int natoms,rvec x[],real odist,
gmx_bool bPBC,matrix box)
real od2 = odist*odist+1e-5;
t_pbc pbc;
t_bbb *bbb;
int i,j;
rvec dx;
if (bPBC)
for(i=0; (i<natoms); i++) {
for(j=i+1; (j<natoms); j++) {
if (bPBC)
if (iprod(dx,dx) <= od2) {
bbb[i].aa[bbb[i].n++] = j;
bbb[j].aa[bbb[j].n++] = i;
if (debug)
#define PRB(nn) (bbb[(i)].n >= (nn)) ? bbb[i].aa[nn-1] : -1
for(i=0; (i<natoms); i++)
fprintf(debug,"bonds from %3d: %d %d %d %d\n",
#undef PRB
return bbb;
示例2: allPairsDistOk
/* This is a (maybe) slow workaround to avoid the neighbor searching in addconf.c, which
* leaks memory (May 2012). The function could be deleted as soon as the momory leaks
* in addconf.c are fixed.
* However, when inserting a small molecule in a system containing not too many atoms,
* allPairsDistOk is probably even faster than addconf.c
static gmx_bool
allPairsDistOk(t_atoms *atoms, rvec *x, real *r,
int ePBC, matrix box,
t_atoms *atoms_insrt, rvec *x_n, real *r_insrt)
int i, j;
rvec dx;
real n2, r2;
t_pbc pbc;
set_pbc(&pbc, ePBC, box);
for (i = 0; i < atoms->nr; i++)
for (j = 0; j < atoms_insrt->nr; j++)
pbc_dx(&pbc, x[i], x_n[j], dx);
n2 = norm2(dx);
r2 = sqr(r[i]+r_insrt[j]);
if (n2 < r2)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
示例3: set_pull_init
void set_pull_init(t_inputrec *ir, gmx_mtop_t *mtop, rvec *x, matrix box, real lambda,
const output_env_t oenv)
pull_params_t *pull;
struct pull_t *pull_work;
t_mdatoms *md;
t_pbc pbc;
int c;
double t_start;
pull = ir->pull;
pull_work = init_pull(NULL, pull, ir, 0, NULL, mtop, NULL, oenv, lambda, FALSE, 0);
md = init_mdatoms(NULL, mtop, ir->efep);
atoms2md(mtop, ir, 0, NULL, mtop->natoms, md);
if (ir->efep)
update_mdatoms(md, lambda);
set_pbc(&pbc, ir->ePBC, box);
t_start = ir->init_t + ir->init_step*ir->delta_t;
pull_calc_coms(NULL, pull_work, md, &pbc, t_start, x, NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "Pull group natoms pbc atom distance at start reference at t=0\n");
for (c = 0; c < pull->ncoord; c++)
t_pull_coord *pcrd;
t_pull_group *pgrp0, *pgrp1;
double value;
real init = 0;
pcrd = &pull->coord[c];
pgrp0 = &pull->group[pcrd->group[0]];
pgrp1 = &pull->group[pcrd->group[1]];
fprintf(stderr, "%8d %8d %8d\n",
pcrd->group[0], pgrp0->nat, pgrp0->pbcatom+1);
fprintf(stderr, "%8d %8d %8d ",
pcrd->group[1], pgrp1->nat, pgrp1->pbcatom+1);
if (pcrd->bStart)
init = pcrd->init;
pcrd->init = 0;
get_pull_coord_value(pull_work, c, &pbc, &value);
fprintf(stderr, " %10.3f nm", value);
if (pcrd->bStart)
pcrd->init = value + init;
fprintf(stderr, " %10.3f nm\n", pcrd->init);
示例4: calc_dist_tot
static void calc_dist_tot(int nind, atom_id index[], rvec x[],
int ePBC, matrix box,
real **d, real **dtot, real **dtot2,
gmx_bool bNMR, real **dtot1_3, real **dtot1_6)
int i, j;
real *xi;
real temp, temp2, temp1_3;
rvec dx;
t_pbc pbc;
set_pbc(&pbc, ePBC, box);
for (i = 0; (i < nind-1); i++)
xi = x[index[i]];
for (j = i+1; (j < nind); j++)
pbc_dx(&pbc, xi, x[index[j]], dx);
temp2 = norm2(dx);
temp = std::sqrt(temp2);
d[i][j] = temp;
dtot[i][j] += temp;
dtot2[i][j] += temp2;
if (bNMR)
temp1_3 = 1.0/(temp*temp2);
dtot1_3[i][j] += temp1_3;
dtot1_6[i][j] += temp1_3*temp1_3;
示例5: mk_bonds
void mk_bonds(int nnm, t_nm2type nmt[],
t_atoms *atoms, rvec x[], t_params *bond, int nbond[],
gmx_bool bPBC, matrix box)
t_param b;
int i, j;
t_pbc pbc;
rvec dx;
real dx2;
for (i = 0; (i < MAXATOMLIST); i++)
b.a[i] = -1;
for (i = 0; (i < MAXFORCEPARAM); i++)
b.c[i] = 0.0;
if (bPBC)
set_pbc(&pbc, -1, box);
for (i = 0; (i < atoms->nr); i++)
if ((i % 10) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\ratom %d", i);
for (j = i+1; (j < atoms->nr); j++)
if (bPBC)
pbc_dx(&pbc, x[i], x[j], dx);
rvec_sub(x[i], x[j], dx);
dx2 = iprod(dx, dx);
if (is_bond(nnm, nmt, *atoms->atomname[i], *atoms->atomname[j],
b.AI = i;
b.AJ = j;
b.C0 = sqrt(dx2);
add_param_to_list (bond, &b);
if (debug)
fprintf(debug, "Bonding atoms %s-%d and %s-%d\n",
*atoms->atomname[i], i+1, *atoms->atomname[j], j+1);
fprintf(stderr, "\ratom %d\n", i);
示例6: chk_bonds
static void chk_bonds(t_idef *idef, int ePBC, rvec *x, matrix box, real tol)
int ftype, i, k, ai, aj, type;
real b0, blen, deviation, devtot;
t_pbc pbc;
rvec dx;
devtot = 0;
set_pbc(&pbc, ePBC, box);
for (ftype = 0; (ftype < F_NRE); ftype++)
if ((interaction_function[ftype].flags & IF_CHEMBOND) == IF_CHEMBOND)
for (k = 0; (k < idef->il[ftype].nr); )
type = idef->il[ftype].iatoms[k++];
ai = idef->il[ftype].iatoms[k++];
aj = idef->il[ftype].iatoms[k++];
b0 = 0;
switch (ftype)
case F_BONDS:
b0 = idef->iparams[type].harmonic.rA;
case F_G96BONDS:
b0 = sqrt(idef->iparams[type].harmonic.rA);
case F_MORSE:
b0 = idef->iparams[type].morse.b0A;
b0 = idef->iparams[type].cubic.b0;
case F_CONSTR:
b0 = idef->iparams[type].constr.dA;
if (b0 != 0)
pbc_dx(&pbc, x[ai], x[aj], dx);
blen = norm(dx);
deviation = sqr(blen-b0);
if (sqrt(deviation/sqr(b0) > tol))
fprintf(stderr, "Distance between atoms %d and %d is %.3f, should be %.3f\n", ai+1, aj+1, blen, b0);
示例7: calc_mj
static void calc_mj(t_topology top, int ePBC, matrix box, gmx_bool bNoJump, int isize, int index0[], \
rvec fr[], rvec mj, real mass2[], real qmol[])
int i, j, k, l;
rvec tmp;
rvec center;
rvec mt1, mt2;
t_pbc pbc;
calc_box_center(ecenterRECT, box, center);
if (!bNoJump)
set_pbc(&pbc, ePBC, box);
for (i = 0; i < isize; i++)
k = top.mols.index[index0[i]];
l = top.mols.index[index0[i+1]];
for (j = k; j < l; j++)
svmul(mass2[j], fr[j], tmp);
rvec_inc(mt1, tmp);
if (bNoJump)
svmul(qmol[k], mt1, mt1);
pbc_dx(&pbc, mt1, center, mt2);
svmul(qmol[k], mt2, mt1);
rvec_inc(mj, mt1);
示例8: setStateDependentAwhParams
void setStateDependentAwhParams(AwhParams *awhParams,
const pull_params_t *pull_params, pull_t *pull_work,
const matrix box, int ePBC,
const t_grpopts *inputrecGroupOptions, warninp_t wi)
/* The temperature is not really state depenendent but is not known
* when read_awhParams is called (in get ir).
* It is known first after do_index has been called in grompp.cpp.
if (inputrecGroupOptions->ref_t == NULL ||
inputrecGroupOptions->ref_t[0] <= 0)
gmx_fatal(FARGS, "AWH biasing is only supported for temperatures > 0");
for (int i = 1; i < inputrecGroupOptions->ngtc; i++)
if (inputrecGroupOptions->ref_t[i] != inputrecGroupOptions->ref_t[0])
gmx_fatal(FARGS, "AWH biasing is currently only supported for identical temperatures for all temperature coupling groups");
t_pbc pbc;
set_pbc(&pbc, ePBC, box);
for (int k = 0; k < awhParams->numBias; k++)
AwhBiasParams *awhBiasParams = &awhParams->awhBiasParams[k];
for (int d = 0; d < awhBiasParams->ndim; d++)
AwhDimParams *dimParams = &awhBiasParams->dimParams[d];
/* The periodiciy of the AWH grid in certain cases depends on the simulation box */
dimParams->period = get_pull_coord_period(pull_params, dimParams->coordIndex, box);
/* The initial coordinate value, converted to external user units. */
dimParams->coordValueInit =
get_pull_coord_value(pull_work, dimParams->coordIndex, &pbc);
t_pull_coord *pullCoord = &pull_params->coord[dimParams->coordIndex];
dimParams->coordValueInit *= pull_conversion_factor_internal2userinput(pullCoord);
checkInputConsistencyInterval(awhParams, wi);
/* Register AWH as external potential with pull to check consistency. */
Awh::registerAwhWithPull(*awhParams, pull_work);
示例9: calc_angles_dihs
void calc_angles_dihs(t_params *ang, t_params *dih, rvec x[], gmx_bool bPBC,
matrix box)
int i, ai, aj, ak, al, t1, t2, t3;
rvec r_ij, r_kj, r_kl, m, n;
real sign, th, costh, ph;
t_pbc pbc;
if (bPBC)
set_pbc(&pbc, epbcXYZ, box);
if (debug)
pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "X2TOP", box, DIM);
for (i = 0; (i < ang->nr); i++)
ai = ang->param[i].AI;
aj = ang->param[i].AJ;
ak = ang->param[i].AK;
th = RAD2DEG*bond_angle(x[ai], x[aj], x[ak], bPBC ? &pbc : NULL,
r_ij, r_kj, &costh, &t1, &t2);
if (debug)
fprintf(debug, "X2TOP: ai=%3d aj=%3d ak=%3d r_ij=%8.3f r_kj=%8.3f th=%8.3f\n",
ai, aj, ak, norm(r_ij), norm(r_kj), th);
ang->param[i].C0 = th;
for (i = 0; (i < dih->nr); i++)
ai = dih->param[i].AI;
aj = dih->param[i].AJ;
ak = dih->param[i].AK;
al = dih->param[i].AL;
ph = RAD2DEG*dih_angle(x[ai], x[aj], x[ak], x[al], bPBC ? &pbc : NULL,
r_ij, r_kj, r_kl, m, n, &sign, &t1, &t2, &t3);
if (debug)
fprintf(debug, "X2TOP: ai=%3d aj=%3d ak=%3d al=%3d r_ij=%8.3f r_kj=%8.3f r_kl=%8.3f ph=%8.3f\n",
ai, aj, ak, al, norm(r_ij), norm(r_kj), norm(r_kl), ph);
dih->param[i].C0 = ph;
示例10: calc_mat
static void calc_mat(int nres, int natoms, int rndx[],
rvec x[], atom_id *index,
real trunc, real **mdmat, int **nmat, int ePBC, matrix box)
int i, j, resi, resj;
real trunc2, r, r2;
t_pbc pbc;
rvec ddx;
set_pbc(&pbc, ePBC, box);
trunc2 = sqr(trunc);
for (resi = 0; (resi < nres); resi++)
for (resj = 0; (resj < nres); resj++)
mdmat[resi][resj] = FARAWAY;
for (i = 0; (i < natoms); i++)
resi = rndx[i];
for (j = i+1; (j < natoms); j++)
resj = rndx[j];
pbc_dx(&pbc, x[index[i]], x[index[j]], ddx);
r2 = norm2(ddx);
if (r2 < trunc2)
mdmat[resi][resj] = min(r2, mdmat[resi][resj]);
for (resi = 0; (resi < nres); resi++)
mdmat[resi][resi] = 0;
for (resj = resi+1; (resj < nres); resj++)
r = sqrt(mdmat[resi][resj]);
mdmat[resi][resj] = r;
mdmat[resj][resi] = r;
示例11: put_atoms_in_compact_unitcell
const char *
put_atoms_in_compact_unitcell(int ePBC,int ecenter,matrix box,
int natoms,rvec x[])
t_pbc pbc;
rvec box_center,dx;
int i;
for(i=0; i<natoms; i++) {
return pbc.bLimitDistance ?
"WARNING: Could not put all atoms in the compact unitcell\n"
示例12: calc_dist
static void calc_dist(int nind, int index[], const rvec x[], int ePBC, matrix box,
real **d)
int i, j;
rvec dx;
real temp2;
t_pbc pbc;
set_pbc(&pbc, ePBC, box);
for (i = 0; (i < nind-1); i++)
const real *xi = x[index[i]];
for (j = i+1; (j < nind); j++)
pbc_dx(&pbc, xi, x[index[j]], dx);
temp2 = norm2(dx);
d[i][j] = std::sqrt(temp2);
示例13: partition_absorbing_box
partition_absorbing_box( grid_t * g,
double gx0, double gy0, double gz0,
double gx1, double gy1, double gz1,
int gnx, int gny, int gnz,
int gpx, int gpy, int gpz,
int pbc ) {
int px, py, pz;
partition_periodic_box( g,
gx0, gy0, gz0,
gx1, gy1, gz1,
gnx, gny, gnz,
gpx, gpy, gpz );
// Override periodic boundary conditions
RANK_TO_INDEX( world_rank, px,py,pz );
if( px==0 && gnx>1 ) {
if( px==gpx-1 && gnx>1 ) {
set_fbc(g,BOUNDARY( 1,0,0),absorb_fields);
set_pbc(g,BOUNDARY( 1,0,0),pbc);
if( py==0 && gny>1 ) {
if( py==gpy-1 && gny>1 ) {
set_fbc(g,BOUNDARY(0, 1,0),absorb_fields);
set_pbc(g,BOUNDARY(0, 1,0),pbc);
if( pz==0 && gnz>1 ) {
if( pz==gpz-1 && gnz>1 ) {
set_fbc(g,BOUNDARY(0,0, 1),absorb_fields);
set_pbc(g,BOUNDARY(0,0, 1),pbc);
示例14: put_atoms_in_compact_unitcell
void put_atoms_in_compact_unitcell(int ePBC, int ecenter, const matrix box,
int natoms, rvec x[])
t_pbc pbc;
rvec box_center, dx;
int i;
set_pbc(&pbc, ePBC, box);
if (pbc.ePBCDX == epbcdxUNSUPPORTED)
gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Can not put atoms in compact unitcell with unsupported PBC");
calc_box_center(ecenter, box, box_center);
for (i = 0; i < natoms; i++)
pbc_dx(&pbc, x[i], box_center, dx);
rvec_add(box_center, dx, x[i]);
示例15: gmx_dist
if (index[g][i]>max)
if (index[g][i] >= top->atoms.nr)
gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Atom number %d, item %d of group %d, is larger than number of atoms in the topolgy (%d)\n",index[g][i]+1,i+1,g+1,top->atoms.nr+1);
t0 = t;
if (max>=natoms)
gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Atom number %d in an index group is larger than number of atoms in the trajectory (%d)\n",(int)max+1,natoms);
if (!bCutoff) {
/* open output file */
fp = xvgropen(ftp2fn(efXVG,NFILE,fnm),
"Distance","Time (ps)","Distance (nm)",oenv);
} else {
ngrps = 1;
if (bLifeTime)
if (ePBC != epbcNONE)
pbc = NULL;
gpbc = gmx_rmpbc_init(&top->idef,ePBC,natoms,box);
do {
/* initialisation for correct distance calculations */
if (pbc) {
/* make molecules whole again */
/* calculate center of masses */
for(g=0;(g<ngrps);g++) {
if (isize[g] == 1) {
} else {
for(d=0;(d<DIM);d++) {
for(i=0;(i<isize[g]);i++) {
com[g][d] += x[index[g][i]][d] * top->atoms.atom[index[g][i]].m;
com[g][d] /= mass[g];
if (!bCutoff) {
/* write to output */
fprintf(fp,"%12.7f ",t);
for(g=0;(g<ngrps/2);g++) {
if (pbc)
fprintf(fp,"%12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f",
} else {