本文整理汇总了C++中scale函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ scale函数的具体用法?C++ scale怎么用?C++ scale使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: synth_half
* NAME: synth->half()
* DESCRIPTION: perform half frequency PCM synthesis
void synth_half(struct mad_synth *synth, struct mad_frame /*const*/ *frame,
unsigned int nch, unsigned int ns)
unsigned int phase, ch, s, sb, pe, po;
short int *pcm1, *pcm2;
mad_fixed_t (*filter)[2][2][16][8];
mad_fixed_t (*sbsample)[36][32];
register mad_fixed_t (*fe)[8], (*fx)[8], (*fo)[8];
register mad_fixed_t const (*Dptr)[32], *ptr ;
register mad_fixed64hi_t hi;
register mad_fixed64lo_t lo;
mad_fixed_t raw_sample;
static short int short_sample_buff[16];
phase = synth->phase;
for (s = 0; s < ns; ++s)
memset (short_sample_buff, 0x00, sizeof(short_sample_buff));
for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch)
sbsample = &frame->sbsample[ch];
filter = &synth->filter[ch];
pcm1 = short_sample_buff;
dct32((*sbsample)[s], phase >> 1,
(*filter)[0][phase & 1], (*filter)[1][phase & 1]);
pe = phase & ~1;
po = ((phase - 1) & 0xf) | 1;
/* calculate 16 samples */
fe = &(*filter)[0][ phase & 1][0];
fx = &(*filter)[0][~phase & 1][0];
fo = &(*filter)[1][~phase & 1][0];
Dptr = &D[0];
ptr = *Dptr + po;
ML0(hi, lo, (*fx)[0], ptr[ 0]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[1], ptr[14]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[2], ptr[12]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[3], ptr[10]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[4], ptr[ 8]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[5], ptr[ 6]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[6], ptr[ 4]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[7], ptr[ 2]);
MLN(hi, lo);
ptr = *Dptr + pe;
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[0], ptr[ 0]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[1], ptr[14]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[2], ptr[12]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[3], ptr[10]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[4], ptr[ 8]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[5], ptr[ 6]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[6], ptr[ 4]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[7], ptr[ 2]);
raw_sample = SHIFT(MLZ(hi, lo));
raw_sample = scale(raw_sample);
(*pcm1++) += (short int)raw_sample;
pcm2 = pcm1 + 14;
for (sb = 1; sb < 16; ++sb)
/* D[32 - sb][i] == -D[sb][31 - i] */
ptr = *Dptr + po;
ML0(hi, lo, (*fo)[0], ptr[ 0]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[1], ptr[14]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[2], ptr[12]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[3], ptr[10]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[4], ptr[ 8]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[5], ptr[ 6]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[6], ptr[ 4]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[7], ptr[ 2]);
MLN(hi, lo);
ptr = *Dptr + pe;
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[7], ptr[ 2]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[6], ptr[ 4]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[5], ptr[ 6]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[4], ptr[ 8]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[3], ptr[10]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[2], ptr[12]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[1], ptr[14]);
MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[0], ptr[ 0]);
示例2: scale
void GRect::scale(double scl)
示例3: transform
void PianoView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event)
int step = event->delta() / 120;
double xmag = transform().m11();
double ymag = transform().m22();
if (event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) {
if (step > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < step; ++i) {
if (xmag > 10.0)
scale(1.1, 1.0);
xmag *= 1.1;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < -step; ++i) {
if (xmag < 0.001)
scale(.9, 1.0);
xmag *= .9;
emit magChanged(xmag, ymag);
int tpix = (480 * 4) * xmag;
magStep = -5;
if (tpix <= 4000)
magStep = -4;
if (tpix <= 2000)
magStep = -3;
if (tpix <= 1000)
magStep = -2;
if (tpix <= 500)
magStep = -1;
if (tpix <= 128)
magStep = 0;
if (tpix <= 64)
magStep = 1;
if (tpix <= 32)
magStep = 2;
if (tpix <= 16)
magStep = 3;
if (tpix <= 8)
magStep = 4;
if (tpix <= 4)
magStep = 5;
if (tpix <= 2)
magStep = 6;
// if xpos <= 0, then the scene is centered
// there is no scroll bar anymore sending
// change signals, so we have to do it here:
double xpos = -(mapFromScene(QPointF()).x());
if (xpos <= 0)
emit xposChanged(xpos);
else if (event->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) {
QWheelEvent we(event->pos(), event->delta(), event->buttons(), 0, Qt::Horizontal);
else if (event->modifiers() == 0) {
else if (event->modifiers() == (Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::ControlModifier)) {
if (step > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < step; ++i) {
if (ymag > 3.0)
scale(1.0, 1.1);
ymag *= 1.1;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < -step; ++i) {
if (ymag < 0.4)
scale(1.0, .9);
ymag *= .9;
emit magChanged(xmag, ymag);
示例4: toHours
virtual uint64_t toHours(const uint64_t d) {
return scale(d, (C6 / C5), (TimeUnit::MAX / (C6 / C5)));
示例5: framesToRun
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ run --- */
int BASE::run()
int i = 0;
double roomsig[2][BUFLEN], rvbsig[2][BUFLEN];
const int totalSamps = insamps + tapcount;
const int frameCount = framesToRun();
DBG1(printf("%s::run(): totalSamps = %d\n", name(), totalSamps));
// this will return frameCount' worth of input, even if we have
// passed the end of the input (will produce zeros)
getInput(cursamp, frameCount);
DBG1(printf("getInput(%d, %d) called\n", cursamp, frameCount));
int bufsamps = getBufferSize();
// loop for required number of output samples
while (i < frameCount) {
// limit buffer size to end of current pull (chunksamps)
if (frameCount - i < bufsamps)
bufsamps = max(0, frameCount - i);
DBG1(printf("top of main loop: i = %d cursamp = %d bufsamps = %d\n",
i, cursamp, bufsamps));
DBG(printf("input signal:\n"));
DBG(PrintInput(&in[i], bufsamps));
// add signal to delay
put_tap(cursamp, &in[i], bufsamps);
// if processing input signal or flushing delay lines ...
if (cursamp < totalSamps) {
// limit buffer size of end of input data
if (totalSamps - cursamp < bufsamps)
bufsamps = max(0, totalSamps - cursamp);
if ((tapcount = updatePosition(cursamp)) < 0)
DBG1(printf(" inner loop: bufsamps = %d\n", bufsamps));
for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ch++) {
for (int path = 0; path < 13; path++) {
Vector *vec = &m_vectors[ch][path];
DBG(printf("vector[%d][%d]:\n", ch, path));
/* get delayed samps */
get_tap(cursamp, ch, path, bufsamps);
DBG(PrintSig(vec->Sig, bufsamps));
/* air absorpt. filters */
air(vec->Sig, bufsamps, vec->Airdata);
/* wall absorpt. filters */
if (path > 0) // no filtering of direct signal
wall(vec->Sig, bufsamps, vec->Walldata);
/* do binaural angle filters if necessary*/
if (m_binaural)
fir(vec->Sig, cursamp, g_Nterms[path],
vec->Fircoeffs, vec->Firtaps, bufsamps);
// sum unscaled reflected paths as input for RVB.
// first path is set; the rest are summed
if (path == 1)
copyBuf(&roomsig[ch][0], vec->Sig, bufsamps);
else if (path > 1)
addBuf(&roomsig[ch][0], vec->Sig, bufsamps);
/* now do cardioid mike effect if not binaural mode */
if (!m_binaural)
scale(vec->Sig, bufsamps, vec->MikeAmp);
DBG(printf("after final scale before rvb:\n"));
DBG(PrintSig(vec->Sig, bufsamps, 0.1));
/* scale reverb input by amp factor */
scale(&roomsig[ch][0], bufsamps, m_rvbamp);
/* run 1st and 2nd generation paths through reverberator */
for (int n = 0; n < bufsamps; n++) {
if (m_rvbamp != 0.0) {
double rmPair[2];
double rvbPair[2];
rmPair[0] = roomsig[0][n];
rmPair[1] = roomsig[1][n];
RVB(rmPair, rvbPair, cursamp + n);
rvbsig[0][n] = rvbPair[0];
rvbsig[1][n] = rvbPair[1];
rvbsig[0][n] = rvbsig[1][n] = 0.0;
DBG(printf("summing vectors\n"));
if (!m_binaural) {
// re-sum scaled direct and reflected paths as early response
// first path is set; the rest are summed
for (int path = 0; path < 13; path++) {
if (path == 0) {
copyBuf(&roomsig[0][0], m_vectors[0][path].Sig, bufsamps);
示例6: toMicros
virtual uint64_t toMicros(const uint64_t d) {
return scale(d, (C6 / C1), (TimeUnit::MAX / (C6 / C1)));
示例7: toSeconds
virtual uint64_t toSeconds(const uint64_t d) {
return scale(d, (C6 / C3), (TimeUnit::MAX / (C6 / C3)));
示例8: ortho
void LifeCounter::Draw(mat4 view, mat4 projection) {
projection = ortho(0.0f, 20.0f * (scene->width / (float)scene->height), 0.0f, 20.0f, -20.0f, 20.0f);
for(int i=0; i<lives; i++) {
mat4 model = translation(position + vec3(i * icon.size.x, 0, 0)) * mat4_cast(orientation) * scale(size);
model = model;
glUniformMatrix4fv(Content::shader(basic)("inv_view"), 1, GL_FALSE, &(model[0][0]));
icon.Draw(model, projection);
示例9: wbox
void ConvexShape::_renderDebug( ObjectRenderInst *ri, SceneRenderState *state, BaseMatInstance *mat )
GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();
GFX->setTexture( 0, NULL );
// Render world box.
if ( false )
Box3F wbox( mWorldBox );
//if ( getServerObject() )
// Box3F wbox = static_cast<ConvexShape*>( getServerObject() )->mWorldBox;
GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
desc.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );
drawer->drawCube( desc, wbox, ColorI::RED );
const Vector< Point3F > &pointList = mGeometry.points;
const Vector< ConvexShape::Face > &faceList = mGeometry.faces;
// Render Edges.
if ( false )
GFXTransformSaver saver;
//GFXFrustumSaver fsaver;
MatrixF xfm( getRenderTransform() );
xfm.scale( getScale() );
GFX->multWorld( xfm );
GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );
desc.setBlend( true );
GFX->setStateBlockByDesc( desc );
//MathUtils::getZBiasProjectionMatrix( 0.01f, state->getFrustum(), )
const Point3F &camFvec = state->getCameraTransform().getForwardVector();
for ( S32 i = 0; i < faceList.size(); i++ )
const ConvexShape::Face &face = faceList[i];
const Vector< ConvexShape::Edge > &edgeList = face.edges;
const Vector< U32 > &facePntList = face.points;
PrimBuild::begin( GFXLineList, edgeList.size() * 2 );
PrimBuild::color( ColorI::WHITE * 0.8f );
for ( S32 j = 0; j < edgeList.size(); j++ )
PrimBuild::vertex3fv( pointList[ facePntList[ edgeList[j].p0 ] ] - camFvec * 0.001f );
PrimBuild::vertex3fv( pointList[ facePntList[ edgeList[j].p1 ] ] - camFvec * 0.001f );
ColorI faceColorsx[4] =
ColorI( 255, 0, 0 ),
ColorI( 0, 255, 0 ),
ColorI( 0, 0, 255 ),
ColorI( 255, 0, 255 )
MatrixF objToWorld( mObjToWorld );
objToWorld.scale( mObjScale );
// Render faces centers/colors.
if ( false )
GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
desc.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );
Point3F size( 0.1f );
for ( S32 i = 0; i < faceList.size(); i++ )
ColorI color = faceColorsx[ i % 4 ];
S32 div = ( i / 4 ) * 4;
if ( div > 0 )
color /= div;
color.alpha = 255;
Point3F pnt;
objToWorld.mulP( faceList[i].centroid, &pnt );
drawer->drawCube( desc, size, pnt, color, NULL );
// Render winding order.
if ( false )
示例10: scale
void NavigationView::zoomIn()
if (transform().m11() * ZOOMFACTOR <= MAXZOOM) // m11 = horizontal scaling factor
scale(ZOOMFACTOR, ZOOMFACTOR); // of the scene.
示例11: LOGV
case LANDSCAPE: { // Landscape (home button at right)
if (prevOrientation == PORTRAIT) {
mRotation += (2.f * PI_F);
mRotateVel += (2.f * PI_F);
else if (ACCEL_CHANGED(mCurAccel.Y, y))
mRotateVel = (y * -ACCEL_TO_ROTATION) + ((3.f * PI_F) / 2.f);
case REV_LANDSCAPE: { // Reversed landscape
if (ACCEL_CHANGED(mCurAccel.Y, y))
mRotateVel = (y * ACCEL_TO_ROTATION) + (PI_F / 2.f);
case FLAT: // Flat
case REVERSED: { // Reversed
if ((!ACCEL_CHANGED(mCurAccel.X, x)) && (!ACCEL_CHANGED(mCurAccel.Y, y)))
static unsigned char prevPos = 0;
if ((y > 0.f) && (x < 0.f)) {
mRotateVel = std::atan(-x / y);
prevPos = 0;
else if ((y < 0.f) && (x < 0.f)) {
mRotateVel = std::atan(y / x) + (PI_F / 2.f);
prevPos = 0;
else if ((y < 0.f) && (x > 0.f)) {
if (prevPos == 2)
mRotation += (2.f * PI_F);
mRotateVel = PI_F - std::atan(x / y);
prevPos = 1;
else if ((y > 0.f) && (x > 0.f)) { // 'else if' instead of 'else' coz 'y' must be > 0
if (prevPos == 1)
mRotation -= (2.f * PI_F);
mRotateVel = -std::atan(x / y);
prevPos = 2;
//else // 'x' & 'y' are equal to 0: Nothing to do
if (ACCEL_CHANGED(mCurAccel.X, x)) mCurAccel.X = x;
if (ACCEL_CHANGED(mCurAccel.Y, y)) mCurAccel.Y = y;
if (ACCEL_CHANGED(mCurAccel.Z, z)) mCurAccel.Z = z;
mRotation = mRotation - ((mRotation - mRotateVel) / VELOCITY);
rotate(ROTATION_CORRECTION + mRotation);
// Hide & Display response
if (mCancel) {
if (getAlpha() < ALPHA_VEL_A) {
mToDisplay = 0;
mToRender = false;
mCancel = false;
mForce = false;
setAlpha(getAlpha() - (ALPHA_VEL_A * game->getDelta() / DELTA_REF));
if (mScale < MAX_SCALE) {
mScale += (SCALE_VELOCITY * game->getDelta() / DELTA_REF);
scale(mScale, mScale);
if (mForce) {
mScale = MAX_SCALE;
//setAlpha(MAX_ALPHA); // Let caller manage this
if (getAlpha() < ((mToDisplay == RESPONSE_ID_STORES)? 1.f:MAX_ALPHA)) {
setAlpha(getAlpha() + (ALPHA_VEL_A * game->getDelta() / DELTA_REF));
if (mScale < MAX_SCALE) {
mScale += (SCALE_VELOCITY * game->getDelta() / DELTA_REF);
scale(mScale, mScale);
示例12: scene
void NavigationView::zoomOut()
if (scene()->width() * transform().m11() / ZOOMFACTOR >= width() &&
scene()->height() * transform().m11() / ZOOMFACTOR >= height())
scale(1.0 / ZOOMFACTOR, 1.0 / ZOOMFACTOR);
示例13: bb_scan
void bb_scan(tld::TldStruct& tld, Eigen::Vector4d const & bb,
Eigen::Vector2i imsize, int minwin) {
double shift = 0.1;
//used for scaling the bb
Eigen::VectorXd scale(21);
scale << -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
scale(i) = pow(1.2, scale(i));
int minBB = minwin;
if (bb_width(bb) < minwin)
Eigen::VectorXd bbW(21);
//scale bb on x axis
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < 21; x++) {
bbW(x) = floor((bb_width(bb) * scale(x)) + 0.5);
Eigen::VectorXd bbH(21);
//scale bb on y axis
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < 21; x++) {
bbH(x) = floor((bb_height(bb) * scale(x)) + 0.5);
Eigen::VectorXd bbSHH(21);
Eigen::VectorXd bbSHW(21);
//shift the scales
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < 21; x++)
bbSHH(x) = bbH(x) * shift;
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < 21; x++) {
if (bbH(x) <= bbW(x))
bbSHW(x) = bbH(x) * shift;
bbSHW(x) = bbW(x) * shift;
Eigen::VectorXd bbF(4);
bbF << 2, 2, imsize(0), imsize(1);
Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, Eigen::Dynamic> bbs;
Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, Eigen::Dynamic> bbsbak;
Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, Eigen::Dynamic> sca;
//create a grid of bounding boxes with different scales
for (unsigned int i = 0, last_scale = 0; i < 21; i++) {
if (bbW(i) < minBB || bbH(i) < minBB)
Eigen::VectorXd left;
Eigen::VectorXd leftbak;
Eigen::VectorXd top;
Eigen::VectorXd topbak;
double val;
val = bbF(0);
for (unsigned int p = 0; val <= bbF(2) - bbW(i) - 1; val += bbSHW(i), p++) {
leftbak = left;
left.resize(p + 1);
if (p > 0)
left << leftbak, floor(val + 0.5);
left(0) = floor(val + 0.5);
if(left.size() == 0)
val = bbF(1);
for (unsigned int p = 0; val <= bbF(3) - bbH(i) - 1; val += bbSHH(i), p++) {
topbak = top;
top.resize(p + 1);
if (p > 0)
top << topbak, floor(val + 0.5);
top(0) = floor(val + 0.5);
if(top.size() == 0)
Eigen::MatrixXd grid(2, top.size() * left.size());
unsigned int cnt = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < left.size(); k++)
for (int w = 0; w < top.size(); w++) {
grid(0, cnt) = top(w);
grid(1, cnt) = left(k);
Eigen::MatrixXd bbsnew(6, grid.cols());
bbsnew.row(0) = grid.row(1);
bbsnew.row(1) = grid.row(0);
bbsnew.row(2) = grid.array().row(1) + bbW(i) - 1;
bbsnew.row(3) = grid.array().row(0) + bbH(i) - 1;
bbsnew.row(4) = Eigen::MatrixXd::Constant(1, grid.cols(), last_scale + 1);
bbsnew.row(5) = Eigen::MatrixXd::Constant(1, grid.cols(), left.size());
bbsbak.resize(6, bbs.cols());
bbsbak = bbs;
示例14: multiplyMatrixScalar
//Here starts the main program when testing Multiply Matrix_Scalar
void multiplyMatrixScalar()
agile::GPUTimer Timer;
double timer_value;
//Initialisation of the Output Text File
std::fstream myfile;
const char * file_name = "../test/gpu_matrix_vs_gpu_matrix_pitched/Timer Results";
myfile.open (file_name, std::fstream::out);
if (!myfile.is_open())
std::cerr << "File not found: " << file_name << std::endl;
// Create a vector first on the CPU and transfer it to the GPU.
std::vector<TType> result_vector_CUBLAS_host;
std::vector<TType> result_vector_CUDA_host;
// Create a dense matrix on the CPU. The elements are stored in row-major order.
std::vector<TType> matrix_host;
//GPU Matrix A (CUBLAS)
agile::GPUMatrix<TType> Matrix_CUBLAS;
//pitched GPU_Matrix B (CUDA)
agile::GPUMatrixPitched<TType> Matrix_CUDA;
//GPU Matrix for Result (CUBLAS)
agile::GPUMatrix<TType> ResultMatrix_CUBLAS;
//pitched GPU_Matrix for Result (CUDA)
agile::GPUMatrixPitched<TType> ResultMatrix_CUDA;
//Delete Vector Contents and set size back to 0
TType alpha = 10.123456789;
unsigned int num_rows;
unsigned int num_columns;
//myfile << "\n\tMultiply Matrix Scalar CUBLAS";
for(unsigned test_ctr = 1; test_ctr <= 1000; test_ctr++)
num_rows = test_ctr;
num_columns = test_ctr;
//create Matrix
for (unsigned row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row)
for (unsigned column = 0; column < num_columns; ++column)
if((column % 2) == 1)
matrix_host.push_back((row % 30 + 1)*(column % 30 + 1));
matrix_host.push_back((row % 30 + 1)*(column % 30 + 1)*(-1));
//Transfer the Matrix data from the Host to the GPUMatrix
Matrix_CUBLAS.assignFromHost(num_rows, num_columns, &matrix_host[0]);
Matrix_CUDA.assignFromHost(num_rows, num_columns, &matrix_host[0]);
ResultMatrix_CUBLAS.assignFromHost(num_rows, num_columns, NULL);
ResultMatrix_CUDA.assignFromHost(num_rows, num_columns, NULL);
//Multiply Matrix Scalar CUDA
//start Timer
for(unsigned i=0; i<2000; i++)
// Now we can use our matrix. Perform the matrix-scalar product
// \f$ y \leftarrow Ax \f$.
scale(alpha, Matrix_CUDA, ResultMatrix_CUDA);
//stop Timer and write Timer Values to std::cout and file
timer_value = Timer.stop();
myfile << std::endl << num_rows << "\t" << num_columns << "\t" << std::setprecision(8)<< timer_value;
std::cout << std::endl << "NumRows: " << num_rows << " NumColumns: " << num_columns << " ------> CUDA: " << std::setprecision(8)<< timer_value << "[ms]";
//End Multiply Matrix Vector CUDA
timer_value = 0;
//Multiply Matrix Scalar CUBLAS
//start Timer
示例15: actionScale
void MainWindow::actionScale()