本文整理汇总了C++中rr函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ rr函数的具体用法?C++ rr怎么用?C++ rr使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: miird
static int
miird(Dev *d, int idx)
while(rr(d, MIIaddr) & MIIbusy)
wr(d, MIIaddr, PHYinternal<<11 | idx<<6 | MIIread);
while(rr(d, MIIaddr) & MIIbusy)
return rr(d, MIIdata);
示例2: miiwr
static void
miiwr(Dev *d, int idx, int val)
while(rr(d, MIIaddr) & MIIbusy)
wr(d, MIIdata, val);
wr(d, MIIaddr, PHYinternal<<11 | idx<<6 | MIIwrite);
while(rr(d, MIIaddr) & MIIbusy)
示例3: MathMultU8x8
// OK
void MathMultU8x8(void)
counter = 8;
nilrval = 0;
W = nilgarg1.low8;
do {
nilgarg2.low8 = rr( nilgarg2.low8);
if (Carry)
nilrval.high8 += W;
nilrval = rr( nilrval);
counter = decsz(counter);
} while (1);
示例4: stoi
unordered_map<std::string, int> LoadParticles::read_xyzHeader(std::fstream &data) {
string line;
// Reading the number of particles
std::getline(data, line);
m_nParticles = stoi(line);
// Reading the comments
// This program follows a convention that the comments
// in a xyz-file must name the variables.
std::getline(data, line);
boost::regex rr("([A-Za-z_]+)");
boost::sregex_iterator next(line.begin(), line.end(), rr);
boost::sregex_iterator end;
unordered_map<std::string, int> parameters;
int position = 0;
while (next != end) {
boost::smatch match = *next;
parameters[match.str()] = position;
return parameters;
示例5: extract_region
cv::Mat extract_region(const cv::Mat& m, const cv::RotatedRect& ir, bool flipped, int interpolation, int bordertype, int value){
cv::Mat M, enlarged, rotated, cropped;
cv::Rect margins;
cv::RotatedRect pos_in_enlarged;
boost::tie(margins,pos_in_enlarged) = required_padding(m, ir);
cv::copyMakeBorder(m, enlarged,
margins.y, margins.height, margins.x, margins.width,
bordertype, value);
cv::Size rect_size = pos_in_enlarged.size;
float angle = pos_in_enlarged.angle;
if(angle == 0.){
cv::Rect rr(
pos_in_enlarged.center.x - pos_in_enlarged.size.width/2,
pos_in_enlarged.center.y - pos_in_enlarged.size.height/2,
pos_in_enlarged.size.width, pos_in_enlarged.size.height);
cropped = enlarged(rr);
if (pos_in_enlarged.angle < -45.) {
angle += 90.0;
std::swap(rect_size.width, rect_size.height);
M = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(pos_in_enlarged.center, angle, 1.0);
cv::warpAffine(enlarged, rotated, M, enlarged.size(), interpolation);
cv::getRectSubPix(rotated, rect_size, pos_in_enlarged.center, cropped);
assert(cropped.rows == cropped.cols);
cv::flip(cropped, cropped, 1);
cropped = cropped.clone();
return cropped;
示例6: main
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
Options options;
if (!options.parse(argc, argv))
return 1;
radical::RadiometricResponse rr(options.r_response);
auto min_radiance = rr.inverseMap(cv::Vec3b(0, 0, 0));
auto max_radiance = rr.inverseMap(cv::Vec3b(255, 255, 255));
std::cout << "Loaded radiometric response from file \"" << options.r_response << "\"" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Irradiance range: " << min_radiance << " - " << max_radiance << std::endl;
auto plot = utils::plotRadiometricResponse(rr);
if (options.save) {
auto output = options.r_response + ".png";
cv::imwrite(output, plot);
std::cout << "Saved radiometric response visualization to file \"" << output << "\"" << std::endl;
} else {
cv::imshow("Radiometric response", plot);
return 0;
示例7: ri
RationalNumber RationalNumber::operator/(const int i) const {
RationalNumber ri(i);
RationalNumber rr(*this);
rr /= ri;
return rr;
示例8: SetControlText
LRESULT CHexFileDialog::OnPostInit(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
// Set text of "OK" button
if (!strOKName.IsEmpty())
SetControlText(IDOK, strOKName);
// Restore the window position and size
CRect rr(theApp.GetProfileInt("Window-Settings", strName+"X1", -30000),
theApp.GetProfileInt("Window-Settings", strName+"Y1", -30000),
theApp.GetProfileInt("Window-Settings", strName+"X2", -30000),
theApp.GetProfileInt("Window-Settings", strName+"Y2", -30000));
if (rr.top != -30000)
GetParent()->MoveWindow(&rr); // Note: there was a crash here until we set 8th
// param of CFileDialog (bVistaStyle) c'tor to FALSE.
// Restore the list view display mode (details, report, icons, etc)
ASSERT(GetParent() != NULL);
CWnd *psdv = FindWindowEx(GetParent()->m_hWnd, NULL, "SHELLDLL_DefView", NULL);
if (psdv != NULL)
int mode = theApp.GetProfileInt("Window-Settings", strName+"Mode", REPORT);
psdv->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, mode, 0);
return 0;
示例9: rrtester
void rrtester(int& rrcntr)
extern const int globalWindow;
extern double k;
double u[globalWindow], v[globalWindow];
double rrmean = 0.0, testdiff = 0.0, tempdiff = 0.0;
const int iters = 200, num = 20;
cout << "Testing calibration of rr()..." << endl;
cout << setw(10) << "Expected" << setw(12) << " Actual " << setw(10) << "Difference" << endl;
cout << setw(10) << "--------" << setw(12) << " ------ " << setw(10) << "----------" << endl;
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
u[0] = 0.0;
v[0] = 1.0 / static_cast<double> (i);
// stdmpInit(0.0,u,v,w); // These need to be created from scratch, and follow the older definitions of the functions because they are calling a k = 0 option.
rrmean = rrInit(u,v,rrcntr);
for (int j = 0; j < iters; j++)
// stdmp(0.0,u,v,w,n);
rrmean += rr(u,v,rrcntr);
tempdiff = fabs(1.0/static_cast<double> (i) - rrmean/(static_cast<double> (iters + 1)));
testdiff += tempdiff;
cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << setw(10) << 1.0/i << setw(10) << rrmean/(iters+1) << setw(12) << std::scientific << std::setprecision(3) << tempdiff << endl;
rrmean = 0.0;
rrcntr = 0.0;
testdiff /= static_cast<double> (num);
cout << endl;
cout << "---> rr() is accurate to within " << std::fixed << testdiff*100 << "% on average." << endl;
示例10: f
void TestCtcExist::test01() {
Variable x,y;
Function f(x,y,1.5*sqr(x)+1.5*sqr(y)-x*y-0.2);
double prec=1e-05;
NumConstraint c(f,LEQ);
CtcExist exist_y(c,y,IntervalVector(1,Interval(-10,10)),prec);
CtcExist exist_x(c,x,IntervalVector(1,Interval(-10,10)),prec);
IntervalVector box(1,Interval(-10,10));
RoundRobin rr(1e-03);
CellStack stack;
vector<IntervalVector> sols;
double right_bound=+0.3872983346072957;
Solver sx(exist_y,rr,stack);
// note: we use the fact that the solver always explores the right
// branch first
Solver sy(exist_x,rr,stack);
// note: we use the fact that the constraint is symmetric in x/y
示例11: directworm
void directworm(struct wormy *worms, float addx, float addy, float param){ // test directionworm
// change angle randomly within param as max deviation
static float angle=1.0;
xy acc;
acc.x= cosf(angle*(PI/180.0));
acc.y= sinf(angle*(PI/180.0));
xy vel=worms->vel;
// when hit boundary slowly change angle back or just reverse with larger deviation
if (worms->wloc.x>worms->boundx || worms->wloc.x<addx ) angle=180.0-angle;//-180.0;
if (worms->wloc.y>worms->boundy || worms->wloc.y<addy ) angle=360.0-angle;//-180.0;a
// checkbound(&worms->wloc,worms->boundx,worms->boundy,addx,addy);
// worms->acc=acc;
// worms->vel=vel;
示例12: mapScale
void PathView::drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
if ((_tracks.isEmpty() && _routes.isEmpty() && _waypoints.isEmpty())
|| !_map) {
painter->fillRect(rect, Qt::white);
qreal scale = mapScale(_zoom);
QRectF rr(rect.topLeft() * scale, rect.size());
QPoint tile = mercator2tile(QPointF(rr.topLeft().x(), -rr.topLeft().y()),
QPointF tm = tile2mercator(tile, _zoom);
QPoint tl = mapToScene(mapFromScene(QPointF(tm.x() / scale,
-tm.y() / scale))).toPoint();
QList<Tile> tiles;
for (int i = 0; i <= rr.size().width() / Tile::size() + 1; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= rr.size().height() / Tile::size() + 1; j++) {
tiles.append(Tile(QPoint(tile.x() + i, tile.y() + j), _zoom));
_map->loadTiles(tiles, _plot);
for (int i = 0; i < tiles.count(); i++) {
Tile &t = tiles[i];
QPoint tp(tl.x() + (t.xy().x() - tile.x()) * Tile::size(),
tl.y() + (t.xy().y() - tile.y()) * Tile::size());
painter->drawPixmap(tp, t.pixmap());
示例13: send_data
void send_data( char dout )
char i;
comf dout, F // invert the bits for sending
RS232_out = LOW; // start bit
for ( i = 8; i > 0; i-- )
dout = rr( dout );
RS232_out = Carry;
RS232_out = HIGH; // stop bit
/*-----------------10/19/2001 12:51PM---------------
* ## WARNING ## without the nop() after the above
* function call the code generated for the function
* call was a GOTO and not a CALL. The return from
* this function was also not generated.
* --------------------------------------------------*/
示例14: children
void QWidget::updateOverlappingChildren() const
if ( overlapping_children != -1 || isSettingGeometry )
QRegion r;
const QObjectList *c = children();
if ( c ) {
QObjectListIt it(*c);
QObject* ch;
while ((ch=it.current())) {
if ( ch->isWidgetType() && !((QWidget*)ch)->isTopLevel() ) {
QWidget *w = (QWidget *)ch;
if ( w->isVisible() ) {
QRegion rr( w->req_region );
QRegion ir = r & rr;
if ( !ir.isEmpty() ) {
overlapping_children = 1;
r |= rr;
overlapping_children = 0;
示例15: caret_size
// InvalidateRange is an overrideable function that is used to invalidate the view
// between two caret positions. This is used to invalidate bits of the window
// when the selection is changed (using mouse selection or with SetSel()).
// The default behaviour invalidates the lines (whole width of document) from
// the top of start to the bottom of end (using the current character height).
void CScrView::InvalidateRange(CPointAp start, CPointAp end, bool f /*=false*/)
if (start.y > scrollpos_.y + win_height_ || start.x > scrollpos_.x + win_width_ ||
end.y < scrollpos_.y || end.x < scrollpos_.x)
// All outside display area so do nothing. Note that this may appear to not be nec.
// as Windows does this too but due to overflow problems is safer to do it here.
CSizeAp ss = caret_size();
// Also invalidate a row above and up to 3 rows below (this is necessary for stacked mode)
start.y -= ss.cy;
end.y += 3*ss.cy;
if (start.x < scrollpos_.x) start.x = scrollpos_.x;
if (start.y < scrollpos_.y) start.y = scrollpos_.y;
if (end.y > scrollpos_.y + win_height_)
end.y = scrollpos_.y + win_height_;
// Invalidate the full width of display from top of start to bottom of end
CRectAp rr(0, start.y, total_.cx, end.y);
// Convert to device coords
CRect norm_rect = ConvertToDP(rr);
CRect cli;
// Invalidate the previous selection so that it is drawn unselected
CRect rct;
if (rct.IntersectRect(&cli, &norm_rect))