本文整理汇总了C++中resid函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ resid函数的具体用法?C++ resid怎么用?C++ resid使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: mg3P
static void mg3P(double **u, double *v, double **r, double a[4],
double c[4], int n1, int n2, int n3, int k) {
c multigrid V-cycle routine
int j;
c down cycle.
c restrict the residual from the find grid to the coarse
for (k = lt; k >= lb+1; k--) {
j = k-1;
rprj3(r[k], m1[k], m2[k], m3[k],
r[j], m1[j], m2[j], m3[j], k);
k = lb;
c compute an approximate solution on the coarsest grid
zero3(u[k], m1[k], m2[k], m3[k]);
psinv(r[k], u[k], m1[k], m2[k], m3[k], c, k);
for (k = lb+1; k <= lt-1; k++) {
j = k-1;
c prolongate from level k-1 to k
zero3(u[k], m1[k], m2[k], m3[k]);
interp(u[j], m1[j], m2[j], m3[j],
u[k], m1[k], m2[k], m3[k], k);
c compute residual for level k
resid(u[k], r[k], r[k], m1[k], m2[k], m3[k], a, k);
c apply smoother
psinv(r[k], u[k], m1[k], m2[k], m3[k], c, k);
j = lt - 1;
k = lt;
interp(u[j], m1[j], m2[j], m3[j], u[lt], n1, n2, n3, k);
resid(u[lt], v, r[lt], n1, n2, n3, a, k);
psinv(r[lt], u[lt], n1, n2, n3, c, k);
示例2: levelJacobi
void EBPoissonOp::
levelJacobi(LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_phi,
const LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_rhs)
// Overhauled from previous in-place Gauss-Seidel-like method
// This implementation is very inefficient in terms of memory usage,
// and could be greatly improved. It has the advantage, though,
// of being very simple and easy to verify as correct.
EBCellFactory factory(m_eblg.getEBISL());
// Note: this is hardcoded to a single variable (component),
// like some other code in this class
LevelData<EBCellFAB> resid(m_eblg.getDBL(), 1, m_ghostCellsRHS, factory);
residual(resid, a_phi, a_rhs, true);
LevelData<EBCellFAB> relaxationCoeff(m_eblg.getDBL(), 1, m_ghostCellsRHS, factory);
EBLevelDataOps::scale(resid, relaxationCoeff);
EBLevelDataOps::incr(a_phi, resid, 1.0);
void TrdHSegmentR::calChi2(){
for(int i=0;i<nTrdRawHit();i++){
TRDHitRZD rzd=TRDHitRZD(*pTrdRawHit(i));
Chi2+=pow(resid(rzd.r,rzd.z,rzd.d)/ (0.62/sqrt(12.)),2);
示例4: resid
suiolite::capacity () const
int inuse = resid ();
assert (inuse <= len);
return len - inuse;
示例5: residuals_b_predicts_a
int residuals_b_predicts_a(double ax[], double ay[], double bx[], double by[],
int use[], int n, double residuals[], double *rms)
resid(ax, ay, bx, by, use, n, residuals, rms, 0);
return 0;
示例6: rvs
// cout << "AmesosBTFGlobal_LinearProblem: NewLHS_" << endl;
// cout << *NewLHS_ << endl;
OldLHS_->Import( *NewLHS_, *Importer2_, Insert );
int numrhs = OldLHS_->NumVectors();
std::vector<double> actual_resids( numrhs ), rhs_norm( numrhs );
Epetra_MultiVector resid( OldLHS_->Map(), numrhs );
OldMatrix_->Apply( *OldLHS_, resid );
resid.Update( -1.0, *OldRHS_, 1.0 );
resid.Norm2( &actual_resids[0] );
OldRHS_->Norm2( &rhs_norm[0] );
if (OldLHS_->Comm().MyPID() == 0 ) {
for (int i=0; i<numrhs; i++ ) {
std::cout << "Problem " << i << " (in AmesosBTFGlobal): \t" << actual_resids[i]/rhs_norm[i] << std::endl;
//cout << "AmesosBTFGlobal_LinearProblem: OldLHS_" << endl;
//cout << *OldLHS_ << endl;
return true;
示例7: power_method
// Simple Power method algorithm
double power_method(const Epetra_CrsMatrix& A) {
// variable needed for iteration
double lambda = 0.0;
int niters = A.RowMap().NumGlobalElements()*10;
double tolerance = 1.0e-10;
// Create vectors
Epetra_Vector q(A.RowMap());
Epetra_Vector z(A.RowMap());
Epetra_Vector resid(A.RowMap());
// Fill z with random Numbers
// variable needed for iteration
double normz;
double residual = 0;
int iter = 0;
while (iter==0 || (iter < niters && residual > tolerance)) {
z.Norm2(&normz); // Compute 2-norm of z
q.Scale(1.0/normz, z);
A.Multiply(false, q, z); // Compute z = A*q
q.Dot(z, &lambda); // Approximate maximum eigenvalue
if (iter%10==0 || iter+1==niters) {
// Compute A*q - lambda*q every 10 iterations
resid.Update(1.0, z, -lambda, q, 0.0);
if (q.Map().Comm().MyPID()==0)
std::cout << "Iter = " << iter << " Lambda = " << lambda
<< " Two-norm of A*q - lambda*q = "
<< residual << std::endl;
示例8: resid
int TpetraLinearSolver::residual_norm(int whichNorm, Teuchos::RCP<LinSys::Vector> sln, double& norm)
LinSys::Vector resid(rhs_->getMap());
ThrowRequire(! (sln.is_null() || rhs_.is_null() ) );
if (matrix_->isFillActive() )
//!matrix_->fillComplete(map_, map_);
throw std::runtime_error("residual_norm");
matrix_->apply(*sln, resid);
LinSys::OneDVector rhs = rhs_->get1dViewNonConst ();
LinSys::OneDVector res = resid.get1dViewNonConst ();
for (int i=0; i<rhs.size(); ++i)
res[i] -= rhs[i];
if ( whichNorm == 0 )
norm = resid.normInf();
else if ( whichNorm == 1 )
norm = resid.norm1();
else if ( whichNorm == 2 )
norm = resid.norm2();
return 1;
return 0;
示例9: gsl_sparse_matrix_complex_LU_solve
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Solve: M x = b
gsl_sparse_matrix_complex_LU_solve(gsl_sparse_matrix_complex *spmat, double *b_real, double *b_imag, double *x_real, double *x_imag)
void *Symbolic, *Numeric;
int status;
/* --- symbolic factorization --- */
status = umfpack_zl_symbolic(spmat->n, spmat->n, spmat->Ap, spmat->Ai, spmat->Ax, spmat->Az, &Symbolic, spmat->Control, spmat->Info);
if (status < 0)
umfpack_zl_report_info(spmat->Control, spmat->Info);
//umfpack_zl_report_status(spmat->Control, status);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: umfpack_zl_symbolic failed\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
return -1;
//printf("%s: Symbolic factorization of A: ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
//umfpack_zl_report_symbolic(Symbolic, spmat->Control);
/* --- numeric factorization --- */
status = umfpack_zl_numeric(spmat->Ap, spmat->Ai, spmat->Ax, spmat->Az, Symbolic, &Numeric, spmat->Control, spmat->Info);
if (status < 0)
umfpack_zl_report_info(spmat->Control, spmat->Info);
umfpack_zl_report_status(spmat->Control, status);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: umfpack_zl_numeric failed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
return -1;
//printf("%s: Numeric factorization of A: ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
//umfpack_zl_report_numeric(Numeric, spmat->Control);
/* --- Solve M x = b --- */
status = umfpack_zl_solve(UMFPACK_A, spmat->Ap, spmat->Ai, spmat->Ax, spmat->Az, x_real, x_imag, b_real, b_imag, Numeric, spmat->Control, spmat->Info);
//umfpack_zl_report_info(spmat->Control, spmat->Info);
//umfpack_zl_report_status(spmat->Control, status);
if (status < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: umfpack_zl_solve failed\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
//printf("%s: x (solution of Ax=b): ") ;
//umfpack_zl_report_vector(spmat->n, x_real, x_imag, spmat->Control);
double rnorm = resid(FALSE, spmat->Ap, spmat->Ai, spmat->Ax, spmat->Az, x_real, x_imag, b_real, b_imag, spmat->n);
printf ("maxnorm of residual: %g\n\n", rnorm) ;
return 0;
示例10: resid
bool IterativeSolvers::pcg(const IRCMatrix &A,
Vector &x,
const Vector &b,
const Preconditioner &M) {
Solves Ax=b using the preconditioned conjugate gradient method.
const idx N = x.getLength();
real resid(100.0);
Vector p(N), z(N), q(N);
real alpha;
real normr(0);
real normb = norm(b);
real rho(0), rho_1(0), beta(0);
Vector r = b - A * x;
if (normb == 0.0)
normb = 1;
resid = norm(r) / normb;
if (resid <= IterativeSolvers::toler) {
IterativeSolvers::toler = resid;
IterativeSolvers::maxIter = 0;
return true;
idx i = 1;
for (; i <= IterativeSolvers::maxIter; i++) {
M.solveMxb(z, r);
rho = dot(r, z);
if (i == 1)
p = z;
else {
beta = rho / rho_1;
aypx(beta, p, z); // p = beta*p + z;
// CALCULATES q = A*p AND dp = dot(q,p)
real dp = multiply_dot(A, p, q);
alpha = rho / dp;
normr = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:normr)
for (idx j = 0 ; j < N ; ++j) {
x[j] += alpha * p[j]; // x + alpha(0) * p;
r[j] -= alpha * q[j]; // r - alpha(0) * q;
normr += r[j] * r[j];
normr = sqrt(normr);
resid = normr / normb;
if (resid <= IterativeSolvers::toler) {
IterativeSolvers::toler = resid;
IterativeSolvers::maxIter = i;
return true;
rho_1 = rho;
IterativeSolvers::toler = resid;
return false;
示例11: assert
suiolite::grow (size_t ns)
assert (resid () == 0);
assert (bytes_read == 0);
xfree (buf);
len = min<int> (ns, SUIOLITE_MAX_BUFLEN);
buf = static_cast<char *> (xmalloc (len));
clear ();
示例12: sqr
void EulerShock2D::Report(bool bForce)
if (tstep>=1 && tstep <= resid.size())
// calculate residual
// resid(tstep) = sqrt(sum(sum(sum((Q-oldQ).^2)))/(4*K*Np));
// resid(tstep) = sqrt(sum(sum(sum((Q-oldQ).^2)))/(4*K*Np))/dt;
DMat Qresid = sqr(Q-oldQ); double d4KNp = double(4*K*Np);
resid(tstep) = sqrt(Qresid.sum()/d4KNp);
if (eScramInlet == sim_type) {
// scale residual
resid(tstep) /= dt;
示例13: X
DoubleVector RowDoubleMatrix::conjugateGradient(const DoubleVector &B, double epsilon, unsigned int niter, bool printMessages, unsigned int messageStep) const
DoubleVector X(size_, 0.0); // начальное приближение - вектор нулей
DoubleVector resid(size_); // невязка
DoubleVector direction; // направление поиска
DoubleVector temp(size_); // ременное хранилище для обмена данными
double resid_norm; // норма невязки
double alpha;
double beta;
double resid_resid, resid_resid_new;
residual(X, B, resid);
direction = resid;
resid_norm = resid.norm_2();
if (printMessages) std::cout << "Начальная невязка: " << resid_norm << std::endl;
if (resid_norm > epsilon)
resid_resid = resid * resid;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < niter; i++)
product(direction, temp);
// std::cout << direction.norm_2() << " " << temp.norm_2() << std::endl;
alpha = (resid_resid) / (direction * temp);
X += alpha * direction;
resid -= alpha * temp;
resid_resid_new = resid * resid;
resid_norm = sqrt(resid_resid_new);
if (resid_norm <= epsilon)
if (printMessages)
std::cout << "Решение найдено. Итераций: " << i << ", невязка: " << resid_norm << std::endl;
if (printMessages && (i % messageStep == 0))
std::cout << i << ", невязка: " << resid_norm << std::endl;
beta = (resid_resid_new) / (resid_resid);
// d = r + d*beta
direction += resid;
resid_resid = resid_resid_new;
return X;
示例14: checkResults
int checkResults(Epetra_RowMatrix * A, Epetra_CrsMatrix * transA,
Epetra_Vector * xexact, bool verbose) {
int n = A->NumGlobalRows();
if (n<100) cout << "A transpose = " << endl << *transA << endl;
Epetra_Vector x1(View,A->OperatorDomainMap(), &((*xexact)[0]));
Epetra_Vector b1(A->OperatorRangeMap());
Epetra_Time timer(A->Comm());
double start = timer.ElapsedTime();
A->Apply(x1, b1);
if (verbose) cout << "\nTime to compute b1: matvec with original matrix using transpose flag = " << timer.ElapsedTime() - start << endl;
if (n<100) cout << "b1 = " << endl << b1 << endl;
Epetra_Vector x2(View,transA->OperatorRangeMap(), &((*xexact)[0]));
Epetra_Vector b2(transA->OperatorDomainMap());
start = timer.ElapsedTime();
transA->Multiply(false, x2, b2);
if (verbose) cout << "\nTime to compute b2: matvec with transpose matrix = " << timer.ElapsedTime() - start << endl;
if (n<100) cout << "b1 = " << endl << b1 << endl;
double residual;
Epetra_Vector resid(A->OperatorDomainMap());
resid.Update(1.0, b1, -1.0, b2, 0.0);
if (verbose) cout << "Norm of b1 - b2 = " << residual << endl;
int ierr = 0;
if (residual > 1.0e-10) ierr++;
if (ierr!=0 && verbose) cerr << "Status: Test failed" << endl;
else if (verbose) cerr << "Status: Test passed" << endl;
示例15: formInertiaTerms
NineNodeMixedQuad::addInertiaLoadToUnbalance(const Vector &accel)
static const int numberGauss = 9 ;
static const int numberNodes = 9 ;
static const int ndf = 2 ;
int i;
// check to see if have mass
int haveRho = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numberGauss; i++) {
if (materialPointers[i]->getRho() != 0.0)
haveRho = 1;
if (haveRho == 0)
return 0;
// Compute mass matrix
int tangFlag = 1 ;
formInertiaTerms( tangFlag ) ;
// store computed RV fro nodes in resid vector
int count = 0;
for (i=0; i<numberNodes; i++) {
const Vector &Raccel = nodePointers[i]->getRV(accel);
for (int j=0; j<ndf; j++)
resid(count++) = Raccel(i);
// create the load vector if one does not exist
if (load == 0)
load = new Vector(numberNodes*ndf);
// add -M * RV(accel) to the load vector
load->addMatrixVector(1.0, mass, resid, -1.0);
return 0;