本文整理汇总了C++中reconstruct函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ reconstruct函数的具体用法?C++ reconstruct怎么用?C++ reconstruct使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: initCompute
template<typename PointT> inline void
pcl::PCA<PointT>::reconstruct (const PointCloud& projection, PointCloud& input)
initCompute ();
if (!compute_done_)
PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException, "[pcl::PCA::reconstruct] PCA initCompute failed");
if (input.is_dense)
input.resize (projection.size ());
for (size_t i = 0; i < projection.size (); ++i)
reconstruct (projection[i], input[i]);
PointT p;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size (); ++i)
if (!pcl_isfinite (input[i].x) ||
!pcl_isfinite (input[i].y) ||
!pcl_isfinite (input[i].z))
reconstruct (projection[i], p);
input.push_back (p);
示例2: from_mat_ZZ_p_crt_rep
void from_mat_ZZ_p_crt_rep(const mat_ZZ_p_crt_rep& X, mat_ZZ_p& A)
long n = X.rep[0].NumRows();
long m = X.rep[0].NumCols();
const MatPrime_crt_helper& H = get_MatPrime_crt_helper_info();
long nprimes = H.GetNumPrimes();
if (NTL_OVERFLOW(nprimes, CRT_BLK, 0))
ResourceError("overflow"); // this is pretty academic
A.SetDims(n, m);
ZZ_pContext context;
bool seq = (double(n)*double(m)*H.GetCost() < PAR_THRESH);
// FIXME: right now, we just partition the rows, but if
// #cols > #rows, we should perhaps partition the cols
NTL_GEXEC_RANGE(seq, n, first, last)
MatPrime_crt_helper_scratch scratch;
Vec<MatPrime_residue_t> remainders_store;
MatPrime_residue_t *remainders = remainders_store.elts();
for (long i = first; i < last; i++) {
ZZ_p *a = A[i].elts();
long jj = 0;
for (; jj <= m-CRT_BLK; jj += CRT_BLK) {
for (long k = 0; k < nprimes; k++) {
const MatPrime_residue_t *x = X.rep[k][i].elts();
for (long j = 0; j < CRT_BLK; j++)
remainders[j*nprimes+k] = x[jj+j];
for (long j = 0; j < CRT_BLK; j++)
reconstruct(H, a[jj+j].LoopHole(), remainders + j*nprimes, scratch);
if (jj < m) {
for (long k = 0; k < nprimes; k++) {
const MatPrime_residue_t *x = X.rep[k][i].elts();
for (long j = 0; j < m-jj; j++)
remainders[j*nprimes+k] = x[jj+j];
for (long j = 0; j < m-jj; j++)
reconstruct(H, a[jj+j].LoopHole(), remainders + j*nprimes, scratch);
示例3: reconstruct
/* 新規の文字列オブジェクトを作成する */
void ITextRenderer::NewText(unsigned int ID, const std::wstring& str, int x, int y, float scale, float width, ArgbColor color) {
if (StringData.size() <= ID) StringData.resize(ID + 1, nullptr); // 配列の拡張
bool TextChanged = (!StringData[ID]) || (StringData[ID]->str != str);
if (StringData[ID] && TextChanged) delete StringData[ID]; // 既に存在した場合
if (TextChanged) StringData[ID] = new StringAttr;
StringData[ID]->X = x; StringData[ID]->Y = y;
StringData[ID]->scale = scale; StringData[ID]->width = width;
StringData[ID]->color = color;
if (TextChanged) {
StringData[ID]->str = std::wstring(str);
reconstruct(ID, true);
} else {
reconstruct(ID, false);
示例4: startReconstruction
int startReconstruction(){
int return_value = 0;
char str[200];
FILE *dataFile = fopen(sinoPath,"r");
logIt(DEBUG, "startReconstruction() started.");
//Read P2
fgets(str, 200, dataFile);
if(!(str[0] == 'P' && str[1] == '2')){
logIt(ERR, "Not a pgm.");
return 1;
fgets(str, 200, dataFile); //Hopefully a commentary
logIt(TRACE, "width: %d, angles: %d", imgwidth, numangles);
fgets(str, 200, dataFile);
fgets(str, 200, dataFile);//colordepth, we dont care about
imgheight = 512; //This is the height of the reconstructed image.
return_value = reconstruct(dataFile);
logIt(DEBUG, "startReconstruction() finished.");
return return_value;
示例5: scale_reconstruction_impl
void scale_reconstruction_impl(Point_collection & input,
viennagrid::mesh output,
scale_options options)
typedef Reconstruction::Triple_const_iterator Triple_iterator;
// Construct the reconstruction with parameters for
// the neighborhood squared radius estimation.
Reconstruction reconstruct( options.neighborhood_size, options.sample_size );
// Add the points.
reconstruct.insert( input.begin(), input.end() );
// Advance the scale-space several steps.
// This automatically estimates the scale-space.
reconstruct.increase_scale( options.scale );
typedef viennagrid::mesh MeshType;
typedef viennagrid::result_of::element<MeshType>::type VertexType;
std::vector<VertexType> vertex_handles(input.size());
int i=0;
for(Point_collection::iterator begin = input.begin();begin!=input.end();++begin,++i)
vertex_handles[i] = viennagrid::make_vertex( output,
for( std::size_t shell = 0; shell < reconstruct.number_of_shells(); ++shell )
for( Triple_iterator it = reconstruct.shell_begin( shell ); it != reconstruct.shell_end( shell ); ++it )
示例6: g726_24_decoder
* g723_24_decoder()
* Decodes a 3-bit CCITT G.723_24 ADPCM code and returns
* the resulting 16-bit linear PCM, A-law or u-law sample value.
* -1 is returned if the output coding is unknown.
int i,
g726_state *state_ptr)
int sezi;
int sez; /* ACCUM */
int sei;
int se;
int y; /* MIX */
int dq;
int sr; /* ADDB */
int dqsez;
i &= 0x07; /* mask to get proper bits */
sezi = predictor_zero(state_ptr);
sez = sezi >> 1;
sei = sezi + predictor_pole(state_ptr);
se = sei >> 1; /* se = estimated signal */
y = step_size(state_ptr); /* adaptive quantizer step size */
dq = reconstruct(i & 0x04, _dqlntab[i], y); /* unquantize pred diff */
sr = (dq < 0) ? (se - (dq & 0x3FFF)) : (se + dq); /* reconst. signal */
dqsez = sr - se + sez; /* pole prediction diff. */
update(3, y, _witab[i], _fitab[i], dq, sr, dqsez, state_ptr);
return (sr << 2); /* sr was of 14-bit dynamic range */
示例7: reconstruct
reconstruct(int size, int t[][size+1], int i, int kp, int w[])
if(t[i][kp] > t[i-1][kp])
printf("Item %d\n",i);
reconstruct(size, t, i-1, kp -w[i],w);
reconstruct(size, t, i-1,kp,w);
示例8: reconstruct
reconstruct(int size, int t[][size+1], int i, int sum, int a[])
if(t[i][sum] > t[i-1][sum])
printf(" %d ",a[i]);
reconstruct(size, t, i-1, sum - a[i], a);
reconstruct(size, t, i-1, sum, a);
示例9: g723_40_encoder
* g723_40_encoder()
* Encodes a 16-bit linear PCM, A-law or u-law input sample and retuens
* the resulting 5-bit CCITT G.723 40Kbps code.
* Returns -1 if the input coding value is invalid.
int g723_40_encoder (int sl, G72x_STATE *state_ptr)
short sei, sezi, se, sez; /* ACCUM */
short d; /* SUBTA */
short y; /* MIX */
short sr; /* ADDB */
short dqsez; /* ADDC */
short dq, i;
/* linearize input sample to 14-bit PCM */
sl >>= 2; /* sl of 14-bit dynamic range */
sezi = predictor_zero(state_ptr);
sez = sezi >> 1;
sei = sezi + predictor_pole(state_ptr);
se = sei >> 1; /* se = estimated signal */
d = sl - se; /* d = estimation difference */
/* quantize prediction difference */
y = step_size(state_ptr); /* adaptive quantizer step size */
i = quantize(d, y, qtab_723_40, 15); /* i = ADPCM code */
dq = reconstruct(i & 0x10, _dqlntab[i], y); /* quantized diff */
sr = (dq < 0) ? se - (dq & 0x7FFF) : se + dq; /* reconstructed signal */
dqsez = sr + sez - se; /* dqsez = pole prediction diff. */
update(5, y, _witab[i], _fitab[i], dq, sr, dqsez, state_ptr);
return (i);
示例10: reconstruct
void reconstruct(const vt& ax, const vt& bx, //
const vt& ay, const vt& by, //
const vt& az = 0, const vt& bz = 0) {
Point s(ax, ay, az);
Point e(bx, by, bz);
reconstruct(s, e);
示例11: reconstruct
void PushDown::setup() {
seed.addListener(this, &PushDown::reconstruct<int>);
numCells.addListener(this, &PushDown::reconstruct<int>);
示例12: reconstruct
string Puzzle::reconstruct(const State *const state){
return "";
return reconstruct(state->getPrev())+" "+state->getPrev()->getMove(state);
示例13: predictor_zero
* g723_40_decoder()
* Decodes a 5-bit CCITT G.723 40Kbps code and returns
* the resulting 16-bit linear PCM, A-law or u-law sample value.
* -1 is returned if the output coding is unknown.
int g723_40_decoder (int i, G72x_STATE *state_ptr)
short sezi, sei, sez, se; /* ACCUM */
short y ; /* MIX */
short sr; /* ADDB */
short dq;
short dqsez;
i &= 0x1f; /* mask to get proper bits */
sezi = predictor_zero(state_ptr);
sez = sezi >> 1;
sei = sezi + predictor_pole(state_ptr);
se = sei >> 1; /* se = estimated signal */
y = step_size(state_ptr); /* adaptive quantizer step size */
dq = reconstruct(i & 0x10, _dqlntab[i], y); /* estimation diff. */
sr = (dq < 0) ? (se - (dq & 0x7FFF)) : (se + dq); /* reconst. signal */
dqsez = sr - se + sez; /* pole prediction diff. */
update(5, y, _witab[i], _fitab[i], dq, sr, dqsez, state_ptr);
return (sr << 2); /* sr was of 14-bit dynamic range */
示例14: search
//Perform a breadth first search
static std::vector<edge_t> search(const edges_t& graph, const object_t start, const object_t end)
std::queue<object_t> q; //queue
std::set<object_t> m; //set of marked id_t's
edges_t h;
id_t t = q.front();
if(t == end)
return reconstruct(h, start, end);
for(const edge_t& e : graph)
if(e.first == t && m.find(e.second) == m.end())
throw std::runtime_error("No path from start to end");
示例15: g721_encoder
* g721_encoder()
* Encodes the input vale of linear PCM, A-law or u-law data sl and returns
* the resulting code. -1 is returned for unknown input coding value.
int sl,
G72x_STATE *state_ptr)
short sezi, se, sez; /* ACCUM */
short d; /* SUBTA */
short sr; /* ADDB */
short y; /* MIX */
short dqsez; /* ADDC */
short dq, i;
/* linearize input sample to 14-bit PCM */
sl >>= 2; /* 14-bit dynamic range */
sezi = predictor_zero(state_ptr);
sez = sezi >> 1;
se = (sezi + predictor_pole(state_ptr)) >> 1; /* estimated signal */
d = sl - se; /* estimation difference */
/* quantize the prediction difference */
y = step_size(state_ptr); /* quantizer step size */
i = quantize(d, y, qtab_721, 7); /* i = ADPCM code */
dq = reconstruct(i & 8, _dqlntab[i], y); /* quantized est diff */
sr = (dq < 0) ? se - (dq & 0x3FFF) : se + dq; /* reconst. signal */
dqsez = sr + sez - se; /* pole prediction diff. */
update(4, y, _witab[i] << 5, _fitab[i], dq, sr, dqsez, state_ptr);
return (i);