本文整理汇总了C++中real_t函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ real_t函数的具体用法?C++ real_t怎么用?C++ real_t使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: TEST
TEST(QuaternionTest, Operators)
Quaternion q;
q = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4) + Quaternion(5, 6, 7, 8);
EXPECT_NEAR(6, q.x(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(8, q.y(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(10, q.z(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(12, q.w(), 1e-100);
q = Quaternion(8, 7, 6, 5) - Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4);
EXPECT_NEAR(7, q.x(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(5, q.y(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(3, q.z(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(1, q.w(), 1e-100);
q = Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4) * real_t(2);
EXPECT_NEAR(2, q.x(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(4, q.y(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(6, q.z(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(8, q.w(), 1e-100);
q = real_t(2) * Quaternion(4, 3, 2, 1);
EXPECT_NEAR(8, q.x(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(6, q.y(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(4, q.z(), 1e-100);
EXPECT_NEAR(2, q.w(), 1e-100);
示例2: real_t
VehicleWheel::VehicleWheel() {
m_steering = real_t(0.);
//m_engineForce = real_t(0.);
m_rotation = real_t(0.);
m_deltaRotation = real_t(0.);
m_brake = real_t(0.);
m_rollInfluence = real_t(0.1);
m_suspensionRestLength = 0.15;
m_wheelRadius = 0.5;//0.28;
m_suspensionStiffness = 5.88;
m_wheelsDampingCompression = 0.83;
m_wheelsDampingRelaxation = 0.88;
m_frictionSlip = 10.5;
m_bIsFrontWheel = false;
m_maxSuspensionTravelCm = 500;
m_maxSuspensionForce = 6000;
示例3: assert
void RaytracerApplication::toggle_raytracing( int width, int height )
assert( width > 0 && height > 0 );
if ( !raytracing ) {
if ( buf_width != width || buf_height != height ) {
free( buffer );
buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc( BUFFER_SIZE( width, height ) );
if ( !buffer ) {
std::cout << "Unable to allocate buffer.\n";
buf_width = width;
buf_height = height;
scene.camera.aspect = real_t( width ) / real_t( height );
if ( !raytracer.initialize( &scene, width, height ) ) {
std::cout << "Raytracer initialization failed.\n";
raytrace_finished = false;
raytracing = !raytracing;
std::pair <Matrix, Matrix> Matrix::LUDecomposition(const Matrix &M) {
const size_t dim = M.Height();
L = M.LowerTriangular(),
U = M.UpperTriangular();
for(size_t i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
U[i][i] = 1;
for(size_t i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
for(size_t j = i; j < dim; ++j) {
for(size_t k = 0; k < i; ++k)
L[j][i] -= L[j][k] * U[k][i];
for(size_t j = i; j < dim; ++j) {
real_t sum = 0;
for(size_t k = 0; k < i; ++k)
sum += L[i][k] * U[k][j];
if(L[i][i] == real_t(0)) {
throw real_t(0);
U[i][j] = (M[i][j] - sum) / L[i][i];
return std::pair <Matrix, Matrix> (L, U);
示例5: pow
void BlitWave::GenerateWavetables() {
real_t A4_freq = 440.0f;
real_t two = pow(2.0f,1/12.0f);
real_t f_s = real_t(sample_rate_);
for (int note=0;note<128;++note) {
if (wavetables[note] == nullptr)
wavetables[note] = new real_t[4096];
auto freq = A4_freq * pow(two,note-69.0f);
auto harmonics = uint32_t(f_s / (freq * 2.0f));
for (int n=0;n<4096;++n) {
real_t result = 0.0f;
real_t x = 2.0f*XM_PI*n*freq/(f_s);
for (uint32_t i=1;i<=harmonics;++i) {
real_t h = real_t(i);
real_t m = pow(cos((i-1.0f)*XM_PI/(2.0f*harmonics)),2.0f);
result += m*(1/h)*sin(h*x);
wavetables[note][n] = result;
示例6: JointSW
HingeJointSW::HingeJointSW(BodySW *rbA, BodySW *rbB, const Transform &frameA, const Transform &frameB) :
JointSW(_arr, 2) {
A = rbA;
B = rbB;
m_rbAFrame = frameA;
m_rbBFrame = frameB;
// flip axis
m_rbBFrame.basis[0][2] *= real_t(-1.);
m_rbBFrame.basis[1][2] *= real_t(-1.);
m_rbBFrame.basis[2][2] *= real_t(-1.);
//start with free
m_lowerLimit = Math_PI;
m_upperLimit = -Math_PI;
m_useLimit = false;
m_biasFactor = 0.3f;
m_relaxationFactor = 1.0f;
m_limitSoftness = 0.9f;
m_solveLimit = false;
tau = 0.3;
m_angularOnly = false;
m_enableAngularMotor = false;
A->add_constraint(this, 0);
B->add_constraint(this, 1);
示例7: compute_deltat
compute_deltat(real_t *dt, const hydroparam_t H, hydrowork_t * Hw, hydrovar_t * Hv, hydrovarwork_t * Hvw) {
real_t cournox, cournoy;
int j, jend, slices, Hstep, Hmin, Hmax;
real_t (*e)[H.nxyt];
real_t (*c)[H.nxystep];
real_t (*q)[H.nxystep][H.nxyt];
// compute time step on grid interior
cournox = zero;
cournoy = zero;
c = (real_t (*)[H.nxystep]) Hw->c;
e = (real_t (*)[H.nxystep]) Hw->e;
q = (real_t (*)[H.nxystep][H.nxyt]) Hvw->q;
Hstep = H.nxystep;
Hmin = H.jmin + ExtraLayer;
Hmax = H.jmax - ExtraLayer;
for (j = Hmin; j < Hmax; j += Hstep) {
jend = j + Hstep;
if (jend >= Hmax)
jend = Hmax;
slices = jend - j; // numbre of slices to compute
ComputeQEforRow(j, H.smallr, H.nx, H.nxt, H.nyt, H.nxyt, H.nvar, slices, Hstep, Hv->uold, q, e);
equation_of_state(0, H.nx, H.nxyt, H.nvar, H.smallc, H.gamma, slices, Hstep, e, q, c);
courantOnXY(&cournox, &cournoy, H.nx, H.nxyt, H.nvar, slices, Hstep, c, q, Hw->tmpm1, Hw->tmpm2);
// fprintf(stdout, "[%2d]\t%g %g %g %g\n", H.mype, cournox, cournoy, H.smallc, H.courant_factor);
*dt = H.courant_factor * H.dx / MAX(cournox, MAX(cournoy, H.smallc));
FLOPS(1, 1, 2, 0);
// fprintf(stdout, "[%2d]\t%g %g %g %g %g %g\n", H.mype, cournox, cournoy, H.smallc, H.courant_factor, H.dx, *dt);
} // compute_deltat
示例8: get_dimension
void RaytracerApplication::render()
int width, height;
get_dimension( &width, &height );
glViewport( 0, 0, width, height );
Camera& camera = scene.camera;
camera.aspect = real_t( width ) / real_t( height );
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
if ( raytracing ) {
assert( buffer );
glColor4d( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
glRasterPos2f( -1.0f, -1.0f );
glDrawPixels( buf_width, buf_height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &buffer[0] );
} else {
glPushAttrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS );
render_scene( scene );
示例9: get_dimension
void PhysicsApplication::render()
int width, height;
// query current window size, resize viewport
get_dimension( &width, &height );
glViewport( 0, 0, width, height );
// fix camera aspect
Camera& camera = scene.camera;
camera.aspect = real_t( width ) / real_t( height );
// clear buffer
// reset matrices
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
glPushAttrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS );
render_scene( scene );
示例10: if
void SliderJointSW::testLinLimits(void)
m_solveLinLim = false;
m_linPos = m_depth[0];
if(m_lowerLinLimit <= m_upperLinLimit)
if(m_depth[0] > m_upperLinLimit)
m_depth[0] -= m_upperLinLimit;
m_solveLinLim = true;
else if(m_depth[0] < m_lowerLinLimit)
m_depth[0] -= m_lowerLinLimit;
m_solveLinLim = true;
m_depth[0] = real_t(0.);
m_depth[0] = real_t(0.);
} // SliderJointSW::testLinLimits()
示例11: testHelperFunctions
void testHelperFunctions( const std::string & meshFile, const uint_t numTotalBlocks )
auto mesh = make_shared<MeshType>();
mesh::readAndBroadcast( meshFile, *mesh);
auto triDist = make_shared< mesh::TriangleDistance<MeshType> >( mesh );
auto distanceOctree = make_shared< DistanceOctree< MeshType > >( triDist );
const real_t meshVolume = real_c( computeVolume( *mesh ) );
const real_t blockVolume = meshVolume / real_c( numTotalBlocks );
static const real_t cellsPersBlock = real_t(1000);
const real_t cellVolume = blockVolume / cellsPersBlock;
const real_t dx = std::pow( cellVolume, real_t(1) / real_t(3) );
WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh with block size" );
auto sbf0 = mesh::createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh( distanceOctree, dx, numTotalBlocks );
WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh with block size" );
Vector3<uint_t> blockSize( sbf0->getNumberOfXCells(), sbf0->getNumberOfYCells(), sbf0->getNumberOfZCells() );
auto sbf1 = mesh::createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh( distanceOctree, dx, blockSize );
auto exteriorAabb = computeAABB( *mesh ).getScaled( real_t(2) );
WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh with block size" );
auto sbf2 = mesh::createStructuredBlockStorageOutsideMesh( exteriorAabb, distanceOctree, dx, numTotalBlocks );
WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Creating SBF with createStructuredBlockStorageInsideMesh with block size" );
blockSize = Vector3<uint_t>( sbf2->getNumberOfXCells(), sbf2->getNumberOfYCells(), sbf2->getNumberOfZCells() );
auto sbf3 = mesh::createStructuredBlockStorageOutsideMesh( exteriorAabb, distanceOctree, dx, blockSize );
示例12: testPointUnitSphere
void testPointUnitSphere( const math::Vector3<real_t> & p )
static const geometry::Sphere UNIT_SPHERE( math::Vector3<real_t>( 0, 0, 0 ), real_t( 1 ) );
static const real_t EPSILON = real_t(1e-4);
real_t q = lbm::intersectionRatioBisection( UNIT_SPHERE, p, -p, EPSILON );
Vector3<real_t> intersectionPoint = p + (-p) * q;
real_t intersectionRadius = intersectionPoint.length();
WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( std::fabs( intersectionRadius - real_t( 1 ) ), EPSILON );
q = lbm::intersectionRatioSphere( UNIT_SPHERE, p, -p );
intersectionPoint = p + ( -p ) * q;
intersectionRadius = intersectionPoint.length();
WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( std::fabs( intersectionRadius - real_t( 1 ) ), EPSILON );
q = lbm::intersectionRatio( UNIT_SPHERE, p, -p, EPSILON );
intersectionPoint = p + ( -p ) * q;
intersectionRadius = intersectionPoint.length();
WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( std::fabs( intersectionRadius - real_t( 1 ) ), EPSILON );
ALWAYS_INLINE void operator=(float val) {
REAL_VEC_LOOP(i) u.r[i] = real_t(val);
u.mr = INAME(set1)(real_t(val));
示例14: assert
void RaytracerApplication::toggle_raytracing( int width, int height )
assert( width > 0 && height > 0 );
// do setup if starting a new raytrace
if ( !raytracing ) {
// only re-allocate if the dimensions changed
if ( buf_width != width || buf_height != height )
free( buffer );
buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc( BUFFER_SIZE( width, height ) );
if ( !buffer ) {
std::cout << "Unable to allocate buffer.\n";
return; // leave untoggled since we have no buffer.
buf_width = width;
buf_height = height;
// initialize the raytracer (first make sure camera aspect is correct)
scene.camera.aspect = real_t( width ) / real_t( height );
if (!raytracer.initialize(&scene, options.num_samples, width, height))
std::cout << "Raytracer initialization failed.\n";
return; // leave untoggled since initialization failed.
// reset flag that says we are done
raytrace_finished = false;
raytracing = !raytracing;
示例15: _add_pending_command
bool Tween::interpolate_property(Object *p_object
, String p_property
, Variant p_initial_val
, Variant p_final_val
, real_t p_times_in_sec
, TransitionType p_trans_type
, EaseType p_ease_type
, real_t p_delay
) {
if(pending_update != 0) {
, p_object
, p_property
, p_initial_val
, p_final_val
, p_times_in_sec
, p_trans_type
, p_ease_type
, p_delay
return true;
// convert INT to REAL is better for interpolaters
if(p_initial_val.get_type() == Variant::INT) p_initial_val = p_initial_val.operator real_t();
if(p_final_val.get_type() == Variant::INT) p_final_val = p_final_val.operator real_t();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_object == NULL, false);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ObjectDB::instance_validate(p_object), false);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_initial_val.get_type() != p_final_val.get_type(), false);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_times_in_sec <= 0, false);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_trans_type < 0 || p_trans_type >= TRANS_COUNT, false);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_ease_type < 0 || p_ease_type >= EASE_COUNT, false);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_delay < 0, false);
bool prop_valid = false;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!prop_valid, false);
InterpolateData data;
data.active = true;
data.type = INTER_PROPERTY;
data.finish = false;
data.elapsed = 0;
data.id = p_object->get_instance_ID();
data.key = p_property;
data.initial_val = p_initial_val;
data.final_val = p_final_val;
data.times_in_sec = p_times_in_sec;
data.trans_type = p_trans_type;
data.ease_type = p_ease_type;
data.delay = p_delay;
if(!_calc_delta_val(data.initial_val, data.final_val, data.delta_val))
return false;
return true;