本文整理汇总了C++中prod函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ prod函数的具体用法?C++ prod怎么用?C++ prod使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: noalias
void PeriodicConditionLM2D2N::CalculateLocalSystem(MatrixType& rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType& rRightHandSideVector, ProcessInfo& rCurrentProcessInfo)
if(rLeftHandSideMatrix.size1() != 6 || rLeftHandSideMatrix.size2() != 6) rLeftHandSideMatrix.resize(6, 6,false);
noalias(rLeftHandSideMatrix) = ZeroMatrix(6, 6);
if(rRightHandSideVector.size() != 6) rRightHandSideVector.resize(6, false);
noalias( rRightHandSideVector ) = ZeroVector(6);
// Nodal IDs = [slave ID, master ID]
GeometryType& geom = GetGeometry();
// get current values and form the system matrix
Vector currentValues(6);
currentValues(0) = geom[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_X);
currentValues(1) = geom[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Y);
currentValues(2) = geom[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_X);
currentValues(3) = geom[1].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_Y);
currentValues(4) = geom[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_LAGRANGE_X);
currentValues(5) = geom[0].FastGetSolutionStepValue(DISPLACEMENT_LAGRANGE_Y);
rLeftHandSideMatrix(4,0) = 1.0;
rLeftHandSideMatrix(4,2) = -1.0;
rLeftHandSideMatrix(0,4) = 1.0;
rLeftHandSideMatrix(2,4) = -1.0;
rLeftHandSideMatrix(5,1) = 1.0;
rLeftHandSideMatrix(5,3) = -1.0;
rLeftHandSideMatrix(1,5) = 1.0;
rLeftHandSideMatrix(3,5) = -1.0;
// form residual
noalias(rRightHandSideVector) -= prod( rLeftHandSideMatrix, currentValues );
示例2: SiconosVector
void LinearSensor::initialize(const Model& m)
// Call initialize of base class
// consistency checks
if (!_matC)
RuntimeException::selfThrow("LinearSensor::initialize - no C matrix was given");
unsigned int colC = _matC->size(1);
unsigned int rowC = _matC->size(0);
// What happen here if we have more than one DS ?
// This may be unlikely to happen.
// _DS = _model->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->dynamicalSystemNumber(0);
if (colC != _DS->getN())
RuntimeException::selfThrow(" LinearSensor::initialize - The number of column of the C matrix must be equal to the length of x");
if (_matD)
unsigned int rowD = _matD->size(0);
if (rowC != rowD)
RuntimeException::selfThrow("C and D must have the same number of rows");
// --- Get the values ---
// -> saved in a matrix data
// -> event
_storedY.reset(new SiconosVector(rowC));
// (_data[_eSensor])["StoredY"] = storedY;
// set the dimension of the output
*_storedY = prod(*_matC, *_DSx);
示例3: prod
void CState::makeBoxes(const vec3 systemSize, const double interactionLength)
ivec3 boxIndex;
vec3 boxPos;
NBoxes = conv_to<ivec>::from(floor(systemSize/interactionLength));
boxDimensions = systemSize/NBoxes;
nBoxes = prod(NBoxes);
boxes = vector<CBox*>();
boxes.resize(nBoxes); // using resize since we aren't using push_back to add items
for (int ix = 0; ix < NBoxes(0); ix++)
for (int iy = 0; iy < NBoxes(1); iy++)
for (int iz = 0; iz < NBoxes(2); iz++)
boxIndex << ix << iy << iz;
boxPos = boxIndex%boxDimensions;
CBox* box = new CBox(nBoxes, boxPos, boxDimensions, boxIndex, NBoxes);
boxes[calculate_box_number(boxIndex, NBoxes)] = box;
// finding all the neighbouring boxes of each box, taking into account the
// periodic boundary conditions
for (int i = 0; i < nBoxes; i++)
cout << "box dimensions (MD): " << boxDimensions.t()
<< " (SI): " << boxDimensions.t()*L0
<< "system size (MD): " << systemSize.t()
<< " (SI): " << systemSize.t()*L0
<< "number of boxes : " << nBoxes << endl << endl;
示例4: projection
void CombatCamera::ViewportRay(double screen_x, double screen_y,
double out_ray_origin[3], double out_ray_direction[3]) const
Matrix projection(4, 4);
std::copy(m_camera.getProjectionMatrix()[0], m_camera.getProjectionMatrix()[0] + 16,
Matrix view(4, 4);
std::copy(m_camera.getViewMatrix(true)[0], m_camera.getViewMatrix(true)[0] + 16, view.data().begin());
Matrix inverse_vp = Inverse4(prod(projection, view));
double nx = (2.0 * screen_x) - 1.0;
double ny = 1.0 - (2.0 * screen_y);
Matrix near_point(3, 1);
near_point(0, 0) = nx;
near_point(1, 0) = ny;
near_point(2, 0) = -1.0;
// Use mid_point rather than far point to avoid issues with infinite projection
Matrix mid_point(3, 1);
mid_point(0, 0) = nx;
mid_point(1, 0) = ny;
mid_point(2, 0) = 0.0;
// Get ray origin and ray target on near plane in world space
Matrix ray_origin = Matrix4xVector3(inverse_vp, near_point);
Matrix ray_target = Matrix4xVector3(inverse_vp, mid_point);
Matrix ray_direction = ray_target - ray_origin;
ray_direction /=
ray_direction(0, 0) * ray_direction(0, 0) +
ray_direction(1, 0) * ray_direction(1, 0) +
ray_direction(2, 0) * ray_direction(2, 0);
std::copy(ray_origin.data().begin(), ray_origin.data().end(), out_ray_origin);
std::copy(ray_direction.data().begin(), ray_direction.data().end(), out_ray_direction);
示例5: InverseUpdateRow
// Update inverse a1 after row in matrix a has changed
// get new row out of array1 newRow
// a1 = old inverse
// newRow = new row lRow in new matrix a_new
// returns Det(a_old)/Det(a_new)
doublevar InverseUpdateRow(Array2 <doublevar> & a1, const Array1 <doublevar> & newRow,
const int lRow, const int n)
Array1 <doublevar> & tmpColL(tmp11);
Array1 <doublevar> & prod(tmp12);
doublevar f=0.0;
for(int i=0;i<n;++i) {
f += newRow[i]*a1(i,lRow);
f =-1.0/f;
for(int j=0;j<n;++j){
prod[j] =0.0;
for(int i=0;i<n;++i) {
prod[j] += newRow[i]*a1(i,j);
prod[j] *= f;
for(int i=0;i<n;++i) {
doublevar & t(tmpColL[i]);
for(int j=0;j<n;++j) {
a1(i,j) += t*prod[j];
f = -f;
for(int i=0;i<n;++i) {
a1(i,lRow) = f*tmpColL[i];
return f;
示例6: find_factors
// This algorithm factors each element a ∈ S over P if P is a base for S; otherwise it proclaims failure.
// Algorithm 21.2 [PDF page 27](http://cr.yp.to/lineartime/dcba-20040404.pdf)
// See [findfactors test](test-findfactors.html) for basic usage.
void find_factors(mpz_array *out, mpz_t *s, size_t from, size_t to, mpz_array *p) {
mpz_t x, y, z;
mpz_array d, q;
size_t i, n = to - from;
array_prod(p, x);
prod(y, s, from, to);
ppi(z, x, y);
array_init(&d, p->size);
array_split(&d, z, p);
array_init(&q, p->size);
for (i = 0; i < p->used; i++) {
if (mpz_cmp(d.array[i], p->array[i]) == 0)
array_add(&q, p->array[i]);
if (n == 0) {
array_find_factor(out, y, &q);
} else {
find_factors(out, s, from, to - n/2 - 1, &q);
find_factors(out, s, to - n/2, to, &q);
示例7: clock
StudentTProcessJeffreys::prediction(const vectord &query )
clock_t start = clock();
double kq = computeSelfCorrelation(query);
// vectord kn = computeCrossCorrelation(query);
vectord phi = mMean.getFeatures(query);
// vectord v(mKn);
vectord rho = phi - prod(mKn,mKF);
// vectord rho(rq);
double yPred = inner_prod(phi,mWML) + inner_prod(mKn,mAlphaF);
double sPred = sqrt( mSigma * (kq - inner_prod(mKn,mKn)
+ inner_prod(rho,rho)));
return d_;
示例8: Determinant
void AbstractMaterialLaw<DIM>::ComputeCauchyStress(c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>& rF,
double pressure,
c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>& rSigma)
double detF = Determinant(rF);
c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> C = prod(trans(rF), rF);
c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> invC = Inverse(C);
c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> T;
static FourthOrderTensor<DIM,DIM,DIM,DIM> dTdE; // not filled in, made static for efficiency
ComputeStressAndStressDerivative(C, invC, pressure, T, dTdE, false);
* Looping is probably more eficient then doing rSigma = (1/detF)*rF*T*transpose(rF),
* which doesn't seem to compile anyway, as rF is a Tensor<2,DIM> and T is a
* SymmetricTensor<2,DIM>.
for (unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++)
for (unsigned j=0; j<DIM; j++)
rSigma(i,j) = 0.0;
for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
for (unsigned N=0; N<DIM; N++)
rSigma(i,j) += rF(i,M)*T(M,N)*rF(j,N);
rSigma(i,j) /= detF;
void SlidingReducedOrderObserver::process()
DEBUG_BEGIN("void SlidingReducedOrderObserver::process()\n");
if (!_pass)
DEBUG_PRINT("First pass \n ");
_pass = true;
//update the estimate using the first value of y, such that C\hat{x}_0 = y_0
const SiconosVector& y = _sensor->y();
prod(*_C, *_xHat, *_e);
*_e -= y;
SiconosVector tmpV(_DS->n());
SimpleMatrix tmpC(*_C);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _e->size(); ++i)
tmpV(i) = (*_e)(i);
*(_xHat) -= tmpV;
*(_DS->x()) -= tmpV;
示例10: A
microseconds NestedExpr::boost_ublas(const Args & args, std::mt19937 & gen)
std::cout << "Test: boost uBLAS ";
const NestedExprArgs & cur_args = dynamic_cast<const NestedExprArgs&>(args);
uint32_t m = cur_args.matrix_size;
uint32_t matr_size = m * m;
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> A(m, m), B(m, m), C(m, m), D(m, m), E(m,m);
initialize(A.data().begin(), A.data().end(), gen);
initialize(B.data().begin(), B.data().end(), gen);
initialize(C.data().begin(), C.data().end(), gen);
initialize(D.data().begin(), D.data().end(), gen);
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
noalias(E) = prod( A + B, C - D );
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>( end - start);
std::cout << time.count() << std::endl;
return time;
示例11: fftn_c2r
static void fftn_c2r(const Rcomplex *z, R_len_t rank, const R_len_t *N,
double *res) {
SEXP rTrue, cA, dim, Res;
R_len_t n = prod(rank, N), i;
rTrue = PROTECT(allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
LOGICAL(rTrue)[0] = 1;
cA = PROTECT(allocVector(CPLXSXP, n));
memcpy(COMPLEX(cA), z, sizeof(Rcomplex) * n);
dim = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, rank));
memcpy(INTEGER(dim), N, sizeof(R_len_t) * rank);
setAttrib(cA, R_DimSymbol, dim);
Res = PROTECT(eval(lang3(install("fft"), cA, rTrue), R_GlobalEnv));
/* Return result */
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
res[i] = COMPLEX(Res)[i].r;
/* Unprotect all */
示例12: vp
int vp(const my_point &a, const my_point &b, const my_point &c)
double t[12];
std::pair<double, double> tmp;
tmp = prod(b.x, c.y);
t[0] = tmp.first;
t[1] = tmp.second;
tmp = prod(-b.x, a.y);
t[2] = tmp.first;
t[3] = tmp.second;
tmp = prod(-a.x, c.y);
t[4] = tmp.first;
t[5] = tmp.second;
tmp = prod(-b.y, c.x);
t[6] = tmp.first;
t[7] = tmp.second;
tmp = prod(b.y, a.x);
t[8] = tmp.first;
t[9] = tmp.second;
tmp = prod(a.y, c.x);
t[10] = tmp.first;
t[11] = tmp.second;
exp_sum(t, t + 2, 2, 2);
exp_sum(t + 4, t + 6, 2, 2);
exp_sum(t + 8, t + 10, 2, 2);
exp_sum(t, t + 4, 4, 4);
exp_sum(t, t + 8, 8, 4);
for (int i = 11; i >= 0; i--)
if (t[i] > 0)
return 1;
if (t[i] < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
示例13: noalias
void PlaneStressJ2::CalculateMaterialResponse(const Vector& StrainVector,
const Matrix& DeformationGradient,
Vector& StressVector,
Matrix& AlgorithmicTangent,
const ProcessInfo& CurrentProcessInfo,
const Properties& props,
const GeometryType& geom,
const Vector& ShapeFunctionsValues,
bool CalculateStresses,
int CalculateTangent,
bool SaveInternalVariables)
mE = props.GetValue(YOUNG_MODULUS);
mNU = props.GetValue(POISSON_RATIO);
msigma_y = props.GetValue(YIELD_STRESS);
mH = 0.0;
mtheta = 0.0;
// double theta = 0.0;
//resize output quantities
if (StressVector.size() != 3 && CalculateStresses == true) StressVector.resize(3, false);
if (AlgorithmicTangent.size1() != 3 && CalculateTangent != 0) AlgorithmicTangent.resize(3, 3, false);
array_1d<double, 3 > elastic_strain;
noalias(elastic_strain) = StrainVector;
noalias(elastic_strain) -= mOldPlasticStrain;
// KRATOS_WATCH(StrainVector);
// KRATOS_WATCH(mOldPlasticStrain);
boost::numeric::ublas::bounded_matrix<double, 3, 3 > C, Cinv, P;
array_1d<double, 3 > s_trial = prod(C, elastic_strain);
array_1d<double, 3 > xi_trial = s_trial;
noalias(s_trial) -= mbeta_old;
// KRATOS_WATCH(compute_f_trial(xi_trial, malpha_old));
// double fbar2 = fbar_2(0.0, xi_trial);
// double fbar_value = sqrt(fbar_2(0.0, xi_trial));
// double r2_value = R_2(0.0, fbar_value, malpha_old);
// double aaa = fbar_value - sqrt(r2_value);
// KRATOS_WATCH(sqrt(r2_value));
// KRATOS_WATCH(fbar_value);
// KRATOS_WATCH(sqrt(r2_value));
double H1 = (1.0 - mtheta) * mH;
//// KRATOS_WATCH(xi_trial);
// KRATOS_WATCH(mbeta_old)
if (compute_f_trial(xi_trial, malpha_old) < 0) //elastic case
if (CalculateStresses == true) noalias(StressVector) = s_trial;
if (CalculateTangent != 0) noalias(AlgorithmicTangent) = C;
//note that in this case internal variables are not modified!
//algorithm copied identically from the Simo Hughes, BOX3.3, pag 130
double dgamma = ComputeDGamma(xi_trial, malpha_old);
double ccc = 0.6666666666666667 * dgamma*H1;
// KRATOS_WATCH(dgamma);
// KRATOS_WATCH(xi_trial);
// KRATOS_WATCH(malpha_old);
//calculate XImat
//note that here i reuse the C as auxiliary variable as i don't need it anymore
boost::numeric::ublas::bounded_matrix<double, 3, 3 > XImat;
noalias(C) = Cinv;
noalias(C) += (dgamma / (1.0 + ccc)) * P;
double detC;
InvertMatrix(C, XImat, detC);
array_1d<double, 3 > aux, xi;
noalias(aux) = prod(Cinv, xi_trial);
noalias(xi) = prod(XImat, aux);
xi /= (1.0 + ccc);
// KRATOS_WATCH(compute_f_trial(xi, malpha_old));
noalias(mbeta_n1) = mbeta_old;
noalias(mbeta_n1) += ccc*xi;
array_1d<double, 3 > stress;
noalias(stress) = xi;
noalias(stress) += mbeta_n1;
if (CalculateStresses == true) noalias(StressVector) = s_trial;
示例14: test_main
int test_main (int, char *[])
prod(matrix_3x1(), matrix_3x1());
return 0;
示例15: daisy_assert
//Initialize water capacity matrix
ublas::banded_matrix<double> Cw (cell_size, cell_size, 0, 0);
for (size_t c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
Cw (c, c) = soil.Cw2 (c, h[c]);
std::vector<double> h_std (cell_size);
//ublas vector -> std vector
std::copy(h.begin (), h.end (), h_std.begin ());
for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size ; ++cell)
S_macro (cell) = (S_matrix[cell] + S_drain[cell])
* geo.cell_volume (cell);
//Initialize sum matrix
Solver::Matrix summat (cell_size);
noalias (summat) = diff + Dm_mat;
//Initialize sum vector
ublas::vector<double> sumvec (cell_size);
sumvec = grav + B + Gm + Dm_vec - S_vol
- S_macro
// QCw is shorthand for Qmatrix * Cw
Solver::Matrix Q_Cw (cell_size);
noalias (Q_Cw) = prod (Qmat, Cw);
//Initialize A-matrix
Solver::Matrix A (cell_size);
noalias (A) = (1.0 / ddt) * Q_Cw - summat;
// Q_Cw_h is shorthand for Qmatrix * Cw * h
const ublas::vector<double> Q_Cw_h = prod (Q_Cw, h);
//Initialize b-vector
ublas::vector<double> b (cell_size);
//b = sumvec + (1.0 / ddt) * (Qmatrix * Cw * h + Qmatrix *(Wxx-Wyy));
b = sumvec + (1.0 / ddt) * (Q_Cw_h
+ prod (Qmat, Theta_previous-Theta));
// Force active drains to zero h.
drain (geo, drain_cell, drain_water_level,
h, Theta_previous, Theta, S_vol,
dq, ddt, drain_cell_on, A, b, debug, msg);
try {
solver->solve (A, b, h); // Solve Ah=b with regard to h.
} catch (const char *const error) {
std::ostringstream tmp;
tmp << "Could not solve equation system: " << error;
msg.warning (tmp.str ());
// Try smaller timestep.
iterations_used = max_loop_iter + 100;