本文整理汇总了C++中pnorm函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ pnorm函数的具体用法?C++ pnorm怎么用?C++ pnorm使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: BAFT_LNsurv_update_sigSq
void BAFT_LNsurv_update_sigSq(gsl_vector *yL,
gsl_vector *yU,
gsl_vector *yU_posinf,
gsl_vector *c0,
gsl_vector *c0_neginf,
gsl_matrix *X,
gsl_vector *y,
gsl_vector *beta,
double beta0,
double *sigSq,
double a_sigSq,
double b_sigSq,
double sigSq_prop_var,
int *accept_sigSq)
int i, u;
double eta, loglh, loglh_prop, logR, gamma_prop, sigSq_prop;
double logprior, logprior_prop;
int n = X -> size1;
gsl_vector *xbeta = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
loglh = 0;
loglh_prop = 0;
gamma_prop = rnorm(log(*sigSq), sqrt(sigSq_prop_var));
sigSq_prop = exp(gamma_prop);
gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1, X, beta, 0, xbeta);
eta = beta0 + gsl_vector_get(xbeta, i);
if(gsl_vector_get(c0_neginf, i) == 0)
loglh += dnorm(gsl_vector_get(y, i), eta, sqrt(*sigSq), 1) - pnorm(gsl_vector_get(c0, i), eta, sqrt(*sigSq), 0, 1);
loglh_prop += dnorm(gsl_vector_get(y, i), eta, sqrt(sigSq_prop), 1) - pnorm(gsl_vector_get(c0, i), eta, sqrt(sigSq_prop), 0, 1);
loglh += dnorm(gsl_vector_get(y, i), eta, sqrt(*sigSq), 1);
loglh_prop += dnorm(gsl_vector_get(y, i), eta, sqrt(sigSq_prop), 1);
logprior = (-a_sigSq-1)*log(*sigSq)-b_sigSq /(*sigSq);
logprior_prop = (-a_sigSq-1)*log(sigSq_prop)-b_sigSq/sigSq_prop;
logR = loglh_prop - loglh + logprior_prop - logprior + gamma_prop - log(*sigSq);
u = log(runif(0, 1)) < logR;
if(u == 1)
*sigSq = sigSq_prop;
*accept_sigSq += 1;
示例2: Fs0_lower
double Fs0_lower(double q, double a, double w, int K)
double F=0;
for(int k=K; k>=0; k--) {
F = F - pnorm((-2*k - 2 + w)*a/sqrt(q),0,1,1,0) + pnorm((-2*k - w)*a/sqrt(q),0,1,1,0);
return 2*F;
示例3: plogis
std::pair<double, double> BinomialLogitCltDataImputer::impute_large_sample(
RNG &rng, double number_of_trials, double number_of_successes,
double linear_predictor) const {
double information = 0.0;
const Vector &mixing_weights(mixture_approximation.weights());
const Vector &sigma(mixture_approximation.sigma());
double negative_logit_support = plogis(0, linear_predictor, 1, true);
double positive_logit_support = plogis(0, linear_predictor, 1, false);
Vector p0 = mixing_weights / negative_logit_support;
Vector p1 = mixing_weights / positive_logit_support;
for (int m = 0; m < mixture_approximation.dim(); ++m) {
p0[m] *= pnorm(0, linear_predictor, sigma[m], true);
p1[m] *= pnorm(0, linear_predictor, sigma[m], false);
// p0 is the probability distribution over the mixture component
// indicators for the failures. N0 is the count of the number of
// failures belonging to each mixture component.
std::vector<int> N0 =
rmultinom_mt(rng, number_of_trials - number_of_successes, p0 / sum(p0));
// p1 is the probability distribution over the mixture component
// indicators for the successes. N1 is the count of the number
// of successes in each mixture component.
std::vector<int> N1 = rmultinom_mt(rng, number_of_successes, p1 / sum(p1));
double simulation_mean = 0;
double simulation_variance = 0;
for (int m = 0; m < N0.size(); ++m) {
int total_obs = N0[m] + N1[m];
if (total_obs == 0) {
double sigsq = square(sigma[m]);
double sig4 = square(sigsq);
information += total_obs / sigsq;
double truncated_normal_mean;
double truncated_normal_variance;
double cutpoint = 0;
if (N0[m] > 0) {
trun_norm_moments(linear_predictor, sigma[m], cutpoint, false,
&truncated_normal_mean, &truncated_normal_variance);
simulation_mean += N0[m] * truncated_normal_mean / sigsq;
simulation_variance += N0[m] * truncated_normal_variance / sig4;
if (N1[m] > 0) {
trun_norm_moments(linear_predictor, sigma[m], cutpoint, true,
&truncated_normal_mean, &truncated_normal_variance);
simulation_mean += N1[m] * truncated_normal_mean / sigsq;
simulation_variance += N1[m] * truncated_normal_variance / sig4;
double information_weighted_sum =
rnorm_mt(rng, simulation_mean, sqrt(simulation_variance));
return std::make_pair(information_weighted_sum, information);
示例4: dsnorm
dsnorm (gnm_float x, gnm_float shape, gnm_float location, gnm_float scale, gboolean give_log)
if (shape == 0.)
return dnorm (x, location, scale, give_log);
else if (give_log)
return gnm_log (2.) + dnorm (x, location, scale, TRUE) + pnorm (shape * x, shape * location, scale, TRUE, TRUE);
return 2 * dnorm (x, location, scale, FALSE) * pnorm (shape * x, location/shape, scale, TRUE, FALSE);
示例5: pig
double pig(double x, double mu, double lambda, bool logscale){
if(x <= 0) return logscale ? negative_infinity() : 0;
if(mu <= 0) throw_exception<std::runtime_error>("mu <= 0 in pig");
if(lambda <= 0) throw_exception<std::runtime_error>("lambda <= 0 in pig");
double rlx = sqrt(lambda/x);
double xmu = x/mu;
double ans = pnorm(rlx * (xmu -1)) + exp(2*lambda/mu) * pnorm(-rlx*(xmu + 1));
return logscale ? log(ans) : ans;
示例6: TruncNorm
/* Sample from a univariate truncated Normal distribution
(truncated both from above and below): choose either inverse cdf
method or rejection sampling method. For rejection sampling,
if the range is too far from mu, it uses standard rejection
sampling algorithm with exponential envelope function. */
double TruncNorm(
double lb, /* lower bound */
double ub, /* upper bound */
double mu, /* mean */
double var, /* variance */
int invcdf /* use inverse cdf method? */
) {
double z;
double sigma = sqrt(var);
double stlb = (lb-mu)/sigma; /* standardized lower bound */
double stub = (ub-mu)/sigma; /* standardized upper bound */
if(stlb > stub)
error("TruncNorm: lower bound is greater than upper bound\n");
if(stlb == stub) {
warning("TruncNorm: lower bound is equal to upper bound\n");
return(stlb*sigma + mu);
if (invcdf) { /* inverse cdf method */
z = qnorm(runif(pnorm(stlb, 0, 1, 1, 0), pnorm(stub, 0, 1, 1, 0)),
0, 1, 1, 0);
else { /* rejection sampling method */
double tol=2.0;
double temp, M, u, exp_par;
int flag=0; /* 1 if stlb, stub <-tol */
while(pexp(stub,1/exp_par,1,0) - pexp(stlb,1/exp_par,1,0) < 0.000001)
if(dnorm(stlb,0,1,1) - dexp(stlb,1/exp_par,1) >=
dnorm(stub,0,1,1) - dexp(stub,1/exp_par,1))
M=exp(dnorm(stlb,0,1,1) - dexp(stlb,1/exp_par,1));
M=exp(dnorm(stub,0,1,1) - dexp(stub,1/exp_par,1));
}while(unif_rand() > exp(dnorm(z,0,1,1)-dexp(z,1/exp_par,1))/M );
if(flag==1) z=-z;
do z=norm_rand();
while( z<stlb || z>stub );
return(z*sigma + mu);
示例7: BAFT_LNsurv_update_beta0
void BAFT_LNsurv_update_beta0(gsl_vector *yL,
gsl_vector *yU,
gsl_vector *yU_posinf,
gsl_vector *c0,
gsl_vector *c0_neginf,
gsl_matrix *X,
gsl_vector *y,
gsl_vector *beta,
double *beta0,
double sigSq,
double beta0_prop_var,
int *accept_beta0)
int i, u;
double eta, eta_prop, loglh, loglh_prop, logR, beta0_prop, logprior, logprior_prop;
int n = X -> size1;
gsl_vector *xbeta = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
loglh = 0;
loglh_prop = 0;
beta0_prop = rnorm(*beta0, sqrt(beta0_prop_var));
gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1, X, beta, 0, xbeta);
eta = *beta0 + gsl_vector_get(xbeta, i);
eta_prop = beta0_prop + gsl_vector_get(xbeta, i);
if(gsl_vector_get(c0_neginf, i) == 0)
loglh += dnorm(gsl_vector_get(y, i), eta, sqrt(sigSq), 1) - pnorm(gsl_vector_get(c0, i), eta, sqrt(sigSq), 0, 1);
loglh_prop += dnorm(gsl_vector_get(y, i), eta_prop, sqrt(sigSq), 1) - pnorm(gsl_vector_get(c0, i), eta_prop, sqrt(sigSq), 0, 1);
loglh += dnorm(gsl_vector_get(y, i), eta, sqrt(sigSq), 1);
loglh_prop += dnorm(gsl_vector_get(y, i), eta_prop, sqrt(sigSq), 1);
logprior = dnorm(*beta0, 0, pow(10,6)*sqrt(sigSq), 1);
logprior_prop = dnorm(beta0_prop, 0, pow(10,6)*sqrt(sigSq), 1);
logR = loglh_prop - loglh;
u = log(runif(0, 1)) < logR;
if(u == 1)
*beta0 = beta0_prop;
*accept_beta0 += 1;
示例8: truncatedRat
void truncatedRat(double *old, double *sd, double *low, double *high, double *newvalue, double *ratio) {
double lowlimold, upplimold, lowlimnew, upplimnew, plowold, puppold, plownew, puppnew;
lowlimold = (*low - *old)/ *sd;
upplimold = (*high - *old)/ *sd;
lowlimnew = (*low - *newvalue)/ *sd;
upplimnew = (*high - *newvalue)/ *sd;
plowold = pnorm(lowlimold,0.0,1.0,1,0);
puppold = pnorm(upplimold,0.0,1.0,1,0);
plownew = pnorm(lowlimnew,0.0,1.0,1,0);
puppnew = pnorm(upplimnew,0.0,1.0,1,0);
*ratio = (puppold - plowold)/(puppnew - plownew);
示例9: dsnorm
dsnorm (gnm_float x, gnm_float shape, gnm_float location, gnm_float scale, gboolean give_log)
if (gnm_isnan (x) || gnm_isnan (shape) || gnm_isnan (location) || gnm_isnan (scale))
return gnm_nan;
if (shape == 0.)
return dnorm (x, location, scale, give_log);
else if (give_log)
return M_LN2gnum + dnorm (x, location, scale, TRUE) + pnorm (shape * x, shape * location, scale, TRUE, TRUE);
return 2 * dnorm (x, location, scale, FALSE) * pnorm (shape * x, location/shape, scale, TRUE, FALSE);
示例10: dcutpoints
double dcutpoints(const cs *liab, double *yP, int *observed, int start,int finish, double *oldcutpoints, double *newcutpoints, int stcutpoints, int ncutpoints, double sdcp, double sdl)
int i,j,w;
double llik = 0.0;
for (j = 2 ; j < (ncutpoints-2); j++){
llik += log(pnorm(oldcutpoints[stcutpoints+j+1]-oldcutpoints[j], 0.0, sdcp, TRUE,FALSE)-pnorm(newcutpoints[stcutpoints+j-1]-oldcutpoints[j], 0.0, sdcp, TRUE,FALSE));
llik -= log(pnorm(newcutpoints[stcutpoints+j+1]-newcutpoints[j], 0.0, sdcp, TRUE,FALSE)-pnorm(oldcutpoints[stcutpoints+j-1]-newcutpoints[j], 0.0, sdcp, TRUE,FALSE));
llik += log(1.0-pnorm(newcutpoints[stcutpoints+ncutpoints-3]-oldcutpoints[stcutpoints+ncutpoints-2], 0.0, sdcp, TRUE,FALSE));
llik -= log(1.0-pnorm(oldcutpoints[stcutpoints+ncutpoints-3]-newcutpoints[stcutpoints+ncutpoints-2], 0.0, sdcp, TRUE,FALSE));
for (i = start ; i < finish; i++){
w = yP[i];
if(w>1 && observed[i]==1){
llik += log(1.0-pnorm(newcutpoints[stcutpoints+w-1], liab->x[i], sdl, TRUE,FALSE));
llik -= log(1.0-pnorm(oldcutpoints[stcutpoints+w-1], liab->x[i], sdl, TRUE,FALSE));
llik += log(pnorm(newcutpoints[stcutpoints+w], liab->x[i], sdl, TRUE,FALSE)-pnorm(newcutpoints[stcutpoints+w-1], liab->x[i], sdl, TRUE,FALSE));
llik -= log(pnorm(oldcutpoints[stcutpoints+w], liab->x[i], sdl, TRUE,FALSE)-pnorm(oldcutpoints[stcutpoints+w-1], liab->x[i], sdl, TRUE,FALSE));
return llik;
示例11: _sir_binom_dmeasure
void _sir_binom_dmeasure (double *lik, double *y, double *x, double *p, int give_log,
int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
int ncovars, double *covars, double t) {
double mean, sd;
double f;
mean = CASE*RHO;
sd = sqrt(CASE*RHO*(1-RHO));
if (REPORTS > 0) {
f = pnorm(REPORTS+0.5,mean,sd,1,0)-pnorm(REPORTS-0.5,mean,sd,1,0);
} else {
f = pnorm(REPORTS+0.5,mean,sd,1,0);
*lik = (give_log) ? log(f) : f;
示例12: psnorm
psnorm (gnm_float x, gnm_float shape, gnm_float location, gnm_float scale, gboolean lower_tail, gboolean log_p)
gnm_float result, h;
if (gnm_isnan (x) || gnm_isnan (shape) ||
gnm_isnan (location) || gnm_isnan (scale))
return gnm_nan;
if (shape == 0.)
return pnorm (x, location, scale, lower_tail, log_p);
/* Normalize */
h = (x - location) / scale;
/* Flip to a lower-tail problem. */
if (!lower_tail) {
h = -h;
shape = -shape;
lower_tail = !lower_tail;
if (gnm_abs (shape) < 10) {
gnm_float s = pnorm (h, 0, 1, lower_tail, FALSE);
gnm_float t = 2 * gnm_owent (h, shape);
result = s - t;
} else {
* Make use of this result for Owen's T:
* T(h,a) = .5N(h) + .5N(ha) - N(h)N(ha) - T(ha,1/a)
gnm_float s = pnorm (h * shape, 0, 1, TRUE, FALSE);
gnm_float u = gnm_erf (h / M_SQRT2gnum);
gnm_float t = 2 * gnm_owent (h * shape, 1 / shape);
result = s * u + t;
* Negatives can occur due to rounding errors and hopefully for no
* other reason.
result= CLAMP (result, 0.0, 1.0);
if (log_p)
return gnm_log (result);
return result;
示例13: p_swald
double p_swald(double t, double alpha, double nu, double theta, int lower_tail, int log_p)
double p;
double x;
x = exp(t);
x = t;
p = pnorm((nu*(x-theta)-alpha) / sqrt((x-theta)), 0,1,1,0) +
exp(2*alpha*nu) * pnorm(-(nu*(x-theta)+alpha) / sqrt((x-theta)), 0,1,1,0);
return (lower_tail ? p : 1-p);
示例14: angle
// Get the angle between two vectors
double angle(const Vector& u, const Vector& w)
// Get the magnitudes of the vectors
double unorm = pnorm(u);
double wnorm = pnorm(w);
// Get the dot product
double dprod = inner(u, w);
// Use the cosine rule
// but make sure neither is a zero vector
double rval = 0.0;
if(dprod > 1E-12){
rval = std::acos(dprod/(unorm*wnorm));
return rval;
示例15: exp_pnorm
double exp_pnorm(double a, double b)
double r=0;
if (R_IsNaN(r) && b < -5.5) r = 1/sqrt(2) * exp(a - b*b/2) * (0.5641882/b/b/b - 1/b/sqrt(M_PI));
else r = exp(a) * pnorm(b,0,1,1,0);
return r;