本文整理汇总了C++中plumed_assert函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ plumed_assert函数的具体用法?C++ plumed_assert怎么用?C++ plumed_assert使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: plumed_assert
void InterpolateBicubic::set_table( const std::vector<Value>& ff ){
plumed_assert( getNumberOfSplinePoints()==ff.size() );
plumed_assert( ff[0].getNumberOfDerivatives()==2 );
dcross=0.0; unsigned iplus, iminus;
for(unsigned i=1;i<np[0]-1;++i){
iplus=(i+1)*stride[0]; iminus=(i-1)*stride[0];
for(unsigned j=1;j<np[1]-1;++j){
dcross(i,j) = ( ff[iplus+j+1].get() + ff[iminus+j-1].get() - ff[iplus+j-1].get() - ff[iminus+j+1].get() ) /
getCrossTermDenominator( i, j );
double d1, d2; Matrix<double> tc(4,4);
std::vector<double> y(4), dy1(4), dy2(4), d2y12(4);
unsigned pij=0; unsigned ipos;
for (unsigned i=0;i<np[0]-1;++i){
ipos=i*stride[0]; d1 = getPointSpacing( 0, i );
for (unsigned j=0; j<np[1]-1;++j){
d2 = getPointSpacing( 1, j );
y[0] = ff[ipos+j].get(); y[1] = ff[ipos+stride[0]+j].get(); y[2] = ff[ipos+stride[0]+j+1].get(); y[3] = ff[ipos+j+1].get();
dy1[0] = ff[ipos+j].getDerivative(0); dy1[1] = ff[ipos+stride[0]+j].getDerivative(0);
dy1[2] = ff[ipos+stride[0]+j+1].getDerivative(0); dy1[3] = ff[ipos+j+1].getDerivative(0);
dy2[0] = ff[ipos+j].getDerivative(1); dy2[1] = ff[ipos+stride[0]+j].getDerivative(1);
dy2[2] = ff[ipos+stride[0]+j+1].getDerivative(1); dy2[3] = ff[ipos+j+1].getDerivative(1);
d2y12[0] = dcross( i, j ); d2y12[1] = dcross( i+1, j ); d2y12[2] = dcross( i+1, j+1 ); d2y12[3] = dcross( i, j+1 );
IBicCoeff( y, dy1, dy2, d2y12, d1, d2, tc);
pij=( ipos+j )*16;
for(unsigned k=0; k<4; ++k){ for(unsigned n=0; n<4; ++n){ clist[pij++]=tc(k,n); } }
示例2: addDependency
void ActionWithInputVessel::readArgument( const std::string& type ) {
std::string mlab;
if( keywords.exists("DATA") && type!="grid" ) parse("DATA",mlab);
ActionWithVessel* mves= plumed.getActionSet().selectWithLabel<ActionWithVessel*>(mlab);
if(!mves) error("action labelled " + mlab + " does not exist or does not have vessels");
ActionWithValue* aval=dynamic_cast<ActionWithValue*>( this );
if(aval) {
if( aval->checkNumericalDerivatives() ) {
ActionWithValue* aval2=dynamic_cast<ActionWithValue*>( mves );
plumed_assert( aval2 ); aval2->useNumericalDerivatives();
if( type=="bridge" ) {
ActionWithVessel* aves=dynamic_cast<ActionWithVessel*>( this );
plumed_assert(aves); myBridgeVessel = mves->addBridgingVessel( aves );
arguments = dynamic_cast<Vessel*>( myBridgeVessel );
} else if( type=="store" ) {
arguments = dynamic_cast<Vessel*>( mves->buildDataStashes( NULL ) );
} else {
示例3: plumed_assert
void ActionWithVessel::addTaskToList( const unsigned& taskCode ){
plumed_assert( functions.size()==0 ); // We cannot add more tasks after vessels added
indexOfTaskInFullList.push_back( fullTaskList.size() );
fullTaskList.push_back( taskCode ); partialTaskList.push_back( taskCode );
taskFlags.push_back(0); nactive_tasks = fullTaskList.size();
plumed_assert( partialTaskList.size()==nactive_tasks && indexOfTaskInFullList.size()==nactive_tasks && taskFlags.size()==nactive_tasks );
示例4: plumed_assert
void PlumedMain::readInputWords(const std::vector<std::string> & words) {
else if(words[0]=="ENDPLUMED") return;
else if(words[0]=="_SET_SUFFIX") {
} else {
std::vector<std::string> interpreted(words);
Action* action=actionRegister().create(ActionOptions(*this,interpreted));
if(!action) {
log<<"I cannot understand line:";
for(unsigned i=0; i<interpreted.size(); ++i) log<<" "<<interpreted[i];
plumed_merror("I cannot understand line " + interpreted[0] + " " + interpreted[1]);
示例5: plumed_assert
void LinkCells::buildCellLists( const std::vector<Vector>& pos, const std::vector<unsigned>& indices, const Pbc& pbc ){
plumed_assert( cutoffwasset && pos.size()==indices.size() );
// Must be able to check that pbcs are not nonsensical in some way?? -- GAT
// Setup the pbc object by copying it from action
mypbc.setBox( pbc.getBox() );
// Setup the lists
if( pos.size()!=allcells.size() ){
allcells.resize( pos.size() ); lcell_lists.resize( pos.size() );
// This is the reciprocal lattice
// notice that reciprocal.getRow(0) is a vector that is orthogonal to b and c
// This allows to use linked cells in non orthorhomic boxes
Tensor reciprocal(transpose(mypbc.getInvBox()));
ncells[0] = std::floor( 1.0/ reciprocal.getRow(0).modulo() / link_cutoff );
if( ncells[0]==0 ) ncells[0]=1;
ncells[1] = std::floor( 1.0/ reciprocal.getRow(1).modulo() / link_cutoff );
if( ncells[1]==0 ) ncells[1]=1;
ncells[2] = std::floor( 1.0/ reciprocal.getRow(2).modulo() / link_cutoff );
if( ncells[2]==0 ) ncells[2]=1;
// Setup the strides
nstride[0]=1; nstride[1]=ncells[0]; nstride[2]=ncells[0]*ncells[1];
// Setup the storage for link cells
unsigned ncellstot=ncells[0]*ncells[1]*ncells[2];
if( lcell_tots.size()!=ncellstot ){
lcell_tots.resize( ncellstot ); lcell_starts.resize( ncellstot );
// Clear nlcells
for(unsigned i=0;i<ncellstot;++i) lcell_tots[i]=0;
// Clear allcells
allcells.assign( allcells.size(), 0 );
// Find out what cell everyone is in
unsigned rank=comm.Get_rank(), size=comm.Get_size();
for(unsigned i=rank;i<pos.size();i+=size){
allcells[i]=findCell( pos[i] );
// And gather all this information on every node
comm.Sum( allcells ); comm.Sum( lcell_tots );
// Now prepare the link cell lists
unsigned tot=0;
for(unsigned i=0;i<lcell_tots.size();++i){ lcell_starts[i]=tot; tot+=lcell_tots[i]; lcell_tots[i]=0; }
plumed_assert( tot==pos.size() );
// And setup the link cells properly
for(unsigned j=0;j<pos.size();++j){
unsigned myind = lcell_starts[ allcells[j] ] + lcell_tots[ allcells[j] ];
lcell_lists[ myind ] = indices[j];
示例6: getAction
void BridgeVessel::completeNumericalDerivatives(){
unsigned nextra = myOutputAction->getNumberOfDerivatives() - getAction()->getNumberOfDerivatives();
Matrix<double> tmpder( myOutputValues->getNumberOfComponents(), nextra );
ActionWithVessel* vval=dynamic_cast<ActionWithVessel*>( myOutputAction );
for(unsigned i=0;i<nextra;++i){
vval->bridgeVariable=i; getAction()->calculate();
for(int j=0;j<myOutputValues->getNumberOfComponents();++j) tmpder(j,i) = myOutputValues->getOutputQuantity(j);
vval->bridgeVariable=nextra; getAction()->calculate();
plumed_assert( inum==mynumerical_values.size() ); inum=0; // Reset inum now that we have finished calling calculate
std::vector<double> base( myOutputValues->getNumberOfComponents() );
for(int j=0;j<myOutputValues->getNumberOfComponents();++j) base[j] = myOutputValues->getOutputQuantity(j);
const double delta=sqrt(epsilon);
ActionAtomistic* aa=dynamic_cast<ActionAtomistic*>( getAction() );
unsigned nvals=myOutputValues->getNumberOfComponents();
for(unsigned j=0;j<nvals;++j) ( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->clearDerivatives();
if( aa ){
ActionWithArguments* aarg=dynamic_cast<ActionWithArguments*>( getAction() );
plumed_assert( !aarg ); Tensor box=aa->getBox();
unsigned natoms=aa->getNumberOfAtoms();
for(unsigned j=0;j<nvals;++j){
double ref=( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->get();
if( ( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->getNumberOfDerivatives()>0 ){
for(unsigned i=0;i<3*natoms;++i){
double d=( mynumerical_values[i*nvals+j] - ref)/delta;
( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->addDerivative(i,d);
Tensor virial;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) for(int k=0;k<3;k++){
virial(i,k)=( mynumerical_values[ nvals*(3*natoms + 3*i + k) + j ]-ref)/delta;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) for(int k=0;k<3;k++) ( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->addDerivative(3*natoms+3*k+i,virial(k,i));
} else {
plumed_merror("not implemented or tested yet");
// unsigned nder=myOutputAction->getNumberOfDerivatives();
// for(unsigned j=0;j<nvals;++j){
// double ref=( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->get();
// for(unsigned i=0;i<nder;++i){
// double d=( mynumerical_values[i*nvals+j] - ref)/delta;
// ( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->addDerivative(i,d);
// }
// }
// }
// Add the derivatives wrt to the local quantities we are working with
for(unsigned j=0;j<nvals;++j){
unsigned k=0;
for(unsigned i=getAction()->getNumberOfDerivatives();i<myOutputAction->getNumberOfDerivatives();++i){
( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->addDerivative( i, (tmpder(j,k)-base[j])/sqrt(epsilon) ); k++;
示例7: wasSet
MultiReferenceBase::MultiReferenceBase( const std::string& type, const bool& checksoff ):
if(checksoff) plumed_assert( mtype.length()==0 );
示例8: Action
ManyRestraintsBase::ManyRestraintsBase(const ActionOptions& ao):
// Read in the vessel we are action on
aves=dynamic_cast<ActionWithVessel*>( getDependencies()[0] );
plumed_assert( getDependencies().size()==1 && aves );
log.printf(" adding restraints on variables calculated by %s action with label %s\n",
// Add a task list in order to avoid problems
for(unsigned i=0; i<aves->getFullNumberOfTasks(); ++i) addTaskToList( aves->getTaskCode(i) );
// And turn on the derivatives (note problems here because of ActionWithValue)
// Now create the vessel
std::string fake_input="LABEL=bias";
addVessel( "SUM", fake_input, 0 );
示例9: plumed_assert
OFile& OFile::rewind() {
// we use here "hard" rewind, which means close/reopen
// the reason is that normal rewind does not work when in append mode
// moreover, we can take a backup of the file
if(gzfp) {
} else fclose(fp);
if(!comm || comm->Get_rank()==0) {
std::string fname=this->path;
size_t found=fname.find_last_of("/\\");
std::string directory=fname.substr(0,found+1);
std::string file=fname.substr(found+1);
std::string backup=directory+backstring +".last."+file;
int check=rename(fname.c_str(),backup.c_str());
plumed_massert(check==0,"renaming "+fname+" into "+backup+" failed for reason: "+strerror(errno));
if(gzfp) {
} else fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(path.c_str()),"w");
return *this;
示例10: plumed_assert
void Stopwatch::Watch::pause() {
if(running!=0) return;
auto t=std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()-lastStart);
示例11: plumed_assert
void ActionWithVessel::readVesselKeywords(){
// Set maxderivatives if it is too big
if( maxderivatives>getNumberOfDerivatives() ) maxderivatives=getNumberOfDerivatives();
// Loop over all keywords find the vessels and create appropriate functions
for(unsigned i=0;i<keywords.size();++i){
std::string thiskey,input; thiskey=keywords.getKeyword(i);
// Check if this is a key for a vessel
if( vesselRegister().check(thiskey) ){
plumed_assert( keywords.style(thiskey,"vessel") );
bool dothis=false; parseFlag(thiskey,dothis);
if(dothis) addVessel( thiskey, input );
addVessel( thiskey, input );
} else {
for(unsigned i=1;;++i){
if( !parseNumbered(thiskey,i,input) ) break;
std::string ss; Tools::convert(i,ss);
addVessel( thiskey, input, i );
// Make sure all vessels have had been resized at start
if( functions.size()>0 ) resizeFunctions();
示例12: plumed_assert
void Action::registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) {
plumed_assert( keys.size()==0 );
keys.add( "hidden", "LABEL", "a label for the action so that its output can be referenced in the input to other actions. Actions with scalar output are referenced using their label only. Actions with vector output must have a separate label for every component. Individual componets are then refered to using label.component" );
keys.reserve("optional","UPDATE_FROM","Only update this action from this time");
keys.reserve("optional","UPDATE_UNTIL","Only update this action until this time");
keys.reserve("optional","RESTART","allows per-action setting of restart (YES/NO/AUTO)");
示例13: plumed_assert
void MultiColvarBase::activateIndexes( const unsigned& istart, const unsigned& number, const std::vector<unsigned>& indexes ){
plumed_assert( number>0 );
for(unsigned i=0;i<number-9;i+=3){
plumed_dbg_assert( indexes[istart+i]%3==0 ); unsigned iatom=indexes[istart+i]/3;
atoms_with_derivatives.activate( iatom );
示例14: incluster
void ClusterWithSurface::retrieveAtomsInCluster( const unsigned& clust, std::vector<unsigned>& myatoms ) const {
std::vector<unsigned> tmpat; myclusters->retrieveAtomsInCluster( clust, tmpat );
// Prevent double counting
std::vector<bool> incluster( getNumberOfNodes(), false );
for(unsigned i=0;i<tmpat.size();++i) incluster[tmpat[i]]=true;
// Find the atoms in the the clusters
std::vector<bool> surface_atom( getNumberOfNodes(), false );
for(unsigned i=0;i<tmpat.size();++i){
for(unsigned j=0;j<getNumberOfNodes();++j){
if( incluster[j] ) continue;
double dist2=getSeparation( getPosition(tmpat[i]), getPosition(j) ).modulo2();
if( dist2<rcut_surf2 ){ surface_atom[j]=true; }
unsigned nsurf_at=0;
for(unsigned j=0;j<getNumberOfNodes();++j){
if( surface_atom[j] ) nsurf_at++;
myatoms.resize( nsurf_at + tmpat.size() );
for(unsigned i=0;i<tmpat.size();++i) myatoms[i]=tmpat[i];
unsigned nn=tmpat.size();
for(unsigned j=0;j<getNumberOfNodes();++j){
if( surface_atom[j] ){ myatoms[nn]=j; nn++; }
plumed_assert( nn==myatoms.size() );
示例15: plumed_massert
void HistogramBead::generateBins( const std::string& params, std::vector<std::string>& bins ) {
std::vector<std::string> data=Tools::getWords(params);
plumed_massert(data.size()>=1,"There is no input for this keyword");
std::string name=data[0];
unsigned nbins; std::vector<double> range(2); std::string smear;
bool found_nb=Tools::parse(data,"NBINS",nbins);
plumed_massert(found_nb,"Number of bins in histogram not found");
bool found_r=Tools::parse(data,"LOWER",range[0]);
plumed_massert(found_r,"Lower bound for histogram not specified");
plumed_massert(found_r,"Upper bound for histogram not specified");
plumed_massert(range[0]<range[1],"Range specification is dubious");
bool found_b=Tools::parse(data,"SMEAR",smear);
if(!found_b) { Tools::convert(0.5,smear); }
std::string lb,ub; double delr = ( range[1]-range[0] ) / static_cast<double>( nbins );
for(unsigned i=0; i<nbins; ++i) {
Tools::convert( range[0]+i*delr, lb );
Tools::convert( range[0]+(i+1)*delr, ub );
bins.push_back( name + " " + "LOWER=" + lb + " " + "UPPER=" + ub + " " + "SMEAR=" + smear );