本文整理汇总了C++中plot_pixel函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ plot_pixel函数的具体用法?C++ plot_pixel怎么用?C++ plot_pixel使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: pcw16_vh_decode_mode1
/* 320, 2 bits per pixel */
static void pcw16_vh_decode_mode1(mame_bitmap *bitmap, int x, int y, unsigned char byte)
int b;
int px;
int local_byte;
int cols[4];
for (b=0; b<3; b++)
cols[b] = Machine->pens[pcw16_colour_palette[b]];
local_byte = byte;
px = x;
for (b=0; b<4; b++)
int col;
col = cols[((local_byte>>6) & 0x03)];
plot_pixel(bitmap, px, y, col);
plot_pixel(bitmap, px, y, col);
local_byte = local_byte<<2;
示例2: draw_line
static void draw_line(mame_bitmap *bitmap, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int dotted)
/* Draws horizontal and Vertical lines only! */
int col = Machine->pens[1];
int count, skip;
/* Draw the Line */
if (dotted > 0)
skip = 2;
skip = 1;
if (x1 == x2)
for (count = y2; count >= y1; count -= skip)
plot_pixel(bitmap, x1, count, col);
for (count = x2; count >= x1; count -= skip)
plot_pixel(bitmap, count, y1, col);
示例3: line_slow
void line_slow(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, byte color)
int dx,dy,sdx,sdy,px,py,dxabs,dyabs,i;
float slope;
dx=x2-x1; /* the horizontal distance of the line */
dy=y2-y1; /* the vertical distance of the line */
if (dxabs>=dyabs) /* the line is more horizontal than vertical */
slope=(float)dy / (float)dx;
else /* the line is more vertical than horizontal */
slope=(float)dx / (float)dy;
示例4: pdp1_draw_circle
static void pdp1_draw_circle(mame_bitmap *bitmap, int x, int y, int radius, int color)
float fx, fy;
float interval;
fx = (float)x*crt_window_width/01777;
fy = (float)y*crt_window_height/01777;
interval = radius/sqrt(2);
for (x=/*ceil*/(fx-interval); x<=fx+interval; x++)
float dy = sqrt(radius*radius-(x-fx)*(x-fx));
if ((x >= 0) && (x <= crt_window_width-1) && (fy-dy >= 0))
plot_pixel(bitmap, x, fy-dy, color);
if ((x >= 0) && (x <= crt_window_width-1) && (y+dy <= crt_window_height-1))
plot_pixel(bitmap, x, fy+dy, color);
for (y=/*ceil*/(fy-interval); y<=fy+interval; y++)
float dx = sqrt(radius*radius-(y-fy)*(y-fy));
if ((fx-dx >= 0) && (y >= 0) && (y <= crt_window_height-1))
plot_pixel(bitmap, fx-dx, y, color);
if ((fx+dx <= crt_window_width-1) && (y >= 0) && (y <= crt_window_height-1))
plot_pixel(bitmap, fx+dx, y, color);
示例5: graphics_bitmap
void graphics_bitmap( struct graphics *g, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height, uint8_t *data )
int i,j,b;
int value;
width = MIN(g->clip.w-x,width);
height = MIN(g->clip.h-y,height);
x += g->clip.x;
y += g->clip.y;
for(j=0;j<height;j++) {
for(i=0;i<width;i++) {
value = ((*data)<<b)&0x80;
if(value) {
} else {
if(b==8) {
示例6: pcw16_vh_decode_mode2
/* 160, 4 bits per pixel */
static void pcw16_vh_decode_mode2(mame_bitmap *bitmap, int x, int y, unsigned char byte)
int px;
int b;
int local_byte;
int cols[2];
cols[0] = Machine->pens[pcw16_colour_palette[0]];
cols[1] = Machine->pens[pcw16_colour_palette[1]];
local_byte = byte;
px = x;
for (b=0; b<2; b++)
int col;
col = cols[((local_byte>>4)&0x0f)];
plot_pixel(bitmap, px, y, col);
plot_pixel(bitmap, px, y, col);
plot_pixel(bitmap, px, y, col);
plot_pixel(bitmap, px, y, col);
local_byte = local_byte<<4;
示例7: draw_grid
static void draw_grid(mame_bitmap *bitmap)
const UINT8 *table = memory_region(REGION_GFX3);
int x,y,counter;
counter = flip_screen ? 0x000 : 0x400;
x = Machine->screen[0].visarea.min_x;
y = Machine->screen[0].visarea.min_y;
while (y <= Machine->screen[0].visarea.max_y)
x = 4 * (table[counter] & 0x7f);
if (x >= Machine->screen[0].visarea.min_x &&
x <= Machine->screen[0].visarea.max_x)
if (table[counter] & 0x80) /* star */
if (rand() & 1) /* noise coming from sound board */
else if (grid_on) /* radar */
if (x >= 4 * (table[counter] & 0x7f))
示例8: z88_vh_render_6x8
static void z88_vh_render_6x8(mame_bitmap *bitmap, int x, int y, int pen0, int pen1, unsigned char *pData)
int h,b;
for (h=0; h<8; h++)
UINT8 data;
data = pData[h];
data = data<<2;
for (b=0; b<6; b++)
int pen;
if (data & 0x080)
pen = pen1;
pen = pen0;
plot_pixel(bitmap, x+1+b, y+h, pen);
data = data<<1;
plot_pixel(bitmap,x,y+h, pen0);
plot_pixel(bitmap,x+7,y+h, pen0);
示例9: update_smoothing
static void update_smoothing(int bgtilerow, int first, int last)
UINT8 *prom = memory_region(REGION_PROMS) + smooth_table * 0x100;
UINT8 bgscan[2][256];
UINT8 *bgcurr = bgscan[0], *bglast = bgscan[1];
int xstart, xstop, x, y;
smoothing notes:
* even scanlines blend the previous (Y-1) and current (Y) line
* odd scanlines are just taken from the current line (Y)
* therefore, if we modify source scanlines 8-15, we must update dest scanlines 16-32
* even pixels are just taken from the current pixel (X)
* odd pixels blend the current (X) and next (X+1) pixels
* therefore, if we modify source pixels 8-15, we must update dest pixels 15-31
/* compute x start/stop in destination coordinates */
xstart = first * 16 - 1;
xstop = last * 16 + 15;
/* extract the previous bg scanline */
extract_scanline8(bgbitmap, 0, ((bgtilerow * 16 - 1) & 0x1ff) / 2, 256, bgcurr);
/* loop over height */
for (y = 0; y <= 16; y++)
int curry = (bgtilerow * 16 + y) & 0x1ff;
/* swap background buffers */
UINT8 *bgtemp = bgcurr;
bgcurr = bglast;
bglast = bgtemp;
/* extract current bg scanline */
extract_scanline8(bgbitmap, 0, curry / 2, 256, bgcurr);
/* loop over columns */
for (x = xstart; x <= xstop; x++)
int tr = bglast[((x + 1) & 0x1ff) / 2];
int br = bgcurr[((x + 1) & 0x1ff) / 2];
/* smooth pixels */
if (x & 1)
int tl = bglast[(x & 0x1ff) / 2];
int bl = bgcurr[(x & 0x1ff) / 2];
int mixt = prom[16 * tl + tr];
int mixb = prom[16 * bl + br];
plot_pixel(bgexbitmap, x & 0x1ff, curry, prom[0x400 + 16 * mixt + mixb]);
plot_pixel(bgexbitmap, x & 0x1ff, curry, prom[0x400 + 16 * tr + br]);
示例10: cdp1869_draw_line
static void cdp1869_draw_line(mame_bitmap *bitmap, int x, int y, int data, int pcb)
int i;
int color = 0;
int ccb0 = (data & 0x40) >> 6;
int ccb1 = (data & 0x80) >> 7;
switch (cdp1869.col)
case 0:
color = (ccb0 << 2) + (ccb1 << 1) + pcb;
case 1:
color = (ccb0 << 2) + (pcb << 1) + ccb1;
case 2:
case 3:
color = (pcb << 2) + (ccb0 << 1) + ccb1;
data <<= 2;
for (i = 0; i < CDP1870_CHAR_WIDTH; i++)
if (data & 0x80)
plot_pixel(bitmap, x, y, Machine->pens[color]);
if (!cdp1869.fresvert)
plot_pixel(bitmap, x, y + 1, Machine->pens[color]);
if (!cdp1869.freshorz)
plot_pixel(bitmap, x, y, Machine->pens[color]);
if (!cdp1869.fresvert)
plot_pixel(bitmap, x, y + 1, Machine->pens[color]);
data <<= 1;
示例11: refresh_bitmaps
static void refresh_bitmaps(void)
int lx,ly;
for (ly = 0; ly < 256; ly++)
for (lx = 0; lx < 256; lx++)
plot_pixel(tmpbitmap, (lx-6)&0xff, ly, Machine->pens[16 + tmpvideoram[ly*256+lx]]);
plot_pixel(tmpbitmap2, (lx-6)&0xff, ly, Machine->pens[16 + tmpvideoram2[ly*256+lx]]);
static WRITE_HANDLER( findout_bitmap_w )
int sx,sy;
int fg,bg,mask,bits;
fg = drawctrl[0] & 7;
bg = 2;
mask = 0xff;//drawctrl[2];
bits = drawctrl[1];
sx = 8*(offset % 64);
sy = offset / 64;
//if (mask != bits)
// usrintf_showmessage("color %02x bits %02x mask %02x\n",fg,bits,mask);
if (mask & 0x80) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+0,sy,(bits & 0x80) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x40) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+1,sy,(bits & 0x40) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x20) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+2,sy,(bits & 0x20) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x10) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+3,sy,(bits & 0x10) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x08) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+4,sy,(bits & 0x08) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x04) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+5,sy,(bits & 0x04) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x02) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+6,sy,(bits & 0x02) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x01) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+7,sy,(bits & 0x01) ? fg : bg);
static WRITE8_HANDLER( getrivia_bitmap_w )
int sx,sy;
int fg,bg,mask,bits;
static int prevoffset, yadd;
videoram[offset] = data;
yadd = (offset==prevoffset) ? (yadd+1):0;
prevoffset = offset;
fg = drawctrl[0] & 7;
bg = 2;
mask = 0xff;/*drawctrl[2]; */
bits = drawctrl[1];
sx = 8 * (offset % 64);
sy = offset / 64;
sy = (sy + yadd) & 0xff;
/*if (mask != bits) */
/* ui_popup("color %02x bits %02x mask %02x\n",fg,bits,mask); */
if (mask & 0x80) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+0,sy,(bits & 0x80) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x40) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+1,sy,(bits & 0x40) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x20) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+2,sy,(bits & 0x20) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x10) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+3,sy,(bits & 0x10) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x08) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+4,sy,(bits & 0x08) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x04) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+5,sy,(bits & 0x04) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x02) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+6,sy,(bits & 0x02) ? fg : bg);
if (mask & 0x01) plot_pixel(tmpbitmap,sx+7,sy,(bits & 0x01) ? fg : bg);
示例14: oric_vh_render_6pixels
/* used in hires and text mode */
static void oric_vh_render_6pixels(mame_bitmap *bitmap,int x,int y, int fg, int bg,int data, int invert_flag)
int i;
int pens[2];
int px;
/* invert? */
if (invert_flag)
fg ^=0x07;
bg ^=0x07;
pens[1] = Machine->pens[fg];
pens[0] = Machine->pens[bg];
px = x;
for (i=0; i<6; i++)
int col;
col = pens[(data>>5) & 0x01];
plot_pixel(bitmap,px, y, col);
data = data<<1;
示例15: draw_headlights
static void draw_headlights( struct mame_bitmap *bitmap, const struct rectangle *cliprect, int bFog )
int sx, sy, color;
int x0 = 256-grchamp_player_xpos-64;
int y0 = 240-grchamp_player_ypos-64;
const UINT8 *source = memory_region( REGION_GFX4 );
int x,y,bit;
if( !bFog ) source += 0x400;
for( y=0; y<128; y++ )
for( x=0; x<64; x+=8 )
int data = *source++;
if( data )
for( bit=0; bit<8; bit++ )
if( data&0x80 ){
sx = x0+x+bit;
sy = y0+y;
if( sx>=cliprect->min_x && sy>=cliprect->min_y &&
sx<=cliprect->max_x && sy<=cliprect->max_y )
color = read_pixel( headlight_bitmap, x+bit, y );
plot_pixel( bitmap, sx,sy, color );
data <<= 1;