本文整理汇总了C++中pj_ctx_set_errno函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ pj_ctx_set_errno函数的具体用法?C++ pj_ctx_set_errno怎么用?C++ pj_ctx_set_errno使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: pj_malloc
struct CTABLE *nad_ctable_init( projCtx ctx, FILE * fid )
struct CTABLE *ct;
int id_end;
/* read the table header */
ct = (struct CTABLE *) pj_malloc(sizeof(struct CTABLE));
if( ct == NULL
|| fread( ct, sizeof(struct CTABLE), 1, fid ) != 1 )
pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -38 );
return NULL;
/* do some minimal validation to ensure the structure isn't corrupt */
if( ct->lim.lam < 1 || ct->lim.lam > 100000
|| ct->lim.phi < 1 || ct->lim.phi > 100000 )
pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -38 );
return NULL;
/* trim white space and newlines off id */
for( id_end = strlen(ct->id)-1; id_end > 0; id_end-- )
if( ct->id[id_end] == '\n' || ct->id[id_end] == ' ' )
ct->id[id_end] = '\0';
ct->cvs = NULL;
return ct;
示例2: nad_ctable2_load
int nad_ctable2_load( projCtx ctx, struct CTABLE *ct, FILE *fid )
int a_size;
fseek( fid, 160, SEEK_SET );
/* read all the actual shift values */
a_size = ct->lim.lam * ct->lim.phi;
ct->cvs = (FLP *) pj_malloc(sizeof(FLP) * a_size);
if( ct->cvs == NULL
|| fread(ct->cvs, sizeof(FLP), a_size, fid) != a_size )
pj_dalloc( ct->cvs );
ct->cvs = NULL;
if( getenv("PROJ_DEBUG") != NULL )
fprintf( stderr,
"ctable2 loading failed on fread() - binary incompatible?\n" );
pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -38 );
return 0;
if( !IS_LSB )
swap_words( ct->cvs, 4, a_size * 2 );
return 1;
示例3: pj_fwd
XY /* forward projection entry */
pj_fwd(LP lp, PJ *P) {
XY xy;
double t;
/* check for forward and latitude or longitude overange */
if ((t = fabs(lp.phi)-HALFPI) > EPS || fabs(lp.lam) > 10.) {
xy.x = xy.y = HUGE_VAL;
pj_ctx_set_errno( P->ctx, -14);
} else { /* proceed with projection */
P->ctx->last_errno = 0;
pj_errno = 0;
errno = 0;
if (fabs(t) <= EPS)
lp.phi = lp.phi < 0. ? -HALFPI : HALFPI;
else if (P->geoc)
lp.phi = atan(P->rone_es * tan(lp.phi));
lp.lam -= P->lam0; /* compute del lp.lam */
if (!P->over)
lp.lam = adjlon(lp.lam); /* adjust del longitude */
xy = (*P->fwd)(lp, P); /* project */
if ( P->ctx->last_errno )
xy.x = xy.y = HUGE_VAL;
/* adjust for major axis and easting/northings */
else {
xy.x = P->fr_meter * (P->a * xy.x + P->x0);
xy.y = P->fr_meter * (P->a * xy.y + P->y0);
return xy;
示例4: s_forward
static XY s_forward (LP lp, PJ *P) { /* Spheroidal, forward */
XY xy = {0.0,0.0};
double b, cosphi;
* Fail if our longitude is more than 90 degrees from the
* central meridian since the results are essentially garbage.
* Is error -20 really an appropriate return value?
* http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/ticket/5
if( lp.lam < -HALFPI || lp.lam > HALFPI ) {
xy.x = HUGE_VAL;
xy.y = HUGE_VAL;
pj_ctx_set_errno( P->ctx, -14 );
return xy;
cosphi = cos(lp.phi);
b = cosphi * sin (lp.lam);
if (fabs (fabs (b) - 1.) <= EPS10)
xy.x = P->opaque->ml0 * log ((1. + b) / (1. - b));
xy.y = cosphi * cos (lp.lam) / sqrt (1. - b * b);
b = fabs ( xy.y );
if (b >= 1.) {
if ((b - 1.) > EPS10)
else xy.y = 0.;
} else
示例5: aacos
double aacos(projCtx ctx, double v) {
double av;
if ((av = fabs(v)) >= 1.) {
if (av > ONE_TOL)
pj_ctx_set_errno(ctx, -19);
return (v < 0. ? PI : 0.);
return acos(v);
示例6: aasin
double aasin(projCtx ctx, double v) {
double av;
if ((av = fabs(v)) >= 1.) {
if (av > ONE_TOL)
pj_ctx_set_errno(ctx, -19);
return (v < 0. ? -HALFPI : HALFPI);
return asin(v);
示例7: e_inverse
static PJ_LP e_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) { /* Ellipsoidal/spheroidal, inverse */
PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
struct pj_opaque *Q = static_cast<struct pj_opaque*>(P->opaque);
double yc, y2, y6;
int i;
/* Adjusting x and y for authalic radius */
xy.x /= Q->rqda;
xy.y /= Q->rqda;
/* Make sure y is inside valid range */
if (xy.y > MAX_Y)
xy.y = MAX_Y;
else if (xy.y < -MAX_Y)
xy.y = -MAX_Y;
yc = xy.y;
/* Newton-Raphson */
for (i = MAX_ITER; i ; --i) {
double f, fder, tol;
y2 = yc * yc;
y6 = y2 * y2 * y2;
f = yc * (A1 + A2 * y2 + y6 * (A3 + A4 * y2)) - xy.y;
fder = A1 + 3 * A2 * y2 + y6 * (7 * A3 + 9 * A4 * y2);
tol = f / fder;
yc -= tol;
if (fabs(tol) < EPS)
if( i == 0 ) {
pj_ctx_set_errno( P->ctx, PJD_ERR_NON_CONVERGENT );
return lp;
/* Longitude */
y2 = yc * yc;
y6 = y2 * y2 * y2;
lp.lam = M * xy.x * (A1 + 3 * A2 * y2 + y6 * (7 * A3 + 9 * A4 * y2)) / cos(yc);
/* Latitude (for spheroidal case, this is latitude */
lp.phi = asin(sin(yc) / M);
/* Ellipsoidal case, converting auth. latitude */
if (P->es != 0.0)
lp.phi = pj_authlat(lp.phi, Q->apa);
return lp;
示例8: s_healpix_inverse
static LP s_healpix_inverse(XY xy, PJ *P) { /* sphere */
LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
/* Check whether (x, y) lies in the HEALPix image */
if (in_image(xy.x, xy.y, 0, 0, 0) == 0) {
lp.lam = HUGE_VAL;
lp.phi = HUGE_VAL;
pj_ctx_set_errno(P->ctx, -15);
return lp;
return healpix_sphere_inverse(xy);
示例9: e_healpix_inverse
static LP e_healpix_inverse(XY xy, PJ *P) { /* ellipsoid */
LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
/* Check whether (x, y) lies in the HEALPix image. */
if (in_image(xy.x, xy.y, 0, 0, 0) == 0) {
lp.lam = HUGE_VAL;
lp.phi = HUGE_VAL;
pj_ctx_set_errno(P->ctx, -15);
return lp;
lp = healpix_sphere_inverse(xy);
lp.phi = auth_lat(P, lp.phi, 1);
return lp;
示例10: s_rhealpix_inverse
static LP s_rhealpix_inverse(XY xy, PJ *P) { /* sphere */
struct pj_opaque *Q = P->opaque;
LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
/* Check whether (x, y) lies in the rHEALPix image. */
if (in_image(xy.x, xy.y, 1, Q->north_square, Q->south_square) == 0) {
lp.lam = HUGE_VAL;
lp.phi = HUGE_VAL;
pj_ctx_set_errno(P->ctx, -15);
return lp;
xy = combine_caps(xy.x, xy.y, Q->north_square, Q->south_square, 1);
return healpix_sphere_inverse(xy);
示例11: krovak_e_inverse
static PJ_LP krovak_e_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) { /* Ellipsoidal, inverse */
struct pj_opaque *Q = static_cast<struct pj_opaque*>(P->opaque);
PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
double u, deltav, s, d, eps, rho, fi1, xy0;
int i;
xy0 = xy.x;
xy.x = xy.y;
xy.y = xy0;
xy.x *= Q->czech;
xy.y *= Q->czech;
rho = sqrt(xy.x * xy.x + xy.y * xy.y);
eps = atan2(xy.y, xy.x);
d = eps / sin(S0);
if( rho == 0.0 ) {
s = M_PI_2;
else {
s = 2. * (atan( pow(Q->rho0 / rho, 1. / Q->n) * tan(S0 / 2. + M_PI_4)) - M_PI_4);
u = asin(cos(Q->ad) * sin(s) - sin(Q->ad) * cos(s) * cos(d));
deltav = asin(cos(s) * sin(d) / cos(u));
lp.lam = P->lam0 - deltav / Q->alpha;
/* ITERATION FOR lp.phi */
fi1 = u;
for (i = MAX_ITER; i ; --i) {
lp.phi = 2. * ( atan( pow( Q->k, -1. / Q->alpha) *
pow( tan(u / 2. + M_PI_4) , 1. / Q->alpha) *
pow( (1. + P->e * sin(fi1)) / (1. - P->e * sin(fi1)) , P->e / 2.)
) - M_PI_4);
if (fabs(fi1 - lp.phi) < EPS)
fi1 = lp.phi;
if( i == 0 )
pj_ctx_set_errno( P->ctx, PJD_ERR_NON_CONVERGENT );
lp.lam -= P->lam0;
return lp;
示例12: s_inverse
static PJ_LP s_inverse (PJ_XY xy, PJ *P) { /* Spheroidal, inverse */
PJ_LP lp = {0.0,0.0};
long i;
double t, t1;
struct COEFS T;
int iters;
lp.lam = xy.x / FXC;
lp.phi = fabs(xy.y / FYC);
if (lp.phi >= 1.) { /* simple pathologic cases */
if (lp.phi > ONEEPS) {
return lp;
else {
lp.phi = xy.y < 0. ? -M_HALFPI : M_HALFPI;
lp.lam /= X[NODES].c0;
} else { /* general problem */
/* in Y space, reduce to table interval */
i = isnan(lp.phi) ? -1 : lround(floor(lp.phi * NODES));
if( i < 0 || i >= NODES ) {
return lp;
for (;;) {
if (Y[i].c0 > lp.phi) --i;
else if (Y[i+1].c0 <= lp.phi) ++i;
else break;
T = Y[i];
/* first guess, linear interp */
t = 5. * (lp.phi - T.c0)/(Y[i+1].c0 - T.c0);
/* make into root */
T.c0 = (float)(T.c0 - lp.phi);
for (iters = MAX_ITER; iters ; --iters) { /* Newton-Raphson */
t -= t1 = V(T,t) / DV(T,t);
if (fabs(t1) < EPS)
if( iters == 0 )
pj_ctx_set_errno( P->ctx, PJD_ERR_NON_CONVERGENT );
lp.phi = (5 * i + t) * DEG_TO_RAD;
if (xy.y < 0.) lp.phi = -lp.phi;
lp.lam /= V(X[i], t);
return lp;
示例13: get_init
static paralist *
get_init(projCtx ctx, paralist **start, paralist *next, char *name) {
char fname[MAX_PATH_FILENAME+ID_TAG_MAX+3], *opt;
FILE *fid;
paralist *init_items = NULL;
const paralist *orig_next = next;
(void)strncpy(fname, name, MAX_PATH_FILENAME + ID_TAG_MAX + 1);
** Search for file/key pair in cache
init_items = pj_search_initcache( name );
if( init_items != NULL )
next->next = init_items;
while( next->next != NULL )
next = next->next;
return next;
** Otherwise we try to open the file and search for it.
if ((opt = strrchr(fname, ':')) != NULL)
*opt++ = '\0';
else { pj_ctx_set_errno(ctx,-3); return NULL; }
if ( (fid = pj_open_lib(ctx,fname, "rt")) != NULL)
next = get_opt(ctx, start, fid, opt, next);
return NULL;
if (errno == 25)
errno = 0; /* unknown problem with some sys errno<-25 */
** If we seem to have gotten a result, insert it into the
** init file cache.
if( next != NULL && next != orig_next )
pj_insert_initcache( name, orig_next->next );
return next;
示例14: pj_phi2
pj_phi2(projCtx ctx, double ts, double e) {
double eccnth, Phi, con, dphi;
int i;
eccnth = .5 * e;
Phi = HALFPI - 2. * atan (ts);
i = N_ITER;
do {
con = e * sin (Phi);
dphi = HALFPI - 2. * atan (ts * pow((1. - con) /
(1. + con), eccnth)) - Phi;
Phi += dphi;
} while ( fabs(dphi) > TOL && --i);
if (i <= 0)
pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -18 );
return Phi;
示例15: proj_inv_mdist
double proj_inv_mdist(projCtx ctx, double dist, const void *b) {
double s, t, phi, k;
int i;
k = 1. / (1. - B->es);
phi = dist;
while (i--) {
s = sin(phi);
t = 1. - B->es * s * s;
phi -= t = (proj_mdist(phi, s, cos(phi), b) - dist) * (t * sqrt(t)) * k;
if (fabs(t) < TOL) /* that is no change */
return phi;
/* convergence failed */
pj_ctx_set_errno(ctx, -17);
return phi;