本文整理汇总了C++中parseOptions函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ parseOptions函数的具体用法?C++ parseOptions怎么用?C++ parseOptions使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: main
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int firstarg;
config.hostip = sdsnew("");
config.hostport = 6379;
config.hostsocket = NULL;
config.repeat = 1;
config.interval = 0;
config.dbnum = 0;
config.interactive = 0;
config.shutdown = 0;
config.monitor_mode = 0;
config.pubsub_mode = 0;
config.latency_mode = 0;
config.stdinarg = 0;
config.auth = NULL;
config.raw_output = !isatty(fileno(stdout)) && (getenv("FAKETTY") == NULL);
config.mb_delim = sdsnew("\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
_fmode = _O_BINARY;
_setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY);
_setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_BINARY);
if (!w32initWinSock()) {
printf("Winsock init error %d", WSAGetLastError());
atexit((void(*)(void)) WSACleanup);
firstarg = parseOptions(argc,argv);
argc -= firstarg;
argv += firstarg;
/* Start in latency mode if appropriate */
if (config.latency_mode) {
/* Start interactive mode when no command is provided */
if (argc == 0) {
/* Note that in repl mode we don't abort on connection error.
* A new attempt will be performed for every command send. */
/* Otherwise, we have some arguments to execute */
if (cliConnect(0) != REDIS_OK) exit(1);
return noninteractive(argc,convertToSds(argc,argv));
示例2: initialize
bool AndroidInputServer::initialize(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// parse arguments, daemonize, create device handlers, ready sockets
if ( !parseOptions(argc, argv) ) {
logger->error("Error parsing parametres");
return false;
if ( !parseOptionsFile() ) {
logger->error("Error in config file");
return false;
if ( !getDefaultPaths() ) {
logger->error("Error setting options");
return false;
if (debug) {
logger->printMessage("08.12.2011 16:25:02 Options parsed");
if (!semaphoresInit()) {
logger->error("13.12.2011 21:17:54 Semaphore initialization failed");
return false;
if ( isDaemon ) {
if (!daemonize()) {
logger->error("06.12.2011 01:34:59 daemonize() error");
return false;
if (isDaemon && debug) {
logger->printMessage("06.12.2011 01:40:39 Daemonized");
if ( !readySocket(&keyboardListeningSocket, &keyboardServerAddress, keyboardListeningPort) ) {
logger->error("08.12.2011 16:20:59 readySocket() error");
return false;
if ( !readySocket(&mouseListeningSocket, &mouseServerAddress, mouseListeningPort) ) {
logger->error("12.11.2012 10:00:01 readySocket() error");
return false;
if (debug) {
logger->printMessage("08.12.2011 16:27:10 listeningSocket bound");
return true;
示例3: main
* @brief Main entry point.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
boost::program_options::variables_map variables;
if (parseOptions(argc, argv, variables))
return 0;
示例4: parseOptions
C3dsTool::EParseOptionReturn C3dsTool::parseOptions(int a_nKey, int& a_nIndex, int m_nArgc, char* a_pArgv[])
for (SOption* pOption = s_Option; pOption->Name != nullptr || pOption->Key != 0 || pOption->Doc != nullptr; pOption++)
if (pOption->Key == a_nKey)
return parseOptions(pOption->Name, a_nIndex, m_nArgc, a_pArgv);
return kParseOptionReturnIllegalOption;
示例5: parseOptions
void Application::slotParseMessage(const QString &msg, QObject*)
if (msg.startsWith(QLatin1String("MSG_PARSEOPTIONS:"))) {
const int lengthOfMsgPrefix = 17;
QStringList options = msg.mid(lengthOfMsgPrefix).split(QLatin1Char('|'));
} else if (msg.startsWith(QLatin1String("MSG_SHOWSETTINGS"))) {
示例6: parseOptions
struct hash *optionParseIntoHash(int *pArgc, char *argv[], boolean justFirst)
/* Read options in command line (only up to first real argument) into
* options hash. Options come in three forms:
* -option words starting with dash
* option=val words with = in the middle
* -option=val combining the two.
* The resulting hash will be keyed by the option name with the val
* string for value. For '-option' types the value is 'on'. */
return parseOptions(pArgc, argv, justFirst, NULL);
示例7: main
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char filename[kMaxStringLength];
char targetName[kMaxStringLength];
uint64_t targetPos;
parseOptions(argc, argv, filename, targetName, &targetPos);
mafFileApi_t *mfa = maf_newMfa(filename, "r");
searchInput(mfa, targetName, targetPos);
示例8: main
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
extern const int kMaxStringLength;
char filename[kMaxStringLength];
parseOptions(argc, argv, filename);
mafFileApi_t *mfa = maf_newMfa(filename, "r");
示例9: main
extern int main (int __unused__ argc, char **argv)
cookedArgs *args;
#ifdef VMS
extern int getredirection (int *ac, char ***av);
/* do wildcard expansion and I/O redirection */
getredirection (&argc, &argv);
#ifdef AMIGA
/* This program doesn't work when started from the Workbench */
if (argc == 0)
exit (1);
#ifdef __EMX__
_wildcard (&argc, &argv); /* expand wildcards in argument list */
#if defined (macintosh) && BUILD_MPW_TOOL == 0
argc = ccommand (&argv);
setCurrentDirectory ();
setExecutableName (*argv++);
checkRegex ();
args = cArgNewFromArgv (argv);
previewFirstOption (args);
testEtagsInvocation ();
initializeParsing ();
initOptions ();
readOptionConfiguration ();
verbose ("Reading initial options from command line\n");
parseOptions (args);
checkOptions ();
makeTags (args);
/* Clean up.
eFree (CurrentDirectory);
cArgDelete (args);
freeKeywordTable ();
freeSourceFileResources ();
freeTagFileResources ();
freeOptionResources ();
freeParserResources ();
freeRegexResources ();
exit (0);
return 0;
示例10: main
main(int argc, char **argv)
int rc;
int i;
char *l;
l = setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
ErrorF("Warning: couldn't set locale.\n");
inputState = allocIso2022();
FatalError("Couldn't create input state\n");
outputState = allocIso2022();
FatalError("Couldn't create output state\n");
if(l) {
locale_name = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, NULL);
} else {
locale_name = getenv("LC_ALL");
if(locale_name == NULL) {
locale_name = getenv("LC_CTYPE");
if(locale_name == NULL) {
locale_name = getenv("LANG");
if(locale_name == NULL) {
ErrorF("Couldn't get locale name -- using C\n");
locale_name = "C";
rc = initIso2022(locale_name, NULL, outputState);
if(rc < 0)
FatalError("Couldn't init output state\n");
i = parseOptions(argc, argv);
if(i < 0)
FatalError("Couldn't parse options\n");
rc = mergeIso2022(inputState, outputState);
if(rc < 0)
FatalError("Couldn't init input state\n");
return convert(0, 1);
return condom(argc - i, argv + i);
示例11: main
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
parseOptions(argc, argv);
int n;
assert(argc == 2);
n = atoi(argv[1]);
engine.solve(new NNQueens(n));
return 0;
示例12: parseConnectConfirmTpdu
static bool
parseConnectConfirmTpdu(CotpConnection* self, uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t len)
if (len < 6)
return false;
self->srcRef = getUint16(buffer);
self->dstRef = getUint16(buffer + 2);
self->protocolClass = getUint8(buffer + 4);
return parseOptions(self, buffer + 5, len - 6);
示例13: main
int main(int argc, char **argv)
OptionsStruct opts; // struct for options
int optStatus = 0; //
// Get the parameters:
optStatus = parseOptions(argc, argv, &opts);
// if errors reading options then exit with non 0 status
if (optStatus != 0)
return 1;
//open the Raspberry Pi's onboard serial port, baud rate is 115200
//make sure that the display module has the same baud rate
genieSetup("/dev/ttyAMA0", 115200);
// If a value is provided send that to the display and exit
if (strlen(opts.value) > 0)
pushToDisplay(opts, opts.value);
// If no value provided on command line the use stdin
// Need to fix this for non string objects
} else {
int continueLoop = 1;
while (continueLoop)
char *line = NULL;
size_t size;
size_t chars;
chars = getline(&line, &size, stdin);
if (chars == -1) {
continueLoop = 0; // get out of the loop
} else {
// remove the newline character
if (line[chars - 1] == '\n')
line[chars - 1] = '\0';
// push the line to the display
pushToDisplay(opts, line);
if (opts.cleanClose == 1)
return 0;
示例14: main
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::string packageName = "org.stappler.stappler";
stappler::data::Value val = stappler::data::readFile("app.json");
if (val.isDictionary()) {
stappler::data::Value &resultObj = val.getValue("result");
if (resultObj.isArray()) {
stappler::data::Value &obj = resultObj.getValue(0);
if (obj.isDictionary()) {
std::string name = obj.getString("alias");
if (name.empty()) {
name = obj.getString("name");
if (!name.empty()) {
packageName = name;
stappler::data::Value args = parseOptions(argc, (const char **)argv);
if (args.getInteger("width") == 0) {
args.setInteger(1024, "width");
if (args.getInteger("height") == 0) {
args.setInteger(768, "height");
if (args.getString("package").empty()) {
args.setString(packageName, "package");
if (args.getString("locale").empty()) {
args.setString("en-us", "locale");
if (args.getDouble("density") == 0.0f) {
args.setDouble(1.0f, "density");
stappler::platform::desktop::_screenSize = cocos2d::Size(args.getInteger("width"), args.getInteger("height"));
stappler::platform::desktop::_isTablet = args.getBool("isTablet");
stappler::platform::desktop::_package = args.getString("package");
stappler::platform::desktop::_density = args.getDouble("density");
stappler::platform::desktop::_isFixed = args.getBool("fixed");
stappler::platform::desktop::_userLanguage = args.getString("locale");
// create the application instance
return Application::getInstance()->run();
示例15: main
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
extern const int kMaxStringLength;
char seq[kMaxSeqName];
char filename[kMaxStringLength];
uint32_t start, stop;
parseOptions(argc, argv, filename, seq, &start, &stop);
mafFileApi_t *mfa = maf_newMfa(filename, "r");
processBody(mfa, seq, start, stop);