本文整理汇总了C++中p_error函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ p_error函数的具体用法?C++ p_error怎么用?C++ p_error使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: set_edit_chars
* Trade edit characters with the other talk. By agreement
* the first three characters each talk transmits after
* connection are the three edit characters.
char buf[3];
int cc;
struct termios tty;
tcgetattr(0, &tty);
my_win.cerase = tty.c_cc[VERASE];
my_win.kill = tty.c_cc[VKILL];
if (tty.c_cc[VWERASE] == (unsigned char) -1)
my_win.werase = '\027'; /* control W */
my_win.werase = tty.c_cc[VWERASE];
buf[0] = my_win.cerase;
buf[1] = my_win.kill;
buf[2] = my_win.werase;
cc = write(sockt, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (cc != sizeof(buf) )
p_error("Lost the connection");
cc = read(sockt, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (cc != sizeof(buf) )
p_error("Lost the connection");
his_win.cerase = buf[0];
his_win.kill = buf[1];
his_win.werase = buf[2];
示例2: sininv
/* Sinusoidal inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat,long
int sininv(
double x, /* (I) X projection coordinate */
double y, /* (I) Y projection coordinate */
double *lon, /* (O) Longitude */
double *lat) /* (O) Latitude */
double temp; /* Re-used temporary variable */
double mu, ml;
double sin_phi, cos_phi;
/* Inverse equations
x -= false_easting;
y -= false_northing;
if (ind != 0) /* Spherical */
*lat = y / R;
if (fabs(*lat) > HALF_PI)
p_error("Input data error","sinusoidal-inverse");
temp = fabs(*lat) - HALF_PI;
if (fabs(temp) > EPSLN)
temp = lon_center + x / (R * cos(*lat));
*lon = adjust_lon(temp);
else *lon = lon_center;
else /* Ellipsoidal */
ml = y;
mu = ml / (r_major * imu);
*lat = mu +
(e2 * sin(2.0 * mu)) +
(e3 * sin(4.0 * mu)) +
(e4 * sin(6.0 * mu)) +
(e5 * sin(8.0 * mu));
if (fabs(*lat) > HALF_PI)
p_error("Input data error","sinusoidal-inverse");
temp = fabs(*lat) - HALF_PI;
if (fabs(temp) > EPSLN)
sin_phi = sin(*lat);
cos_phi = cos(*lat);
temp = lon_center +
x * sqrt(1.0 - es * SQUARE(sin_phi)) / (r_major * cos_phi);
*lon = adjust_lon(temp);
else *lon = lon_center;
示例3: invite_remote
invite_remote (void)
int new_sockt;
struct itimerval itimer;
CTL_RESPONSE response;
itimer.it_value.tv_sec = RING_WAIT;
itimer.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
itimer.it_interval = itimer.it_value;
if (listen (sockt, 5) != 0)
p_error ("Error on attempt to listen for caller");
msg.addr.sa_family = htons (my_addr.sin_family);
memcpy (msg.addr.sa_data,
((struct sockaddr *) &my_addr)->sa_data,
sizeof ((struct sockaddr *) & my_addr)->sa_data);
msg.id_num = htonl (-1); /* an impossible id_num */
invitation_waiting = 1;
announce_invite ();
* Shut off the automatic messages for a while,
* so we can use the interupt timer to resend the invitation
end_msgs ();
setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, (struct itimerval *) 0);
message ("Waiting for your party to respond");
signal (SIGALRM, re_invite);
setjmp (invitebuf);
while ((new_sockt = accept (sockt, 0, 0)) < 0)
if (errno == EINTR)
p_error ("Unable to connect with your party");
close (sockt);
sockt = new_sockt;
* Have the daemons delete the invitations now that we
* have connected.
current_state = "Waiting for your party to respond";
start_msgs ();
msg.id_num = htonl (local_id);
ctl_transact (my_machine_addr, msg, DELETE, &response);
msg.id_num = htonl (remote_id);
ctl_transact (his_machine_addr, msg, DELETE, &response);
invitation_waiting = 0;
return 0;
示例4: p_close
int p_close(p_team_t team)
struct team *pteam = p_to_team(team);
if (p_error(pteam))
if (pteam->dev->dev_ops->close)
return pteam->dev->dev_ops->close(pteam->dev, pteam);
return 0;
示例5: getpayload
* Get simple payload from file
int getpayload(char *path) {
FILE *file;
// open file
if((file=fopen(path, "r"))==NULL)
p_error("\nError opening payload file.\n");
if(!fread(progopt.payload, 1, MAX_ARG*4-1, file))
p_error("\nError reading payload from file.\n");
return 1;
示例6: check_local
* See if the local daemon has an invitation for us.
CTL_RESPONSE response;
CTL_RESPONSE *rp = &response;
struct sockaddr addr;
/* the rest of msg was set up in get_names */
#ifdef MSG_EOR
/* copy new style sockaddr to old, swap family (short in old) */
msg.ctl_addr = *(struct osockaddr *)&ctl_addr;
msg.ctl_addr.sa_family = htons(ctl_addr.sin_family);
msg.ctl_addr = *(struct sockaddr *)&ctl_addr;
/* must be initiating a talk */
if (!look_for_invite(rp))
return (0);
* There was an invitation waiting for us,
* so connect with the other (hopefully waiting) party
current_state = "Waiting to connect with caller";
do {
if (rp->addr.sa_family != AF_INET)
p_error("Response uses invalid network address");
(void)memcpy(&addr, &rp->addr.sa_family, sizeof(addr));
addr.sa_family = rp->addr.sa_family;
addr.sa_len = sizeof(addr);
errno = 0;
if (connect(sockt, &addr, sizeof(addr)) != -1)
return (1);
} while (errno == EINTR);
if (errno == ECONNREFUSED) {
* The caller gave up, but his invitation somehow
* was not cleared. Clear it and initiate an
* invitation. (We know there are no newer invitations,
* the talkd works LIFO.)
ctl_transact(his_machine_addr, msg, DELETE, rp);
return (0);
p_error("Unable to connect with initiator");
return (0);
示例7: open_ctl
/* open the ctl socket */
int length;
ctl_addr.sin_port = 0;
ctl_addr.sin_addr = my_machine_addr;
ctl_sockt = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (ctl_sockt <= 0)
p_error("Bad socket");
if (bind(ctl_sockt, (struct sockaddr *)&ctl_addr, sizeof(ctl_addr)) != 0)
p_error("Couldn't bind to control socket");
length = sizeof(ctl_addr);
if (getsockname(ctl_sockt, (struct sockaddr *)&ctl_addr, &length) == -1)
p_error("Bad address for ctl socket");
示例8: open_sockt
int length;
my_addr.sin_addr = my_machine_addr;
my_addr.sin_port = 0;
sockt = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sockt <= 0)
p_error("Bad socket");
if (bind(sockt, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, sizeof(my_addr)) != 0)
p_error("Binding local socket");
length = sizeof(my_addr);
if (getsockname(sockt, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, &length) == -1)
p_error("Bad address for socket");
示例9: write
/** Trade edit characters with the other talk. By agreement
* the first three characters each talk transmits after
* connection are the three edit characters.
* A normal talk client uses tcgetattr() to get the chars,
* but the daemon isn't connected to a terminal, so we can't call it.
* We just send dummy chars, to disable control chars. */
void TalkConnection::set_edit_chars()
char buf[3];
int cc;
buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[2] = (char)0xff;
/* Write our config to the caller */
cc = write(sockt, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (cc != sizeof(buf) )
p_error("Lost the connection");
/* Read the caller configuration */
cc = read(sockt, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (cc != sizeof(buf) )
p_error("Lost the connection");
char_erase = buf[0]; // store it in TalkConnection
示例10: longitude
/* Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
long lamazfor
double lon, /* (I) Longitude */
double lat, /* (I) Latitude */
double *x, /* (O) X projection coordinate */
double *y /* (O) Y projection coordinate */
double delta_lon; /* Delta longitude (Given longitude - center */
double sin_delta_lon; /* Sine of the delta longitude */
double cos_delta_lon; /* Cosine of the delta longitude */
double sin_lat; /* Sine of the given latitude */
double cos_lat; /* Cosine of the given latitude */
double g; /* temporary varialbe */
double ksp; /* heigth above elipsiod */
char mess[60];
/* Forward equations
delta_lon = adjust_lon(lon - lon_center);
gctp_sincos(lat, &sin_lat, &cos_lat);
gctp_sincos(delta_lon, &sin_delta_lon, &cos_delta_lon);
g = sin_lat_o * sin_lat + cos_lat_o * cos_lat * cos_delta_lon;
if (g == -1.0)
sprintf(mess, "Point projects to a circle of radius = %f\n", 2.0 * R);
p_error(mess, "lamaz-forward");
ksp = R * sqrt(2.0 / (1.0 + g));
*x = ksp * cos_lat * sin_delta_lon + false_easting;
*y = ksp * (cos_lat_o * sin_lat - sin_lat_o * cos_lat * cos_delta_lon) +
示例11: atan
/* Function to compute the latitude angle, phi2, for the inverse of the
Lambert Conformal Conic and Polar Stereographic projections.
double phi2z
double eccent, /* Spheroid eccentricity */
double ts, /* Constant value t */
long *flag /* Error flag number */
double eccnth;
double phi;
double con;
double dphi;
double sinpi;
long i;
*flag = 0;
eccnth = .5 * eccent;
phi = HALF_PI - 2 * atan(ts);
for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
sinpi = sin(phi);
con = eccent * sinpi;
dphi = HALF_PI - 2 * atan(ts *(pow(((1.0 - con)/(1.0 + con)),eccnth)))
- phi;
phi += dphi;
if (fabs(dphi) <= .0000000001)
p_error ("Convergence error","phi2z-conv");
*flag = 002;
示例12: ctl_transact
/** Look for an invitation on remote machine */
int TalkConnection::look_for_invite(int mandatory)
/* Check for invitation on caller's machine */
ctl_transact(LOOK_UP, 0);
uint8_t answer;
uint32_t id_num;
getResponseItems(&answer, &id_num, &lookup_addr);
if (!mandatory) return 0;
/* the switch is for later options, such as multiple invitations */
switch (answer) {
new_msg.id_num = htonl(id_num);
old_msg.id_num = htonl(id_num);
ktalk_debug("TalkConnection::look_for_invite : got SUCCESS");
if (lookup_addr.ta_family != AF_INET)
p_error("Response uses invalid network address");
return (1);
/* there wasn't an invitation waiting for us */
ktalk_debug("TalkConnection::look_for_invite : didn't get SUCCESS");
return (0);
示例13: utmConversionInit
/* **************************************************************** */
long utmConversionInit(PointLla point)
long zone = 0;
double r_maj = 6378137; // Magic Number: These are the values
double r_min = 6356752.3142; // needed for the UTM ellipsoid
double scale_fact = .9996;
// long val;
if(point->longitudeRadians > PI || point->longitudeRadians < -PI)
p_error("Invalid Seed Point for UTM Init. Check Radians??","");
zone = calc_utm_zone(point->longitudeRadians*R2D);
// Check if the zone is different than what was done before
if(zone != utmLibZone)
if(utmforint(r_maj, r_min, scale_fact, zone) != OK) return -1;
if(utminvint(r_maj, r_min, scale_fact, zone) != OK) return -1;
utmLibInitFlag = 1;
utmLibZone = zone;
return OK;
// Zone is the same, no need to re-init
return OK;
示例14: p_error
// Sinusoidal inverse equations--mapping x,y to lat,long
long Projectoid::sininv(
double x, // (I) X projection coordinate
double y, // (I) Y projection coordinate
double *lon, // (O) Longitude
double *lat) // (O) Latitude
double temp; // Re-used temporary variable
// Inverse equations
x -= false_easting;
y -= false_northing;
*lat = y / R;
if (fabs(*lat) > HALF_PI)
p_error("Input data error", "sinusoidal-inverse");
temp = fabs(*lat) - HALF_PI;
if (fabs(temp) > EPSLN)
temp = lon_center + x / (R * cos(*lat));
*lon = adjust_lon(temp);
*lon = lon_center;
示例15: is_dir
int is_dir(char *url)
struct stat st;
p_error("error in is_dir logic error",5);
return S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)?1:0;