本文整理汇总了C++中outer函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ outer函数的具体用法?C++ outer怎么用?C++ outer使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: laplacian
FiniteVolumeEquation<Vector2D> laplacian(Scalar gamma, VectorFiniteVolumeField &phi, Scalar theta)
FiniteVolumeEquation<Vector2D> eqn(phi);
const VectorFiniteVolumeField &phi0 = phi.oldField(0);
for (const Cell &cell: phi.cells())
for (const InteriorLink &nb: cell.neighbours())
Scalar coeff = gamma * dot(nb.rCellVec(), nb.outwardNorm()) / nb.rCellVec().magSqr();
eqn.add(cell, nb.cell(), theta * coeff);
eqn.add(cell, cell, theta * -coeff);
eqn.addSource(cell, (1. - theta) * coeff * (phi0(nb.cell()) - phi0(cell)));
for (const BoundaryLink &bd: cell.boundaries())
Scalar coeff = gamma * dot(bd.rFaceVec(), bd.outwardNorm()) / bd.rFaceVec().magSqr();
switch (phi.boundaryType(bd.face()))
case VectorFiniteVolumeField::FIXED:
eqn.add(cell, cell, theta * -coeff);
eqn.addSource(cell, theta * coeff * phi(bd.face()));
eqn.addSource(cell, (1. - theta) * coeff * (phi0(bd.face()) - phi0(cell)));
case VectorFiniteVolumeField::NORMAL_GRADIENT:
case VectorFiniteVolumeField::SYMMETRY:
Vector2D tw = bd.outwardNorm().tangentVec().unitVec();
eqn.add(cell, cell, theta * -coeff);
eqn.add(cell, cell, theta * coeff * outer(tw, tw));
eqn.addSource(cell, (1. - theta) * coeff * (dot(phi0(cell), tw) * tw - phi0(cell)));
case VectorFiniteVolumeField::PARTIAL_SLIP:
Vector2D tw = bd.outwardNorm().tangentVec().unitVec();
Scalar lambda = phi.boundaryRefValue(bd.face()).x;
Scalar a = lambda != 0. ? lambda * coeff / (lambda * coeff - 1.) : 0.;
eqn.add(cell, cell, theta * -coeff);
eqn.add(cell, cell, theta * a * coeff * outer(tw, tw));
eqn.addSource(cell, (1. - theta) * coeff * (a * dot(phi0(cell), tw) * tw - phi0(cell)));
throw Exception("fv", "laplacian<Vector2D>", "unrecognized or unspecified boundary type.");
return eqn;
示例2: CalcDensity
void CalcDensity(particle_t *SPH){
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0 ; i < N_SPHP ; ++ i){
SPH[i].div_v = 0;
SPH[i].omega = 0;
SPH[i].rot_v = vec3<double>(0, 0, 0);
SPH[i].p_smth = 0;
for(int k = 0 ; k < SPH[i].n_ngb ; ++ k){
int j = SPH[i].ngb_hash[k];
SPH[i].p_smth += SPH[j].Y * kernel.W(SPH[i].r - SPH[j].r, SPH[i].h);
SPH[i].p = Pressure (SPH[i].m * SPH[i].p_smth / SPH[i].Y, SPH[i].u);
SPH[i].c = SoundSpeed(SPH[i].m * SPH[i].p_smth / SPH[i].Y, SPH[i].u);
SPH[i].rho = SPH[i].m * SPH[i].p_smth / SPH[i].Y;
//div v and rot v
for(int k = 0 ; k < SPH[i].n_ngb ; ++ k){
int j = SPH[i].ngb_hash[k];
if(i == j) continue;
vec3<double> dr = SPH[i].r - SPH[j].r;
vec3<double> dv = SPH[i].v - SPH[j].v;
vec3<double> grad_kernel = kernel.gradW(dr, SPH[i].h);
SPH[i].omega += - SPH[j].Y * (N_DIM / SPH[i].h * kernel.W(dr, SPH[i].h) - abs(dr) / SPH[i].h * abs(grad_kernel));
double volume = SPH[j].Y / SPH[i].p_smth;
SPH[i].div_v += - volume * inner(dv, grad_kernel);
SPH[i].rot_v += - volume * outer(dv, grad_kernel);
SPH[i].er = (SPH[i].p_smth + 7.15 * 3309.0) / (SPH[i].rho * 6.15) / SPH[i].u - 1.0;
//Balsara 1989
SPH[i].f = abs(SPH[i].div_v) / (abs(SPH[i].div_v) + abs(SPH[i].rot_v) + 1.0e-4 * SPH[i].c / SPH[i].h);
//Hosono+ (?)
SPH[i].omega = 1.0 + SPH[i].h / (N_DIM * SPH[i].p_smth) * SPH[i].omega;
示例3: GetCenterOfMass
void CompoundBody::ComputeInertia()
//Uses the parallel axis theorem to compute a combined
//Inertia tensor in world space around the center of mass
//for the entire compound body
//Skew-symmetric matrices are used as a supplement to
//cross products.
AglMatrix inertia = AglMatrix::zeroMatrix();
AglMatrix id = AglMatrix::identityMatrix();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++)
AglMatrix orientation = mChildren[i]->GetWorld();
orientation[15] = 1;
orientation[14] = 0;
orientation[13] = 0;
orientation[12] = 0;
AglMatrix InertiaWorld = AglMatrix::transpose(orientation) * mChildren[i]->GetLocalInertia() * orientation;
AglVector3 r = mChildren[i]->GetLocalCenterOfMass() - GetCenterOfMass();
AglMatrix outer(r.x * r.x, r.x * r.y, r.x * r.z, 0, r.y * r.x, r.y * r.y, r.z * r.x, 0,
r.z * r.x, r.z * r.y, r.z * r.x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
inertia += InertiaWorld + (id*AglVector3::dotProduct(r, r) - outer) * mChildren[i]->GetLocalMass();
mInertiaWorld = inertia;
mInverseInertiaWorld = AglMatrix::inverse(mInertiaWorld);
示例4: outer
void TriangulationCDTWindow::OneNestedPolygon()
int numPoints = 7;
mPoints[0] = { 128.0f, 256.0f };
mPoints[1] = { 256.0f, 128.0f };
mPoints[2] = { 384.0f, 256.0f };
mPoints[3] = { 256.0f, 384.0f };
mPoints[4] = { 320.0f, 256.0f };
mPoints[5] = { 256.0f, 192.0f };
mPoints[6] = { 256.0f, 320.0f };
std::vector<int> outer(4);
outer[0] = 0;
outer[1] = 1;
outer[2] = 2;
outer[3] = 3;
std::vector<int> inner(3);
inner[0] = 4;
inner[1] = 5;
inner[2] = 6;
Triangulator::Polygon outerPoly = { (int)outer.size(), &outer[0] };
Triangulator::Polygon innerPoly = { (int)inner.size(), &inner[0] };
mTriangulator = std::make_unique<Triangulator>(numPoints, &mPoints[0]);
(*mTriangulator)(outerPoly, innerPoly);
auto const& triangles = mTriangulator->GetAllTriangles();
int numTriangles = (int)triangles.size();
mPMesher = std::make_unique<PlanarMesher>(numPoints, &mPoints[0],
numTriangles, (int const*)&triangles[0]);
示例5: makeVane
BaseIF* makeVane(const Real& thick,
const RealVect& normal,
const Real& innerRadius,
const Real& outerRadius,
const Real& offset,
const Real& height)
RealVect zero(D_DECL(0.0,0.0,0.0));
RealVect xAxis(D_DECL(1.0,0.0,0.0));
bool inside = true;
Vector<BaseIF*> vaneParts;
// Each side of the vane (infinite)
RealVect normal1(normal);
RealVect point1(D_DECL(offset+height/2.0,-thick/2.0,0.0));
PlaneIF plane1(normal1,point1,inside);
RealVect normal2(-normal);
RealVect point2(D_DECL(offset+height/2.0,thick/2.0,0.0));
PlaneIF plane2(normal2,point2,inside);
// Make sure we only get something to the right of the origin
RealVect normal3(D_DECL(0.0,0.0,1.0));
RealVect point3(D_DECL(0.0,0.0,0.0));
PlaneIF plane3(normal3,point3,inside);
// Cut off the top and bottom
RealVect normal4(D_DECL(1.0,0.0,0.0));
RealVect point4(D_DECL(offset,0.0,0.0));
PlaneIF plane4(normal4,point4,inside);
RealVect normal5(D_DECL(-1.0,0.0,0.0));
RealVect point5(D_DECL(offset+height,0.0,0.0));
PlaneIF plane5(normal5,point5,inside);
// The outside of the inner cylinder
TiltedCylinderIF inner(innerRadius,xAxis,zero,!inside);
// The inside of the outer cylinder
TiltedCylinderIF outer(outerRadius,xAxis,zero,inside);
IntersectionIF* vane = new IntersectionIF(vaneParts);
return vane;
示例6: main
int main()
int ret;
// OK
ret = foo();
if (ret < 0)
xmlSecInternalError("foo", NULL);
// OK
ret = outer(1, strlen("x"));
if (ret < 0)
xmlSecInternalError("outer", NULL);
// KO
ret = foo();
if (ret < 0)
xmlSecInternalError("bar", NULL);
示例7: star
sf::ConvexShape star(unsigned int nbStarPoints, float innerRadius, float outerRadius,
const sf::Color& fillColor, float outlineThickness, const sf::Color& outlineColor)
assert(innerRadius > 0.f);
assert(outerRadius > innerRadius);
assert(outlineThickness >= 0.f);
// Calculate points of the inner, regular polygon and the outer star points
PolarVector2f inner(innerRadius, 0.f);
PolarVector2f outer(outerRadius, 0.f);
sf::ConvexShape shape;
// Step around and alternately add inner and outer points
for (unsigned int points = 0; points < nbStarPoints; ++points)
inner.phi = 360.f * points / nbStarPoints;
outer.phi = inner.phi + 180.f / nbStarPoints;
addPoint(shape, inner);
addPoint(shape, outer);
return shape;
示例8: innerContext
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> SkComposeImageFilter::onFilterImage(SkSpecialImage* source,
const Context& ctx,
SkIPoint* offset) const {
// The bounds passed to the inner filter must be filtered by the outer
// filter, so that the inner filter produces the pixels that the outer
// filter requires as input. This matters if the outer filter moves pixels.
SkIRect innerClipBounds;
innerClipBounds = this->getInput(0)->filterBounds(ctx.clipBounds(), ctx.ctm());
Context innerContext(ctx.ctm(), innerClipBounds, ctx.cache());
SkIPoint innerOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> inner(this->filterInput(1, source, innerContext, &innerOffset));
if (!inner) {
return nullptr;
SkMatrix outerMatrix(ctx.ctm());
outerMatrix.postTranslate(SkIntToScalar(-innerOffset.x()), SkIntToScalar(-innerOffset.y()));
SkIRect clipBounds = ctx.clipBounds();
clipBounds.offset(-innerOffset.x(), -innerOffset.y());
Context outerContext(outerMatrix, clipBounds, ctx.cache());
SkIPoint outerOffset = SkIPoint::Make(0, 0);
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> outer(this->filterInput(0, inner.get(), outerContext, &outerOffset));
if (!outer) {
return nullptr;
*offset = innerOffset + outerOffset;
return outer;
示例9: v1
void xyztorst
const DVec& X, // [in]
const DVec& Y, // [in]
const DVec& Z, // [in]
DVec& r, // [out]
DVec& s, // [out]
DVec& t // [out]
// function [r,s,t] = xyztorst(x, y, z)
// Purpose : Transfer from (x,y,z) in equilateral tetrahedron
// to (r,s,t) coordinates in standard tetrahedron
double sqrt3=sqrt(3.0), sqrt6=sqrt(6.0); int Nc=X.size();
DVec v1(3),v2(3),v3(3),v4(3);
DMat tmat1(3,Nc), A(3,3), rhs;
v1(1)=(-1.0); v1(2)=(-1.0/sqrt3); v1(3)=(-1.0/sqrt6);
v2(1)=( 1.0); v2(2)=(-1.0/sqrt3); v2(3)=(-1.0/sqrt6);
v3(1)=( 0.0); v3(2)=( 2.0/sqrt3); v3(3)=(-1.0/sqrt6);
v4(1)=( 0.0); v4(2)=( 0.0 ); v4(3)=( 3.0/sqrt6);
// back out right tet nodes
tmat1.set_row(1,X); tmat1.set_row(2,Y); tmat1.set_row(3,Z);
rhs = tmat1 - 0.5*outer(v2+v3+v4-v1, ones(Nc));
A.set_col(1,0.5*(v2-v1)); A.set_col(2,0.5*(v3-v1)); A.set_col(3,0.5*(v4-v1));
DMat RST = A|rhs;
r=RST.get_row(1); s=RST.get_row(2); t=RST.get_row(3);
示例10: update_derivs
void update_derivs(const vector<int>& toCoords)
const vector<int>* fromCoords = add_delay(toCoords);
if (fromCoords)
outer(this->from->out_acts(*fromCoords), derivs().begin(), this->to->inputErrors[toCoords]);
示例11: hff
gmMatrix3 CSGUnion::hess(const gmVector3 & x)
if ((m_f!=NULL) && (m_g!=NULL))
double fx = m_f->proc(x);
double gx = m_g->proc(x);
gmVector3 dfx = m_f->grad(x);
gmVector3 dgx = m_g->grad(x);
return hff(fx,gx) * outer(dfx,dfx) +
hfg(fx,gx) * outer(dfx,dgx) +
hfg(fx,gx) * outer(dgx,dfx) +
hgg(fx,gx) * outer(dgx,dgx) +
hf(fx,gx) * m_f->hess(x) +
hg(fx,gx) * m_g->hess(x);
return gmMatrix3();
示例12: CalcConservativeVaruables
void CalcConservativeVaruables(const particle_t *SPH, system_t *system){
system->energy = 0;
system->linear_momentum = vec3<double>(0, 0, 0);
system->angular_momentum = vec3<double>(0, 0, 0);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0 ; i < N_SPHP ; ++ i){
system->linear_momentum += SPH[i].m * SPH[i].v;
system->angular_momentum += SPH[i].m * outer(SPH[i].r, SPH[i].v);
system->energy += SPH[i].m * (0.5 * abs2(SPH[i].v) + SPH[i].u);
示例13: main
int main (void) {
char *dummy = __builtin_alloca(alloca_size());
int retval;
fprintf(stderr, "main: dummy = %p\n", dummy);
retval = outer(dummy);
fprintf(stderr, "main: outer returned %d\n", retval);
if (retval == 0)
return 0;
示例14: outer
namespace numpy
template <class T0, size_t N0, class T1, size_t N1>
types::ndarray<decltype(std::declval<T0>() + std::declval<T1>()), 2>
outer(types::ndarray<T0, N0> const &a, types::ndarray<T1, N1> const &b);
template <class T0, size_t N0, class E1>
auto outer(types::ndarray<T0, N0> const &a, E1 const &b)
-> decltype(outer(a, asarray(b)));
template <class E0, class T1, size_t N1>
auto outer(E0 const &a, types::ndarray<T1, N1> const &b)
-> decltype(outer(asarray(a), b));
template <class E0, class E1>
auto outer(E0 const &a, E1 const &b)
-> decltype(outer(asarray(a), asarray(b)));
PROXY_DECL(pythonic::numpy, outer);
示例15: GetName
const char *ScriptObject::GetFullName()
if( object_class() && outer() )
static std::string full_name;
full_name = GetName();
for( ScriptObject *object_outer = outer(); object_outer != NULL; object_outer = object_outer->outer() )
full_name.insert( 0, "." );
full_name.insert( 0, object_outer->GetName() );
full_name.insert( 0, " " );
full_name.insert( 0, object_class()->GetName() );
return full_name.c_str();
return "Failed to get name";