本文整理汇总了C++中ensure函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ensure函数的具体用法?C++ ensure怎么用?C++ ensure使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: while
/* Render an object to text. */
static char *print_object(cJSON * item, int depth, int fmt,
printbuffer * p)
char **entries = 0, **names = 0;
char *out = 0, *ptr, *ret, *str;
int len = 7, i = 0, j;
cJSON *child = item->child;
int numentries = 0, fail = 0;
size_t tmplen = 0;
/* Count the number of entries. */
while (child)
numentries++, child = child->next;
/* Explicitly handle empty object case */
if (!numentries) {
if (p)
out = ensure(p, fmt ? depth + 4 : 3);
out = (char *) cJSON_malloc(fmt ? depth + 4 : 3);
if (!out)
return 0;
ptr = out;
*ptr++ = '{';
if (fmt) {
*ptr++ = '\n';
for (i = 0; i < depth - 1; i++)
*ptr++ = '\t';
*ptr++ = '}';
*ptr++ = 0;
return out;
if (p) {
/* Compose the output: */
i = p->offset;
len = fmt ? 2 : 1;
ptr = ensure(p, len + 1);
if (!ptr)
return 0;
*ptr++ = '{';
if (fmt)
*ptr++ = '\n';
*ptr = 0;
p->offset += len;
child = item->child;
while (child) {
if (fmt) {
ptr = ensure(p, depth);
if (!ptr)
return 0;
for (j = 0; j < depth; j++)
*ptr++ = '\t';
p->offset += depth;
print_string_ptr(child->string, p);
p->offset = update(p);
len = fmt ? 2 : 1;
ptr = ensure(p, len);
if (!ptr)
return 0;
*ptr++ = ':';
if (fmt)
*ptr++ = '\t';
p->offset += len;
print_value(child, depth, fmt, p);
p->offset = update(p);
len = (fmt ? 1 : 0) + (child->next ? 1 : 0);
ptr = ensure(p, len + 1);
if (!ptr)
return 0;
if (child->next)
*ptr++ = ',';
if (fmt)
*ptr++ = '\n';
*ptr = 0;
p->offset += len;
child = child->next;
ptr = ensure(p, fmt ? (depth + 1) : 2);
if (!ptr)
return 0;
if (fmt)
for (i = 0; i < depth - 1; i++)
*ptr++ = '\t';
*ptr++ = '}';
*ptr = 0;
out = (p->buffer) + i;
} else {
/* Allocate space for the names and the objects */
entries = (char **) cJSON_malloc(numentries * sizeof(char *));
if (!entries)
return 0;
names = (char **) cJSON_malloc(numentries * sizeof(char *));
if (!names) {
示例2: mbrpipe_set_volume
static void mbrpipe_set_volume(signed int volume)
mbrpipe_volume = ensure(volume,-100,100);
示例3: mbrpipe_set_pitch
static void mbrpipe_set_pitch(signed int pitch)
mbrpipe_pitch = ensure(pitch,-100,100);
示例4: gt_bitPackStringInt64_unit_test
gt_bitPackStringInt64_unit_test(GtError *err)
BitString bitStore = NULL;
BitString bitStoreCopy = NULL;
uint64_t *randSrc = NULL; /*< create random ints here for input as bit
* store */
uint64_t *randCmp = NULL; /*< used for random ints read back */
unsigned *numBitsList = NULL;
size_t i, numRnd;
BitOffset offsetStart, offset;
int had_err = 0;
offset = offsetStart = random()%(sizeof (uint64_t) * CHAR_BIT);
numRnd = random() % (MAX_RND_NUMS_uint64_t + 1);
gt_log_log("offset=%lu, numRnd=%lu\n",
(long unsigned)offsetStart, (long unsigned)numRnd);
BitOffset numBits = sizeof (uint64_t) * CHAR_BIT * numRnd + offsetStart;
randSrc = gt_malloc(sizeof (uint64_t)*numRnd);
bitStore = gt_malloc(bitElemsAllocSize(numBits) * sizeof (BitElem));
bitStoreCopy = gt_calloc(bitElemsAllocSize(numBits), sizeof (BitElem));
randCmp = gt_malloc(sizeof (uint64_t)*numRnd);
/* first test unsigned types */
gt_log_log("gt_bsStoreUInt64/gt_bsGetUInt64: ");
for (i = 0; i < numRnd; ++i)
#if 64 > 32 && LONG_BIT < 64
uint64_t v = randSrc[i] = (uint64_t)random() << 32 | random();
#else /* 64 > 32 && LONG_BIT < 64 */
uint64_t v = randSrc[i] = random();
#endif /* 64 > 32 && LONG_BIT < 64 */
int bits = gt_requiredUInt64Bits(v);
gt_bsStoreUInt64(bitStore, offset, bits, v);
offset += bits;
offset = offsetStart;
for (i = 0; i < numRnd; ++i)
uint64_t v = randSrc[i];
int bits = gt_requiredUInt64Bits(v);
uint64_t r = gt_bsGetUInt64(bitStore, offset, bits);
ensure(had_err, r == v);
if (had_err)
gt_log_log("Expected %"PRIu64", got %"PRIu64", i = %lu\n",
v, r, (unsigned long)i);
offset += bits;
if (numRnd > 0)
uint64_t v = randSrc[0], r = 0;
unsigned numBits = gt_requiredUInt64Bits(v);
BitOffset i = offsetStart + numBits;
uint64_t mask = ~(uint64_t)0;
if (numBits < 64)
mask = ~(mask << numBits);
gt_log_log("bsSetBit, gt_bsClearBit, bsToggleBit, gt_bsGetBit: ");
while (v)
int lowBit = v & 1;
v >>= 1;
ensure(had_err, lowBit == (r = gt_bsGetBit(bitStore, --i)));
if (had_err)
gt_log_log("Expected %d, got %d, i = %llu\n",
lowBit, (int)r, (unsigned long long)i);
i = offsetStart + numBits;
gt_bsClear(bitStoreCopy, offsetStart, numBits, random()&1);
v = randSrc[0];
while (i)
int lowBit = v & 1;
v >>= 1;
if (lowBit)
bsSetBit(bitStoreCopy, --i);
gt_bsClearBit(bitStoreCopy, --i);
v = randSrc[0];
r = gt_bsGetUInt64(bitStoreCopy, offsetStart, numBits);
ensure(had_err, r == v);
if (had_err)
gt_log_log("Expected %"PRIu64", got %"PRIu64"\n", v, r);
for (i = 0; i < numBits; ++i)
bsToggleBit(bitStoreCopy, offsetStart + i);
r = gt_bsGetUInt64(bitStoreCopy, offsetStart, numBits);
ensure(had_err, r == (v = (~v & mask)));
if (had_err)
gt_log_log("Expected %"PRIu64", got %"PRIu64"\n", v, r);
示例5: GetFocusedMovieScene
FGuid FSequencer::AddSpawnableForAssetOrClass( UObject* Object, UObject* CounterpartGamePreviewObject )
FGuid NewSpawnableGuid;
if( ObjectBindingManager->AllowsSpawnableObjects() )
// Grab the MovieScene that is currently focused. We'll add our Blueprint as an inner of the
// MovieScene asset.
UMovieScene* OwnerMovieScene = GetFocusedMovieScene();
// @todo sequencer: Undo doesn't seem to be working at all
const FScopedTransaction Transaction( LOCTEXT("UndoAddingObject", "Add Object to MovieScene") );
// Use the class as the spawnable's name if this is an actor class, otherwise just use the object name (asset)
const bool bIsActorClass = Object->IsA( AActor::StaticClass() ) && !Object->HasAnyFlags( RF_ArchetypeObject );
const FName AssetName = bIsActorClass ? Object->GetClass()->GetFName() : Object->GetFName();
// Inner objects don't need a name (it will be auto-generated by the UObject system), but we want one in this case
// because the class of any actors that are created from this Blueprint may end up being user-facing.
const FName BlueprintName = MakeUniqueObjectName( OwnerMovieScene, UBlueprint::StaticClass(), AssetName );
// Use the asset name as the initial spawnable name
const FString NewSpawnableName = AssetName.ToString(); // @todo sequencer: Need UI to allow user to rename these slots
// Create our new blueprint!
UBlueprint* NewBlueprint = NULL;
// @todo sequencer: Add support for forcing specific factories for an asset
UActorFactory* FactoryToUse = NULL;
if( bIsActorClass )
// Placing an actor class directly::
FactoryToUse = GEditor->FindActorFactoryForActorClass( Object->GetClass() );
// Placing an asset
FactoryToUse = FActorFactoryAssetProxy::GetFactoryForAssetObject( Object );
if( FactoryToUse != NULL )
// Create the blueprint
NewBlueprint = FactoryToUse->CreateBlueprint( Object, OwnerMovieScene, BlueprintName );
else if( bIsActorClass )
// We don't have a factory, but we can still try to create a blueprint for this actor class
NewBlueprint = FKismetEditorUtilities::CreateBlueprint( Object->GetClass(), OwnerMovieScene, BlueprintName, EBlueprintType::BPTYPE_Normal, UBlueprint::StaticClass(), UBlueprintGeneratedClass::StaticClass() );
if( ensure( NewBlueprint != NULL ) )
if( NewBlueprint->GeneratedClass != NULL && FBlueprintEditorUtils::IsActorBased( NewBlueprint ) )
AActor* ActorCDO = CastChecked< AActor >( NewBlueprint->GeneratedClass->ClassDefaultObject );
// If we have a counterpart object, then copy the properties from that object back into our blueprint's CDO
// @todo sequencer livecapture: This isn't really good enough to handle complex actors. The dynamically-spawned actor could have components that
// were created in its construction script or via straight-up C++ code. Instead what we should probably do is duplicate the PIE actor and generate
// our CDO from that duplicate. It could get pretty complex though.
if( CounterpartGamePreviewObject != NULL )
AActor* CounterpartGamePreviewActor = CastChecked< AActor >( CounterpartGamePreviewObject );
CopyActorProperties( CounterpartGamePreviewActor, ActorCDO );
// Place the new spawnable in front of the camera (unless we were automatically created from a PIE actor)
PlaceActorInFrontOfCamera( ActorCDO );
NewSpawnableGuid = OwnerMovieScene->AddSpawnable( NewSpawnableName, NewBlueprint, CounterpartGamePreviewObject );
if (IsShotFilteringOn())
return NewSpawnableGuid;
示例6: ensure
void FSlateFileDialogsStyle::Shutdown()
示例7: w
void testObj::test<1>(void)
const FormatterConfig::Wrapper w(value_);
ensure("invalid value type", w.isValue() );
示例8: re
void testObj::test<11>(void)
const RegExp re("ab+", false);
ensure("case-insensitive regexp does not match valid string", re.check("AB") );
示例9: ensure
void FPLUGIN_NAMEStyle::Shutdown()
示例10: set_test_name
void lllogininstance_object::test<2>()
set_test_name("Test User TOS/Critical message Interaction");
const std::string test_uri = "testing-uri";
// Test default connect.
logininstance->connect(test_uri, agentCredential);
// connect should call LLLogin::connect to init gLoginURI and gLoginCreds.
ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, "testing-uri");
ensure_equals("Default for agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["agree_to_tos"].asBoolean(), false);
ensure_equals("Default for read critical", gLoginCreds["params"]["read_critical"].asBoolean(), false);
// TOS failure response.
LLSD response;
response["state"] = "offline";
response["change"] = "fail.login";
response["progress"] = 0.0;
response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
response["data"]["reason"] = "tos";
ensure_equals("TOS Dialog type", gTOSType, "message_tos");
ensure("TOS callback given", gTOSReplyPump != 0);
gTOSReplyPump->post(false); // Call callback denying TOS.
ensure("No TOS, failed auth", logininstance->authFailure());
// Start again.
logininstance->connect(test_uri, agentCredential);
gTestPump.post(response); // Fail for tos again.
gTOSReplyPump->post(true); // Accept tos, should reconnect w/ agree_to_tos.
ensure_equals("Accepted agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["agree_to_tos"].asBoolean(), true);
ensure("Incomplete login status", !logininstance->authFailure() && !logininstance->authSuccess());
// Fail connection, attempt connect again.
// The new request should have reset agree to tos to default.
response["data"]["reason"] = "key"; // bad creds.
ensure("TOS auth failure", logininstance->authFailure());
logininstance->connect(test_uri, agentCredential);
ensure_equals("Reset to default for agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["agree_to_tos"].asBoolean(), false);
// Critical Message failure response.
logininstance->connect(test_uri, agentCredential);
response["data"]["reason"] = "critical"; // Change response to "critical message"
ensure_equals("TOS Dialog type", gTOSType, "message_critical");
ensure("TOS callback given", gTOSReplyPump != 0);
ensure_equals("Accepted read critical message", gLoginCreds["params"]["read_critical"].asBoolean(), true);
ensure("Incomplete login status", !logininstance->authFailure() && !logininstance->authSuccess());
// Fail then attempt new connection
response["data"]["reason"] = "key"; // bad creds.
ensure("TOS auth failure", logininstance->authFailure());
logininstance->connect(test_uri, agentCredential);
ensure_equals("Default for agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["read_critical"].asBoolean(), false);
示例11: ls
void testObj::test<2>(void)
const LimitedNULLString<10> ls(NULL);
ensure("unable to stroe NULL", ls.get()==NULL);
示例12: ls1
void testObj::test<13>(void)
const LimitedNULLString<10> ls1(NULL);
const LimitedNULLString<10> ls2(NULL);
ensure("NULL stirngs differ", ls1==ls2);
示例13: ensure
void object::test<1>()
// TODO - mloskot - discuss about adding default constructor
ensure("NOTE: Coordinate has no default constructor.", true);
示例14: ensure
void UK2Node_Composite::PostPasteNode()
//@TODO: Should verify that each node in the composite can be pasted into this new graph successfully (CanPasteHere)
if (BoundGraph != NULL)
UEdGraph* ParentGraph = CastChecked<UEdGraph>(GetOuter());
ensure(BoundGraph != ParentGraph);
// Update the InputSinkNode / OutputSourceNode pointers to point to the new graph
TSet<UEdGraphNode*> BoundaryNodes;
for (int32 NodeIndex = 0; NodeIndex < BoundGraph->Nodes.Num(); ++NodeIndex)
UEdGraphNode* Node = BoundGraph->Nodes[NodeIndex];
//Remove this node if it should not exist more then one in blueprint
if(UK2Node_Event* Event = Cast<UK2Node_Event>(Node))
UBlueprint* BP = FBlueprintEditorUtils::FindBlueprintForGraphChecked(BoundGraph);
if(FBlueprintEditorUtils::FindOverrideForFunction(BP, Event->EventReference.GetMemberParentClass(Event), Event->EventReference.GetMemberName()))
FBlueprintEditorUtils::RemoveNode(BP, Node, true);
if (Node->GetClass() == UK2Node_Tunnel::StaticClass())
// Exactly a tunnel node, should be the entrance or exit node
UK2Node_Tunnel* Tunnel = CastChecked<UK2Node_Tunnel>(Node);
if (Tunnel->bCanHaveInputs && !Tunnel->bCanHaveOutputs)
OutputSourceNode = Tunnel;
Tunnel->InputSinkNode = this;
else if (Tunnel->bCanHaveOutputs && !Tunnel->bCanHaveInputs)
InputSinkNode = Tunnel;
Tunnel->OutputSourceNode = this;
ensureMsgf(false, *LOCTEXT("UnexpectedTunnelNode", "Unexpected tunnel node '%s' in cloned graph '%s' (both I/O or neither)").ToString(), *Tunnel->GetName(), *GetName());
ensure(BoundGraph->SubGraphs.Find(ParentGraph) == INDEX_NONE);
//Nested composites will already be in the SubGraph array
if(ParentGraph->SubGraphs.Find(BoundGraph) == INDEX_NONE)
示例15: ensure
void SGameplayTagQueryWidget::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs, const TArray<FEditableGameplayTagQueryDatum>& EditableTagQueries)
ensure(EditableTagQueries.Num() > 0);
TagQueries = EditableTagQueries;
bReadOnly = InArgs._ReadOnly;
OnSaveAndClose = InArgs._OnSaveAndClose;
OnCancel = InArgs._OnCancel;
// Tag the assets as transactional so they can support undo/redo
for (int32 AssetIdx = 0; AssetIdx < TagQueries.Num(); ++AssetIdx)
UObject* TagQueryOwner = TagQueries[AssetIdx].TagQueryOwner.Get();
if (TagQueryOwner)
// build editable query object tree from the runtime query data
UEditableGameplayTagQuery* const EQ = CreateEditableQuery(*TagQueries[0].TagQuery);
EditableQuery = EQ;
// create details view for the editable query object
FDetailsViewArgs ViewArgs;
ViewArgs.bAllowSearch = false;
ViewArgs.bHideSelectionTip = true;
ViewArgs.bShowActorLabel = false;
FPropertyEditorModule& PropertyModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FPropertyEditorModule>("PropertyEditor");
Details = PropertyModule.CreateDetailView(ViewArgs);
+ SVerticalBox::Slot()
+ SHorizontalBox::Slot()
.OnClicked(this, &SGameplayTagQueryWidget::OnSaveAndCloseClicked)
.Text(LOCTEXT("GameplayTagQueryWidget_SaveAndClose", "Save and Close"))
+ SHorizontalBox::Slot()
.OnClicked(this, &SGameplayTagQueryWidget::OnCancelClicked)
.Text(LOCTEXT("GameplayTagQueryWidget_Cancel", "Close Without Saving"))
// to delete!
+ SVerticalBox::Slot()