本文整理汇总了C++中drand函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ drand函数的具体用法?C++ drand怎么用?C++ drand使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: clamp
void ParticleWorld::updateParticles(double deltaTime)
for(int i = 0; i < particleList.size(); i++) {
double x = particleList[i].box.x;
double y = particleList[i].box.y;
double w = particleList[i].box.w;
double h = particleList[i].box.h;
double jitter = 20.0;
double cx = x+w/2.0;
double cy = y+h/2.0;
w = clamp(w+drand(-jitter, jitter), (double)minBoxSize, (double)width );
h = clamp(h+drand(-jitter, jitter), (double)minBoxSize, (double)height);
cx = clamp(cx+drand(-jitter, jitter), w/2.0+1, ((double)width )-w/2.0-1);
cy = clamp(cy+drand(-jitter, jitter), h/2.0+1, ((double)height)-h/2.0-1);
particleList[i].box.x = cx-w/2.0;
particleList[i].box.y = cy-h/2.0;
particleList[i].box.w = w;
particleList[i].box.h = h;
if(particleList[i].box.x < 0) { std::cout << "WTF1" << std::endl; }
if(particleList[i].box.y < 0) { std::cout << "WTF2" << std::endl; }
if(particleList[i].box.x+particleList[i].box.w >= width) { std::cout << "WTF3" << std::endl; }
if(particleList[i].box.y+particleList[i].box.h >= height) { std::cout << "WTF4" << std::endl; }
示例2: main
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int numBodies = 1000;
bool checkErrors = true;
// Parse custom command line args
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (strcmp(argv[i],"-N") == 0) {
numBodies = atoi(argv[i]);
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-nocheck") == 0) {
checkErrors = false;
// Init the FMM Kernel and options
FMMOptions opts = get_options(argc, argv);
typedef UnitKernel kernel_type;
kernel_type K;
typedef kernel_type::point_type point_type;
typedef kernel_type::source_type source_type;
typedef kernel_type::target_type target_type;
typedef kernel_type::charge_type charge_type;
typedef kernel_type::result_type result_type;
// Init points and charges
std::vector<source_type> points(numBodies);
for (int k = 0; k < numBodies; ++k)
points[k] = source_type(drand(), drand(), drand());
std::vector<charge_type> charges(numBodies);
for (int k = 0; k < numBodies; ++k)
charges[k] = drand();
// Build the FMM
//fmm_plan plan = fmm_plan(K, bodies, opts);
FMM_plan<kernel_type> plan = FMM_plan<kernel_type>(K, points, opts);
// Execute the FMM
//fmm_execute(plan, charges, target_points);
std::vector<result_type> result = plan.execute(charges);
// Check the result
if (checkErrors) {
std::vector<result_type> exact(numBodies);
// Compute the result with a direct matrix-vector multiplication
Direct::matvec(K, points, charges, exact);
int wrong_results = 0;
for (unsigned k = 0; k < result.size(); ++k) {
printf("[%03d] exact: %lg, FMM: %lg\n", k, exact[k], result[k]);
if ((exact[k] - result[k]) / exact[k] > 1e-13)
printf("Wrong counts: %d\n", wrong_results);
示例3: event_group_ext_rep
// plays event group extinction and group replication
void event_group_ext_rep()
int j, g, gr;
double m, t;
m = pi_g[0];
t = -m;
// set distribution probability
for(j = G; j--; ){
Gr_dist->p[j] = pi_g[j]; // probabilith of recolonisation of group proportional to +ve of group payoff
Ge_dist->p[j] = -pi_g[j]; // probability of extinction of group proporttional to -ve of group payoff
if(m < Gr_dist->p[j]) m = Gr_dist->p[j];
if(t < Ge_dist->p[j]) t = Ge_dist->p[j];
exp_initdist(Gr_dist, 0);
exp_initdist(Ge_dist, 0);
g = drand(Ge_dist); // select group to extinction
gr = drand(Gr_dist); // select group to repopulate
if( g == gr) return; // if same, then noop
// make selected group extinct and repopulate by another
for(j = N; j--;){
// copy strategies from repopulating group individuals to extincting individuals
x[g][j] = x[gr][j]; // replace strategy
dxi[g][j] = dxi[gr][j]; //replace threshold
dsi[g][j] = dsi[gr][j]; // replace aggressiveness
pi[g][j] = pi[gr][j]; // replace payoff
Api[g][j] = Api[gr][j];
pi_g[g] = pi_g[gr]; // replace group payoff
示例4: startflow
TcpSrcPeriodic::doNextEvent() {
if (_idle_time==0||_active_time==0) {
_is_active = true;
if (_is_active) {
if (eventlist().now()>=_end_active && _idle_time!=0 && _active_time!=0 ) {
_is_active = false;
//this clears RTOs too
else if (_rtx_timeout_pending) {
else {
cout << "Wrong place to be in: doNextDEvent 1" << eventlist().now() << " end active " << _end_active << "timeout " << _rtx_timeout_pending << endl;
//maybe i got a timeout here. How?
else {
_is_active = true;
_start_active = eventlist().now();
_end_active = _start_active + (simtime_picosec)(2*drand()*_active_time);
示例5: main
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc < 2) {
std::cerr << "Usage: test_tree NUM_POINTS\n";
int N = atoi(argv[1]);
typedef Vec<3,double[3]> point_type;
Octree<point_type> otree(BoundingBox<point_type>(point_type(0), point_type(1)));
std::vector<point_type> points;
for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
point_type p;
p[0] = drand();
p[1] = drand();
p[2] = drand();
otree.construct_tree(points.begin(), points.end());
std::cout << otree << "\n";
return 0;
示例6: artefact_loose_to_cave
static int artefact_loose_to_cave (db_t *database, struct Cave *cave)
db_result_t *result;
dstring_t *query;
int x, y;
int minX, minY, maxX, maxY, rangeX, rangeY;
/* number between -ALR <= n <= ALR */
x = (int) ((ARTEFACT_LOST_RANGE * 2 + 1) * drand()) - ARTEFACT_LOST_RANGE;
y = (int) ((ARTEFACT_LOST_RANGE * 2 + 1) * drand()) - ARTEFACT_LOST_RANGE;
x += cave->xpos;
y += cave->ypos; /* these numbers may be out of range */
if (! map_get_bounds(database, &minX, &maxX, &minY, &maxY)) {
return 0;
rangeX = maxX - minX +1;
rangeY = maxY - minY +1;
x = ( (x-minX+rangeX) % (rangeX) ) + minX;
y = ( (y-minY+rangeY) % (rangeY) ) + minY;
query = dstring_new("SELECT caveID FROM " DB_TABLE_CAVE
" WHERE xCoord = %d AND yCoord = %d", x, y);
debug(DEBUG_SQL, "%s", dstring_str(query));
result = db_query_dstring(database, query);
return db_result_next_row(result) ? db_result_get_int(result, "caveID") : 0;
示例7: main
int main(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
bool neg = rand() < mid;
bool zrw = rand() < mid;
//bool zrn = rand() < mid;
if (neg) {
if (zrw) {
std::cout << "0 -" << rand() << "/" << drand() << std::endl;
//else if (zrn) {
// std::cout << "-" << rand() << " 0/" << drand() << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "-" << rand() << " " << rand() << "/" << drand() << std::endl;
else {
if (zrw) {
std::cout << "0 " << rand() << "/" << drand() << std::endl;
//else if (zrn) {
// std::cout << rand() << " 0/" << drand() << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << rand() << " " << rand() << "/" << drand() << std::endl;
return 0;
示例8: setRandParticle
void ParticleWorld::breedParticles()
std::vector<Particle> newParticleList;
double scoreSum = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < particleList.size(); i++) {
scoreSum += particleList[i].score;
int desiredParticleCount = particleList.size();
for(int newParticleI = 0; newParticleI < desiredParticleCount; newParticleI++) {
Particle newParticle;
//double createNewScore = 1-scoreSum;
//std::cout << scoreSum << "; " << createNewScore << std::endl;
//double selection = drand(0, scoreSum+createNewScore);
//if(selection > scoreSum) {
// setRandParticle(newParticle);
//} else {
if(drand(0.0, 1.0) < 0.03) {
} else {
double selection = drand(0, scoreSum);
double total = 0;
for(int oldParticleI = 0; oldParticleI < particleList.size(); oldParticleI++){
total += particleList[oldParticleI].score;
if (total > selection) {
newParticle = particleList[oldParticleI];
particleList = newParticleList;
示例9: uniform_stress
void uniform_stress(int dim, SparseMatrix A, real *x, int *flag){
UniformStressSmoother sm;
real lambda0 = 10.1, M = 100, scaling = 1.;
real res;
int maxit = 300, samepoint = TRUE, i, k, n = A->m;
SparseMatrix B = NULL;
*flag = 0;
/* just set random initial for now */
for (i = 0; i < dim*n; i++) {
x[i] = M*drand();
/* make sure x is not all at the same point */
for (i = 1; i < n; i++){
for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
if (ABS(x[0*dim+k] - x[i*dim+k]) > MACHINEACC){
samepoint = FALSE;
i = n;
if (samepoint){
fprintf(stderr,"input coordinates to uniform_stress are the same, use random coordinates as initial input");
for (i = 0; i < dim*n; i++) x[i] = M*drand();
B = get_distance_matrix(A, scaling);
assert(SparseMatrix_is_symmetric(B, FALSE));
sm = UniformStressSmoother_new(dim, B, x, 1000000*lambda0, M, flag);
res = UniformStressSmoother_smooth(sm, dim, x, maxit);
sm = UniformStressSmoother_new(dim, B, x, 10000*lambda0, M, flag);
res = UniformStressSmoother_smooth(sm, dim, x, maxit);
sm = UniformStressSmoother_new(dim, B, x, 100*lambda0, M, flag);
res = UniformStressSmoother_smooth(sm, dim, x, maxit);
sm = UniformStressSmoother_new(dim, B, x, lambda0, M, flag);
res = UniformStressSmoother_smooth(sm, dim, x, maxit);
示例10: random_move
static inline void
random_move (gint *x,
gint *y,
gint max)
gdouble angle = drand () * G_PI;
gdouble radius = drand () * (gdouble) max;
*x = (gint) (radius * cos (angle));
*y = (gint) (radius * sin (angle));
示例11: InitGL
GLvoid InitGL(GLvoid) {
int i;
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// This Will Clear The Background Color To Black
// Enables Clearing Of The Depth Buffer
// The Type Of Depth Test To Do
// Enables Depth Testing
// Enables Smooth Color Shading
// Reset The Projection Matrix
// Calculate The Aspect Ratio Of The Window
for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
mr[i].r = rect_open();
rect_init(mr[i].r, RECT5whxyz
rect_setcolor(mr[i].r, drand(), drand(), drand());
} /*for*/
示例12: main
int main()
typedef LaplaceSpherical kernel_type;
kernel_type K(5);
typedef kernel_type::point_type point_type;
typedef kernel_type::charge_type charge_type;
typedef kernel_type::result_type result_type;
FMMOptions opts;
opts.set_max_per_box(125); // optimal ncrit
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned,double>> times;
double tic, toc;
int numBodies = 1000000;
// initialize points
std::vector<point_type> points(numBodies);
for (int k=0; k<numBodies; ++k){
points[k] = point_type(drand(), drand(), drand());
// initialize charges
std::vector<charge_type> charges(numBodies);
for (int k=0; k<numBodies; ++k){
charges[k] = drand();
// loop in ncrit
for (int ncrit=50; ncrit<=400; ncrit+=50){
// create FMM plan
FMM_plan<kernel_type> plan = FMM_plan<kernel_type>(K, points, opts);
// execute FMM
// run 3 times and make an average
int nt = 3; // number of identical runs for timing
std::vector<double> timings(nt);
std::vector<result_type> result(numBodies);
for (int i=0; i<nt; i++){
tic = get_time();
result = plan.execute(charges);
toc = get_time();
timings[i] = toc-tic;
double FMM_time = std::accumulate(timings.begin(), timings.end(), 0.0) / timings.size();
std::cout << ncrit << " " << FMM_time << std::endl;
return 0;
示例13: fill8bitData
int fill8bitData(void)
int len, i;
len = 1 + (int)drand((MAX_LENGTH - 2));
for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
data[i] = (unsigned char)drand(256);
data[len] = '\0';
return len;
示例14: fillANData
int fillANData(void)
int len, i;
len = 1 + (int)drand((MAX_LENGTH - 2));
for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
data[i] = AN[(int)drand(45)];
data[len] = '\0';
return len;
示例15: GetTickCount
Compute::Compute(void) {
current_time = GetTickCount();
double speed = 0.25*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
double angle = 8.0*std::atan(1.0)*drand();
velocity_x = speed*std::cos(angle);
velocity_y = speed*std::sin(angle);
int screen_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
int screen_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
position_x = screen_width*drand();
position_y =screen_height*drand();
offset = int(std::sqrt(0.01*screen_width*screen_height));