本文整理汇总了C++中dot_product函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ dot_product函数的具体用法?C++ dot_product怎么用?C++ dot_product使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: fresnel
/* @param i direction of incoming ray, unit vector
* @param r direction of refraction ray, unit vector
* @param normal unit vector
* @param n1 refraction index
* @param n2 refraction index
* reference: http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs148-10-summer/docs/2006--degreve--reflection_refraction.pdf
static double fresnel(const point3 r, const point3 l,
const point3 normal, double n1, double n2)
/* TIR */
if (length(l) < 0.99)
return 1.0;
double cos_theta_i = -dot_product(r, normal);
double cos_theta_t = -dot_product(l, normal);
double r_vertical_root = (n1 * cos_theta_i - n2 * cos_theta_t) /
(n1 * cos_theta_i + n2 * cos_theta_t);
double r_parallel_root = (n2 * cos_theta_i - n1 * cos_theta_t) /
(n2 * cos_theta_i + n1 * cos_theta_t);
return (r_vertical_root * r_vertical_root +
r_parallel_root * r_parallel_root) / 2.0;
示例2: matrix_factorization
* Simple implementation: Prediction r[u,i] = Sigma U[u,k]* Vt[k,i] over f
void matrix_factorization(data_struct *training_set, REAL **U, REAL **Vt, int N, int M, int rank, int training_size){
REAL lambda = 0.00002, regularizer=0.001;
int epochs,i,f,user,item;
REAL error,sq_err,prev_sqerr = 100.0;
REAL pred, tmp, *cached_prods;
cached_prods = safe_malloc(N*M*sizeof(*cached_prods));
for(f=0; f<rank; f++){
for(epochs=0; epochs < 800; epochs++){
for(i=0; i<training_size; i++){
user = training_set[i].u;
item = training_set[i].i;
if (f == 0)
pred = dot_product(U,Vt,user,item,f,rank);
pred = cached_prods[user*M+item] + dot_product(U,Vt,user,item,f,rank);
error = training_set[i].rate - pred;
tmp = U[user][f];
U[user][f] += lambda * (error * Vt[f][item] - regularizer * tmp);
Vt[f][item] += lambda * (error * tmp - regularizer * Vt[f][item]);
sq_err = 0.0;
for(i=0; i<training_size; i++){
user = training_set[i].u;
item = training_set[i].i;
error = training_set[i].rate - dot_product(U,Vt,user,item,0,rank);
sq_err += pow(error,2);
if(fabs(sq_err - prev_sqerr) < 1e-5){
printf("Feat: %d Epochs: %d\n",f,epochs);
prev_sqerr = sq_err;
for(i=0; i<training_size; i++){
user = training_set[i].u;
item = training_set[i].i;
if (f == 0)
cached_prods[user*M+item] = U[user][f]*Vt[f][item];
cached_prods[user*M+item] += U[user][f]*Vt[f][item];
示例3: dot_product
* put matrix vectors to list
template <class ZT, class F> void GaussSieve<ZT, F>::add_mat_list(ZZ_mat<ZT> &B)
Z_NR<ZT> t, current_norm;
dot_product(best_sqr_norm, B[0], B[0]);
ListPoint<ZT> *p;
for (int i = 0; i < nr; ++i)
p = new_listpoint<ZT>(nc);
matrix_row_to_list_point(B[i], p);
// cout << "# [info] init: additing point ";
// cout << p->v << endl;
if (alg == 3)
current_norm = update_p_3reduce(p);
else if (alg == 2)
current_norm = update_p_2reduce(p);
else if (alg == 4)
current_norm = update_p_4reduce(p);
cout << " Error, only support 2-, 3- and 4-sieve" << endl;
if ((current_norm < best_sqr_norm) && (current_norm > 0))
// if ((current_norm < best_sqr_norm) )
best_sqr_norm = current_norm;
示例4: fxnTest1
Int32 fxnTest1(UInt32 size, UInt32 *data)
UInt32 start_indx, end_indx ;
System_printf("fxnInit : Executing fxnTest1\n");
FxnArgs *args = (FxnArgs *)((UInt32)data + sizeof(map_info_type));
int* buffer1 = (int*)args->a ;
int* buffer2 = (int*)args->b ;
start_indx = args->start_indx;
end_indx = args->end_indx;
volatile int* result = (int*)BARRIER_CNTR_BASE + REDUCTION_OFFSET ;
int i ;
for(i=0 ; i<NUM_ITER ; i++) {
callBarrier(0, /*lock_id=*/4) ;
result[0] = 0 ;
callBarrier(1, /*lock_id=*/4) ;
dot_product(buffer1, buffer2, result, start_indx, end_indx) ;
callBarrier(2, /*lock_id=*/4) ;
return 1 ;
示例5: vnlIsophote
float CriminisiInpainting::ComputeDataTerm(const itk::Index<2>& queryPixel)
FloatVector2Type isophote = this->IsophoteImage->GetPixel(queryPixel);
FloatVector2Type boundaryNormal = this->BoundaryNormals->GetPixel(queryPixel);
//std::cout << "Isophote: " << isophote << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Boundary normal: " << boundaryNormal << std::endl;
// D(p) = |dot(isophote at p, normalized normal of the front at p)|/alpha
vnl_double_2 vnlIsophote(isophote[0], isophote[1]);
vnl_double_2 vnlNormal(boundaryNormal[0], boundaryNormal[1]);
float dot = std::abs(dot_product(vnlIsophote,vnlNormal));
float dataTerm = dot/this->Alpha;
return dataTerm;
catch( itk::ExceptionObject & err )
std::cerr << "ExceptionObject caught in ComputeDataTerm!" << std::endl;
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
示例6: dot_product
Quaternion::slerp(const Quaternion& o, float t) const
/** Matze: I don't understand this code :-/ It's from
* http://number-none.com/product/Understanding%20Slerp,%20Then%20Not%20Using%20It/
* Though the article recommends not to use slerp I see no code for the other
* methods so I'll use slerp anyway
float dot = dot_product(o);
const float DOT_THRESHOLD = 0.995f;
if(dot > DOT_THRESHOLD) {
// quaternions are too close, lineary interpolate them
Quaternion result = *this + (o - *this)*t;
return result;
dot = clamp(dot, -1 ,1); // robustness
float theta_O = acosf(dot);
float theta = theta_O * t;
Quaternion v2 = o - (*this * dot);
return (*this * cosf(theta)) + (v2 * sinf(theta));
示例7: vector
double hexbright::angle_change() {
int* vec1 = vector(0);
int* vec2 = vector(1);
return angle_difference(dot_product(vec1, vec2),
示例8: HORIZ
// Player::pre_collision
void Player::pre_collision (const Manifold& m) {
const Vec2 HORIZ(1.0f, 0.0f);
if ((dot_product (HORIZ, abs(m.normal))) > 0.5f) {
player_body.static_friction = friction2;
player_body.dynamic_friction = friction2;
示例9: dot_product
* Returns the dot product of the specified arrays of doubles.
* @param v1 First array.
* @param v2 Second array.
* @throw std::domain_error if the vectors are not the same size.
inline double dot_product(const std::vector<double>& v1,
const std::vector<double>& v2) {
"v1", v1,
"v2", v2);
return dot_product(&v1[0], &v2[0], v1.size());
示例10: find_third_point
static bool find_third_point(int num_points, const double (*points)[3], int a, int b, int* p_c)
const double* x1 = points[a];
const double* x2 = points[b];
double x2x1[3] = {x2[0] - x1[0], x2[1] - x1[1], x2[2] - x1[2]};
double ns_x2x1 = norm_squared(x2x1);
int bi = -1;
double max_dist = 0.0;
for (int i = 0;i<num_points;i++)
if (i == a || i == b)
const double* x0 = points[i];
double x1x0[3] = {x1[0] - x0[0], x1[1] - x0[1], x1[2] - x0[2]};
double dot = dot_product(x1x0, x2x1);
double dist = (norm_squared(x1x0) * ns_x2x1 - dot*dot) / ns_x2x1;
if (dist > max_dist)
max_dist = dist;
bi = i;
*p_c = bi;
return max_dist > TOLERANCE;
示例11: sigmoid
vector<double> Network_t::feed_forward(vector<double> a)
int i;
vector<double> tmp;
for (i = 0; i < this->biases.size(); ++i)
int j;
for (j = 0; j < this->biases[i].size(); ++j)
tmp.push_back( sigmoid( dot_product( a, weights[i][j] ) + biases[i][j] ) );
a = tmp;
// for (i = 0; i < a.size() ; ++i)
// {
// if(a.at(i) < 0.1)
// {
// a.at(i) = 0;
// }
// else if(a.at(i) > 0.9)
// {
// a.at(i) = 1;
// }
// }
return a;
示例12: vector3_unit_z
void scene_nodes_translation_data::choose_normal_and_reduction(vector3 const& camera_origin)
if (m_x_down && !m_y_down && !m_z_down)
m_normal = vector3_unit_z();
m_reduction = vector3_unit_x();
else if (!m_x_down && m_y_down && !m_z_down)
m_normal = vector3_unit_z();
m_reduction = vector3_unit_y();
else if (!m_x_down && !m_y_down && m_z_down)
m_normal = std::fabsf(dot_product(vector3_unit_x(), camera_origin)) > std::fabsf(dot_product(vector3_unit_y(), camera_origin)) ?
vector3_unit_x() :
m_reduction = vector3_unit_z();
else if (m_x_down && !m_y_down && m_z_down)
m_normal = vector3_unit_y();
m_reduction = vector3_unit_y();
else if (!m_x_down && m_y_down && m_z_down)
m_normal = vector3_unit_x();
m_reduction = vector3_unit_x();
m_normal = vector3_unit_z();
m_reduction = vector3_unit_z();
示例13: along
int along (struct edge *edg, double axis[3])
int orn, k, sgn;
double dt;
double vect[3];
struct vertex *vtx1, *vtx2;
struct arc *a;
struct cept *ex;
a = edg -> arcptr;
vtx1 = a -> vtx[0];
vtx2 = a -> vtx[1];
if (vtx1 == NULL || vtx2 == NULL) {
add_object (ex, VERTEX, "vtx1 or vtx2");
add_function (ex, "along");
add_source (ex, "msrender.c");
orn = edg -> orn;
sgn = 1 - 2 * orn;
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
vect[k] = vtx2 -> center[k] - vtx1 -> center[k];
dt = dot_product (vect, axis) * sgn;
return (dt > 0.0);
示例14: move
void player_class::move()
示例15: color_diffused
t_double3 color_diffused(t_scene *scene, t_surface *surface, t_vector ray)
t_double3 color_hit;
t_light *light;
int light_nb;
double dot_light;
t_surface *light_intersect;
t_double3 reflected;
color_hit = (t_double3){0, 0, 0};
light = scene->light;
light_nb = 0;
while (light)
light_intersect = is_in_light(surface, scene, light, &dot_light);
if (light_intersect->object == NULL || light_intersect->distance > 0)
color_hit = v_plus_v(color_hit, color_mix(scale_v(light->color,
dot_light), surface->object->gloss,
// scale_v(surface->object->color, dot_light)));
scale_v(surface->color, dot_light)));
reflected = reflect(scale_v(normalize(v_minus_v(light->pos, surface->point)), -1), surface->normal);
color_hit = v_plus_v(color_hit, scale_v(light->color, pow(max_double(0, -dot_product(reflected, ray.dir) * surface->object->gloss), 2)));
light = light->next;
if (light_nb > 1)
color_hit = scale_v(color_hit, (1.0 / (double)light_nb));
return (color_hit);