本文整理汇总了C++中demangle函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ demangle函数的具体用法?C++ demangle怎么用?C++ demangle使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: str
void OneshotTracer::tick(std::map<pid_t, std::vector<Frame>> stacktraces) {
for (const auto& kv: stacktraces) {
std::cout << boost::format("Thread %d:\n") % kv.first;
for (const auto& frame: kv.second) {
std::cout << str(boost::format("0x%x %s\n") %
frame.ip %
std::cout << std::endl;
示例2: type_string
const string_t type_string(const std::type_info& Info)
detail::type_to_name_map_t::iterator type = detail::type_to_name_map.find(detail::type_info(Info));
if(type != detail::type_to_name_map.end())
return type->second;
log() << error << k3d_file_reference << ": unknown type: " << demangle(Info) << std::endl;
return "";
示例3: demangle
if (_time_stepper)
TimeStepper & ts = *_time_stepper;
return demangle(typeid(ts).name());
return std::string();
示例4: _ex_terminate
static void _ex_terminate()
static bool already_tried = false;
// try once to re-throw currently active exception
if( !already_tried )
already_tried = true;
catch( const RuntimeError &e )
catch (const std::exception &e)
do_log_msg( LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, NULL, typeid(e).name(), e.what() );
catch (...) {
do_log_msg( LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, NULL, "Unknown", "Unknown exception" );
fprintf( stderr, "Unhandled exception, program terminated\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "Backtrace:\n" );
int size = backtrace(fnAddr, UTIL_LOG_BACKTRACE_SIZE);
char** fnSyms = backtrace_symbols(fnAddr, size);
if( fnSyms != NULL )
// We skip the first call in the stack, which is the call to this
// function
for (int i=1; i < size; i++)
fprintf( stderr,"[%d]: %s\n", i, demangle(fnSyms[i]).c_str() );
示例5: main
int main() {
struct {
const char* raw;
const char* expect;
} TestCases[] = {
{typeid(int).name(), "i"}, // FIXME
{typeid(MyType).name(), "MyType"},
{typeid(ArgumentListID<int, MyType>).name(), "ArgumentListID<int, MyType>"}
const size_t size = sizeof(TestCases) / sizeof(TestCases[0]);
for (size_t i=0; i < size; ++i) {
const char* raw = TestCases[i].raw;
const char* expect = TestCases[i].expect;
assert(demangle(raw) == raw);
assert(demangle(raw) == expect);
示例6: splitFilePath
void FSEventsService::rename(std::vector<std::string> *paths) {
auto *binNamesByPath = new std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> *>;
for (auto pathIterator = paths->begin(); pathIterator != paths->end(); ++pathIterator) {
std::string directory, name;
splitFilePath(directory, name, *pathIterator);
if (binNamesByPath->find(directory) == binNamesByPath->end()) {
(*binNamesByPath)[directory] = new std::vector<std::string>;
for (auto binIterator = binNamesByPath->begin(); binIterator != binNamesByPath->end(); ++binIterator) {
if (binIterator->second->size() == 2) {
std::string sideA = (*binIterator->second)[0],
sideB = (*binIterator->second)[1];
std::string fullSideA = binIterator->first + "/" + sideA,
fullSideB = binIterator->first + "/" + sideB;
struct stat renameSideA, renameSideB;
bool sideAExists = stat(fullSideA.c_str(), &renameSideA) == 0,
sideBExists = stat(fullSideB.c_str(), &renameSideB) == 0;
if (sideAExists && !sideBExists) {
mQueue.enqueue(RENAMED, binIterator->first, sideB, sideA);
} else if (!sideAExists && sideBExists) {
mQueue.enqueue(RENAMED, binIterator->first, sideA, sideB);
} else {
} else {
for (auto pathIterator = binIterator->second->begin(); pathIterator != binIterator->second->end(); ++pathIterator) {
demangle(binIterator->first + "/" + *pathIterator);
delete binIterator->second;
binIterator->second = NULL;
delete binNamesByPath;
示例7: main
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
// Cygwin clang 3.5.2 with '-O3' generates CRASHING BINARY,
// if main()'s first function call is passing argv[0].
llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
swift::Demangle::DemangleOptions options;
options.SynthesizeSugarOnTypes = !DisableSugar;
if (Simplified)
options = swift::Demangle::DemangleOptions::SimplifiedUIDemangleOptions();
if (InputNames.empty()) {
CompactMode = true;
auto input = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getSTDIN();
if (!input) {
llvm::errs() << input.getError().message() << '\n';
llvm::StringRef inputContents = input.get()->getBuffer();
// This doesn't handle Unicode symbols, but maybe that's okay.
llvm::Regex maybeSymbol("_T[_a-zA-Z0-9$]+");
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 1> matches;
while (maybeSymbol.match(inputContents, &matches)) {
llvm::outs() << substrBefore(inputContents, matches.front());
demangle(llvm::outs(), matches.front(), options);
inputContents = substrAfter(inputContents, matches.front());
llvm::outs() << inputContents;
} else {
for (llvm::StringRef name : InputNames) {
demangle(llvm::outs(), name, options);
llvm::outs() << '\n';
示例8: print_sym
static int print_sym(void *user_data, const char *name, address_t value)
char demangled[MAX_SYMBOL_LENGTH];
if (demangle(name, demangled, sizeof(demangled)) > 0)
printc("0x%04x: %s (%s)\n", value, name, demangled);
printc("0x%04x: %s\n", value, name);
return 0;
示例9: main
void main() {
#if 0
// Utilisation incorrecte avec zéro argument
std::cout << max() << std::endl;
// => Ne compile pas : error: static_assert failed "max needs at least 1 argument"
#if 0
// Utilisation incorrecte avec zéro argument (bypasse le point d'entrée et appel direct de l'implantation max_impl)
std::cout << max_impl() << std::endl;
// => Ne compile pas : error: no matching function for call to 'max_impl'
std::cout << max(2) << std::endl;
// => Affiche "2"
std::cout << max(2, 1) << std::endl;
// => Affiche "2"
std::cout << max(2, 1, 6) << std::endl;
// => Affiche "6"
// Fonctionne avec tout type qui implante l'opérateur >
std::string s1{"def"}, s2{"abc"};
std::cout << max(s1, s2) << std::endl;
// => Affiche "def"
// Attention tout de même! l'opérateur > ici compare les adresses
std::cout << max(s1.c_str(), s2.c_str()) << std::endl;
// => Affiche "abc" sur ma machine
// Attention tout de même! l'opérateur > ici compare les adresses
char a1[]{"abc"}, a2[]{"def"}, a3[]{"abc"};
std::cout << max(a1, a2) << std::endl;
// => Affiche "abc" sur ma machine
std::cout << max(a2, a3) << std::endl;
// => Affiche "def" sur ma machine
// Fonctionne très bien avec des types hétérogènes
std::cout << max(2, 1.0, 6.0f, 4ull) << std::endl;
// => Affiche "6"
// Voyons quel est le type du résultat ...
auto result = max(2, 1.0, 6.0f, 4ull);
std::cout << demangle(typeid(result).name()) << std::endl;
// => Affiche "double"
#if 0
// Vérification statique (à la compilation) que les types sont compatibles
std::cout << max(s1, 123) << std::endl;
// => Ne compile pas : error: invalid operands to binary expression ('std::basic_string<char>' and 'int')
示例10: exception_to_r_condition
SEXP exception_to_r_condition( const std::exception& ex){
std::string ex_class = demangle( typeid(ex).name() ) ;
std::string ex_msg = ex.what() ;
SEXP cppstack = PROTECT( rcpp_get_stack_trace() ) ;
SEXP call = PROTECT( get_last_call() ) ;
SEXP classes = PROTECT( get_exception_classes(ex_class) ) ;
SEXP condition = PROTECT( make_condition( ex_msg, call, cppstack, classes ) ) ;
rcpp_set_stack_trace( R_NilValue ) ;
return condition ;
示例11: __type_of
std::string __type_of(typename std::remove_reference<Tp>::type &)
auto name = demangle(typeid(Tp).name());
if (std::is_const<
typename std::remove_reference<Tp>::type>::value)
name.append(" const");
if (std::is_volatile<
typename std::remove_reference<Tp>::type>::value)
name.append(" volatile");
return name.append("&");
示例12: printf
template <class T> inline Matrix<T>&
Get (const std::string& name) {
reflist::iterator it = m_ref.find(name);
if (it == m_ref.end())
printf ("**WARNING**: Matrix %s could not be found in workspace!\n", name.c_str());
const boost::any& ba = m_store[it->second[0]];
try {
boost::any_cast<boost::shared_ptr<Matrix<T> > >(m_store[it->second[0]]);
} catch (const boost::bad_any_cast& e) {
printf ("**WARNING**: Failed to retrieve %s - %s.\n Requested %s - have %s.\n",
name.c_str(), e.what(),
demangle(typeid(boost::shared_ptr<Matrix<T> >).name()).c_str(),
return *boost::any_cast<boost::shared_ptr<Matrix<T> > >(m_store[it->second[0]]);
示例13: getRegistryMap
stk::diag::Writer &
stk::diag::Writer & dout) const
if (dout.shouldPrint()) {
dout << "Registry, size " << getRegistryMap().size() << stk::diag::push << stk::diag::dendl;
for (RegistryMap::const_iterator it = getRegistryMap().begin(); it != getRegistryMap().end(); ++it)
dout << (*it).first.second << " of type " << demangle((*it).first.first->name()) << " at " << (*it).second << stk::diag::dendl;
dout << stk::diag::pop;
return dout;
示例14: print_backtrace
void print_backtrace(char const* label)
void* stack[50];
int size = backtrace(stack, 50);
char** symbols = backtrace_symbols(stack, size);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", label);
for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i)
fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s\n", i, demangle(symbols[i]).c_str());
示例15: metatype
Metatype &
metatype( const std::string& pname ) {
std::string name = pname;
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
if ( name[name.length()-1]=='&' ) {
name = name.substr( 0, name.length()-2 );
TypeMap::iterator it = _meta_types.find( name );
if ( it == _meta_types.end() ) {
throw Error( "Metatype '" + demangle( name ) + "' not declared" );
return *it->second;