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C++ cosd函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中cosd函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ cosd函数的具体用法?C++ cosd怎么用?C++ cosd使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: SunRightAscensionRad

/* p. 165, 25.6 */
double SunRightAscensionRad( double centuryTime)
    double omegaRad = OmegaRad(centuryTime);
    double oc = ObliquityCorrectionEx( centuryTime, omegaRad);
    double al = ApparentLongitudeSunEx( centuryTime, omegaRad);
    return atan2(cosd(oc) * sind(al), cosd(al));

示例2: astro_sunpos

static void astro_sunpos(double d, double *lon, double *r)
	double M,         /* Mean anomaly of the Sun */
	       w,         /* Mean longitude of perihelion */
	                  /* Note: Sun's mean longitude = M + w */
	       e,         /* Eccentricity of Earth's orbit */
	       E,         /* Eccentric anomaly */
	       x, y,      /* x, y coordinates in orbit */
	       v;         /* True anomaly */

	/* Compute mean elements */
	M = astro_revolution(356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * d);
	w = 282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * d;
	e = 0.016709 - 1.151E-9 * d;

	/* Compute true longitude and radius vector */
	E = M + e * RADEG * sind(M) * (1.0 + e * cosd(M));
	x = cosd(E) - e;
	y = sqrt(1.0 - e*e) * sind(E);
	*r = sqrt(x*x + y*y);              /* Solar distance */
	v = atan2d(y, x);                  /* True anomaly */
	*lon = v + w;                        /* True solar longitude */
	if (*lon >= 360.0) {
		*lon -= 360.0;                   /* Make it 0..360 degrees */

示例3: sunpos

void sunpos( double d, double *lon, double *r )
/* Computes the Sun's ecliptic longitude and distance */
/* at an instant given in d, number of days since     */
/* 2000 Jan 0.0.  The Sun's ecliptic latitude is not  */
/* computed, since it's always very near 0.           */
    double M,         /* Mean anomaly of the Sun */
    w,         /* Mean longitude of perihelion */
    /* Note: Sun's mean longitude = M + w */
    e,         /* Eccentricity of Earth's orbit */
    E,         /* Eccentric anomaly */
    x, y,      /* x, y coordinates in orbit */
    v;         /* True anomaly */
    /* Compute mean elements */
    M = revolution( 356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * d );
    w = 282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * d;
    e = 0.016709 - 1.151E-9 * d;
    /* Compute true longitude and radius vector */
    E = M + e * RADEG * sind(M) * ( 1.0 + e * cosd(M) );
    x = cosd(E) - e;
    y = sqrt( 1.0 - e*e ) * sind(E);
    *r = sqrt( x*x + y*y );              /* Solar distance */
    v = atan2d( y, x );                  /* True anomaly */
    *lon = v + w;                        /* True solar longitude */
    if ( *lon >= 360.0 )
        *lon -= 360.0;                   /* Make it 0..360 degrees */

示例4: rotate_z

void rotate_z(vector *v,double theta)
  double xNew,yNew;

  xNew = v->x*cosd(theta)+v->y*sind(theta);
  yNew = -v->x*sind(theta)+v->y*cosd(theta);
  v->x = xNew; v->y = yNew;

示例5: rotate_y

void rotate_y(vector *v,double theta)
  double xNew,zNew;

  zNew = v->z*cosd(theta)+v->x*sind(theta);
  xNew = -v->z*sind(theta)+v->x*cosd(theta);
  v->x = xNew; v->z = zNew;

示例6: set_proj

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void set_proj()
  double psx;
  double cell;
  double cell2;
  double r;
  double phictr;

  dddd = cntrj0 * pj.cds;
  sign = (pj.cenlat >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
  xn = 0.0;
  psi1 = 0.0;
  pole = sign*90.0;
  psi0 = (pole - pj.cenlat) * DEG_TO_RAD;
  if (pj.code == LAMBERT)
    xn = log10(cosd(pj.stdlat1)) - log10(cosd(pj.stdlat2));
    xn = xn/(log10(tand(45.0-sign*pj.stdlat1*0.50)) -
    psi1 = (90.0-sign*pj.stdlat1) * DEG_TO_RAD;
    psi1 = sign*psi1;
  else if (pj.code == POLAR)
    xn = 1.0;
    psi1 = (90.0-sign*pj.stdlat1) * DEG_TO_RAD;
    psi1 = sign*psi1;
  if (pj.code != MERCATOR)
    psx = (pole-pj.cenlat) * DEG_TO_RAD;
    if (pj.code == LAMBERT)
      cell = RADIUS_EARTH*sin(psi1)/xn;
      cell2 = tan(psx*0.50) / tan(psi1*0.50);
      cell = RADIUS_EARTH*sin(psx)/xn;
      cell2 = (1.0 + cos(psi1))/(1.0 + cos(psx));
    r = cell*pow(cell2,xn);
    xcntr = 0.0;
    ycntr = -r;
    xc = 0.0;
    yc = -RADIUS_EARTH/xn*sin(psi1)*pow(tan(psi0*0.5)/tan(psi1*0.5),xn);
  else {
    c2 = RADIUS_EARTH*cos(psi1);
    xcntr = 0.0;
    phictr = pj.cenlat * DEG_TO_RAD;
    cell = cos(phictr)/(1.0+sin(phictr));
    ycntr = -c2*log(cell);
    xc = xcntr;
    yc = ycntr;

示例7: fldpnt

void fldpnt(double rrho,double rlat,double rlon,double ral,
			double rel,double r,double *frho,double *flat,
                        double *flon) {

   double rx,ry,rz,sx,sy,sz,tx,ty,tz;
   double sinteta;
   /* convert from global spherical to global cartesian*/



   tx  =  cosd(90.0-rlat)*sx + sind(90.0-rlat)*sz;
   ty  =  sy;
   tz  = -sind(90.0-rlat)*sx + cosd(90.0-rlat)*sz;
   sx  =  cosd(rlon)*tx - sind(rlon)*ty;
   sy  =  sind(rlon)*tx + cosd(rlon)*ty;
   sz  =  tz;


   /* convert from cartesian back to global spherical*/
   if ((tx==0) && (ty==0)) *flon=0;
   else *flon=atan2d(ty,tx);

示例8: ikine

// Input x, y ,z and the angle vector
bool ikine(vector<double> *coords, vector<double> *angles, int grip) {
    //cout << endl << "Andy Ikine says, hello world" << endl << endl;

    double x = coords->at(0);
    double y = coords->at(1);
    double z = coords->at(2) - L1;

    // calculate the closes reach
    double reach_limit = L1*cosd(90) + L2*cosd(90 + (asin((-L1*sind(90))/L2) * 180 / M_PI) );
    //cout << "Min reach: " << reach_limit << endl;

    // Note that the dynamixel and rotate 150(degree) from origin
    double magnitude = sqrt( pow(x,2) + pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) );
    #if DEBUG
    cerr << "Resultant Vector: " << magnitude << endl;

    if ( magnitude  > (L2 + L3) ) {
	cerr << "Out of reach" << endl;
		//return false;

    // (horizontal, vertical) theta A
    angles->at(0) = atan2(x,y); 

    // converted hypotenuse as the new y value 
    y = y / cos(angles->at(0)); 

    // equation from the online source
    double temp1 = (pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) - pow(L2,2) - pow(L3,2)) / (2 * L2 * L3);
    double temp2 = -sqrt( 1 - pow(temp1, 2) );
    // theta C
    angles->at(2) = atan2( temp2, temp1);

    double k1 = L2 + L3 * cos(angles->at(2));
    double k2 = L3 * sin(angles->at(2));
    // theta B
    angles->at(1) = atan2( z, y ) - atan2( k2, k1 );

    angles->at(2) += M_PI / 2 - M_PI / 6;
    angles->at(1) -= M_PI / 2;
    // open : close
    angles->at(3) = grip ? 1.3 : -1.4;//(-GRIP_ANGLE / 180.0 * M_PI) ;

    return check_angle_range(angles);


示例9: iterate

void iterate(int value)
	int j, k;
	// ITERATIONS_PER_SEC is used to divide
	const double ITERATIONS_PER_SEC = 1000.0 / value;
	// call this function again in value milliseconds
	glutTimerFunc(value, iterate, value);
	// detect and resolve collisions
	// note: for simplicity, we assume that there are only 2 robots in the ring
	for(j = 1; j < robots_size; j++)
		for(k = 0; k < j; k++)
			double avg_width = (robots[j].width + robots[k].width) / 2.0;
			// if there's a collision between robots[j] and robots[k]
			if(magnitude(robots[j].pos.x - robots[k].pos.x, robots[j].pos.y - robots[k].pos.y) < avg_width)
				point_t robot_j_corner;
				double half_j_width = robots[j].width / 2.0;
				robot_j_corner = offset_from_robot(&robots[j], half_j_width, half_j_width);
				if(point_in_robot(&robots[k], &robot_j_corner))
					// place code to figure out where the robots hit, now that we know there's a collision
	// update robots positions and angle (with the velocity and angular velocity)
	for(j = 0; j < robots_size; j++)
		// If the robot's angular velocity is great enough, use a more accurate model
		if(fabs(robots[j].rotv) < 10.0)
			robots[j].pos.x += robots[j].v * cosd(robots[j].rot) / ITERATIONS_PER_SEC;
			robots[j].pos.y += robots[j].v * sind(robots[j].rot) / ITERATIONS_PER_SEC;
			robots[j].pos.x += robots[j].v * 180.0 / M_PI 
				* (sind(robots[j].rotv / ITERATIONS_PER_SEC + robots[j].rot) 
				- sind(robots[j].rot)) / robots[j].rotv;
			robots[j].pos.y += robots[j].v * 180.0 / M_PI 
				* (-cosd(robots[j].rotv / ITERATIONS_PER_SEC 
				+ robots[j].rot) + cosd(robots[j].rot)) / robots[j].rotv;
		robots[j].rot += robots[j].rotv / ITERATIONS_PER_SEC;

示例10: ObservationPointSet

void ObservationPointSet(long double NS,long double EW,long double ro)
			if (NS <  -90) NS =  -90;
			if (NS >   90) NS =  -90;
			if (EW < -180) EW = -180;
			if (EW >  180) EW =  180;

			longitude = EW;
			LAT = NS - 0.19241666667 * sind(NS * 2);	/* 天文緯度 */
			RLT = ((0.998327112 + 0.001676399 * cosd(NS * 2) - 0.000003519 * cosd(NS * 4)) * 6378140 + ro) / 6371012;
			if (RLT < 0) RLT = 0;

示例11: rotateXYZ

QVector3D rotateXYZ(QVector3D vector, QVector3D rotation) {
    float x, y, z, x_ = vector.x(), y_ = vector.y(), z_ = vector.z();

    //Rotation autour de X
    x = x_, y = y_ * cosd(rotation.x()) - z_ * sind(rotation.x()), z = y_ * sind(rotation.x()) + z_ * cosd(rotation.x());

    //Rotation autour de Y
    x_ = x * cosd(rotation.y()) + z * sind(rotation.y()), y_ = y, z_ = z * cosd(rotation.y()) - x * sind(rotation.y());

    //Rotation autour de Z
    x = x_ * cosd(rotation.z()) - y_ * sind(rotation.z()), y = x_ * sind(rotation.z()) + y_ * cosd(rotation.z()), z = z_;

    return QVector3D(x, y, -z);

示例12: sphpad

int sphpad(
  int nfield,
  double lng0,
  double lat0,
  const double dist[],
  const double pa[],
  double lng[],
  double lat[])

  int i;
  double eul[5];

  /* Set the Euler angles for the coordinate transformation. */
  eul[0] = lng0;
  eul[1] = 90.0 - lat0;
  eul[2] = 0.0;
  eul[3] = cosd(eul[1]);
  eul[4] = sind(eul[1]);

  for (i = 0; i < nfield; i++) {
    /* Latitude in the new frame is obtained from angular distance. */
    lat[i] = 90.0 - dist[i];

    /* Longitude in the new frame is obtained from position angle. */
    lng[i] = -pa[i];

  /* Transform field points to the old system. */
  sphx2s(eul, nfield, 0, 1, 1, lng, lat, lng, lat);

  return 0;

示例13: sphdpa

int sphdpa(
  int nfield,
  double lng0,
  double lat0,
  const double lng[],
  const double lat[],
  double dist[],
  double pa[])

  int i;
  double eul[5];

  /* Set the Euler angles for the coordinate transformation. */
  eul[0] = lng0;
  eul[1] = 90.0 - lat0;
  eul[2] = 0.0;
  eul[3] = cosd(eul[1]);
  eul[4] = sind(eul[1]);

  /* Transform field points to the new system. */
  sphs2x(eul, nfield, 0, 1, 1, lng, lat, pa, dist);

  for (i = 0; i < nfield; i++) {
    /* Angular distance is obtained from latitude in the new frame. */
    dist[i] = 90.0 - dist[i];

    /* Position angle is obtained from longitude in the new frame. */
    pa[i] = -pa[i];
    if (pa[i] < -180.0) pa[i] += 360.0;

  return 0;

示例14: gse_twixt_hee

** Hapgood defines a transformation between GSE and HEE in his 1992
** paper (section 6), but this part isn't online.  
** The gist of it is, we rotate 180 degrees about Z, and then translate
** along X.
** But we also need to add "R", a constant vector defined by
**      R = [ Rsun, 0, 0 ]
** where
**             r0 (1 - e^2)
**    Rsun =   ------------
**             1 + e cos(v)
**   r0 = 1.495985E8 km        	mean distance of the Sun from Earth.
**    e = 0.016709 - 0.0000418T0	eccentricity of the Sun's apparent
**					orbit around the Earth.
**    w = 282.94 + 1.72 T0		longitude of perigee of that orbit
**    v = lambda0 - w			(see lambda0 above)
** Implemented by Ed Santiago, Updated by Kristi Keller
gse_twixt_hee(const double et, Vec v_in, Vec v_out, Direction direction)
  Mat mat;
  double r0,e, w,v, Rsun;
  hapgood_matrix(180, Z, mat);

  ** Note that there's no transposition here if the direction is "back";
  ** the operation works identically in both directions.
  mat_times_vec(mat, v_in, v_out);

  /* Translate the X axis about the earth-sun distance */
  r0 = (double)1.495985e8;  
  e = 0.016709 - 0.0000418*T0(et);
  w = 282.94 + 1.72*T0(et);
  v = lambda0(et) - w; 
  Rsun = r0*(1-e*e)/(1.+e*cosd(v)); 
  /*  v_out[0] += (double)1.5e8;  */

  v_out[0] += Rsun;

  return 0;

示例15: latlon_to_ij

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void latlon_to_ij(float latitude, float longitude, float *ri, float *rj)
  double cell;
  double ylon;
  double flp;
  double psx;
  double xx = 0;
  double yy = 0;
  double r;

  if (! is_init)
    fprintf(stderr, "Using latlon_to_ij without projection init !!!\n");
    *ri = -999;
    *rj = -999;

  if (pj.code == MERCATOR)
    if (latitude != -90.0)
      cell = cosd(latitude)/(1.0+sind(latitude));
      yy = -c2*log(cell);
      xx =  c2*((longitude-pj.cenlon)*DEG_TO_RAD);
      if (pj.cenlon > 0.0 && xx < -dddd)
        xx = xx + 2.0*c2*((180.0+pj.cenlon)*DEG_TO_RAD);
      else if (pj.cenlon < 0.0 && xx > dddd)
        xx = xx - c2*(360.0*DEG_TO_RAD);
    ylon = longitude - pj.cenlon;
    if (ylon > 180.0) ylon -= 360.0;
    if (ylon < -180.0) ylon += 360.0;
    flp = xn*(ylon*DEG_TO_RAD);
    psx = (pole - latitude) * DEG_TO_RAD;
    r = -RADIUS_EARTH/xn*sin(psi1)*pow(tan(psx*0.50)/tan(psi1*0.50),xn);
    if (pj.cenlat < 0)
      xx = r*sin(flp);
      yy = r*cos(flp);
      xx = -r*sin(flp);
      yy = r*cos(flp);

  *ri = (xx - xc) / pj.ds + cntrj;
  *rj = (yy - yc) / pj.ds + cntri;

