本文整理汇总了C++中QgsRectangle函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ QgsRectangle函数的具体用法?C++ QgsRectangle怎么用?C++ QgsRectangle使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: QgsRectangle
QgsRectangle QgsRasterCalcDialog::outputRectangle() const
return QgsRectangle( mXMinSpinBox->value(), mYMinSpinBox->value(), mXMaxSpinBox->value(), mYMaxSpinBox->value() );
示例2: QgsRasterDataProvider
QgsGrassRasterProvider::QgsGrassRasterProvider( QString const &uri )
: QgsRasterDataProvider( uri )
, mValid( false )
, mGrassDataType( 0 )
, mCols( 0 )
, mRows( 0 )
, mYBlockSize( 0 )
, mNoDataValue( std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() )
QgsDebugMsg( "QgsGrassRasterProvider: constructing with uri '" + uri + "'." );
if ( !QgsGrass::init() )
// Parse URI, it is the same like using GDAL, i.e. path to raster cellhd, i.e.
// /path/to/gisdbase/location/mapset/cellhd/map
QFileInfo fileInfo( uri );
if ( !fileInfo.exists() ) // then we keep it valid forever
appendError( ERR( tr( "cellhd file %1 does not exist" ).arg( uri ) ) );
mMapName = fileInfo.fileName();
QDir dir = fileInfo.dir();
QString element = dir.dirName();
if ( element != QLatin1String( "cellhd" ) )
appendError( ERR( tr( "Groups not yet supported" ) ) );
dir.cdUp(); // skip cellhd
mMapset = dir.dirName();
mLocation = dir.dirName();
mGisdbase = dir.path();
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "gisdbase: %1" ).arg( mGisdbase ) );
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "location: %1" ).arg( mLocation ) );
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mapset: %1" ).arg( mMapset ) );
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mapName: %1" ).arg( mMapName ) );
mTimestamp = dataTimestamp();
mRasterValue.set( mGisdbase, mLocation, mMapset, mMapName );
//mValidNoDataValue = true;
QString error;
mCrs = QgsGrass::crs( mGisdbase, mLocation, error );
appendIfError( error );
QgsDebugMsg( "mCrs: " + mCrs.toWkt() );
// the block size can change of course when the raster is overridden
// ibut it is only called once when statistics are calculated
QgsGrass::size( mGisdbase, mLocation, mMapset, mMapName, &mCols, &mRows, error );
appendIfError( error );
mInfo = QgsGrass::info( mGisdbase, mLocation, mMapset, mMapName, QgsGrassObject::Raster,
QStringLiteral( "info" ), QgsRectangle(), 0, 0, 3000, error );
appendIfError( error );
mGrassDataType = mInfo[QStringLiteral( "TYPE" )].toInt();
QgsDebugMsg( "mGrassDataType = " + QString::number( mGrassDataType ) );
// TODO: avoid showing these strange numbers in GUI
// TODO: don't save no data values in project file, add a flag if value was defined by user
double myInternalNoDataValue;
if ( mGrassDataType == CELL_TYPE )
myInternalNoDataValue = INT_MIN;
else if ( mGrassDataType == DCELL_TYPE )
// Don't use numeric limits, raster layer is using
// qAbs( myValue - mNoDataValue ) <= TINY_VALUE
// if the mNoDataValue would be a limit, the subtraction could overflow.
// No data value is shown in GUI, use some nice number.
// Choose values with small representation error.
// limit: 1.7976931348623157e+308
//myInternalNoDataValue = -1e+300;
myInternalNoDataValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
if ( mGrassDataType != FCELL_TYPE )
QgsDebugMsg( "unexpected data type" );
// limit: 3.40282347e+38
//myInternalNoDataValue = -1e+30;
myInternalNoDataValue = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
mNoDataValue = myInternalNoDataValue;
示例3: fields
void QgsVectorDataProvider::fillMinMaxCache()
if ( !mCacheMinMaxDirty )
const QgsFieldMap& flds = fields();
for ( QgsFieldMap::const_iterator it = flds.begin(); it != flds.end(); ++it )
if ( it->type() == QVariant::Int )
mCacheMinValues[it.key()] = QVariant( INT_MAX );
mCacheMaxValues[it.key()] = QVariant( INT_MIN );
else if ( it->type() == QVariant::Double )
mCacheMinValues[it.key()] = QVariant( DBL_MAX );
mCacheMaxValues[it.key()] = QVariant( -DBL_MAX );
mCacheMinValues[it.key()] = QVariant();
mCacheMaxValues[it.key()] = QVariant();
QgsFeature f;
QgsAttributeList keys = mCacheMinValues.keys();
select( keys, QgsRectangle(), false );
while ( nextFeature( f ) )
QgsAttributeMap attrMap = f.attributeMap();
for ( QgsAttributeList::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it )
const QVariant& varValue = attrMap[*it];
if ( flds[*it].type() == QVariant::Int )
int value = varValue.toInt();
if ( value < mCacheMinValues[*it].toInt() )
mCacheMinValues[*it] = value;
if ( value > mCacheMaxValues[*it].toInt() )
mCacheMaxValues[*it] = value;
else if ( flds[*it].type() == QVariant::Double )
double value = varValue.toDouble();
if ( value < mCacheMinValues[*it].toDouble() )
mCacheMinValues[*it] = value;
if ( value > mCacheMaxValues[*it].toDouble() )
mCacheMaxValues[*it] = value;
QString value = varValue.toString();
if ( mCacheMinValues[*it].isNull() || value < mCacheMinValues[*it].toString() )
mCacheMinValues[*it] = value;
if ( mCacheMaxValues[*it].isNull() || value > mCacheMaxValues[*it].toString() )
mCacheMaxValues[*it] = value;
mCacheMinMaxDirty = false;
示例4: QgsDebugMsg
ErrorList topolTest::runTest( const QString& testName, QgsVectorLayer* layer1, QgsVectorLayer* layer2, ValidateType type, double tolerance )
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Running test %1" ).arg( testName ) );
ErrorList errors;
if ( !layer1 )
QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "First layer not found in registry." ), tr( "Topology plugin" ) );
return errors;
if ( !layer2 && mTopologyRuleMap[testName].useSecondLayer )
QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Second layer not found in registry." ), tr( "Topology plugin" ) );
return errors;
QString secondLayerId;
//checking if new features are not
//being recognised due to indexing not being upto date
if ( mTopologyRuleMap[testName].useSecondLayer )
// validate all features or current extent
QgsRectangle extent;
if ( type == ValidateExtent )
extent = theQgsInterface->mapCanvas()->extent();
extent = QgsRectangle();
fillFeatureList( layer1, extent );
//fillFeatureMap( layer1, extent );
QString secondLayerId = layer2->id();
if ( !mLayerIndexes.contains( layer2->id() ) )
mLayerIndexes[layer2->id()] = createIndex( layer2, extent );
// validate all features or current extent
QgsRectangle extent;
if ( type == ValidateExtent )
extent = theQgsInterface->mapCanvas()->extent();
if ( mTopologyRuleMap[testName].useSpatialIndex )
mLayerIndexes[layer1->id()] = createIndex( layer1, theQgsInterface->mapCanvas()->extent() );
fillFeatureList( layer1, extent );
if ( mTopologyRuleMap[testName].useSpatialIndex )
if ( !mLayerIndexes.contains( layer1->id() ) )
mLayerIndexes[layer1->id()] = createIndex( layer1, QgsRectangle() );
fillFeatureList( layer1, QgsRectangle() );
//call test routine
bool isValidatingExtent;
if ( type == ValidateExtent )
isValidatingExtent = true;
isValidatingExtent = false;
return ( this->*( mTopologyRuleMap[testName].f ) )( tolerance, layer1, layer2, isValidatingExtent );
示例5: transform
QgsRectangle QgsCoordinateTransform::transformBoundingBox( const QgsRectangle &rect, TransformDirection direction, const bool handle180Crossover ) const
// Calculate the bounding box of a QgsRectangle in the source CRS
// when projected to the destination CRS (or the inverse).
// This is done by looking at a number of points spread evenly
// across the rectangle
if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
return rect;
if ( rect.isEmpty() )
QgsPointXY p = transform( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum(), direction );
return QgsRectangle( p, p );
// 64 points (<=2.12) is not enough, see #13665, for EPSG:4326 -> EPSG:3574 (say that it is a hard one),
// are decent result from about 500 points and more. This method is called quite often, but
// even with 1000 points it takes < 1ms
// TODO: how to effectively and precisely reproject bounding box?
const int nPoints = 1000;
double d = std::sqrt( ( rect.width() * rect.height() ) / std::pow( std::sqrt( static_cast< double >( nPoints ) ) - 1, 2.0 ) );
int nXPoints = static_cast< int >( std::ceil( rect.width() / d ) ) + 1;
int nYPoints = static_cast< int >( std::ceil( rect.height() / d ) ) + 1;
QgsRectangle bb_rect;
// We're interfacing with C-style vectors in the
// end, so let's do C-style vectors here too.
QVector<double> x( nXPoints * nYPoints );
QVector<double> y( nXPoints * nYPoints );
QVector<double> z( nXPoints * nYPoints );
QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Entering transformBoundingBox..." ), 4 );
// Populate the vectors
double dx = rect.width() / static_cast< double >( nXPoints - 1 );
double dy = rect.height() / static_cast< double >( nYPoints - 1 );
double pointY = rect.yMinimum();
for ( int i = 0; i < nYPoints ; i++ )
// Start at right edge
double pointX = rect.xMinimum();
for ( int j = 0; j < nXPoints; j++ )
x[( i * nXPoints ) + j] = pointX;
y[( i * nXPoints ) + j] = pointY;
// and the height...
z[( i * nXPoints ) + j] = 0.0;
// QgsDebugMsg(QString("BBox coord: (%1, %2)").arg(x[(i*numP) + j]).arg(y[(i*numP) + j]));
pointX += dx;
pointY += dy;
// Do transformation. Any exception generated must
// be handled in above layers.
transformCoords( nXPoints * nYPoints, x.data(), y.data(), z.data(), direction );
catch ( const QgsCsException & )
// rethrow the exception
QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );
// Calculate the bounding box and use that for the extent
for ( int i = 0; i < nXPoints * nYPoints; i++ )
if ( !std::isfinite( x[i] ) || !std::isfinite( y[i] ) )
if ( handle180Crossover )
//if crossing the date line, temporarily add 360 degrees to -ve longitudes
bb_rect.combineExtentWith( x[i] >= 0.0 ? x[i] : x[i] + 360.0, y[i] );
bb_rect.combineExtentWith( x[i], y[i] );
if ( bb_rect.isNull() )
// something bad happened when reprojecting the filter rect... no finite points were left!
throw QgsCsException( QObject::tr( "Could not transform bounding box to target CRS" ) );
示例6: switch
QWidget *QgsAttributeEditor::createAttributeEditor( QWidget *parent, QWidget *editor, QgsVectorLayer *vl, int idx, const QVariant &value )
if ( !vl )
return 0;
QWidget *myWidget = 0;
QgsVectorLayer::EditType editType = vl->editType( idx );
const QgsField &field = vl->pendingFields()[idx];
QVariant::Type myFieldType = field.type();
switch ( editType )
case QgsVectorLayer::UniqueValues:
QList<QVariant> values;
vl->dataProvider()->uniqueValues( idx, values );
QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
if ( cb )
cb->setEditable( false );
for ( QList<QVariant>::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); it++ )
cb->addItem( it->toString(), it->toString() );
myWidget = cb;
case QgsVectorLayer::Enumeration:
QStringList enumValues;
vl->dataProvider()->enumValues( idx, enumValues );
QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
if ( cb )
QStringList::const_iterator s_it = enumValues.constBegin();
for ( ; s_it != enumValues.constEnd(); ++s_it )
cb->addItem( *s_it, *s_it );
myWidget = cb;
case QgsVectorLayer::ValueMap:
const QMap<QString, QVariant> &map = vl->valueMap( idx );
QComboBox *cb = comboBox( editor, parent );
if ( cb )
for ( QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++ )
cb->addItem( it.key(), it.value() );
myWidget = cb;
case QgsVectorLayer::ValueRelation:
QSettings settings;
QString nullValue = settings.value( "qgis/nullValue", "NULL" ).toString();
const QgsVectorLayer::ValueRelationData &data = vl->valueRelation( idx );
QgsVectorLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( data.mLayer ) );
QMap< QString, QString > map;
int fi = -1;
if ( layer )
int ki = layer->fieldNameIndex( data.mOrderByValue ? data.mValue : data.mKey );
int vi = layer->fieldNameIndex( data.mOrderByValue ? data.mKey : data.mValue );
if ( !data.mFilterAttributeColumn.isNull() )
fi = layer->fieldNameIndex( data.mFilterAttributeColumn );
if ( data.mAllowNull )
map.insert( nullValue, tr( "(no selection)" ) );
if ( ki >= 0 && vi >= 0 )
QgsAttributeList attributes;
attributes << ki;
attributes << vi;
if ( fi >= 0 )
attributes << fi;
layer->select( attributes, QgsRectangle(), false );
QgsFeature f;
while ( layer->nextFeature( f ) )
示例7: QgsRectangle
QgsRectangle QgsAlignRaster::clipExtent() const
return QgsRectangle( mClipExtent[0], mClipExtent[1],
mClipExtent[2], mClipExtent[3] );
示例8: statusMsgChanged
bool QgsAtlasComposition::prepareForFeature( const int featureI, const bool updateMaps )
if ( !mCoverageLayer )
return false;
if ( mFeatureIds.isEmpty() )
emit statusMsgChanged( tr( "No matching atlas features" ) );
return false;
if ( featureI >= mFeatureIds.size() )
return false;
mCurrentFeatureNo = featureI;
// retrieve the next feature, based on its id
mCoverageLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( mFeatureIds[ featureI ].first ) ).nextFeature( mCurrentFeature );
QgsExpressionContext expressionContext = createExpressionContext();
// generate filename for current feature
if ( !evalFeatureFilename( expressionContext ) )
//error evaluating filename
return false;
emit featureChanged( &mCurrentFeature );
emit statusMsgChanged( QString( tr( "Atlas feature %1 of %2" ) ).arg( featureI + 1 ).arg( mFeatureIds.size() ) );
if ( !mCurrentFeature.isValid() )
//bad feature
return true;
if ( !updateMaps )
//nothing more to do
return true;
//update composer maps
//build a list of atlas-enabled composer maps
QList<QgsComposerMap*> maps;
QList<QgsComposerMap*> atlasMaps;
mComposition->composerItems( maps );
if ( maps.isEmpty() )
return true;
for ( QList<QgsComposerMap*>::iterator mit = maps.begin(); mit != maps.end(); ++mit )
QgsComposerMap* currentMap = ( *mit );
if ( !currentMap->atlasDriven() )
atlasMaps << currentMap;
if ( !atlasMaps.isEmpty() )
//clear the transformed bounds of the previous feature
mTransformedFeatureBounds = QgsRectangle();
// compute extent of current feature in the map CRS. This should be set on a per-atlas map basis,
// but given that it's not currently possible to have maps with different CRSes we can just
// calculate it once based on the first atlas maps' CRS.
computeExtent( atlasMaps[0] );
for ( QList<QgsComposerMap*>::iterator mit = maps.begin(); mit != maps.end(); ++mit )
if (( *mit )->atlasDriven() )
// map is atlas driven, so update it's bounds (causes a redraw)
prepareMap( *mit );
// map is not atlas driven, so manually force a redraw (to reflect possibly atlas
// dependent symbology)
( *mit )->cache();
return true;
示例9: computeExtent
void QgsAtlasComposition::prepareMap( QgsComposerMap* map )
if ( !map->atlasDriven() || mCoverageLayer->wkbType() == QGis::WKBNoGeometry )
if ( mTransformedFeatureBounds.isEmpty() )
//transformed extent of current feature hasn't been calculated yet. This can happen if
//a map has been set to be atlas controlled after prepare feature was called
computeExtent( map );
double xa1 = mTransformedFeatureBounds.xMinimum();
double xa2 = mTransformedFeatureBounds.xMaximum();
double ya1 = mTransformedFeatureBounds.yMinimum();
double ya2 = mTransformedFeatureBounds.yMaximum();
QgsRectangle newExtent = mTransformedFeatureBounds;
QgsRectangle mOrigExtent( map->extent() );
//sanity check - only allow fixed scale mode for point layers
bool isPointLayer = false;
switch ( mCoverageLayer->wkbType() )
case QGis::WKBPoint:
case QGis::WKBPoint25D:
case QGis::WKBMultiPoint:
case QGis::WKBMultiPoint25D:
isPointLayer = true;
isPointLayer = false;
if ( map->atlasScalingMode() == QgsComposerMap::Fixed || map->atlasScalingMode() == QgsComposerMap::Predefined || isPointLayer )
QgsScaleCalculator calc;
calc.setMapUnits( composition()->mapSettings().mapUnits() );
calc.setDpi( 25.4 );
double originalScale = calc.calculate( mOrigExtent, map->rect().width() );
double geomCenterX = ( xa1 + xa2 ) / 2.0;
double geomCenterY = ( ya1 + ya2 ) / 2.0;
if ( map->atlasScalingMode() == QgsComposerMap::Fixed || isPointLayer )
// only translate, keep the original scale (i.e. width x height)
double xMin = geomCenterX - mOrigExtent.width() / 2.0;
double yMin = geomCenterY - mOrigExtent.height() / 2.0;
newExtent = QgsRectangle( xMin,
xMin + mOrigExtent.width(),
yMin + mOrigExtent.height() );
//scale newExtent to match original scale of map
//this is required for geographic coordinate systems, where the scale varies by extent
double newScale = calc.calculate( newExtent, map->rect().width() );
newExtent.scale( originalScale / newScale );
else if ( map->atlasScalingMode() == QgsComposerMap::Predefined )
// choose one of the predefined scales
double newWidth = mOrigExtent.width();
double newHeight = mOrigExtent.height();
const QVector<qreal>& scales = mPredefinedScales;
for ( int i = 0; i < scales.size(); i++ )
double ratio = scales[i] / originalScale;
newWidth = mOrigExtent.width() * ratio;
newHeight = mOrigExtent.height() * ratio;
// compute new extent, centered on feature
double xMin = geomCenterX - newWidth / 2.0;
double yMin = geomCenterY - newHeight / 2.0;
newExtent = QgsRectangle( xMin,
xMin + newWidth,
yMin + newHeight );
//scale newExtent to match desired map scale
//this is required for geographic coordinate systems, where the scale varies by extent
double newScale = calc.calculate( newExtent, map->rect().width() );
newExtent.scale( scales[i] / newScale );
if (( newExtent.width() >= mTransformedFeatureBounds.width() ) && ( newExtent.height() >= mTransformedFeatureBounds.height() ) )
// this is the smallest extent that embeds the feature, stop here
else if ( map->atlasScalingMode() == QgsComposerMap::Auto )
// auto scale
double geomRatio = mTransformedFeatureBounds.width() / mTransformedFeatureBounds.height();
double mapRatio = mOrigExtent.width() / mOrigExtent.height();
示例10: QgsDebugMsg
QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2* QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2::createRenderer(
QgsVectorLayer* vlayer,
QString attrName,
int classes,
Mode mode,
QgsSymbolV2* symbol,
QgsVectorColorRampV2* ramp )
if ( classes < 1 )
return NULL;
int attrNum = vlayer->fieldNameIndex( attrName );
double minimum = vlayer->minimumValue( attrNum ).toDouble();
double maximum = vlayer->maximumValue( attrNum ).toDouble();
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "min %1 // max %2" ).arg( minimum ).arg( maximum ) );
QList<double> breaks;
QList<int> labels;
if ( mode == EqualInterval )
breaks = _calcEqualIntervalBreaks( minimum, maximum, classes );
else if ( mode == Pretty )
breaks = _calcPrettyBreaks( minimum, maximum, classes );
else if ( mode == Quantile || mode == Jenks || mode == StdDev )
// get values from layer
QList<double> values;
QgsFeature f;
QgsAttributeList lst;
lst.append( attrNum );
vlayer->select( lst, QgsRectangle(), false );
while ( vlayer->nextFeature( f ) )
values.append( f.attributeMap()[attrNum].toDouble() );
// calculate the breaks
if ( mode == Quantile )
breaks = _calcQuantileBreaks( values, classes );
else if ( mode == Jenks )
breaks = _calcJenksBreaks( values, classes, minimum, maximum );
else if ( mode == StdDev )
breaks = _calcStdDevBreaks( values, classes, labels );
Q_ASSERT( false );
QgsRangeList ranges;
double lower, upper = minimum;
QString label;
// "breaks" list contains all values at class breaks plus maximum as last break
int i = 0;
for ( QList<double>::iterator it = breaks.begin(); it != breaks.end(); ++it, ++i )
lower = upper; // upper border from last interval
upper = *it;
if ( mode == StdDev )
if ( i == 0 )
label = "< " + QString::number( labels[i], 'i', 0 ) + " Std Dev";
else if ( i == labels.count() - 1 )
label = ">= " + QString::number( labels[i-1], 'i', 0 ) + " Std Dev";
label = QString::number( labels[i-1], 'i', 0 ) + " Std Dev" + " - " + QString::number( labels[i], 'i', 0 ) + " Std Dev";
label = QString::number( lower, 'f', 4 ) + " - " + QString::number( upper, 'f', 4 );
QgsSymbolV2* newSymbol = symbol->clone();
double colorValue = ( breaks.count() > 1 ? ( double ) i / ( breaks.count() - 1 ) : 0 );
newSymbol->setColor( ramp->color( colorValue ) ); // color from (0 / cl-1) to (cl-1 / cl-1)
ranges.append( QgsRendererRangeV2( lower, upper, newSymbol, label ) );
QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2* r = new QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2( attrName, ranges );
r->setSourceSymbol( symbol->clone() );
r->setSourceColorRamp( ramp->clone() );
r->setMode( mode );
return r;
示例11: QgsDebugMsg
QString srsname( defaultCRSList.at( 0 ).toElement().text() );
// Some servers like Geomedia advertize EPSG:XXXX even in WFS 1.1 or 2.0
if ( srsname.startsWith( QLatin1String( "EPSG:" ) ) )
mCaps.useEPSGColumnFormat = true;
featureType.crslist.append( NormalizeSRSName( srsname ) );
QDomNodeList otherCRSList = featureTypeElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "OtherSRS" ) );
if ( otherCRSList.length() == 0 )
// In WFS 2.0, this is spelled OtherCRS...
otherCRSList = featureTypeElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "OtherCRS" ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < otherCRSList.size(); ++i )
featureType.crslist.append( NormalizeSRSName( otherCRSList.at( i ).toElement().text() ) );
//Support <SRS> for compatibility with older versions
QDomNodeList srsList = featureTypeElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "SRS" ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < srsList.size(); ++i )
featureType.crslist.append( NormalizeSRSName( srsList.at( i ).toElement().text() ) );
// Get BBox WFS 1.0 way
QDomElement latLongBB = featureTypeElem.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "LatLongBoundingBox" ) );
if ( latLongBB.hasAttributes() )
// Despite the name LatLongBoundingBox, the coordinates are supposed to
// be expressed in <SRS>. From the WFS schema;
// <!-- The LatLongBoundingBox element is used to indicate the edges of
// an enclosing rectangle in the SRS of the associated feature type.
featureType.bbox = QgsRectangle(
latLongBB.attribute( QStringLiteral( "minx" ) ).toDouble(),
latLongBB.attribute( QStringLiteral( "miny" ) ).toDouble(),
latLongBB.attribute( QStringLiteral( "maxx" ) ).toDouble(),
latLongBB.attribute( QStringLiteral( "maxy" ) ).toDouble() );
featureType.bboxSRSIsWGS84 = false;
// But some servers do not honour this and systematically reproject to WGS84
// such as GeoServer. See http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/WFS-LatLongBoundingBox-td3813810.html
// This is also true of TinyOWS
if ( !featureType.crslist.isEmpty() &&
featureType.bbox.xMinimum() >= -180 && featureType.bbox.yMinimum() >= -90 &&
featureType.bbox.xMaximum() <= 180 && featureType.bbox.yMaximum() < 90 )
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromOgcWmsCrs( featureType.crslist[0] );
if ( !crs.isGeographic() )
// If the CRS is projected then check that projecting the corner of the bbox, assumed to be in WGS84,
// into the CRS, and then back to WGS84, works (check that we are in the validity area)
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crsWGS84 = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromOgcWmsCrs( QStringLiteral( "CRS:84" ) );
QgsCoordinateTransform ct( crsWGS84, crs );
QgsPointXY ptMin( featureType.bbox.xMinimum(), featureType.bbox.yMinimum() );
QgsPointXY ptMinBack( ct.transform( ct.transform( ptMin, QgsCoordinateTransform::ForwardTransform ), QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform ) );
QgsPointXY ptMax( featureType.bbox.xMaximum(), featureType.bbox.yMaximum() );
QgsPointXY ptMaxBack( ct.transform( ct.transform( ptMax, QgsCoordinateTransform::ForwardTransform ), QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform ) );
QgsDebugMsg( featureType.bbox.toString() );
QgsDebugMsg( ptMinBack.toString() );
QgsDebugMsg( ptMaxBack.toString() );
if ( fabs( featureType.bbox.xMinimum() - ptMinBack.x() ) < 1e-5 &&
fabs( featureType.bbox.yMinimum() - ptMinBack.y() ) < 1e-5 &&
示例12: QgsRectangle
void QgsRasterProjector::calcSrcExtent()
/* Run around the mCPMatrix and find source extent */
// Attention, source limits are not necessarily on destination edges, e.g.
// for destination EPSG:32661 Polar Stereographic and source EPSG:4326,
// the maximum y may be in the middle of destination extent
// TODO: How to find extent exactly and quickly?
// For now, we runt through all matrix
QgsPoint myPoint = mCPMatrix[0][0];
mSrcExtent = QgsRectangle( myPoint.x(), myPoint.y(), myPoint.x(), myPoint.y() );
for ( int i = 0; i < mCPRows; i++ )
for ( int j = 0; j < mCPCols ; j++ )
myPoint = mCPMatrix[i][j];
if ( mCPLegalMatrix[i][j] )
mSrcExtent.combineExtentWith( myPoint.x(), myPoint.y() );
// Expand a bit to avoid possible approx coords falling out because of representation error?
// Combine with maximum source extent
mSrcExtent = mSrcExtent.intersect( &mExtent );
// If mMaxSrcXRes, mMaxSrcYRes are defined (fixed src resolution)
// align extent to src resolution to avoid jumping of reprojected pixels
// when shifting resampled grid.
// Important especially if we are over mMaxSrcXRes, mMaxSrcYRes limits
// Note however, that preceding filters (like resampler) may read data
// on different resolution.
QgsDebugMsg( "mSrcExtent = " + mSrcExtent.toString() );
QgsDebugMsg( "mExtent = " + mExtent.toString() );
if ( !mExtent.isEmpty() )
if ( mMaxSrcXRes > 0 )
// with floor/ceil it should work correctly also for mSrcExtent.xMinimum() < mExtent.xMinimum()
double col = floor(( mSrcExtent.xMinimum() - mExtent.xMinimum() ) / mMaxSrcXRes );
double x = mExtent.xMinimum() + col * mMaxSrcXRes;
mSrcExtent.setXMinimum( x );
col = ceil(( mSrcExtent.xMaximum() - mExtent.xMinimum() ) / mMaxSrcXRes );
x = mExtent.xMinimum() + col * mMaxSrcXRes;
mSrcExtent.setXMaximum( x );
if ( mMaxSrcYRes > 0 )
double row = floor(( mExtent.yMaximum() - mSrcExtent.yMaximum() ) / mMaxSrcYRes );
double y = mExtent.yMaximum() - row * mMaxSrcYRes;
mSrcExtent.setYMaximum( y );
row = ceil(( mExtent.yMaximum() - mSrcExtent.yMinimum() ) / mMaxSrcYRes );
y = mExtent.yMaximum() - row * mMaxSrcYRes;
mSrcExtent.setYMinimum( y );
QgsDebugMsg( "mSrcExtent = " + mSrcExtent.toString() );
示例13: QgsFeatureRequest
void QgsAtlasComposition::prepareForFeature( size_t featureI )
if ( !mComposerMap || !mCoverageLayer )
// retrieve the next feature, based on its id
mCoverageLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( mFeatureIds[ featureI ] ) ).nextFeature( mCurrentFeature );
if ( !mSingleFile && mFilenamePattern.size() > 0 )
QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$feature", QVariant(( int )featureI + 1 ) );
QVariant filenameRes = mFilenameExpr->evaluate( &mCurrentFeature, mCoverageLayer->pendingFields() );
if ( mFilenameExpr->hasEvalError() )
throw std::runtime_error( tr( "Filename eval error: %1" ).arg( mFilenameExpr->evalErrorString() ).toLocal8Bit().data() );
mCurrentFilename = filenameRes.toString();
// compute the new extent
// keep the original aspect ratio
// and apply a margin
// QgsGeometry::boundingBox is expressed in the geometry"s native CRS
// We have to transform the grometry to the destination CRS and ask for the bounding box
// Note: we cannot directly take the transformation of the bounding box, since transformations are not linear
QgsGeometry tgeom( *mCurrentFeature.geometry() );
tgeom.transform( mTransform );
QgsRectangle geom_rect = tgeom.boundingBox();
double xa1 = geom_rect.xMinimum();
double xa2 = geom_rect.xMaximum();
double ya1 = geom_rect.yMinimum();
double ya2 = geom_rect.yMaximum();
QgsRectangle new_extent = geom_rect;
// restore the original extent
// (successive calls to setNewExtent tend to deform the original rectangle)
mComposerMap->setNewExtent( mOrigExtent );
if ( mFixedScale )
// only translate, keep the original scale (i.e. width x height)
double geom_center_x = ( xa1 + xa2 ) / 2.0;
double geom_center_y = ( ya1 + ya2 ) / 2.0;
double xx = geom_center_x - mOrigExtent.width() / 2.0;
double yy = geom_center_y - mOrigExtent.height() / 2.0;
new_extent = QgsRectangle( xx,
xx + mOrigExtent.width(),
yy + mOrigExtent.height() );
// auto scale
double geom_ratio = geom_rect.width() / geom_rect.height();
double map_ratio = mOrigExtent.width() / mOrigExtent.height();
// geometry height is too big
if ( geom_ratio < map_ratio )
// extent the bbox's width
double adj_width = ( map_ratio * geom_rect.height() - geom_rect.width() ) / 2.0;
xa1 -= adj_width;
xa2 += adj_width;
// geometry width is too big
else if ( geom_ratio > map_ratio )
// extent the bbox's height
double adj_height = ( geom_rect.width() / map_ratio - geom_rect.height() ) / 2.0;
ya1 -= adj_height;
ya2 += adj_height;
new_extent = QgsRectangle( xa1, ya1, xa2, ya2 );
if ( mMargin > 0.0 )
new_extent.scale( 1 + mMargin );
// evaluate label expressions
QList<QgsComposerLabel*> labels;
mComposition->composerItems( labels );
QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$feature", QVariant(( int )featureI + 1 ) );
for ( QList<QgsComposerLabel*>::iterator lit = labels.begin(); lit != labels.end(); ++lit )
( *lit )->setExpressionContext( &mCurrentFeature, mCoverageLayer );
// set the new extent (and render)
示例14: mapToScene
//SHIFT-clicking a selected item deselects it
selectedItem->setSelected( false );
//Check if we have any remaining selected items, and if so, update the item panel
QList<QgsComposerItem*> selectedItems = composition()->selectedComposerItems();
if ( selectedItems.size() > 0 )
emit selectedItemChanged( selectedItems.at( 0 ) );
selectedItem->setSelected( true );
QGraphicsView::mousePressEvent( e );
emit selectedItemChanged( selectedItem );
case Zoom:
if ( !( e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ) )
//zoom in action
startMarqueeZoom( scenePoint );
//zoom out action, so zoom out and recenter on clicked point
double scaleFactor = 2;
//get current visible part of scene
QRect viewportRect( 0, 0, viewport()->width(), viewport()->height() );
QgsRectangle visibleRect = QgsRectangle( mapToScene( viewportRect ).boundingRect() );
//transform the mouse pos to scene coordinates
QPointF scenePoint = mapToScene( e->pos() );
visibleRect.scale( scaleFactor, scenePoint.x(), scenePoint.y() );
QRectF boundsRect = visibleRect.toRectF();
//zoom view to fit desired bounds
fitInView( boundsRect, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
case Pan:
//pan action
mPanning = true;
mMouseLastXY = e->pos();
viewport()->setCursor( Qt::ClosedHandCursor );
case MoveItemContent:
//get a list of items at clicked position
QList<QGraphicsItem *> itemsAtCursorPos = items( e->pos() );
if ( itemsAtCursorPos.size() == 0 )
//no items at clicked position
示例15: foreach
if ( !log.value( "identifier" ).isEmpty() && log.value( "error" ).isEmpty() ) continue;
QStringList myLog;
myLog << "identifier:" + myCoverage.identifier;
myCapabilities.describeCoverage( myCoverage.identifier );
myCoverage = myCapabilities.coverage( myCoverage.identifier ); // get described
QgsDataSourceURI myUri = myServerUri;
myUri.setParam( "identifier", myCoverage.identifier );
if ( myCoverage.times.size() > 0 )
myUri.setParam( "time", myCoverage.times.value( 0 ) );
myLog << "version:" + version;
myLog << "uri:" + myUri.encodedUri();
int myWidth = 100;
int myHeight = 100;
if ( myCoverage.hasSize )
myHeight = static_cast<int>( qRound( 1.0 * myWidth * myCoverage.height / myCoverage.width ) );
myLog << QString( "hasSize:%1" ).arg( myCoverage.hasSize );
QgsRasterLayer * myLayer = new QgsRasterLayer( myUri.encodedUri(), myCoverage.identifier, "wcs", true );
if ( myLayer->isValid() )
int myBandCount = myLayer->dataProvider()->bandCount();
myLog << "bandCount:" + QString::number( myBandCount );
if ( myBandCount > 0 )
myLog << "srcType:" + QString::number( myLayer->dataProvider()->srcDataType( 1 ) );
QgsRasterBandStats myStats = myLayer->dataProvider()->bandStatistics( 1, QgsRasterBandStats::All, QgsRectangle(), myWidth * myHeight );
myLog << "min:" + QString::number( myStats.minimumValue );
myLog << "max:" + QString::number( myStats.maximumValue );
QgsMapRenderer myMapRenderer;
QList<QgsMapLayer *> myLayersList;
myLayersList.append( myLayer );
QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->addMapLayers( myLayersList, false );
QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*> myLayersMap = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayers();
myMapRenderer.setLayerSet( myLayersMap.keys() );
myMapRenderer.setExtent( myLayer->extent() );
QImage myImage( myWidth, myHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );
myImage.fill( 0 );
myMapRenderer.setOutputSize( QSize( myWidth, myHeight ), myImage.logicalDpiX() );
QPainter myPainter( &myImage );
myMapRenderer.render( &myPainter );
// Save rendered image
QString myPngPath = myPath + ".png";
QgsDebugMsg( "myPngPath = " + myPngPath );
myImage.save( myPngPath );
// Verify data
QSet<QString> myValues; // cannot be QSet<double>
void *myData = myLayer->dataProvider()->readBlock( 1, myLayer->extent(), myWidth, myHeight );