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C++ Normalize函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Normalize函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Normalize函数的具体用法?C++ Normalize怎么用?C++ Normalize使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: return

const char* FileBrowser::Path(int index) {
    const char* s = StringBrowser::String(index);

    return (s == nil ) ? nil : Normalize(Concat(lastpath, s));

示例2: Normalize

Spectrum InfiniteAreaLight::Le(const RayDifferential &ray) const {
    Vector3f w = Normalize(WorldToLight(ray.d));
    Point2f st(SphericalPhi(w) * Inv2Pi, SphericalTheta(w) * InvPi);
    return Spectrum(Lmap->Lookup(st), SpectrumType::Illuminant);

示例3: NormalizeDisplay

void NormalizeDisplay()
	// kolor tła - zawartość bufora koloru
	glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

	// czyszczenie bufora koloru i bufora głębokości

	// wybór macierzy modelowania

	// macierz modelowania = macierz jednostkowa

	// przesunięcie układu współrzędnych obiektu do środka bryły odcinania
	glTranslatef(0, 0, -(near + far) / 2);

	// obroty obiektu
	glRotatef(rotatex, 1.0, 0, 0);
	glRotatef(rotatey, 0, 1.0, 0);

	// skalowanie obiektu - klawisze "+" i "-"
	glScalef(scale, scale, scale);

	// włączenie testu bufora głębokości

	// włączenie oświetlenia

	// włączenie światła GL_LIGHT0 z parametrami domyślnymi

	// właściwości materiału
	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, ambient);
	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, specular);
	glMaterialf(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, shininess);

	// włączenie automatycznej normalizacji wektorów normalnych
	// lub automatycznego skalowania jednostkowych wektorów normalnych
	if (rescale_normal == true)

	// początek definicji obiektu

	// generowanie obiektu gładkiego - jeden uśredniony
	// wektor normalny na wierzchołek
	if (normals == NORMALS_SMOOTH)
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			// obliczanie wektora normalnego dla pierwszego wierzchołka
			GLfloat n[3];
			n[0] = n[1] = n[2] = 0.0;

			// wyszukanie wszystkich ścian posiadających bie¿ący wierzchołek
			for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
				if (3 * triangles[3 * i + 0] == 3 * triangles[3 * j + 0] ||
					3 * triangles[3 * i + 0] == 3 * triangles[3 * j + 1] ||
					3 * triangles[3 * i + 0] == 3 * triangles[3 * j + 2])
					// dodawanie wektorów normalnych poszczególnych ścian
					GLfloat nv[3];
					Normal(nv, j);
					n[0] += nv[0];
					n[1] += nv[1];
					n[2] += nv[2];

			// uśredniony wektor normalny jest normalizowany tylko, gdy biblioteka
			// obsługuje automatyczne skalowania jednostkowych wektorów normalnych
			if (rescale_normal == true)
			glVertex3fv(&vertex[3 * triangles[3 * i + 0]]);

			// obliczanie wektora normalnego dla drugiego wierzchołka
			n[0] = n[1] = n[2] = 0.0;

			// wyszukanie wszystkich ścian posiadających bie¿ący wierzchołek
			for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
				if (3 * triangles[3 * i + 1] == 3 * triangles[3 * j + 0] ||
					3 * triangles[3 * i + 1] == 3 * triangles[3 * j + 1] ||
					3 * triangles[3 * i + 1] == 3 * triangles[3 * j + 2])
					// dodawanie wektorów normalnych poszczególnych ścian
					GLfloat nv[3];
					Normal(nv, j);
					n[0] += nv[0];
					n[1] += nv[1];
					n[2] += nv[2];

			// uśredniony wektor normalny jest normalizowany tylko, gdy biblioteka
			// obsługuje automatyczne skalowania jednostkowych wektorów normalnych
			if (rescale_normal == true)

示例4: ray

bool Cone::Intersect(const Ray &r, float *tHit, float *rayEpsilon,
        DifferentialGeometry *dg) const {
    float phi;
    Point phit;
    // Transform _Ray_ to object space
    Ray ray;
    (*WorldToObject)(r, &ray);

    // Compute quadratic cone coefficients
    float k = radius / height;
    k = k*k;
    float A = ray.d.x * ray.d.x + ray.d.y * ray.d.y -
        k * ray.d.z * ray.d.z;
    float B = 2 * (ray.d.x * ray.o.x + ray.d.y * ray.o.y -
        k * ray.d.z * (ray.o.z-height) );
    float C = ray.o.x * ray.o.x + ray.o.y * ray.o.y -
        k * (ray.o.z -height) * (ray.o.z-height);

    // Solve quadratic equation for _t_ values
    float t0, t1;
    if (!Quadratic(A, B, C, &t0, &t1))
        return false;

    // Compute intersection distance along ray
    if (t0 > ray.maxt || t1 < ray.mint)
        return false;
    float thit = t0;
    if (t0 < ray.mint) {
        thit = t1;
        if (thit > ray.maxt) return false;

    // Compute cone inverse mapping
    phit = ray(thit);
    phi = atan2f(phit.y, phit.x);
    if (phi < 0.) phi += 2.f*M_PI;

    // Test cone intersection against clipping parameters
    if (phit.z < 0 || phit.z > height || phi > phiMax) {
        if (thit == t1) return false;
        thit = t1;
        if (t1 > ray.maxt) return false;
        // Compute cone inverse mapping
        phit = ray(thit);
        phi = atan2f(phit.y, phit.x);
        if (phi < 0.) phi += 2.f*M_PI;
        if (phit.z < 0 || phit.z > height || phi > phiMax)
            return false;

    // Find parametric representation of cone hit
    float u = phi / phiMax;
    float v = phit.z / height;

    // Compute cone $\dpdu$ and $\dpdv$
    Vector dpdu(-phiMax * phit.y, phiMax * phit.x, 0);
    Vector dpdv(-phit.x / (1.f - v),
                -phit.y / (1.f - v), height);

    // Compute cone $\dndu$ and $\dndv$
    Vector d2Pduu = -phiMax * phiMax *
                    Vector(phit.x, phit.y, 0.);
    Vector d2Pduv = phiMax / (1.f - v) *
                    Vector(-phit.y, -phit.x, 0.);
    Vector d2Pdvv(0, 0, 0);

    // Compute coefficients for fundamental forms
    float E = Dot(dpdu, dpdu);
    float F = Dot(dpdu, dpdv);
    float G = Dot(dpdv, dpdv);
    Vector N = Normalize(Cross(dpdu, dpdv));
    float e = Dot(N, d2Pduu);
    float f = Dot(N, d2Pduv);
    float g = Dot(N, d2Pdvv);

    // Compute $\dndu$ and $\dndv$ from fundamental form coefficients
    float invEGF2 = 1.f / (E*G - F*F);
    Normal dndu = Normal((f*F - e*G) * invEGF2 * dpdu +
                         (e*F - f*E) * invEGF2 * dpdv);
    Normal dndv = Normal((g*F - f*G) * invEGF2 * dpdu +
                         (f*F - g*E) * invEGF2 * dpdv);

    // Initialize _DifferentialGeometry_ from parametric information
    const Transform &o2w = *ObjectToWorld;
    *dg = DifferentialGeometry(o2w(phit), o2w(dpdu), o2w(dpdv),
                               o2w(dndu), o2w(dndv), u, v, this);

    // Update _tHit_ for quadric intersection
    *tHit = thit;

    // Compute _rayEpsilon_ for quadric intersection
    *rayEpsilon = 5e-4f * *tHit;
    return true;

示例5: Vector

void CLoad3DS::ComputeNormals(t3DModel *pModel)
	CVector3 vVector1, vVector2, vNormal, vPoly[3];

	// If there are no objects, we can skip this part
	if(pModel->numOfObjects <= 0)

	// What are vertex normals?  And how are they different from other normals?
	// Well, if you find the normal to a triangle, you are finding a "Face Normal".
	// If you give OpenGL a face normal for lighting, it will make your object look
	// really flat and not very round.  If we find the normal for each vertex, it makes
	// the smooth lighting look.  This also covers up blocky looking objects and they appear
	// to have more polygons than they do.    Basically, what you do is first
	// calculate the face normals, then you take the average of all the normals around each
	// vertex.  It's just averaging.  That way you get a better approximation for that vertex.

	// Go through each of the objects to calculate their normals
	for(int index = 0; index < pModel->numOfObjects; index++)
		// Get the current object
		t3DObject *pObject = &(pModel->pObject[index]);

		// Here we allocate all the memory we need to calculate the normals
		CVector3 *pNormals		= new CVector3 [pObject->numOfFaces];
		CVector3 *pTempNormals	= new CVector3 [pObject->numOfFaces];
		pObject->pNormals		= new CVector3 [pObject->numOfVerts];

		// Go though all of the faces of this object
		for(int i=0; i < pObject->numOfFaces; i++)
			// To cut down LARGE code, we extract the 3 points of this face
			vPoly[0] = pObject->pVerts[pObject->pFaces[i].vertIndex[0]];
			vPoly[1] = pObject->pVerts[pObject->pFaces[i].vertIndex[1]];
			vPoly[2] = pObject->pVerts[pObject->pFaces[i].vertIndex[2]];

			// Now let's calculate the face normals (Get 2 vectors and find the cross product of those 2)

			vVector1 = Vector(vPoly[0], vPoly[2]);		// Get the vector of the polygon (we just need 2 sides for the normal)
			vVector2 = Vector(vPoly[2], vPoly[1]);		// Get a second vector of the polygon

			vNormal  = Cross(vVector1, vVector2);		// Return the cross product of the 2 vectors (normalize vector, but not a unit vector)
			pTempNormals[i] = vNormal;					// Save the un-normalized normal for the vertex normals
			vNormal  = Normalize(vNormal);				// Normalize the cross product to give us the polygons normal

			pNormals[i] = vNormal;						// Assign the normal to the list of normals

		//////////////// Now Get The Vertex Normals /////////////////

		CVector3 vSum = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
		CVector3 vZero = vSum;
		int shared=0;

		for (int i = 0; i < pObject->numOfVerts; i++)			// Go through all of the vertices
			for (int j = 0; j < pObject->numOfFaces; j++)	// Go through all of the triangles
			{												// Check if the vertex is shared by another face
				if (pObject->pFaces[j].vertIndex[0] == i || 
					pObject->pFaces[j].vertIndex[1] == i || 
					pObject->pFaces[j].vertIndex[2] == i)
					vSum = AddVector(vSum, pTempNormals[j]);// Add the un-normalized normal of the shared face
					shared++;								// Increase the number of shared triangles
			// Get the normal by dividing the sum by the shared.  We negate the shared so it has the normals pointing out.
			pObject->pNormals[i] = DivideVectorByScaler(vSum, float(-shared));

			// Normalize the normal for the final vertex normal
			pObject->pNormals[i] = Normalize(pObject->pNormals[i]);	

			vSum = vZero;									// Reset the sum
			shared = 0;										// Reset the shared
		// Free our memory and start over on the next object
		delete [] pTempNormals;
		delete [] pNormals;

示例6: Angle

///===vecfunc========== ANGLE BETWEEN A-B-C ===================///
float Angle (vec2 A, vec2 B, vec2 C) {
    vec2 Vector1 = Normalize (A-B);
    vec2 Vector2 = Normalize (C-B);
    return acosd (Vector1*Vector2);

示例7: OccupancyInTimeBins

    if ( numberOfPhysicsEvent % 5000 == 0 )
      cout << Form("%12d events processed : %12d physics %d used ones %d bad ones [ %d with MCH information ]",
                   numberOfEvents,numberOfPhysicsEvent,numberOfUsedEvents,numberOfBadEvents,numberOfEventsWithMCH) << endl;
    Bool_t mchThere(kFALSE);
    for ( int iDDL = 0; iDDL < AliDAQ::NumberOfDdls("MUONTRK") && !mchThere; ++iDDL )
      if (rawReader->ReadHeader() )
        if (rawReader->GetEquipmentSize() ) mchThere = kTRUE;
    if ( mchThere)
    Int_t buspatchId;
    UShort_t  manuId;
    UChar_t manuChannel;
    UShort_t adc;
    std::map<int,int> bpValues;
    while ( stream.Next(buspatchId,manuId,manuChannel,adc,kTRUE) )
    for ( std::map<int,int>::const_iterator it = bpValues.begin(); it != bpValues.end(); ++it )
      const int& buspatchId = it->first;
      const int& bpvalue = it->second;
      TString bpName = Form("BP%04d",buspatchId);
      for ( std::vector<int>::size_type is = 0; is < timeResolutions.size(); ++is )
        TH1* h = hc->Histo(Form("/BUSPATCH/HITS/%ds/%s",timeResolutions[is],bpName.Data()));
        if (!h)
          cout << "histogram not found" << endl;
    for ( std::vector<int>::size_type is = 0; is < timeResolutions.size(); ++is )
      TH1* h = hc->Histo(Form("Nevents%ds",timeResolutions[is]));
      if (!h)
        cout << "histogram not found" << endl;
  // Group BP histograms per DE then DDL then Chamber then Station
  for ( std::vector<int>::size_type is = 0; is < timeResolutions.size(); ++is )
  // make normalized versions of the histograms
  TFile* fout = new TFile(output,"RECREATE");
  delete fout;

示例8: Normalize

void AltJacobi::Table::operator () (unsigned k,QType result[ /* p */ ]) const
  for(unsigned i=0,p=this->p; i<p ;i++) result[i]=coeff(k,i,p);

示例9: TargetVector

void ship::Steering()
	//static int i = 0;

	if ((*Target).size()-1 == 0)return;

	if (Destination > (int)((*Target).size() - 1))
		Destination = 0;
//	m_TopSpeed = 2.0f;
	float Speed = 0;
	 X = false;
	 Y = false;

	Vector2 TargetVector((*Target)[Destination]->m_x, (*Target)[Destination]->m_y);
	Vector2 V;
	Vector2 Pos(m_x, m_y);
	Vector2 m_force;
	Vector2 Velocity;

	V = Normalize(TargetVector - Pos) * m_TopSpeed ;

	m_force = V - Velocity;
	Velocity = Velocity + m_force;
	Pos = Pos + Velocity;

	m_x = Pos.x;
	m_y = Pos.y;

	m_angle = atan2(Velocity.x,-Velocity.y);
	m_angle *= 180 / (float)M_PI;
	m_angle -= 90;

	if (Pathing == false)
		if (m_x <= (*Target)[Destination]->m_x + 10 && m_x >= (*Target)[Destination]->m_x - 10)
			X = true;

		if (m_y <= (*Target)[Destination]->m_y + 10 && m_y >= (*Target)[Destination]->m_y - 10)
			Y = true;
		if (m_x <= (*Target)[Destination]->m_x + 5 && m_x >= (*Target)[Destination]->m_x - 5)
			X = true;

		if (m_y <= (*Target)[Destination]->m_y + 5 && m_y >= (*Target)[Destination]->m_y - 5)
			Y = true;

	//m_Home = 2;
	if (Pathing == false)
		if (X && Y && Destination == m_Home)
			Idle = true; AtDestination = true;
		else if (X && Y)
			Destination = m_Home; Collect(); AtDestination = true; Hull -= 4;
	else if (Pathing == true)
		while (true)
			if (Path.size() <= 0)

			Destination = Path[0]->Index;

			if (X == true && Y == true)
				Destination = Path[0]->Index;
				X = false;
				Y = false;


示例10: Cleanup

 * Actually do the recognition using the specified language mode. If none
 * is specified, the default language model in the CubeRecoContext is used.
 * @return the sorted list of alternate answers
 * @param word_mode determines whether recognition is done as a word or a phrase
WordAltList *CubeObject::Recognize(LangModel *lang_mod, bool word_mode) {
  if (char_samp_ == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  // clear alt lists

  // no specified language model, use the one in the reco context
  if (lang_mod == NULL) {
    lang_mod = cntxt_->LangMod();

  // normalize if necessary
  if (cntxt_->SizeNormalization()) {

  // assume not de-slanted by default
  deslanted_ = false;

  // create a beam search object
  if (beam_obj_ == NULL) {
    beam_obj_ = new BeamSearch(cntxt_, word_mode);

  // create a cube search object
  if (srch_obj_ == NULL) {
    srch_obj_ = new CubeSearchObject(cntxt_, char_samp_);

  // run a beam search against the tesslang model
  alt_list_ = beam_obj_->Search(srch_obj_, lang_mod);

  // deslant (if supported by language) and re-reco if probability is low enough
  if (cntxt_->HasItalics() == true &&
      (alt_list_ == NULL || alt_list_->AltCount() < 1 ||
       alt_list_->AltCost(0) > CubeUtils::Prob2Cost(kMinProbSkipDeslanted))) {

    if (deslanted_beam_obj_ == NULL) {
      deslanted_beam_obj_ = new BeamSearch(cntxt_);

    if (deslanted_srch_obj_ == NULL) {
      deslanted_char_samp_ = char_samp_->Clone();
      if (deslanted_char_samp_ == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cube ERROR (CubeObject::Recognize): could not "
                "construct deslanted CharSamp\n");
        return NULL;

      if (deslanted_char_samp_->Deslant() == false) {
        return NULL;

      deslanted_srch_obj_ = new CubeSearchObject(cntxt_, deslanted_char_samp_);

    // run a beam search against the tesslang model
    deslanted_alt_list_ = deslanted_beam_obj_->Search(deslanted_srch_obj_,
    // should we use de-slanted altlist?
    if (deslanted_alt_list_ != NULL &&  deslanted_alt_list_->AltCount() > 0) {
      if (alt_list_ == NULL || alt_list_->AltCount() < 1 ||
          deslanted_alt_list_->AltCost(0) < alt_list_->AltCost(0)) {
        deslanted_ = true;
        return deslanted_alt_list_;

  return alt_list_;

示例11: timeGetTime


					pCamera->m_fAngleX += fRotateY;
					pCamera->m_fAngleZ += fRotateX;

					if(pCamera->GetLookMode()==ZCAMERA_MINIMAP) {
					}else {
						static float lastanglex,lastanglez;
							// 정밀도 유지를 위해 0~2pi 로 유지
							pCamera->m_fAngleZ = fmod(pCamera->m_fAngleZ,2*PI);
							pCamera->m_fAngleX = fmod(pCamera->m_fAngleX,2*PI);


							// 각도제한이 필요하다




					ZCombatInterface* pCombatInterface = ZGetGameInterface()->GetCombatInterface();
					if (pCombatInterface && !pCombatInterface->IsChat() &&
						(pCamera->GetLookMode()==ZCAMERA_FREELOOK || pCamera->GetLookMode()==ZCAMERA_MINIMAP))

						rvector right;
						rvector forward=RCameraDirection;
						const rvector up = rvector(0,0,1);

						rvector accel = rvector(0,0,0);

						if(ZIsActionKeyPressed(ZACTION_FORWARD)==true)	accel+=forward;
						if(ZIsActionKeyPressed(ZACTION_BACK)==true)		accel-=forward;
						if(ZIsActionKeyPressed(ZACTION_LEFT)==true)		accel-=right;
						if(ZIsActionKeyPressed(ZACTION_RIGHT)==true)	accel+=right;
						if(ZIsActionKeyPressed(ZACTION_JUMP)==true)		accel+=up;
						if(ZIsActionKeyPressed(ZACTION_USE_WEAPON)==true)			accel-=up;

						rvector cameraMove = 
							(pCamera->GetLookMode()==ZCAMERA_FREELOOK ? 1000.f : 10000.f )		// 미니맵모드는 빨리 움직임
							* fElapsed*accel;

						rvector targetPos = pCamera->GetPosition()+cameraMove;

						// 프리룩은 충돌체크를 한다
						// 미니맵은 범위내에 있는지 체크한다
							rboundingbox *pbb = &ZGetGame()->GetWorld()->GetBsp()->GetRootNode()->bbTree;
							targetPos.x = max(min(targetPos.x,pbb->maxx),pbb->minx);
							targetPos.y = max(min(targetPos.y,pbb->maxy),pbb->miny);

							ZMiniMap *pMinimap = ZGetGameInterface()->GetMiniMap();
								targetPos.z = max(min(targetPos.z,pMinimap->GetHeightMax()),pMinimap->GetHeightMin());
								targetPos.z = max(min(targetPos.z,7000),2000);



					else if ( !ZGetGame()->IsReplay())
						pMyCharacter->ProcessInput( fElapsed);
			POINT pt={RGetScreenWidth()/2,RGetScreenHeight()/2};

			// 대쉬 키 입력 검사

			pMyCharacter->ReleaseButtonState();	// 메뉴가 나왔을때는 버튼이 눌리지 않은상태로 돌려놓는다

示例12: axis

void CCamera::SetViewByMouse()
    POINT mousePos;									// This is a window structure that holds an X and Y
    int middleX = SCREEN_WIDTH  >> 1;				// This is a binary shift to get half the width
    int middleY = SCREEN_HEIGHT >> 1;				// This is a binary shift to get half the height
    float angleY = 0.0f;							// This is the direction for looking up or down
    float angleZ = 0.0f;							// This will be the value we need to rotate around the Y axis (Left and Right)
    static float currentRotX = 0.0f;

    // Get the mouse's current X,Y position

    // If our cursor is still in the middle, we never moved... so don't update the screen
    if( (mousePos.x == middleX) && (mousePos.y == middleY) ) return;

    // Set the mouse position to the middle of our window
    SetCursorPos(middleX, middleY);

    // Get the direction the mouse moved in, but bring the number down to a reasonable amount
    angleY = (float)( (middleX - mousePos.x) ) / 500.0f;
    angleZ = (float)( (middleY - mousePos.y) ) / 500.0f;

    static float lastRotX = 0.0f;
    lastRotX = currentRotX; // We store off the currentRotX and will use it in when the angle is capped

    // Here we keep track of the current rotation (for up and down) so that
    // we can restrict the camera from doing a full 360 loop.
    currentRotX += angleZ;

    // If the current rotation (in radians) is greater than 1.0, we want to cap it.
    if(currentRotX > 1.0f)
        currentRotX = 1.0f;

        // Rotate by remaining angle if there is any
        if(lastRotX != 1.0f)
            // To find the axis we need to rotate around for up and down
            // movements, we need to get a perpendicular vector from the
            // camera's view vector and up vector.  This will be the axis.
            // Before using the axis, it's a good idea to normalize it first.
            CVector3 vAxis = Cross(m_vView - m_vPosition, m_vUpVector);
            vAxis = Normalize(vAxis);

            // rotate the camera by the remaining angle (1.0f - lastRotX)
            RotateView( 1.0f - lastRotX, vAxis.x, vAxis.y, vAxis.z);
    // Check if the rotation is below -1.0, if so we want to make sure it doesn't continue
    else if(currentRotX < -1.0f)
        currentRotX = -1.0f;

        // Rotate by the remaining angle if there is any
        if(lastRotX != -1.0f)
            // To find the axis we need to rotate around for up and down
            // movements, we need to get a perpendicular vector from the
            // camera's view vector and up vector.  This will be the axis.
            // Before using the axis, it's a good idea to normalize it first.
            CVector3 vAxis = Cross(m_vView - m_vPosition, m_vUpVector);
            vAxis = Normalize(vAxis);

            // rotate the camera by ( -1.0f - lastRotX)
            RotateView( -1.0f - lastRotX, vAxis.x, vAxis.y, vAxis.z);
    // Otherwise, we can rotate the view around our position
        // To find the axis we need to rotate around for up and down
        // movements, we need to get a perpendicular vector from the
        // camera's view vector and up vector.  This will be the axis.
        // Before using the axis, it's a good idea to normalize it first.
        CVector3 vAxis = Cross(m_vView - m_vPosition, m_vUpVector);
        vAxis = Normalize(vAxis);

        // Rotate around our perpendicular axis
        RotateView(angleZ, vAxis.x, vAxis.y, vAxis.z);

    // Always rotate the camera around the y-axis
    RotateView(angleY, 0, 1, 0);

示例13: parentWT0

void TrackerLinearFresnel::Evaluate( Vector3D sunVectorW, Transform parentWT0 )
	Vector3D i = parentWT0( sunVectorW );

	Vector3D localAxis;
	Point3D focusPoint;
	if( activeAxis.getValue() == 0 )
		localAxis  =  Vector3D( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) ;
		focusPoint = Point3D( 0.0, axisOrigin.getValue()[0], axisOrigin.getValue()[1] ) ;
	else if( activeAxis.getValue() == 1 )
		localAxis =  Vector3D( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
		focusPoint = Point3D( axisOrigin.getValue()[0], 0.0, axisOrigin.getValue()[1] ) ;
		localAxis  = Vector3D( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) ;
		focusPoint = Point3D( axisOrigin.getValue()[0], axisOrigin.getValue()[1], 0.0 ) ;

	Vector3D focus = Vector3D( focusPoint );
	if (typeOfAimingPoint.getValue() == 0 ) //Absolute
		localAxis  = parentWT0( localAxis );
		focus = Vector3D( parentWT0( focusPoint ) );

	double angle = 0.0;
	//Dawann : in a Fresnel concentrator we use the project of the sun vector on the normal plan of the axis
	//it= the projection of the sun on the normal plan of the axis...
	if( localAxis == Vector3D( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) )
		Vector3D r = Normalize( Vector3D( 0.0, focus.y, focus.z ) );
		Vector3D it = Normalize( Vector3D( 0.0, i.y, i.z ) );
		Vector3D n = Normalize( it + r );
		if( fabs( n.z ) > 0.0  )	angle = atan2( n.z, n.y );
	else if( localAxis == Vector3D( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) )
		Vector3D r = Normalize( Vector3D( focus.x, 0.0, focus.z ) );
		Vector3D it = Normalize( Vector3D( i.x, 0.0, i.z ) );
		Vector3D n = Normalize( it + r );
		if( fabs( n.z ) > 0.0  )	angle = - atan2( n.z, n.x );
		Vector3D r = Normalize( Vector3D( focus.x, focus.y, 0.0 ) );
		Vector3D it = Normalize( Vector3D( i.x, i.y, 0.0 ) );
		Vector3D n = Normalize( it + r );
		if( fabs( n.x ) > 0.0  )	angle = -atan2( n.x, n.y );

	SbVec3f axis = SbVec3f( localAxis.x, localAxis.y, localAxis.z );

	SoTransform* newTransform = new SoTransform();
	newTransform->rotation.setValue( axis, angle );


示例14: SinCosNormal

VECTOR4D SinCosNormal(float x, float y, float z) {
  VECTOR4D N = { 0.3f * 3.0f * PI * sin(3.0f * x * PI) * sinf(3.0f * y * PI), -0.3f * 3.0f * PI * cosf(3.0f * x * PI) * cos(3.0f * y * PI), 1.0f, 0.0f };
  N = Normalize(N);
  return N;

示例15: skiplightreweightdraw

void skiplightreweightdraw()
	float beta  = 0.045;//110/50 = 0.28;//FEXGSP = 0.4
	float gamma = 1.182;//110/50 = 1.24;//FEXGSP = 0.4

	auto f= new TFile("skiplightreweight.root");
	auto h12all = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12all");
	auto h12fcr = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12fcr");
	auto h12fex = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12fex");
	auto h12gsp = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12gsp");
	auto hSLall = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLall");
	auto hSLfcr = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLfcr");
	auto hSLfex = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLfex");
	auto hSLgsp = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLgsp");
	auto h12data = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12data");
	auto hSLdata = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLdata");

	auto h12dphiall = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12dphiall");
	auto h12dphifcr = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12dphifcr");
	auto h12dphifex = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12dphifex");
	auto h12dphigsp = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12dphigsp");
	auto hSLdphiall = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLdphiall");
	auto hSLdphifcr = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLdphifcr");
	auto hSLdphifex = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLdphifex");
	auto hSLdphigsp = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLdphigsp");
	auto h12dphidata = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12dphidata");
	auto hSLdphidata = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLdphidata");

	auto h12dphiNSall = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12dphiNSall");
	auto h12dphiNSfcr = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12dphiNSfcr");
	auto h12dphiNSfex = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12dphiNSfex");
	auto h12dphiNSgsp = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12dphiNSgsp");
	auto hSLdphiNSall = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLdphiNSall");
	auto hSLdphiNSfcr = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLdphiNSfcr");
	auto hSLdphiNSfex = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLdphiNSfex");
	auto hSLdphiNSgsp = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLdphiNSgsp");
	auto h12dphiNSdata = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12dphiNSdata");
	auto hSLdphiNSdata = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLdphiNSdata");

	auto h12ordall = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12ordall");
	auto h12ordfcr = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12ordfcr");
	auto h12ordfex = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12ordfex");
	auto h12ordgsp = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12ordgsp");
	auto hSLordall = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLordall");
	auto hSLordfcr = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLordfcr");
	auto hSLordfex = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLordfex");
	auto hSLordgsp = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLordgsp");
	auto h12orddata = (TH1F *)f->Get("h12orddata");
	auto hSLorddata = (TH1F *)f->Get("hSLorddata");

	auto h12reweighted = (TH1F *)h12all->Clone("h12reweighted");
	auto hSLreweighted = (TH1F *)hSLall->Clone("hSLreweighted");

	auto h12dphiNSreweighted = (TH1F *)h12dphiNSall->Clone("h12dphiNSreweighted");
	auto hSLdphiNSreweighted = (TH1F *)hSLdphiNSall->Clone("hSLdphiNSreweighted");

	auto h12dphireweighted = (TH1F *)h12dphiall->Clone("h12dphireweighted");
	auto hSLdphireweighted = (TH1F *)hSLdphiall->Clone("hSLdphireweighted");

	auto h12ordreweighted = (TH1F *)h12ordall->Clone("h12ordreweighted");
	auto hSLordreweighted = (TH1F *)hSLordall->Clone("hSLordreweighted");









