本文整理汇总了C++中MEM_mallocN函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ MEM_mallocN函数的具体用法?C++ MEM_mallocN怎么用?C++ MEM_mallocN使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: face_duplilist
static void face_duplilist(ListBase *lb, ID *id, Scene *scene, Object *par, float par_space_mat[][4], int level, int animated)
Object *ob, *ob_iter;
Base *base = NULL;
DupliObject *dob;
DerivedMesh *dm;
Mesh *me= par->data;
MTFace *mtface;
MFace *mface;
MVert *mvert;
float pmat[4][4], imat[3][3], (*orco)[3] = NULL, w;
int lay, oblay, totface, a;
Scene *sce = NULL;
Group *group = NULL;
GroupObject *go = NULL;
EditMesh *em;
float ob__obmat[4][4]; /* needed for groups where the object matrix needs to be modified */
/* simple preventing of too deep nested groups */
if(level>MAX_DUPLI_RECUR) return;
Mat4CpyMat4(pmat, par->obmat);
em = BKE_mesh_get_editmesh(me);
if(em) {
int totvert;
dm= editmesh_get_derived_cage(scene, par, em, CD_MASK_BAREMESH);
totface= dm->getNumFaces(dm);
mface= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MFace)*totface, "mface temp");
dm->copyFaceArray(dm, mface);
totvert= dm->getNumVerts(dm);
mvert= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MVert)*totvert, "mvert temp");
dm->copyVertArray(dm, mvert);
BKE_mesh_end_editmesh(me, em);
else {
dm = mesh_get_derived_deform(scene, par, CD_MASK_BAREMESH);
totface= dm->getNumFaces(dm);
mface= dm->getFaceArray(dm);
mvert= dm->getVertArray(dm);
if(G.rendering) {
orco= (float(*)[3])get_mesh_orco_verts(par);
transform_mesh_orco_verts(me, orco, me->totvert, 0);
mtface= me->mtface;
else {
orco= NULL;
mtface= NULL;
/* having to loop on scene OR group objects is NOT FUN */
if (GS(id->name) == ID_SCE) {
sce = (Scene *)id;
lay= sce->lay;
base= sce->base.first;
} else {
group = (Group *)id;
lay= group->layer;
go = group->gobject.first;
/* Start looping on Scene OR Group objects */
while (base || go) {
if (sce) {
ob_iter= base->object;
oblay = base->lay;
} else {
ob_iter= go->ob;
oblay = ob_iter->lay;
if (lay & oblay && scene->obedit!=ob_iter) {
while(ob) {
if(ob==par) {
ob = ob_iter;
/* End Scene/Group object loop, below is generic */
/* par_space_mat - only used for groups so we can modify the space dupli's are in
when par_space_mat is NULL ob->obmat can be used instead of ob__obmat
Mat4MulMat4(ob__obmat, ob->obmat, par_space_mat);
Mat4CpyMat4(ob__obmat, ob->obmat);
Mat3CpyMat4(imat, ob->parentinv);
/* mballs have a different dupli handling */
if(ob->type!=OB_MBALL) ob->flag |= OB_DONE; /* doesnt render */
for(a=0; a<totface; a++) {
int mv1 = mface[a].v1;
示例2: poly_to_tri_count
* This function populates an array of verts for the triangles of a mesh
* Tangent and Normals are also stored
static TriTessFace *mesh_calc_tri_tessface(
Mesh *me, bool tangent, DerivedMesh *dm)
int i;
MVert *mvert;
TSpace *tspace;
float *precomputed_normals = NULL;
bool calculate_normal;
const int tottri = poly_to_tri_count(me->totpoly, me->totloop);
MLoopTri *looptri;
TriTessFace *triangles;
/* calculate normal for each polygon only once */
unsigned int mpoly_prev = UINT_MAX;
float no[3];
mvert = CustomData_get_layer(&me->vdata, CD_MVERT);
looptri = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*looptri) * tottri, __func__);
triangles = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(TriTessFace) * tottri, __func__);
if (tangent) {
precomputed_normals = dm->getPolyDataArray(dm, CD_NORMAL);
calculate_normal = precomputed_normals ? false : true;
tspace = dm->getLoopDataArray(dm, CD_TANGENT);
me->mloop, me->mpoly,
me->totloop, me->totpoly,
for (i = 0; i < tottri; i++) {
MLoopTri *lt = &looptri[i];
MPoly *mp = &me->mpoly[lt->poly];
triangles[i].mverts[0] = &mvert[me->mloop[lt->tri[0]].v];
triangles[i].mverts[1] = &mvert[me->mloop[lt->tri[1]].v];
triangles[i].mverts[2] = &mvert[me->mloop[lt->tri[2]].v];
triangles[i].is_smooth = (mp->flag & ME_SMOOTH) != 0;
if (tangent) {
triangles[i].tspace[0] = &tspace[lt->tri[0]];
triangles[i].tspace[1] = &tspace[lt->tri[1]];
triangles[i].tspace[2] = &tspace[lt->tri[2]];
if (calculate_normal) {
if (lt->poly != mpoly_prev) {
const MPoly *mp = &me->mpoly[lt->poly];
BKE_mesh_calc_poly_normal(mp, &me->mloop[mp->loopstart], me->mvert, no);
mpoly_prev = lt->poly;
copy_v3_v3(triangles[i].normal, no);
else {
copy_v3_v3(triangles[i].normal, &precomputed_normals[lt->poly]);
return triangles;
示例3: RE_bake_pixels_populate
void RE_bake_pixels_populate(
Mesh *me, BakePixel pixel_array[],
const size_t num_pixels, const BakeImages *bake_images, const char *uv_layer)
BakeDataZSpan bd;
size_t i;
int a, p_id;
const MLoopUV *mloopuv;
const int tottri = poly_to_tri_count(me->totpoly, me->totloop);
MLoopTri *looptri;
/* we can't bake in edit mode */
if (me->edit_btmesh)
bd.pixel_array = pixel_array;
bd.zspan = MEM_callocN(sizeof(ZSpan) * bake_images->size, "bake zspan");
/* initialize all pixel arrays so we know which ones are 'blank' */
for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
pixel_array[i].primitive_id = -1;
for (i = 0; i < bake_images->size; i++) {
zbuf_alloc_span(&bd.zspan[i], bake_images->data[i].width, bake_images->data[i].height, R.clipcrop);
if ((uv_layer == NULL) || (uv_layer[0] == '\0')) {
mloopuv = CustomData_get_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV);
else {
int uv_id = CustomData_get_named_layer(&me->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, uv_layer);
mloopuv = CustomData_get_layer_n(&me->ldata, CD_MTFACE, uv_id);
if (mloopuv == NULL)
looptri = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*looptri) * tottri, __func__);
me->mloop, me->mpoly,
me->totloop, me->totpoly,
p_id = -1;
for (i = 0; i < tottri; i++) {
const MLoopTri *lt = &looptri[i];
const MPoly *mp = &me->mpoly[lt->poly];
float vec[3][2];
int mat_nr = mp->mat_nr;
int image_id = bake_images->lookup[mat_nr];
bd.bk_image = &bake_images->data[image_id];
bd.primitive_id = ++p_id;
for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
const float *uv = mloopuv[lt->tri[a]].uv;
/* Note, workaround for pixel aligned UVs which are common and can screw up our intersection tests
* where a pixel gets in between 2 faces or the middle of a quad,
* camera aligned quads also have this problem but they are less common.
* Add a small offset to the UVs, fixes bug #18685 - Campbell */
vec[a][0] = uv[0] * (float)bd.bk_image->width - (0.5f + 0.001f);
vec[a][1] = uv[1] * (float)bd.bk_image->height - (0.5f + 0.002f);
bake_differentials(&bd, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
zspan_scanconvert(&bd.zspan[image_id], (void *)&bd, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], store_bake_pixel);
for (i = 0; i < bake_images->size; i++) {
示例4: waveModifier_do
static void waveModifier_do(WaveModifierData *md,
Scene *scene, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm,
float (*vertexCos)[3], int numVerts)
WaveModifierData *wmd = (WaveModifierData *) md;
MVert *mvert = NULL;
MDeformVert *dvert;
int defgrp_index;
float ctime = BKE_scene_frame_get(scene);
float minfac = (float)(1.0 / exp(wmd->width * wmd->narrow * wmd->width * wmd->narrow));
float lifefac = wmd->height;
float (*tex_co)[3] = NULL;
const int wmd_axis = wmd->flag & (MOD_WAVE_X | MOD_WAVE_Y);
const float falloff = wmd->falloff;
float falloff_fac = 1.0f; /* when falloff == 0.0f this stays at 1.0f */
if ((wmd->flag & MOD_WAVE_NORM) && (ob->type == OB_MESH))
mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);
if (wmd->objectcenter) {
float mat[4][4];
/* get the control object's location in local coordinates */
invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, ob->obmat);
mul_m4_m4m4(mat, ob->imat, wmd->objectcenter->obmat);
wmd->startx = mat[3][0];
wmd->starty = mat[3][1];
/* get the index of the deform group */
modifier_get_vgroup(ob, dm, wmd->defgrp_name, &dvert, &defgrp_index);
if (wmd->damp == 0) wmd->damp = 10.0f;
if (wmd->lifetime != 0.0f) {
float x = ctime - wmd->timeoffs;
if (x > wmd->lifetime) {
lifefac = x - wmd->lifetime;
if (lifefac > wmd->damp) lifefac = 0.0;
else lifefac = (float)(wmd->height * (1.0f - sqrtf(lifefac / wmd->damp)));
if (wmd->texture) {
tex_co = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*tex_co) * numVerts,
"waveModifier_do tex_co");
get_texture_coords((MappingInfoModifierData *)wmd, ob, dm, vertexCos, tex_co, numVerts);
modifier_init_texture(wmd->modifier.scene, wmd->texture);
if (lifefac != 0.0f) {
/* avoid divide by zero checks within the loop */
float falloff_inv = falloff ? 1.0f / falloff : 1.0f;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
float *co = vertexCos[i];
float x = co[0] - wmd->startx;
float y = co[1] - wmd->starty;
float amplit = 0.0f;
float def_weight = 1.0f;
/* get weights */
if (dvert) {
def_weight = defvert_find_weight(&dvert[i], defgrp_index);
/* if this vert isn't in the vgroup, don't deform it */
if (def_weight == 0.0f) {
switch (wmd_axis) {
amplit = sqrtf(x * x + y * y);
case MOD_WAVE_X:
amplit = x;
case MOD_WAVE_Y:
amplit = y;
/* this way it makes nice circles */
amplit -= (ctime - wmd->timeoffs) * wmd->speed;
if (wmd->flag & MOD_WAVE_CYCL) {
amplit = (float)fmodf(amplit - wmd->width, 2.0f * wmd->width) +
if (falloff != 0.0f) {
float dist = 0.0f;
switch (wmd_axis) {
示例5: render_view3d_draw
void render_view3d_draw(RenderEngine *engine, const bContext *C)
Render *re = engine->re;
RenderResult rres;
char name[32];
render_view3d_do(engine, C);
if (re == NULL) {
sprintf(name, "View3dPreview %p", (void *)CTX_wm_region(C));
re = RE_GetRender(name);
if (re == NULL) return;
RE_AcquireResultImage(re, &rres);
if (rres.rectf) {
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
bool force_fallback = false;
bool need_fallback = true;
float dither = scene->r.dither_intensity;
/* Dithering is not supported on GLSL yet */
force_fallback |= dither != 0.0f;
/* If user decided not to use GLSL, fallback to glaDrawPixelsAuto */
force_fallback |= (U.image_draw_method != IMAGE_DRAW_METHOD_GLSL);
/* Try using GLSL display transform. */
if (force_fallback == false) {
if (IMB_colormanagement_setup_glsl_draw(NULL, &scene->display_settings, TRUE)) {
glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
glaDrawPixelsTex(rres.xof, rres.yof, rres.rectx, rres.recty, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT,
GL_LINEAR, rres.rectf);
need_fallback = false;
/* If GLSL failed, use old-school CPU-based transform. */
if (need_fallback) {
unsigned char *display_buffer = MEM_mallocN(4 * rres.rectx * rres.recty * sizeof(char),
IMB_colormanagement_buffer_make_display_space(rres.rectf, display_buffer, rres.rectx, rres.recty,
4, dither, NULL, &scene->display_settings);
glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
glaDrawPixelsAuto(rres.xof, rres.yof, rres.rectx, rres.recty, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
GL_LINEAR, display_buffer);
示例6: BLI_box_pack_2d
* Main boxpacking function accessed from other functions
* This sets boxes x,y to positive values, sorting from 0,0 outwards.
* There is no limit to the space boxes may take, only that they will be packed
* tightly into the lower left hand corner (0,0)
* \param boxarray: a pre allocated array of boxes.
* only the 'box->x' and 'box->y' are set, 'box->w' and 'box->h' are used,
* 'box->index' is not used at all, the only reason its there
* is that the box array is sorted by area and programs need to be able
* to have some way of writing the boxes back to the original data.
* \param len: the number of boxes in the array.
* \param r_tot_x, r_tot_y: set so you can normalize the data.
* */
void BLI_box_pack_2d(BoxPack *boxarray, const uint len, float *r_tot_x, float *r_tot_y)
uint box_index, verts_pack_len, i, j, k;
uint *vertex_pack_indices; /* an array of indices used for sorting verts */
bool isect;
float tot_x = 0.0f, tot_y = 0.0f;
BoxPack *box, *box_test; /*current box and another for intersection tests*/
BoxVert *vert; /* the current vert */
struct VertSortContext vs_ctx;
if (!len) {
*r_tot_x = tot_x;
*r_tot_y = tot_y;
/* Sort boxes, biggest first */
qsort(boxarray, (size_t)len, sizeof(BoxPack), box_areasort);
/* add verts to the boxes, these are only used internally */
vert = MEM_mallocN((size_t)len * 4 * sizeof(BoxVert), "BoxPack Verts");
vertex_pack_indices = MEM_mallocN((size_t)len * 3 * sizeof(int), "BoxPack Indices");
vs_ctx.vertarray = vert;
for (box = boxarray, box_index = 0, i = 0; box_index < len; box_index++, box++) {
vert->blb = vert->brb = vert->tlb =
vert->isect_cache[0] = vert->isect_cache[1] =
vert->isect_cache[2] = vert->isect_cache[3] = NULL;
vert->free = CORNERFLAGS & ~TRF;
vert->trb = box;
vert->used = false;
vert->index = i++;
box->v[BL] = vert++;
vert->trb = vert->brb = vert->tlb =
vert->isect_cache[0] = vert->isect_cache[1] =
vert->isect_cache[2] = vert->isect_cache[3] = NULL;
vert->free = CORNERFLAGS & ~BLF;
vert->blb = box;
vert->used = false;
vert->index = i++;
box->v[TR] = vert++;
vert->trb = vert->blb = vert->tlb =
vert->isect_cache[0] = vert->isect_cache[1] =
vert->isect_cache[2] = vert->isect_cache[3] = NULL;
vert->free = CORNERFLAGS & ~BRF;
vert->brb = box;
vert->used = false;
vert->index = i++;
box->v[TL] = vert++;
vert->trb = vert->blb = vert->brb =
vert->isect_cache[0] = vert->isect_cache[1] =
vert->isect_cache[2] = vert->isect_cache[3] = NULL;
vert->free = CORNERFLAGS & ~TLF;
vert->tlb = box;
vert->used = false;
vert->index = i++;
box->v[BR] = vert++;
vert = NULL;
/* Pack the First box!
* then enter the main box-packing loop */
box = boxarray; /* get the first box */
/* First time, no boxes packed */
box->v[BL]->free = 0; /* Can't use any if these */
box->v[BR]->free &= ~(BLF | BRF);
box->v[TL]->free &= ~(BLF | TLF);
tot_x = box->w;
tot_y = box->h;
/* This sets all the vertex locations */
box_xmin_set(box, 0.0f);
box_ymin_set(box, 0.0f);
box->x = box->y = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
box->v[i]->used = true;
示例7: BKE_screen_find_big_area
/* screen can be NULL */
static ImBuf *blend_file_thumb(Scene *scene, bScreen *screen, int **thumb_pt)
/* will be scaled down, but gives some nice oversampling */
ImBuf *ibuf;
int *thumb;
char err_out[256] = "unknown";
/* screen if no camera found */
ScrArea *sa = NULL;
ARegion *ar = NULL;
View3D *v3d = NULL;
*thumb_pt = NULL;
/* scene can be NULL if running a script at startup and calling the save operator */
if (G.background || scene == NULL)
return NULL;
if ((scene->camera == NULL) && (screen != NULL)) {
sa = BKE_screen_find_big_area(screen, SPACE_VIEW3D, 0);
ar = BKE_area_find_region_type(sa, RGN_TYPE_WINDOW);
if (ar) {
v3d = sa->spacedata.first;
if (scene->camera == NULL && v3d == NULL) {
return NULL;
/* gets scaled to BLEN_THUMB_SIZE */
if (scene->camera) {
ibuf = ED_view3d_draw_offscreen_imbuf_simple(scene, scene->camera,
IB_rect, OB_SOLID, FALSE, FALSE, R_ADDSKY, err_out);
else {
ibuf = ED_view3d_draw_offscreen_imbuf(scene, v3d, ar, BLEN_THUMB_SIZE * 2, BLEN_THUMB_SIZE * 2,
IB_rect, FALSE, R_ADDSKY, err_out);
if (ibuf) {
float aspect = (scene->r.xsch * scene->r.xasp) / (scene->r.ysch * scene->r.yasp);
/* dirty oversampling */
/* add pretty overlay */
IMB_overlayblend_thumb(ibuf->rect, ibuf->x, ibuf->y, aspect);
/* first write into thumb buffer */
thumb = MEM_mallocN(((2 + (BLEN_THUMB_SIZE * BLEN_THUMB_SIZE))) * sizeof(int), "write_file thumb");
thumb[0] = BLEN_THUMB_SIZE;
thumb[1] = BLEN_THUMB_SIZE;
memcpy(thumb + 2, ibuf->rect, BLEN_THUMB_SIZE * BLEN_THUMB_SIZE * sizeof(int));
else {
/* '*thumb_pt' needs to stay NULL to prevent a bad thumbnail from being handled */
fprintf(stderr, "blend_file_thumb failed to create thumbnail: %s\n", err_out);
thumb = NULL;
/* must be freed by caller */
*thumb_pt = thumb;
return ibuf;
示例8: make_prim
v1= eva[ icoface[a][0] ];
v2= eva[ icoface[a][1] ];
v3= eva[ icoface[a][2] ];
evtemp = addfacelist(em, v1, v2, v3, 0, NULL, NULL);
evtemp->e1->f = 1+2;
evtemp->e2->f = 1+2;
evtemp->e3->f = 1+2;
for(a=1; a<subdiv; a++) esubdivideflag(obedit, em, 2, dia, 0, B_SPHERE,1, SUBDIV_CORNER_PATH, 0);
/* and now do imat */
eve= em->verts.first;
while(eve) {
if(eve->f & 2) {
eve= eve->next;
// Clear the flag 2 from the edges
if(eed->f & 2){
eed->f &= !2;
case PRIM_MONKEY: /* Monkey */
//extern int monkeyo, monkeynv, monkeynf;
//extern signed char monkeyf[][4];
//extern signed char monkeyv[][3];
EditVert **tv= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*tv)*monkeynv*2, "tv");
int i;
for (i=0; i<monkeynv; i++) {
float v[3];
v[0]= (monkeyv[i][0]+127)/128.0, v[1]= monkeyv[i][1]/128.0, v[2]= monkeyv[i][2]/128.0;
tv[i]= addvertlist(em, v, NULL);
tv[i]->f |= SELECT;
tv[monkeynv+i]= (fabs(v[0]= -v[0])<0.001)?tv[i]:addvertlist(em, v, NULL);
tv[monkeynv+i]->f |= SELECT;
for (i=0; i<monkeynf; i++) {
addfacelist(em, tv[monkeyf[i][0]+i-monkeyo], tv[monkeyf[i][1]+i-monkeyo], tv[monkeyf[i][2]+i-monkeyo], (monkeyf[i][3]!=monkeyf[i][2])?tv[monkeyf[i][3]+i-monkeyo]:NULL, NULL, NULL);
addfacelist(em, tv[monkeynv+monkeyf[i][2]+i-monkeyo], tv[monkeynv+monkeyf[i][1]+i-monkeyo], tv[monkeynv+monkeyf[i][0]+i-monkeyo], (monkeyf[i][3]!=monkeyf[i][2])?tv[monkeynv+monkeyf[i][3]+i-monkeyo]:NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* and now do imat */
for(eve= em->verts.first; eve; eve= eve->next) {
if(eve->f & SELECT) {
default: /* all types except grid, sphere... */
else if(ext==0)
depth= 0.0f;
/* first vertex at 0° for circular objects */
示例9: rtbuild_heuristic_object_split
/* Object Surface Area Heuristic splitter */
int rtbuild_heuristic_object_split(RTBuilder *b, int nchilds)
int size = rtbuild_size(b);
assert(nchilds == 2);
assert(size > 1);
int baxis = -1, boffset = 0;
if (size > nchilds) {
float bcost = FLT_MAX;
baxis = -1, boffset = size / 2;
SweepCost *sweep = (SweepCost *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(SweepCost) * size, "RTBuilder.HeuristicSweep");
for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
SweepCost sweep_left;
RTBuilder::Object **obj = b->sorted_begin[axis];
// float right_cost = 0;
for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i == size - 1) {
copy_v3_v3(sweep[i].bb, obj[i]->bb);
copy_v3_v3(sweep[i].bb + 3, obj[i]->bb + 3);
sweep[i].cost = obj[i]->cost;
else {
sweep[i].bb[0] = min_ff(obj[i]->bb[0], sweep[i + 1].bb[0]);
sweep[i].bb[1] = min_ff(obj[i]->bb[1], sweep[i + 1].bb[1]);
sweep[i].bb[2] = min_ff(obj[i]->bb[2], sweep[i + 1].bb[2]);
sweep[i].bb[3] = max_ff(obj[i]->bb[3], sweep[i + 1].bb[3]);
sweep[i].bb[4] = max_ff(obj[i]->bb[4], sweep[i + 1].bb[4]);
sweep[i].bb[5] = max_ff(obj[i]->bb[5], sweep[i + 1].bb[5]);
sweep[i].cost = obj[i]->cost + sweep[i + 1].cost;
// right_cost += obj[i]->cost;
sweep_left.bb[0] = obj[0]->bb[0];
sweep_left.bb[1] = obj[0]->bb[1];
sweep_left.bb[2] = obj[0]->bb[2];
sweep_left.bb[3] = obj[0]->bb[3];
sweep_left.bb[4] = obj[0]->bb[4];
sweep_left.bb[5] = obj[0]->bb[5];
sweep_left.cost = obj[0]->cost;
// right_cost -= obj[0]->cost; if (right_cost < 0) right_cost = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
//Worst case heuristic (cost of each child is linear)
float hcost, left_side, right_side;
// not using log seems to have no impact on raytracing perf, but
// makes tree construction quicker, left out for now to test (brecht)
// left_side = bb_area(sweep_left.bb, sweep_left.bb + 3) * (sweep_left.cost + logf((float)i));
// right_side = bb_area(sweep[i].bb, sweep[i].bb + 3) * (sweep[i].cost + logf((float)size - i));
left_side = bb_area(sweep_left.bb, sweep_left.bb + 3) * (sweep_left.cost);
right_side = bb_area(sweep[i].bb, sweep[i].bb + 3) * (sweep[i].cost);
hcost = left_side + right_side;
assert(left_side >= 0);
assert(right_side >= 0);
if (left_side > bcost) break; //No way we can find a better heuristic in this axis
assert(hcost >= 0);
// this makes sure the tree built is the same whatever is the order of the sorting axis
if (hcost < bcost || (hcost == bcost && axis < baxis)) {
bcost = hcost;
baxis = axis;
boffset = i;
DO_MIN(obj[i]->bb, sweep_left.bb);
DO_MAX(obj[i]->bb + 3, sweep_left.bb + 3);
sweep_left.cost += obj[i]->cost;
// right_cost -= obj[i]->cost; if (right_cost < 0) right_cost = 0;
//assert(baxis >= 0 && baxis < 3);
if (!(baxis >= 0 && baxis < 3))
baxis = 0;
else if (size == 2) {
baxis = 0;
boffset = 1;
else if (size == 1) {
b->child_offset[0] = 0;
b->child_offset[1] = 1;
return 1;
b->child_offset[0] = 0;
b->child_offset[1] = boffset;
b->child_offset[2] = size;
示例10: blf_font_width_to_rstrlen
size_t blf_font_width_to_rstrlen(FontBLF *font, const char *str, size_t len, float width, float *r_width)
unsigned int c;
GlyphBLF *g, *g_prev = NULL;
FT_Vector delta;
int pen_x = 0;
size_t i = 0, i_prev;
GlyphBLF **glyph_ascii_table = font->glyph_cache->glyph_ascii_table;
const int width_i = (int)width + 1;
int width_new;
bool is_malloc;
int (*width_accum)[2];
int width_accum_ofs = 0;
BLF_KERNING_VARS(font, has_kerning, kern_mode);
/* skip allocs in simple cases */
len = BLI_strnlen(str, len);
if (width_i <= 1 || len == 0) {
if (r_width) {
*r_width = 0.0f;
return len;
if (len < 2048) {
width_accum = BLI_array_alloca(width_accum, len);
is_malloc = false;
else {
width_accum = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*width_accum) * len, __func__);
is_malloc = true;
while ((i < len) && str[i]) {
BLF_UTF8_NEXT_FAST(font, g, str, i, c, glyph_ascii_table);
if (UNLIKELY(g == NULL))
if (has_kerning)
BLF_KERNING_STEP(font, kern_mode, g_prev, g, delta, pen_x);
pen_x += g->advance_i;
width_accum[width_accum_ofs][0] = (int)i;
width_accum[width_accum_ofs][1] = pen_x;
g_prev = g;
if (pen_x > width_i && width_accum_ofs != 0) {
const int min_x = pen_x - width_i;
/* search backwards */
width_new = pen_x;
while (width_accum_ofs-- > 0) {
if (min_x > width_accum[width_accum_ofs][1]) {
width_new = pen_x - width_accum[width_accum_ofs][1];
i_prev = (size_t)width_accum[width_accum_ofs][0];
else {
width_new = pen_x;
i_prev = 0;
if (is_malloc) {
if (r_width) {
*r_width = (float)width_new;
return i_prev;
示例11: calc_curvepath
void calc_curvepath(Object *ob)
BevList *bl;
BevPoint *bevp, *bevpn, *bevpfirst, *bevplast;
PathPoint *pp;
Curve *cu;
Nurb *nu;
Path *path;
float *fp, *dist, *maxdist, xyz[3];
float fac, d=0, fac1, fac2;
int a, tot, cycl=0;
/* in a path vertices are with equal differences: path->len = number of verts */
if(ob==NULL || ob->type != OB_CURVE) return;
cu= ob->data;
nu= cu->editnurb->first;
nu= cu->nurb.first;
if(cu->path) free_path(cu->path);
cu->path= NULL;
bl= cu->bev.first;
if(bl==NULL || !bl->nr) return;
cu->path=path= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Path), "path");
/* if POLY: last vertice != first vertice */
cycl= (bl->poly!= -1);
if(cycl) tot= bl->nr;
else tot= bl->nr-1;
path->len= tot+1;
/* exception: vector handle paths and polygon paths should be subdivided at least a factor resolu */
if(path->len<nu->resolu*SEGMENTSU(nu)) path->len= nu->resolu*SEGMENTSU(nu);
dist= (float *)MEM_mallocN((tot+1)*4, "calcpathdist");
/* all lengths in *dist */
bevp= bevpfirst= (BevPoint *)(bl+1);
fp= dist;
*fp= 0;
for(a=0; a<tot; a++) {
if(cycl && a==tot-1)
VecSubf(xyz, bevpfirst->vec, bevp->vec);
VecSubf(xyz, (bevp+1)->vec, bevp->vec);
*fp= *(fp-1)+VecLength(xyz);
path->totdist= *fp;
/* the path verts in path->data */
/* now also with TILT value */
pp= path->data = (PathPoint *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(PathPoint)*4*path->len, "pathdata"); // XXX - why *4? - in 2.4x each element was 4 and the size was 16, so better leave for now - Campbell
bevp= bevpfirst;
bevpn= bevp+1;
bevplast= bevpfirst + (bl->nr-1);
fp= dist+1;
maxdist= dist+tot;
fac= 1.0f/((float)path->len-1.0f);
fac = fac * path->totdist;
for(a=0; a<path->len; a++) {
d= ((float)a)*fac;
/* we're looking for location (distance) 'd' in the array */
while((d>= *fp) && fp<maxdist) {
if(bevp<bevplast) bevp++;
bevpn= bevp+1;
if(bevpn>bevplast) {
if(cycl) bevpn= bevpfirst;
else bevpn= bevplast;
fac1= *(fp)- *(fp-1);
fac2= *(fp)-d;
fac1= fac2/fac1;
fac2= 1.0f-fac1;
VecLerpf(pp->vec, bevp->vec, bevpn->vec, fac2);
pp->vec[3]= fac1*bevp->alfa + fac2*bevpn->alfa;
pp->radius= fac1*bevp->radius + fac2*bevpn->radius;
QuatInterpol(pp->quat, bevp->quat, bevpn->quat, fac2);
示例12: warpModifier_do
static void warpModifier_do(WarpModifierData *wmd, Object *ob,
DerivedMesh *dm, float (*vertexCos)[3], int numVerts)
float obinv[4][4];
float mat_from[4][4];
float mat_from_inv[4][4];
float mat_to[4][4];
float mat_unit[4][4];
float mat_final[4][4];
float tmat[4][4];
float strength = wmd->strength;
float fac = 1.0f, weight;
int i;
int defgrp_index;
MDeformVert *dvert, *dv = NULL;
float (*tex_co)[3] = NULL;
if (!(wmd->object_from && wmd->object_to))
modifier_get_vgroup(ob, dm, wmd->defgrp_name, &dvert, &defgrp_index);
if (wmd->curfalloff == NULL) /* should never happen, but bad lib linking could cause it */
wmd->curfalloff = curvemapping_add(1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
if (wmd->curfalloff) {
invert_m4_m4(obinv, ob->obmat);
mul_m4_m4m4(mat_from, obinv, wmd->object_from->obmat);
mul_m4_m4m4(mat_to, obinv, wmd->object_to->obmat);
invert_m4_m4(tmat, mat_from); // swap?
mul_m4_m4m4(mat_final, tmat, mat_to);
invert_m4_m4(mat_from_inv, mat_from);
if (strength < 0.0f) {
float loc[3];
strength = -strength;
/* inverted location is not useful, just use the negative */
copy_v3_v3(loc, mat_final[3]);
negate_v3_v3(mat_final[3], loc);
weight = strength;
if (wmd->texture) {
tex_co = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*tex_co) * numVerts, "warpModifier_do tex_co");
get_texture_coords((MappingInfoModifierData *)wmd, ob, dm, vertexCos, tex_co, numVerts);
modifier_init_texture(wmd->modifier.scene, wmd->texture);
for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
float *co = vertexCos[i];
if (wmd->falloff_type == eWarp_Falloff_None ||
((fac = len_v3v3(co, mat_from[3])) < wmd->falloff_radius &&
(fac = (wmd->falloff_radius - fac) / wmd->falloff_radius)))
/* skip if no vert group found */
if (dvert && defgrp_index != -1) {
dv = &dvert[i];
if (dv) {
weight = defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index) * strength;
if (weight <= 0.0f) /* Should never occure... */
/* closely match PROP_SMOOTH and similar */
switch (wmd->falloff_type) {
case eWarp_Falloff_None:
fac = 1.0f;
case eWarp_Falloff_Curve:
fac = curvemapping_evaluateF(wmd->curfalloff, 0, fac);
case eWarp_Falloff_Sharp:
fac = fac * fac;
case eWarp_Falloff_Smooth:
fac = 3.0f * fac * fac - 2.0f * fac * fac * fac;
case eWarp_Falloff_Root:
fac = (float)sqrt(fac);
case eWarp_Falloff_Linear:
示例13: dm_mvert_map_doubles
* Take as inputs two sets of verts, to be processed for detection of doubles and mapping.
* Each set of verts is defined by its start within mverts array and its num_verts;
* It builds a mapping for all vertices within source, to vertices within target, or -1 if no double found
* The int doubles_map[num_verts_source] array must have been allocated by caller.
static void dm_mvert_map_doubles(
int *doubles_map,
const MVert *mverts,
const int target_start,
const int target_num_verts,
const int source_start,
const int source_num_verts,
const float dist,
const bool with_follow)
const float dist3 = ((float)M_SQRT3 + 0.00005f) * dist; /* Just above sqrt(3) */
int i_source, i_target, i_target_low_bound, target_end, source_end;
SortVertsElem *sorted_verts_target, *sorted_verts_source;
SortVertsElem *sve_source, *sve_target, *sve_target_low_bound;
bool target_scan_completed;
target_end = target_start + target_num_verts;
source_end = source_start + source_num_verts;
/* build array of MVerts to be tested for merging */
sorted_verts_target = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(SortVertsElem) * target_num_verts, __func__);
sorted_verts_source = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(SortVertsElem) * source_num_verts, __func__);
/* Copy target vertices index and cos into SortVertsElem array */
svert_from_mvert(sorted_verts_target, mverts + target_start, target_start, target_end);
/* Copy source vertices index and cos into SortVertsElem array */
svert_from_mvert(sorted_verts_source, mverts + source_start, source_start, source_end);
/* sort arrays according to sum of vertex coordinates (sumco) */
qsort(sorted_verts_target, target_num_verts, sizeof(SortVertsElem), svert_sum_cmp);
qsort(sorted_verts_source, source_num_verts, sizeof(SortVertsElem), svert_sum_cmp);
sve_target_low_bound = sorted_verts_target;
i_target_low_bound = 0;
target_scan_completed = false;
/* Scan source vertices, in SortVertsElem sorted array, */
/* all the while maintaining the lower bound of possible doubles in target vertices */
for (i_source = 0, sve_source = sorted_verts_source;
i_source < source_num_verts;
i_source++, sve_source++)
bool double_found;
float sve_source_sumco;
/* If source has already been assigned to a target (in an earlier call, with other chunks) */
if (doubles_map[sve_source->vertex_num] != -1) {
/* If target fully scanned already, then all remaining source vertices cannot have a double */
if (target_scan_completed) {
doubles_map[sve_source->vertex_num] = -1;
sve_source_sumco = sum_v3(sve_source->co);
/* Skip all target vertices that are more than dist3 lower in terms of sumco */
/* and advance the overall lower bound, applicable to all remaining vertices as well. */
while ((i_target_low_bound < target_num_verts) &&
(sve_target_low_bound->sum_co < sve_source_sumco - dist3))
/* If end of target list reached, then no more possible doubles */
if (i_target_low_bound >= target_num_verts) {
doubles_map[sve_source->vertex_num] = -1;
target_scan_completed = true;
/* Test target candidates starting at the low bound of possible doubles, ordered in terms of sumco */
i_target = i_target_low_bound;
sve_target = sve_target_low_bound;
/* i_target will scan vertices in the [v_source_sumco - dist3; v_source_sumco + dist3] range */
double_found = false;
while ((i_target < target_num_verts) &&
(sve_target->sum_co <= sve_source_sumco + dist3))
/* Testing distance for candidate double in target */
/* v_target is within dist3 of v_source in terms of sumco; check real distance */
if (compare_len_v3v3(sve_source->co, sve_target->co, dist)) {
/* Double found */
/* If double target is itself already mapped to other vertex,
* behavior depends on with_follow option */
int target_vertex = sve_target->vertex_num;
if (doubles_map[target_vertex] != -1) {
if (with_follow) { /* with_follow option: map to initial target */
target_vertex = doubles_map[target_vertex];
示例14: MEM_mallocN
static struct ImageUI_Data *ui_imageuser_data_copy(const struct ImageUI_Data *rnd_pt_src)
struct ImageUI_Data *rnd_pt_dst = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*rnd_pt_src), __func__);
memcpy(rnd_pt_dst, rnd_pt_src, sizeof(*rnd_pt_src));
return rnd_pt_dst;
示例15: get_dm_for_modifier
/* calculate the maximum number of copies which will fit within the
* prescribed length */
if (amd->fit_type == MOD_ARR_FITLENGTH || amd->fit_type == MOD_ARR_FITCURVE) {
float dist = len_v3(offset[3]);
if (dist > eps) {
/* this gives length = first copy start to last copy end
* add a tiny offset for floating point rounding errors */
count = (length + eps) / dist;
else {
/* if the offset has no translation, just make one copy */
count = 1;
if (count < 1)
count = 1;
/* The number of verts, edges, loops, polys, before eventually merging doubles */
result_nverts = chunk_nverts * count + start_cap_nverts + end_cap_nverts;
result_nedges = chunk_nedges * count + start_cap_nedges + end_cap_nedges;
result_nloops = chunk_nloops * count + start_cap_nloops + end_cap_nloops;
result_npolys = chunk_npolys * count + start_cap_npolys + end_cap_npolys;
/* Initialize a result dm */
result = CDDM_from_template(dm, result_nverts, result_nedges, 0, result_nloops, result_npolys);
result_dm_verts = CDDM_get_verts(result);
if (use_merge) {
/* Will need full_doubles_map for handling merge */
full_doubles_map = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int) * result_nverts, "mod array doubles map");
fill_vn_i(full_doubles_map, result_nverts, -1);
/* copy customdata to original geometry */
DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nverts);
DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nedges);
DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nloops);
DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_npolys);
/* subsurf for eg wont have mesh data in the
* now add mvert/medge/mface layers */
if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->vertData, CD_MVERT)) {
dm->copyVertArray(dm, result_dm_verts);
if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->edgeData, CD_MEDGE)) {
dm->copyEdgeArray(dm, CDDM_get_edges(result));
if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->polyData, CD_MPOLY)) {
dm->copyLoopArray(dm, CDDM_get_loops(result));
dm->copyPolyArray(dm, CDDM_get_polys(result));
/* Remember first chunk, in case of cap merge */
first_chunk_start = 0;
first_chunk_nverts = chunk_nverts;
for (c = 1; c < count; c++) {
/* copy customdata to new geometry */
DM_copy_vert_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_nverts, chunk_nverts);
DM_copy_edge_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_nedges, chunk_nedges);