本文整理汇总了C++中L_ABS函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ L_ABS函数的具体用法?C++ L_ABS怎么用?C++ L_ABS使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: pixRotateAMGrayCorner
* pixRotateAMGrayCorner()
* Input: pixs
* angle (radians; clockwise is positive)
* grayval (0 to bring in BLACK, 255 for WHITE)
* Return: pixd, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) Rotates the image about the UL corner.
* (2) A positive angle gives a clockwise rotation.
* (3) Specify the grayvalue to be brought in from outside the image.
pixRotateAMGrayCorner(PIX *pixs,
l_float32 angle,
l_uint8 grayval)
l_int32 w, h, wpls, wpld;
l_uint32 *datas, *datad;
PIX *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 8)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs must be 8 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (L_ABS(angle) < VERY_SMALL_ANGLE)
return pixClone(pixs);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
datas = pixGetData(pixs);
wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
rotateAMGrayCornerLow(datad, w, h, wpld, datas, wpls, angle, grayval);
return pixd;
示例2: pixRotate3Shear
* pixRotate3Shear()
* Input: pixs
* xcen, ycen (center of rotation)
* angle (radians)
* Return: pixd, or null on error.
* Notes:
* (1) This rotates the image about the image center,
* using the 3-shear method. It can be used for any angle, and
* should be used for angles larger than MAX_2_SHEAR_ANGLE.
* (2) A positive angle gives a clockwise rotation.
* (3) 3-shear rotation by a specified angle is equivalent
* to the sequential transformations
* y' = y + tan(angle/2) * (x - xcen) for first y-shear
* x' = x + sin(angle) * (y - ycen) for x-shear
* y' = y + tan(angle/2) * (x - xcen) for second y-shear
* (4) Computation of tan(angle) is performed in the shear operations.
* (5) This brings in 'incolor' pixels from outside the image.
* (6) The algorithm was published by Alan Paeth: "A Fast Algorithm
* for General Raster Rotation," Graphics Interface '86,
* pp. 77-81, May 1986. A description of the method, along with
* an implementation, can be found in Graphics Gems, p. 179,
* edited by Andrew Glassner, published by Academic Press, 1990.
pixRotate3Shear(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 xcen,
l_int32 ycen,
l_float32 angle,
l_int32 incolor)
l_float32 hangle;
PIX *pixt, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
return (PIX *)(PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor value", procName, NULL);
if (L_ABS(angle) < VERY_SMALL_ANGLE)
return pixClone(pixs);
hangle = atan(sin(angle));
if ((pixd = pixVShear(NULL, pixs, xcen, angle / 2., incolor)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
if ((pixt = pixHShear(NULL, pixd, ycen, hangle, incolor)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixt not made", procName, NULL);
pixVShear(pixd, pixt, xcen, angle / 2., incolor);
return pixd;
示例3: kernelNormalize
* kernelNormalize()
* Input: kels (source kel, to be normalized)
* normsum (desired sum of elements in keld)
* Return: keld (normalized version of kels), or null on error
* or if sum of elements is very close to 0)
* Notes:
* (1) If the sum of kernel elements is close to 0, do not
* try to calculate the normalized kernel. Instead,
* return a copy of the input kernel, with an error message.
kernelNormalize(L_KERNEL *kels,
l_float32 normsum)
l_int32 i, j, sx, sy, cx, cy;
l_float32 sum, factor;
L_KERNEL *keld;
if (!kels)
return (L_KERNEL *)ERROR_PTR("kels not defined", procName, NULL);
kernelGetSum(kels, &sum);
if (L_ABS(sum) < 0.01) {
L_ERROR("null sum; not normalizing; returning a copy", procName);
return kernelCopy(kels);
kernelGetParameters(kels, &sy, &sx, &cy, &cx);
if ((keld = kernelCreate(sy, sx)) == NULL)
return (L_KERNEL *)ERROR_PTR("keld not made", procName, NULL);
keld->cy = cy;
keld->cx = cx;
factor = normsum / sum;
for (i = 0; i < sy; i++)
for (j = 0; j < sx; j++)
keld->data[i][j] = factor * kels->data[i][j];
return keld;
示例4: pixBilateralGrayExact
* pixBilateralGrayExact()
* Input: pixs (8 bpp gray)
* spatial_kel (gaussian kernel)
* range_kel (<optional> 256 x 1, monotonically decreasing)
* Return: pixd (8 bpp bilateral filtered image)
* Notes:
* (1) See pixBilateralExact().
pixBilateralGrayExact(PIX *pixs,
L_KERNEL *spatial_kel,
L_KERNEL *range_kel) {
l_int32 i, j, id, jd, k, m, w, h, d, sx, sy, cx, cy, wplt, wpld;
l_int32 val, center_val;
l_uint32 *datat, *datad, *linet, *lined;
l_float32 sum, weight_sum, weight;
L_KERNEL *keli;
PIX *pixt, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *) ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 8)
return (PIX *) ERROR_PTR("pixs must be gray", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
if (!spatial_kel)
return (PIX *) ERROR_PTR("spatial kel not defined", procName, NULL);
if (!range_kel)
return pixConvolve(pixs, spatial_kel, 8, 1);
if (range_kel->sx != 256 || range_kel->sy != 1)
return (PIX *) ERROR_PTR("range kel not {256 x 1", procName, NULL);
keli = kernelInvert(spatial_kel);
kernelGetParameters(keli, &sy, &sx, &cy, &cx);
if ((pixt = pixAddMirroredBorder(pixs, cx, sx - cx, cy, sy - cy)) == NULL)
return (PIX *) ERROR_PTR("pixt not made", procName, NULL);
pixd = pixCreate(w, h, 8);
datat = pixGetData(pixt);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
wplt = pixGetWpl(pixt);
wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
for (i = 0, id = 0; id < h; i++, id++) {
lined = datad + id * wpld;
for (j = 0, jd = 0; jd < w; j++, jd++) {
center_val = GET_DATA_BYTE(datat + (i + cy) * wplt, j + cx);
weight_sum = 0.0;
sum = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < sy; k++) {
linet = datat + (i + k) * wplt;
for (m = 0; m < sx; m++) {
val = GET_DATA_BYTE(linet, j + m);
weight = keli->data[k][m] *
range_kel->data[0][L_ABS(center_val - val)];
weight_sum += weight;
sum += val * weight;
SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, jd, (l_int32)(sum / weight_sum + 0.5));
return pixd;
示例5: pixRotateAMColorFast
* pixRotateAMColorFast()
* Input: pixs
* angle (radians; clockwise is positive)
* colorval (e.g., 0 to bring in BLACK, 0xffffff00 for WHITE)
* Return: pixd, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) This rotates a color image about the image center.
* (2) A positive angle gives a clockwise rotation.
* (3) It uses area mapping, dividing each pixel into
* 16 subpixels.
* (4) It is about 10% to 20% faster than the more accurate linear
* interpolation function pixRotateAMColor(),
* which uses 256 subpixels.
* (5) For some reason it shifts the image center.
* No attempt is made to rotate the alpha component.
* *** Warning: implicit assumption about RGB component ordering ***
pixRotateAMColorFast(PIX *pixs,
l_float32 angle,
l_uint32 colorval)
l_int32 w, h, wpls, wpld;
l_uint32 *datas, *datad;
PIX *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 32)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs must be 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
return pixClone(pixs);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
datas = pixGetData(pixs);
wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
rotateAMColorFastLow(datad, w, h, wpld, datas, wpls, angle, colorval);
return pixd;
示例6: regTestCompareValues
* \brief regTestCompareValues()
* \param[in] rp regtest parameters
* \param[in] val1 typ. the golden value
* \param[in] val2 typ. the value computed
* \param[in] delta allowed max absolute difference
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error a failure in comparison is not an error
regTestCompareValues(L_REGPARAMS *rp,
l_float32 val1,
l_float32 val2,
l_float32 delta)
l_float32 diff;
if (!rp)
return ERROR_INT("rp not defined", procName, 1);
diff = L_ABS(val2 - val1);
/* Record on failure */
if (diff > delta) {
if (rp->fp) {
"Failure in %s_reg: value comparison for index %d\n"
"difference = %f but allowed delta = %f\n",
rp->testname, rp->index, diff, delta);
"Failure in %s_reg: value comparison for index %d\n"
"difference = %f but allowed delta = %f\n",
rp->testname, rp->index, diff, delta);
rp->success = FALSE;
return 0;
示例7: pixRotate3Shear
* \brief pixRotate3Shear()
* \param[in] pixs
* \param[in] xcen, ycen center of rotation
* \param[in] angle radians
* \param[in] incolor L_BRING_IN_WHITE, L_BRING_IN_BLACK;
* \return pixd, or NULL on error.
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This rotates the image about the given point, using the 3-shear
* method. It should only be used for angles smaller than
* LIMIT_SHEAR_ANGLE. For larger angles, a warning is issued.
* (2) A positive angle gives a clockwise rotation.
* (3) 3-shear rotation by a specified angle is equivalent
* to the sequential transformations
* y' = y + tan(angle/2) * (x - xcen) for first y-shear
* x' = x + sin(angle) * (y - ycen) for x-shear
* y' = y + tan(angle/2) * (x - xcen) for second y-shear
* (4) Computation of tan(angle) is performed in the shear operations.
* (5) This brings in 'incolor' pixels from outside the image.
* (6) If the image has an alpha layer, it is rotated separately by
* two shears.
* (7) The algorithm was published by Alan Paeth: "A Fast Algorithm
* for General Raster Rotation," Graphics Interface '86,
* pp. 77-81, May 1986. A description of the method, along with
* an implementation, can be found in Graphics Gems, p. 179,
* edited by Andrew Glassner, published by Academic Press, 1990.
* </pre>
pixRotate3Shear(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 xcen,
l_int32 ycen,
l_float32 angle,
l_int32 incolor)
l_float32 hangle;
PIX *pix1, *pix2, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
return (PIX *)(PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor value", procName, NULL);
return pixClone(pixs);
if (L_ABS(angle) > LIMIT_SHEAR_ANGLE) {
L_WARNING("%6.2f radians; large angle for 3-shear rotation\n",
procName, L_ABS(angle));
hangle = atan(sin(angle));
if ((pixd = pixVShear(NULL, pixs, xcen, angle / 2., incolor)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
if ((pix1 = pixHShear(NULL, pixd, ycen, hangle, incolor)) == NULL) {
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pix1 not made", procName, NULL);
pixVShear(pixd, pix1, xcen, angle / 2., incolor);
if (pixGetDepth(pixs) == 32 && pixGetSpp(pixs) == 4) {
pix1 = pixGetRGBComponent(pixs, L_ALPHA_CHANNEL);
/* L_BRING_IN_WHITE brings in opaque for the alpha component */
pix2 = pixRotate3Shear(pix1, xcen, ycen, angle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
pixSetRGBComponent(pixd, pix2, L_ALPHA_CHANNEL);
return pixd;
示例8: pixRasteropHip
* pixRasteropHip()
* Input: pixd (in-place operation)
* by (top of horizontal band)
* bh (height of horizontal band)
* hshift (horizontal shift of band; hshift > 0 is to right)
* Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
* Notes:
* (1) This rasterop translates a horizontal band of the
* image either left or right, bringing in either white
* or black pixels from outside the image.
* (2) The horizontal band extends the full width of pixd.
* (3) If a colormap exists, the nearest color to white or black
* is brought in.
pixRasteropHip(PIX *pixd,
l_int32 by,
l_int32 bh,
l_int32 hshift,
l_int32 incolor)
l_int32 w, h, d, index, op;
PIX *pixt;
PIXCMAP *cmap;
if (!pixd)
return ERROR_INT("pixd not defined", procName, 1);
if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
return ERROR_INT("invalid value for incolor", procName, 1);
if (bh <= 0)
return ERROR_INT("bh must be > 0", procName, 1);
if (hshift == 0)
return 0;
pixGetDimensions(pixd, &w, &h, &d);
rasteropHipLow(pixGetData(pixd), h, d, pixGetWpl(pixd), by, bh, hshift);
cmap = pixGetColormap(pixd);
if (!cmap) {
if ((d == 1 && incolor == L_BRING_IN_BLACK) ||
(d > 1 && incolor == L_BRING_IN_WHITE))
op = PIX_SET;
op = PIX_CLR;
/* Set the pixels brought in at left or right */
if (hshift > 0)
pixRasterop(pixd, 0, by, hshift, bh, op, NULL, 0, 0);
else /* hshift < 0 */
pixRasterop(pixd, w + hshift, by, -hshift, bh, op, NULL, 0, 0);
return 0;
/* Get the nearest index and fill with that */
if (incolor == L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
pixcmapGetRankIntensity(cmap, 0.0, &index);
else /* white */
pixcmapGetRankIntensity(cmap, 1.0, &index);
pixt = pixCreate(L_ABS(hshift), bh, d);
pixSetAllArbitrary(pixt, index);
if (hshift > 0)
pixRasterop(pixd, 0, by, hshift, bh, PIX_SRC, pixt, 0, 0);
else /* hshift < 0 */
pixRasterop(pixd, w + hshift, by, -hshift, bh, PIX_SRC, pixt, 0, 0);
return 0;
示例9: makeBarrelshiftString
* \brief makeBarrelshiftString()
static char *
makeBarrelshiftString(l_int32 delx, /* j - cx */
l_int32 dely) /* i - cy */
l_int32 absx, absy;
char bigbuf[L_BUF_SIZE];
if (delx < -31 || delx > 31)
return (char *)ERROR_PTR("delx out of bounds", procName, NULL);
if (dely < -31 || dely > 31)
return (char *)ERROR_PTR("dely out of bounds", procName, NULL);
absx = L_ABS(delx);
absy = L_ABS(dely);
if ((delx == 0) && (dely == 0))
sprintf(bigbuf, "(*sptr)");
else if ((delx == 0) && (dely < 0))
sprintf(bigbuf, "(*(sptr %s))", wplstrm[absy - 1]);
else if ((delx == 0) && (dely > 0))
sprintf(bigbuf, "(*(sptr %s))", wplstrp[absy - 1]);
else if ((delx < 0) && (dely == 0))
sprintf(bigbuf, "((*(sptr) >> %d) | (*(sptr - 1) << %d))",
absx, 32 - absx);
else if ((delx > 0) && (dely == 0))
sprintf(bigbuf, "((*(sptr) << %d) | (*(sptr + 1) >> %d))",
absx, 32 - absx);
else if ((delx < 0) && (dely < 0))
sprintf(bigbuf, "((*(sptr %s) >> %d) | (*(sptr %s - 1) << %d))",
wplstrm[absy - 1], absx, wplstrm[absy - 1], 32 - absx);
else if ((delx > 0) && (dely < 0))
sprintf(bigbuf, "((*(sptr %s) << %d) | (*(sptr %s + 1) >> %d))",
wplstrm[absy - 1], absx, wplstrm[absy - 1], 32 - absx);
else if ((delx < 0) && (dely > 0))
sprintf(bigbuf, "((*(sptr %s) >> %d) | (*(sptr %s - 1) << %d))",
wplstrp[absy - 1], absx, wplstrp[absy - 1], 32 - absx);
else /* ((delx > 0) && (dely > 0)) */
sprintf(bigbuf, "((*(sptr %s) << %d) | (*(sptr %s + 1) >> %d))",
wplstrp[absy - 1], absx, wplstrp[absy - 1], 32 - absx);
return stringNew(bigbuf);
示例10: dewarpaInfo
* dewarpaInfo()
* Input: fp
* dewa
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
dewarpaInfo(FILE *fp,
L_DEWARPA *dewa)
l_int32 i, n, pageno, nnone, nvsuccess, nvvalid, nhsuccess, nhvalid, nref;
L_DEWARP *dew;
if (!fp)
return ERROR_INT("dewa not defined", procName, 1);
if (!dewa)
return ERROR_INT("dewa not defined", procName, 1);
fprintf(fp, "\nDewarpaInfo: %p\n", dewa);
fprintf(fp, "nalloc = %d, maxpage = %d\n", dewa->nalloc, dewa->maxpage);
fprintf(fp, "sampling = %d, redfactor = %d, minlines = %d\n",
dewa->sampling, dewa->redfactor, dewa->minlines);
fprintf(fp, "maxdist = %d, useboth = %d\n",
dewa->maxdist, dewa->useboth);
dewarpaModelStats(dewa, &nnone, &nvsuccess, &nvvalid,
&nhsuccess, &nhvalid, &nref);
n = numaGetCount(dewa->napages);
fprintf(stderr, "Total number of pages with a dew = %d\n", n);
fprintf(stderr, "Number of pages without any models = %d\n", nnone);
fprintf(stderr, "Number of pages with a vert model = %d\n", nvsuccess);
fprintf(stderr, "Number of pages with a valid vert model = %d\n", nvvalid);
fprintf(stderr, "Number of pages with both models = %d\n", nhsuccess);
fprintf(stderr, "Number of pages with both models valid = %d\n", nhvalid);
fprintf(stderr, "Number of pages with a ref model = %d\n", nref);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
numaGetIValue(dewa->napages, i, &pageno);
if ((dew = dewarpaGetDewarp(dewa, pageno)) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Page: %d\n", dew->pageno);
fprintf(stderr, " hasref = %d, refpage = %d\n",
dew->hasref, dew->refpage);
fprintf(stderr, " nlines = %d\n", dew->nlines);
fprintf(stderr, " w = %d, h = %d, nx = %d, ny = %d\n",
dew->w, dew->h, dew->nx, dew->ny);
if (dew->sampvdispar)
fprintf(stderr, " Vertical disparity builds:\n"
" (min,max,abs-diff) line curvature = (%d,%d,%d)\n",
dew->mincurv, dew->maxcurv, dew->maxcurv - dew->mincurv);
if (dew->samphdispar)
fprintf(stderr, " Horizontal disparity builds:\n"
" left edge slope = %d, right edge slope = %d\n"
" (left,right,abs-diff) edge curvature = (%d,%d,%d)\n",
dew->leftslope, dew->rightslope, dew->leftcurv,
dew->rightcurv, L_ABS(dew->leftcurv - dew->rightcurv));
return 0;
示例11: localSearchForBackground
* localSearchForBackground()
* Input: &x, &y (starting position for search; return found position)
* maxrad (max distance to search from starting location)
* Return: 0 if bg pixel found; 1 if not found
static l_int32
localSearchForBackground(PIX *pix,
l_int32 *px,
l_int32 *py,
l_int32 maxrad)
l_int32 x, y, w, h, r, i, j;
l_uint32 val;
x = *px;
y = *py;
pixGetPixel(pix, x, y, &val);
if (val == 0) return 0;
/* For each value of r, restrict the search to the boundary
* pixels in a square centered on (x,y), clipping to the
* image boundaries if necessary. */
pixGetDimensions(pix, &w, &h, NULL);
for (r = 1; r < maxrad; r++) {
for (i = -r; i <= r; i++) {
if (y + i < 0 || y + i >= h)
for (j = -r; j <= r; j++) {
if (x + j < 0 || x + j >= w)
if (L_ABS(i) != r && L_ABS(j) != r) /* not on "r ring" */
pixGetPixel(pix, x + j, y + i, &val);
if (val == 0) {
*px = x + j;
*py = y + i;
return 0;
return 1;
示例12: pixRotateShear
* pixRotateShear()
* Input: pixs
* xcen (x value for which there is no horizontal shear)
* ycen (y value for which there is no vertical shear)
* angle (radians)
* Return: pixd, or null on error.
* Notes:
* (1) This rotates an image about the given point, using
* either 2 or 3 shears.
* (2) A positive angle gives a clockwise rotation.
* (3) This brings in 'incolor' pixels from outside the image.
pixRotateShear(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 xcen,
l_int32 ycen,
l_float32 angle,
l_int32 incolor)
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)(PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
return (PIX *)(PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor value", procName, NULL);
if (L_ABS(angle) < VERY_SMALL_ANGLE)
return pixClone(pixs);
if (L_ABS(angle) <= MAX_2_SHEAR_ANGLE)
return pixRotate2Shear(pixs, xcen, ycen, angle, incolor);
return pixRotate3Shear(pixs, xcen, ycen, angle, incolor);
示例13: ValidatePairOld
* Test whether b1 and b2 are close enough to be a character pair.
bool ValidatePairOld(BOX *b1, BOX *b2) {
l_int32 max_w = L_MAX(b1->w, b2->w);
l_int32 centerx1 = b1->x + b1->w / 2;
l_int32 centerx2 = b2->x + b2->w / 2;
l_int32 h_dist = L_ABS(centerx1 - centerx2);
/* Horizontal distance between centers is
* less than twice the wider character */
if (h_dist > max_w * OLDPAIR_MAX_HDIST_RATIO)
return false;
l_int32 max_h = L_MAX(b1->h, b2->h);
l_int32 centery1 = b1->y + b1->h / 2;
l_int32 centery2 = b2->y + b2->h / 2;
l_int32 v_dist = L_ABS(centery1 - centery2);
/* Vertical distance between centers is
less than 50% of the taller character */
if (v_dist > max_h * OLDPAIR_MAX_VDIST_RATIO)
return false;
l_int32 min_h = L_MIN(b1->h, b2->h);
l_float32 h_ratio = min_h / (max_h + 1.0);
/* Height ratio is between 0.5 and 2 */
return false;
l_int32 min_w = L_MIN(b1->w, b2->w);
l_float32 w_ratio = min_w / (max_w + 1.0);
/* Width ratio is between 0.1 and 10 */
return false;
return true;
示例14: pixRotateAM
* pixRotateAM()
* Input: pixs (2, 4, 8 bpp gray or colormapped, or 32 bpp RGB)
* angle (radians; clockwise is positive)
* Return: pixd, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) Rotates about image center.
* (2) A positive angle gives a clockwise rotation.
* (3) Brings in either black or white pixels from the boundary.
pixRotateAM(PIX *pixs,
l_float32 angle,
l_int32 incolor)
l_int32 d;
l_uint32 fillval;
PIX *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (pixGetDepth(pixs) == 1)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs is 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
return pixClone(pixs);
/* Remove cmap if it exists, and unpack to 8 bpp if necessary */
pixt1 = pixRemoveColormap(pixs, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
d = pixGetDepth(pixt1);
if (d < 8)
pixt2 = pixConvertTo8(pixt1, FALSE);
pixt2 = pixClone(pixt1);
d = pixGetDepth(pixt2);
/* Compute actual incoming color */
fillval = 0;
if (incolor == L_BRING_IN_WHITE) {
if (d == 8)
fillval = 255;
else /* d == 32 */
fillval = 0xffffff00;
if (d == 8)
pixd = pixRotateAMGray(pixt2, angle, fillval);
else /* d == 32 */
pixd = pixRotateAMColor(pixt2, angle, fillval);
return pixd;
示例15: pixcmapColorToGray
* pixcmapColorToGray()
* Input: cmap
* rwt, gwt, bwt (non-negative; these should add to 1.0)
* Return: cmap (gray), or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) This creates a gray colormap from an arbitrary colormap.
* (2) In use, attach the output gray colormap to the pix
* (or a copy of it) that provided the input colormap.
pixcmapColorToGray(PIXCMAP *cmaps,
l_float32 rwt,
l_float32 gwt,
l_float32 bwt)
l_int32 i, n, rval, gval, bval, val;
l_float32 sum;
PIXCMAP *cmapd;
if (!cmaps)
return (PIXCMAP *)ERROR_PTR("cmaps not defined", procName, NULL);
if (rwt < 0.0 || gwt < 0.0 || bwt < 0.0)
return (PIXCMAP *)ERROR_PTR("weights not all >= 0.0", procName, NULL);
/* Make sure the sum of weights is 1.0; otherwise, you can get
* overflow in the gray value. */
sum = rwt + gwt + bwt;
if (sum == 0.0) {
L_WARNING("all weights zero; setting equal to 1/3", procName);
rwt = gwt = bwt = 0.33333;
sum = 1.0;
if (L_ABS(sum - 1.0) > 0.0001) { /* maintain ratios with sum == 1.0 */
L_WARNING("weights don't sum to 1; maintaining ratios", procName);
rwt = rwt / sum;
gwt = gwt / sum;
bwt = bwt / sum;
cmapd = pixcmapCopy(cmaps);
n = pixcmapGetCount(cmapd);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
pixcmapGetColor(cmapd, i, &rval, &gval, &bval);
val = (l_int32)(rwt * rval + gwt * gval + bwt * bval + 0.5);
pixcmapResetColor(cmapd, i, val, val, val);
return cmapd;