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C++ IAssert函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中IAssert函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ IAssert函数的具体用法?C++ IAssert怎么用?C++ IAssert使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: IAssert

TStr TSecTm::GetMonthNm(const TLoc& Loc) const {
  struct tm Tm;
  IAssert(IsDef() && GetTmStruct(AbsSecs(), Tm));
  return TTmInfo::GetMonthNm(Tm.tm_mon+1, Loc);

示例2: main

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
  Env.PrepArgs(TStr::Fmt("Flow. build: %s, %s. Time: %s", __TIME__, __DATE__, TExeTm::GetCurTm()));
  double NetPRTimeSum = 0;
  double NetEKTimeSum = 0;
  int NumWins = 0;
  const TStr InFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-i:", "", "Input file");
  const int Iters = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-n:", 10, "Number of runs per thread");
  const int Threads = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-t:", 4, "Number of threads");
  printf("Integer Flow Test\n");
  printf("Filename: %s\n", InFNm.CStr());
  printf("Building Network...\n");
  TFIn InFile(InFNm);
  // If the input file is a binary, use the following line to load the network
  PNEANet Net = TNEANet::Load(InFile);
  // If the input file is a text file, use the following to load the network and save as binary
  // PNEANet Net;
  // int MaxEdgeCap = BuildCapacityNetwork(InFNm, Net);
  // const TStr OutFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-o:", "", "Output file");
  // TFOut OutFile(OutFNm);
  // Net->Save(OutFile);
  printf("PNEANet Nodes: %d, Edges: %d\n\n", Net->GetNodes(), Net->GetEdges());
  #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:NetEKTimeSum,NetPRTimeSum,NumWins) schedule(static, 1)
  for (int t = 0; t < Threads; t++) {
    TRnd Random(t);
    for (int i = 0; i < Iters; i++) {
      int SrcNId = Net->GetRndNId(Random);
      int SnkNId = Net->GetRndNId(Random);

      double PRBeginTime = getcputime();
      int NetMaxFlowPR = TSnap::GetMaxFlowIntPR(Net, SrcNId, SnkNId);
      double PREndTime = getcputime();
      double NetPRFlowRunTime = PREndTime - PRBeginTime;

      double EKBeginTime = getcputime();
      int NetMaxFlowEK = TSnap::GetMaxFlowIntEK(Net, SrcNId, SnkNId);
      double EKEndTime = getcputime();
      double NetEKFlowRunTime = EKEndTime - EKBeginTime;
      IAssert(NetMaxFlowPR == NetMaxFlowEK);

      if (NetPRFlowRunTime < NetEKFlowRunTime) { NumWins++; }

      NetPRTimeSum += NetPRFlowRunTime;
      NetEKTimeSum += NetEKFlowRunTime;
      #pragma omp critical
#ifndef NOMP
        printf("Thread: %d\n", omp_get_thread_num());
        printf("Source: %d, Sink %d\n", SrcNId, SnkNId);
        printf("Max Flow: %d\n", NetMaxFlowEK);
        printf("PR CPU Time: %f\n", NetPRFlowRunTime);
        printf("EK CPU Time: %f\n", NetEKFlowRunTime);
  int TotalRuns = Iters*Threads;
  printf ("Avg PR PNEANet Time: %f\n", NetPRTimeSum/TotalRuns);
  printf ("Avg EK PNEANet Time: %f\n", NetEKTimeSum/TotalRuns);
  printf ("%d out of %d PR was faster\n", NumWins, TotalRuns);
  return 0;

示例3: sizeof

uint64 TZipIn::GetFLen(const TStr& ZipFNm) {
  #ifdef GLib_WIN
  HANDLE ZipStdoutRd, ZipStdoutWr;
  // create pipes
  saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
  saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
  saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
    // Create a pipe for the child process's STDOUT.
  const int PipeBufferSz = 32*1024;
  EAssertR(CreatePipe(&ZipStdoutRd, &ZipStdoutWr, &saAttr, PipeBufferSz), "Stdout pipe creation failed");
  // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited.
  SetHandleInformation(ZipStdoutRd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
  //CreateZipProcess(GetCmd(FNm), FNm);
  { const TStr CmdLine = TStr::Fmt("7z.exe l \"%s\"", ZipFNm.CStr());
  STARTUPINFO siStartInfo;
  ZeroMemory( &piProcInfo, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
  ZeroMemory( &siStartInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
  siStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
  siStartInfo.hStdOutput = ZipStdoutWr;
  siStartInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
  // Create the child process.
  const BOOL FuncRetn = CreateProcess(NULL, (LPSTR) CmdLine.CStr(),
    NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &siStartInfo, &piProcInfo);
  EAssertR(FuncRetn!=0, TStr::Fmt("Can not execute '%s'", CmdLine.CStr()).CStr());
  CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hThread); }
  const TStr CmdLine = TStr::Fmt("7za l %s", ZipFNm.CStr());
  FILE* ZipStdoutRd = popen(CmdLine.CStr(), "r");
  if (ZipStdoutRd == NULL) { // try using SevenZipPath
    ZipStdoutRd = popen((TZipIn::SevenZipPath+"/"+CmdLine).CStr(), "r");
  EAssertR(ZipStdoutRd != NULL, TStr::Fmt("Can not execute '%s'", CmdLine.CStr()).CStr());
  // Read output from the child process
  const int BfSz = 32*1024;
  char* Bf = new char [BfSz];
  int BfC=0, BfL=0;
  memset(Bf, 0, BfSz);
  #ifdef GLib_WIN
  DWORD BytesRead;
  EAssert(ReadFile(ZipStdoutRd, Bf, MxBfL, &BytesRead, NULL) != 0);
  size_t BytesRead = fread(Bf, 1, MxBfL, ZipStdoutRd);
  EAssert(BytesRead != 0);
  EAssert(pclose(ZipStdoutRd) != -1);
  BfL = (int) BytesRead;  IAssert((BfC!=0)||(BfL!=0));
  BfC = 0; Bf[BfL] = 0;
  // find file lenght
  TStr Str(Bf);  delete [] Bf;
  TStrV StrV; Str.SplitOnWs(StrV);
  int n = StrV.Len()-1;
  while (n > 0 && ! StrV[n].StartsWith("-----")) { n--; }
  if (n-7 <= 0) {
    WrNotify(TStr::Fmt("Corrupt file %s: MESSAGE:\n", ZipFNm.CStr()).CStr(), Str.CStr());
    SaveToErrLog(TStr::Fmt("Corrupt file %s. Message:\n:%s\n", ZipFNm.CStr(), Str.CStr()).CStr());
    return 0;
  return StrV[n-7].GetInt64();

示例4: IAssert

bool TFtrGen::Reg(const TStr& TypeNm, const TFtrGenLoadF& LoadF){
	TypeToLoadFH.AddDat(TypeNm, LoadF);
	return true;

示例5: IAssert

int TFRnd::GetRecN(){
  int FPos=GetFPos()-HdLen;
  EAssertR(FPos%RecLen==0, "Invalid position in file'"+FNm+"'.");
  return FPos/RecLen;

示例6: GetNI

TUNGraph::TEdgeI TUNGraph::GetEI(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const {
  const TNodeI SrcNI = GetNI(SrcNId);
  const int NodeN = SrcNI.NodeHI.GetDat().NIdV.SearchBin(DstNId);
  IAssert(NodeN != -1);
  return TEdgeI(SrcNI, EndNI(), NodeN);

示例7: TWebMemBase

// Roget-Base
void TRBase::LoadArtfl(const TStr& WebBaseFPath){
  PWebBase WebBase=PWebBase(new TWebMemBase(WebBaseFPath));
  int WebPgP=WebBase->FFirstWebPg(); int WebPgId;
  while (WebBase->FNextWebPg(WebPgP, WebPgId)){
    TStr UrlStr=WebBase->GetUrlStr(WebPgId);
    static TStr RgShStr="RG.sh"; if (!UrlStr.IsStrIn(RgShStr)){continue;}
//    if (!UrlStr.IsStrIn("RG.sh?^544\\")){continue;}

    PWebPg WebPg=WebBase->GetWebPg(WebPgId);
    PSIn SIn=TStrIn::New(WebPg->GetBodyStr());
    PHtmlDoc HtmlDoc=THtmlDoc::New(SIn, hdtAll);
    int TokN=0; PHtmlTok Tok; THtmlLxSym Sym; TStr Str;

    // move to <h2>
    do {HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
    } while (!((Sym==hlsyBTag)&&(Str==THtmlTok::H2TagNm)));

    // parse "ddd[A|B]."
    TChA CtgNm; TChA CtgIdNm;
    HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
    IAssert(Sym==hlsyNum); CtgNm+=Str; CtgIdNm+=Str;
    HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
    if (Sym==hlsyStr){
      IAssert((Str=='A')||(Str=='B')); CtgNm+=Str; CtgIdNm+=Str;
      HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
    IAssert((Sym==hlsySSym)&&(Str=='.')); CtgNm+=Str;

    // parse to </h2>"
    TChA BracketStr;
    HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
    while (!((Sym==hlsyETag)&&(Str==THtmlTok::H2TagNm))){
      if ((Sym==hlsySSym)&&(Str=='[')){
        HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
        while (!((Sym==hlsySSym)&&(Str==']'))){
          if ((!BracketStr.Empty())&&(Sym==hlsyStr)){BracketStr+=' ';}
          BracketStr+=Str; HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
        BracketStr.Ins(0, " ["); BracketStr+=']';
      } else {
        if (Sym==hlsyStr){CtgNm+=' ';}
      HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
    TNotify::OnNotify(Notify, ntInfo, CtgNm);

    // parse words
    static TStr AdjStr="ADJ"; static TStr AdvStr="ADV";
    static TStr IntStr="INT"; static TStr PgStr="PAGE";
    static TStr PhrStr="PHR"; static TStr PrefStr="PREF";
    static TStr PronStr="PRON";
    HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
    while (TokN<HtmlDoc->GetToks()){
      if (Sym==hlsyStr){
        if (Str==PhrStr){break;}
        if ((Str!='N')&&(Str!='V')&&(Str!=AdjStr)&&(Str!=AdvStr)&&
          TChA WordStr;
          do {
            if (!WordStr.Empty()){WordStr+=' ';} WordStr+=Str;
            HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
          } while (Sym==hlsyStr);
//          TNotify::OnNotify(Notify, ntInfo, WordStr);
        } else {
          HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
      } else
      if (Sym==hlsySSym){
        TStr ExpectStr;
        if (Str=='('){ExpectStr=')';}
        else if (Str=='['){ExpectStr=']';}
        else if (Str=='{'){ExpectStr='}';}
        else if (Str=='"'){ExpectStr='"';}
        if (!ExpectStr.Empty()){
          do {HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
          } while (!((Sym==hlsySSym)&&(Str==ExpectStr)));
        HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);
      } else {
        HtmlDoc->GetTok(TokN++, Sym, Str);

示例8: printf

PBowDocBs TBowFl::LoadTsactTxt(const TStr& FNm, const int& MxDocs){
  // prepare document set
  PBowDocBs BowDocBs=TBowDocBs::New();
  // open file
  PSIn SIn=TFIn::New(FNm);
  printf("Loading '%s' ...\n", FNm.CStr());
  if (!SIn->Eof()){
    // current document
    int CurDId=-1;
    TIntH CurDocWIdToFqH(100);
    // read first character
    char Ch=SIn->GetCh();
    // skip to the first digit or eof
    while ((!SIn->Eof())&&(!(('0'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='9')))){
    while (!SIn->Eof()){
      // notify
      if (BowDocBs->DocSpVV.Len()%1000==0){
        printf("%d transactions read\r", BowDocBs->DocSpVV.Len());}
      // read transaction number
      int TsactN=Ch-'0'; Ch=SIn->GetCh();
      while (('0'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='9')){
        TsactN=TsactN*10+Ch-'0'; Ch=SIn->GetCh();}
      // skip space
      while (!(('0'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='9'))){
        IAssert((Ch==' ')||(Ch=='\t')); Ch=SIn->GetCh();}
      // read item number
      int ItemN=Ch-'0'; Ch=SIn->GetCh();
      while (('0'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='9')){
        ItemN=ItemN*10+Ch-'0'; Ch=SIn->GetCh();}
      // skip to the next digit or eof
      while ((!SIn->Eof())&&(!(('0'<=Ch)&&(Ch<='9')))){
      // get document-id from transaction-id
      TStr DocNm=TInt::GetStr(TsactN);
      int DId=BowDocBs->DocNmToDescStrH.AddKey(DocNm);
      // get word-id from item-id
      TStr WordStr=TInt::GetStr(ItemN);
      int WId=BowDocBs->WordStrToDescH.AddKey(WordStr);
      // add word to document
      if (CurDId!=DId){
        if (CurDId!=-1){
          if ((MxDocs!=-1)&&(BowDocBs->GetDocs()>=MxDocs-1)){break;}
          PBowSpV NewSpV=TBowSpV::New(CurDId, CurDocWIdToFqH.Len());
          int NewDId=BowDocBs->DocSpVV.Add(NewSpV);
          for (int DocWIdN=0; DocWIdN<CurDocWIdToFqH.Len(); DocWIdN++){
            int WId=CurDocWIdToFqH.GetKey(DocWIdN);
            int WordFq=CurDocWIdToFqH[DocWIdN];
            NewSpV->AddWIdWgt(WId, WordFq);
        CurDId=DId; CurDocWIdToFqH.Clr(false);
    // save last document
    if (CurDId!=-1){
      PBowSpV NewSpV=TBowSpV::New(CurDId, CurDocWIdToFqH.Len());
      for (int DocWIdN=0; DocWIdN<CurDocWIdToFqH.Len(); DocWIdN++){
        int WId=CurDocWIdToFqH.GetKey(DocWIdN);
        int WordFq=CurDocWIdToFqH[DocWIdN];
        NewSpV->AddWIdWgt(WId, WordFq);
    printf("%d transactions read\n", BowDocBs->DocSpVV.Len());
  printf("... Done.\n");
  // return results
  return BowDocBs;

示例9: Lx

PBowDocBs TBowFl::LoadSvmLightTxt(
 const TStr& DocDefFNm, const TStr& WordDefFNm,
 const TStr& TrainDataFNm, const TStr& TestDataFNm,
 const int& MxDocs){ //TODO: use MxDocs
  // prepare document set
  PBowDocBs BowDocBs=TBowDocBs::New();
  int MOneCId=BowDocBs->CatNmToFqH.AddKey("-1");
  int POneCId=BowDocBs->CatNmToFqH.AddKey("+1");

  // document definition
  bool DocDefP=false;
  if (!DocDefFNm.Empty()&&(TFile::Exists(DocDefFNm))){
    // (DId "DoxNm"<eoln>)*
    PSIn SIn=TFIn::New(DocDefFNm);
    TILx Lx(SIn, TFSet()|iloRetEoln|iloSigNum|iloExcept);
    Lx.GetSym(syInt, syEof);
    while (Lx.Sym==syInt){
      int DId=Lx.Int;
      Lx.GetSym(syQStr); TStr DocNm=Lx.Str;
      Lx.GetSym(syInt, syEof);
      int NewDId=BowDocBs->DocNmToDescStrH.AddKey(DocNm);
      EAssertR(DId==NewDId, "Document-Ids don't match.");
  // word definition
  if (!WordDefFNm.Empty()&&(TFile::Exists(WordDefFNm))){
    BowDocBs->WordStrToDescH.AddDat("Undef").Fq=0; // ... to have WId==0
    PSIn SIn=TFIn::New(WordDefFNm);
    TILx Lx(SIn, TFSet()|iloRetEoln|iloSigNum|iloExcept);
    Lx.GetSym(syQStr, syEof);
    while (Lx.Sym==syQStr){
      TStr WordStr=Lx.Str;
      Lx.GetSym(syInt); int WId=Lx.Int;
      Lx.GetSym(syInt); int WordFq=Lx.Int;
      Lx.GetSym(syQStr, syEof);
      int NewWId=BowDocBs->WordStrToDescH.AddKey(WordStr);
      EAssertR(WId==NewWId, "Word-Ids don't match.");
  // train & test data
  int MxWId=-1; TIntIntH WIdToFqH;
  // train data
  if (!TrainDataFNm.Empty()){
    PSIn SIn=TFIn::New(TrainDataFNm);
    TILx Lx(SIn, TFSet()|iloCmtAlw|iloRetEoln|iloSigNum|iloExcept);
    // skip comment lines
    while (Lx.GetSym(syInt, syEoln, syEof)==syEoln){}
    // parse data lines
    while (Lx.Sym==syInt){
      // document
      TStr DocNm=TInt::GetStr(BowDocBs->GetDocs());
      int DId;
      if (DocDefP){
      } else {
      // category (class value)
      int CId=(Lx.Int==-1) ? MOneCId : POneCId;
      BowDocBs->DocCIdVV.Add(); IAssert(DId==BowDocBs->DocCIdVV.Len()-1);
      BowDocBs->DocCIdVV.Last().Gen(1, 0);
      // words (attributes)
      PBowSpV SpV=TBowSpV::New(DId);
      BowDocBs->DocSpVV.Add(SpV); IAssert(DId==BowDocBs->DocSpVV.Len()-1);
      Lx.GetSym(syInt, syEoln);
      while (Lx.Sym==syInt){
        int WId=Lx.Int;
        Lx.GetSym(syFlt); double WordFq=Lx.Flt;
        Lx.GetSym(syInt, syEoln);
        SpV->AddWIdWgt(WId, WordFq);
        if (MxWId==-1){MxWId=WId;} else {MxWId=TInt::GetMx(MxWId, WId);}
      if (!Lx.CmtStr.Empty()){
        // change document name to 'N' if comment 'docDesc=N'
        TStr CmtStr=Lx.CmtStr;
        static TStr DocNmPrefixStr="docDesc=";
        if (CmtStr.IsPrefix(DocNmPrefixStr)){
          TStr NewDocNm=
           TStr("D")+CmtStr.GetSubStr(DocNmPrefixStr.Len(), CmtStr.Len()-1);
          int NewDId=BowDocBs->DocNmToDescStrH.AddKey(NewDocNm);
      while (Lx.GetSym(syInt, syEoln, syEof)==syEoln){}
  // test data
  if (!TestDataFNm.Empty()){
    PSIn SIn=TFIn::New(TestDataFNm);

示例10: GenRMat

/// R-MAT Generator. The modes is based on the recursive descent into a 2x2
/// matrix [A,B; C, 1-(A+B+C)].
/// See: R-MAT Generator: A Recursive Model for Graph Mining. 
/// D. Chakrabarti, Y. Zhan and C. Faloutsos, in SIAM Data Mining 2004. 
/// URL: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~deepay/mywww/papers/siam04.pdf
PNGraph GenRMat(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges, const double& A, const double& B, const double& C, TRnd& Rnd) {
  PNGraph GraphPt = TNGraph::New();
  TNGraph& Graph = *GraphPt;
  Graph.Reserve(Nodes, Edges);
  IAssert(A+B+C < 1.0);
  int rngX, rngY, offX, offY;
  int Depth=0, Collisions=0, Cnt=0, PctDone=0;
  const int EdgeGap = Edges / 100 + 1;
  // sum of parameters (probabilities)
  TVec<double> sumA(128, 0), sumAB(128, 0), sumAC(128, 0), sumABC(128, 0);  // up to 2^128 vertices ~ 3.4e38
  for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
    const double a = A * (Rnd.GetUniDev() + 0.5);
    const double b = B * (Rnd.GetUniDev() + 0.5);
    const double c = C * (Rnd.GetUniDev() + 0.5);
    const double d = (1.0 - (A+B+C)) * (Rnd.GetUniDev() + 0.5);
    const double abcd = a+b+c+d;
    sumA.Add(a / abcd);
    sumAB.Add((a+b) / abcd);
    sumAC.Add((a+c) / abcd);
    sumABC.Add((a+b+c) / abcd);
  // nodes
  for (int node = 0; node < Nodes; node++) {
    IAssert(Graph.AddNode(-1) == node);
  // edges
  for (int edge = 0; edge < Edges; ) {
    rngX = Nodes;  rngY = Nodes;  offX = 0;  offY = 0;
    Depth = 0;
    // recurse the matrix
    while (rngX > 1 || rngY > 1) {
      const double RndProb = Rnd.GetUniDev();
      if (rngX>1 && rngY>1) {
        if (RndProb < sumA[Depth]) { rngX/=2; rngY/=2; }
        else if (RndProb < sumAB[Depth]) { offX+=rngX/2;  rngX-=rngX/2;  rngY/=2; }
        else if (RndProb < sumABC[Depth]) { offY+=rngY/2;  rngX/=2;  rngY-=rngY/2; }
        else { offX+=rngX/2;  offY+=rngY/2;  rngX-=rngX/2;  rngY-=rngY/2; }
      } else
      if (rngX>1) { // row vector
        if (RndProb < sumAC[Depth]) { rngX/=2; rngY/=2; }
        else { offX+=rngX/2;  rngX-=rngX/2;  rngY/=2; }
      } else
      if (rngY>1) { // column vector
        if (RndProb < sumAB[Depth]) { rngX/=2; rngY/=2; }
        else { offY+=rngY/2;  rngX/=2;  rngY-=rngY/2; }
      } else { Fail; }
    // add edge
    const int NId1 = offX;
    const int NId2 = offY;
    if (NId1 != NId2 && ! Graph.IsEdge(NId1, NId2)) {
      Graph.AddEdge(NId1, NId2);
      if (++Cnt > EdgeGap) {
        Cnt=0;  printf("\r  %d%% edges", ++PctDone); }
    } else {
      Collisions++; }
  printf("\r  RMat: nodes:%d, edges:%d, Iterations:%d, Collisions:%d (%.1f%%).\n", Nodes, Edges,
    Edges+Collisions, Collisions, 100*Collisions/double(Edges+Collisions));
  return GraphPt;

示例11: IAssert

// Partial-Gram-Schmidt
TPartialGS::TPartialGS(PSVMTrainSet BigSet, const int& Dim, const double& Eps) {
    IAssert(Dim <= BigSet->Len() && 0.0 <= Eps && Eps < 1.0);
    int Len = BigSet->Len();

    TVec<TKeyDat<TFlt, TBool> > NiV(Len);
    for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++) {
        //NiV[i].Key = BigSet->DotProduct(i, i);
        NiV[i].Key = BigSet->GetNorm2(i);
        NiV[i].Dat = false;
        IAssertR(NiV[i].Key.Val > 0.0 && _isnan(NiV[i].Key.Val) == 0, 
                 TInt::GetStr(i) + TStr(":") + TFlt::GetStr(NiV[i].Key));
    R.Gen(Dim, 0);
    //for (i = 0; i < Dim; i++) R[i].Gen(Len-i);
    for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++) IdV[i] = i;

    TFltV BlufV(Dim, 0); int max = -1;
    for (int j = 0; j < Dim; j++) {
        // find element with bigest residual norm
        max = -1;
        for (int t = 0, l = Len; t < l; t++)
            if (!NiV[t].Dat && (max == -1 || NiV[t].Key > NiV[max].Key)) max = t;

        // if max residual norm is reached
        if (NiV[max].Key.Val < Eps) break;
        //printf("(%.2f)", NiV[max].Key.Val);

        // permute j-th and max-th column of R
        NiV[max].Dat = true;
        int mid = IdV.SearchForw(max, j);
        { int tmp = IdV[j]; IdV[j] = max; IdV[mid] = tmp; }
        for (int t = 0; t < j; t++) {
            double tmp = R[t][j-t];
            R[t][j-t] = R[t][mid-t];
            R[t][mid-t] = tmp;

        // calculate j-th row of R and update NiV (residual norms)
        if (-0.001 < NiV[max].Key.Val && NiV[max].Key.Val < 0) NiV[max].Key.Val = 0.0;
        IAssertR(NiV[max].Key.Val >= 0.0, TInt::GetStr(j) + TStr(":") + TFlt::GetStr(NiV[max].Key.Val));
        IAssert(R.Len() == j);
        R.Add(TFltV()); R[j].Gen(Len-j); // NEW
        R[j][0] = sqrt(NiV[max].Key.Val);
        for (int i = j+1; i < Len; i++) {
            double RR = BigSet->DotProduct(IdV[i], IdV[j]);
            for (int t = 0; t < j; t++)
                RR -= R[t][j-t] * R[t][i-t];
            IAssertR(NiV[IdV[j]].Key.Val>0, TInt::GetStr(i));
            RR /= sqrt(NiV[IdV[j]].Key.Val);
            IAssertR(_isnan(RR) == 0, TInt::GetStr(IdV[j]) + TStr(":") + TFlt::GetStr(NiV[IdV[j]].Key.Val));
            R[j][i-j] = RR;
            NiV[IdV[i]].Key -= RR*RR;

    if (max == -1) max = 0;
    printf("stoped at %d/%d with residual norm %.3f\n", R.Len(), BigSet->Len(), NiV[max].Key.Val);

    for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++) {
        NormV[i] = NiV[IdV[i]].Key;
        VecNormV[i] = GetKernel(i,i);

示例12: IAssert

void THttpChDef::SetChTy(const THttpChTy& ChTy, const char& Ch){
  IAssert(ChTyV[Ch-TCh::Mn]==int(hpctUndef)); ChTyV[Ch-TCh::Mn]=TInt(ChTy);}

示例13: IAssert

PSIn TILx::GetSIn(const char& SepCh){
  while ((Ch!=TCh::EofCh)&&(Ch!=SepCh)){GetCh();}
  return SIn;

示例14: while

TLxSym TILx::GetSym(const TFSet& Expect){
  if (!PrevSymStStack.Empty()){
    // symbols already on the stack
    PrevSymStStack.Top().Restore(*this); PrevSymStStack.Pop();
  } else
  if (Expect.In(syLn)){
    // symbol is the whole line string
    if (Ch==TCh::EofCh){
    } else {
      if (IsBof()){GetCh();}
      while (!ChDef->IsTerm(Ch)){Str.AddCh(Ch); GetCh();}
      bool _IsRetEoln=IsRetEoln; IsRetEoln=true;
      GetSym(TFSet()|syEoln|syEof); Sym=syLn;
  } else
  if (IsTabSep){
    // symbol is between tab characters
    if (IsBof()){GetCh();}
    if (Ch==TCh::TabCh){ // tab character
      Sym=syTab; GetCh();
    } else
    if (ChDef->IsTerm(Ch)){ // eoln & eof characters
      bool _IsRetEoln=IsRetEoln; IsRetEoln=true; IsTabSep=false;
      IsRetEoln=_IsRetEoln; IsTabSep=true;
    } else {
      while ((!ChDef->IsTerm(Ch))&&(Ch!=TCh::TabCh)){
        Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh();}
      Sym=syStr; QuoteP=false;
  } else {
    // usual symbol
    while (ChDef->IsSpace(Ch)){GetCh();}
    SymLnN=LnN; SymLnChN=LnChN; SymChN=ChN;

    if (ChDef->IsAlpha(Ch)){
      if (IsUniStr){Sym=syStr;} else {Sym=syIdStr;}
      Str.Clr(); UcStr.Clr(); QuoteP=false;
      do {Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch));}
      while (ChDef->IsAlNum(GetCh()));
      if (!RwStrH.Empty()){
        TStr RwStr=Str; if (!IsCsSens){RwStr=UcStr;}
        int SymKeyId=RwStrH.GetKeyId(RwStr);
        if (SymKeyId!=-1){Sym=TLxSym(int(RwStrH[SymKeyId]));}
      if (Expect.In(syBool)){
        Sym=syBool; IAssert(TBool::IsValStr(Str));
    } else
    if ((Ch=='"')||(Ch=='\'')){
      if (IsUniStr){Sym=syStr;} else {Sym=syQStr;}
      Str.Clr(); UcStr.Clr(); QuoteP=true; QuoteCh=Ch;
        while ((Ch!=QuoteCh)&&(Ch!='\\')&&(Ch!=TCh::EofCh)){
          Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh();}
        if (Ch==TCh::EofCh){
          Sym=syUndef; break;
        } else if (Ch==QuoteCh){
          GetCh(); break;
        } else {
          switch (Ch){
            case '"': Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
            case '\\': Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
            case '\'': Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
            case '/': Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
            case 'b': Str.AddCh('\b'); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
            case 'f': Str.AddCh('\f'); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
            case 'n': Str.AddCh('\n'); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
            case 'r': Str.AddCh('\r'); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
            case 't': Str.AddCh('\t'); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
            case 'u': {
              // unicode character, represented using 4 hexadecimal digits
              GetCh(); EAssertR(TCh::IsHex(Ch), "Invalid hexadecimal digit in unicode escape");
              int UChCd = TCh::GetHex(Ch);
              GetCh(); EAssertR(TCh::IsHex(Ch), "Invalid hexadecimal digit in unicode escape");
              UChCd = 16 * UChCd + TCh::GetHex(Ch);
              GetCh(); EAssertR(TCh::IsHex(Ch), "Invalid hexadecimal digit in unicode escape");
              UChCd = 16 * UChCd + TCh::GetHex(Ch);
              GetCh(); EAssertR(TCh::IsHex(Ch), "Invalid hexadecimal digit in unicode escape");
              UChCd = 16 * UChCd + TCh::GetHex(Ch);
              // get as UTF8 encoded characters
              TUnicode::EncodeUtf8(UChCd, Str);
			  TUnicode::EncodeUtf8(UChCd, UcStr); }
              GetCh(); break; 
            default: Sym=syUndef; break;
          if (Sym==syUndef){
            throw PExcept(new TExcept("Invalid Escape Sequence in Quoted String"));}
    } else
    if ((ChDef->IsNum(Ch))||(IsSigNum&&((Ch=='+')||(Ch=='-')))){

示例15: if

PBowDocBs TFtrGenBs::LoadCsv(TStr& FNm, const int& ClassId, 
        const TIntV& IgnoreIdV, const int& TrainLen) {

    // feature generators
	PFtrGenBs FtrGenBs = TFtrGenBs::New();
    // CSV parsing stuff
    PSIn SIn = TFIn::New(FNm); 
    char SsCh = ' '; TStrV FldValV;
    // read the headers and initialise the feature generators
    TSs::LoadTxtFldV(ssfCommaSep, SIn, SsCh, FldValV, false);  
    for (int FldValN = 0; FldValN < FldValV.Len(); FldValN++) {
        const TStr& FldVal = FldValV[FldValN];
        if (FldValN == ClassId) { 
            if (FldVal == "NOM") {
            } else if (FldVal == "MULTI-NOM") {
            } else {
                TExcept::Throw("Wrong class type '" + FldVal + "', should be NOM or MULTI-NOM!");
        } else if (!IgnoreIdV.IsIn(FldValN)) {
            if (FldVal == TFtrGenNumeric::GetType()) {
            } else if (FldVal == TFtrGenNominal::GetType()) { 
            } else if (FldVal == TFtrGenToken::GetType()) { 
                    TSwSet::New(swstNone), TStemmer::New(stmtNone)));
            } else if (FldVal == TFtrGenSparseNumeric::GetType()) { 
            } else if (FldVal == TFtrGenMultiNom::GetType()) { 
            } else {
                TExcept::Throw("Wrong type '" + FldVal + "'!");
    const int Flds = FldValV.Len();
    // read the lines and feed them to the feature generators
    int Recs = 0;
    while (!SIn->Eof()) {
        if (Recs == TrainLen) { break; }
        Recs++; printf("%7d\r", Recs);
        TSs::LoadTxtFldV(ssfCommaSep, SIn, SsCh, FldValV, false);
        // make sure line still has the same number of fields as the header
        EAssertR(FldValV.Len() == Flds, 
            TStr::Fmt("Wrong number of fields in line %d! Found %d and expected %d!",
            Recs + 1, FldValV.Len(), Flds));
        // go over lines
        try {
			TStrV FtrValV;
            for (int FldValN = 0; FldValN < FldValV.Len(); FldValN++) {
                const TStr& FldVal = FldValV[FldValN];
                if (FldValN == ClassId) { 
                } else if (!IgnoreIdV.IsIn(FldValN)) {
        } catch (PExcept Ex) {
            TExcept::Throw(TStr::Fmt("Error in line %d: '%s'!", 
                Recs+1, Ex->GetMsgStr().CStr()));
    // read the file again and feed it to the training set
    PBowDocBs BowDocBs = FtrGenBs->MakeBowDocBs();
    // we read and ignore the headers since we parsed them already 
    SIn = TFIn::New(FNm); SsCh = ' ';
    TSs::LoadTxtFldV(ssfCommaSep, SIn, SsCh, FldValV, false);  
    // read the lines and feed them to the training set
    Recs = 0;
    while (!SIn->Eof()){
        Recs++; printf("%7d\r", Recs);
        TSs::LoadTxtFldV(ssfCommaSep, SIn, SsCh, FldValV, false);
        // make sure line still has the same number of fields as the header
        EAssertR(FldValV.Len() == Flds, 
            TStr::Fmt("Wrong number of fields in line %s! Found %d and expected %d!",
            Recs + 1, FldValV.Len(), Flds));
        // go over lines and construct the sparse vector
		TStrV FtrValV; TStr ClsFtrVal;
        try {
            for (int FldValN = 0; FldValN < FldValV.Len(); FldValN++) {
                const TStr& FldVal = FldValV[FldValN];
                if (FldValN == ClassId) { 
                    ClsFtrVal = FldVal;
                } else if (!IgnoreIdV.IsIn(FldValN)) {
        } catch (PExcept Ex) {
            TExcept::Throw(TStr::Fmt("Error in line %d: '%s'!", 
                Recs+1, Ex->GetMsgStr().CStr()));
        // add the feature vector to trainsets
		FtrGenBs->AddBowDoc(BowDocBs, TStr::Fmt("Line-%d", Recs), FtrValV, ClsFtrVal);
	// prepare training and testing doc ids
	TIntV AllDIdV; BowDocBs->GetAllDIdV(AllDIdV); IAssert(AllDIdV.IsSorted());
	TIntV TrainDIdV = AllDIdV; TrainDIdV.Trunc(TrainLen);
