本文整理汇总了C++中Graphics_line函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Graphics_line函数的具体用法?C++ Graphics_line怎么用?C++ Graphics_line使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: Art_Speaker_draw
void Art_Speaker_draw (Art art, Speaker speaker, Graphics g) {
double f = speaker -> relativeSize * 1e-3;
double intX [1 + 16], intY [1 + 16], extX [1 + 11], extY [1 + 11];
double bodyX, bodyY;
int i;
Graphics_Viewport previous;
Art_Speaker_toVocalTract (art, speaker, intX, intY, extX, extY, & bodyX, & bodyY);
previous = Graphics_insetViewport (g, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9);
Graphics_setWindow (g, -0.05, 0.05, -0.05, 0.05);
/* Draw inner contour. */
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i ++)
Graphics_line (g, intX [i], intY [i], intX [i + 1], intY [i + 1]);
Graphics_arc (g, bodyX, bodyY, 20 * f,
atan2 (intY [7] - bodyY, intX [7] - bodyX) * 180 / NUMpi,
atan2 (intY [6] - bodyY, intX [6] - bodyX) * 180 / NUMpi);
for (i = 7; i <= 15; i ++)
Graphics_line (g, intX [i], intY [i], intX [i + 1], intY [i + 1]);
/* Draw outer contour. */
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i ++)
Graphics_line (g, extX [i], extY [i], extX [i + 1], extY [i + 1]);
Graphics_arc (g, 0, 0, speaker -> palate.radius,
speaker -> alveoli.a * 180 / NUMpi,
speaker -> velum.a * 180 / NUMpi);
for (i = 7; i <= 10; i ++)
Graphics_line (g, extX [i], extY [i], extX [i + 1], extY [i + 1]);
Graphics_resetViewport (g, previous);
示例2: Art_Speaker_drawMesh
void Art_Speaker_drawMesh (Art art, Speaker speaker, Graphics graphics) {
double xi [40], yi [40], xe [40], ye [40], xmm [40], ymm [40];
int closed [40];
int i;
Graphics_Viewport previous;
int oldLineType = Graphics_inqLineType (graphics);
Art_Speaker_meshVocalTract (art, speaker, xi, yi, xe, ye, xmm, ymm, closed);
previous = Graphics_insetViewport (graphics, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9); /* Must be square. */
Graphics_setWindow (graphics, -0.05, 0.05, -0.05, 0.05);
/* Mesh lines. */
for (i = 1; i <= Art_Speaker_meshCount; i ++)
Graphics_line (graphics, xi [i], yi [i], xe [i], ye [i]);
/* Radii. */
Graphics_setLineType (graphics, Graphics_DOTTED);
for (i = 1; i <= Art_Speaker_meshCount; i ++)
if (xe [i] <= 0.0 && ye [i] >= 0.0)
Graphics_line (graphics, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9 * xi [i], 0.9 * yi [i]);
Graphics_setLineType (graphics, oldLineType);
/* Lengths. */
for (i = 1; i <= Art_Speaker_meshCount; i ++)
Graphics_line (graphics, xmm [i], ymm [i], xmm [i + 1], ymm [i + 1]);
for (i = 1; i <= Art_Speaker_meshCount + 1; i ++)
Graphics_speckle (graphics, xmm [i], ymm [i]);
Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_LEFT, Graphics_HALF);
Graphics_text (graphics, 0.0, 0.0, U"O"); // origin
Graphics_resetViewport (graphics, previous);
示例3: drawWhileDragging
static void drawWhileDragging (FormantGridEditor me, double xWC, double yWC, long first, long last, double dt, double dy) {
FormantGrid grid = (FormantGrid) my data;
Ordered tiers = my editingBandwidths ? grid -> bandwidths : grid -> formants;
RealTier tier = (RealTier) tiers -> item [my selectedFormant];
double ymin = my editingBandwidths ? my p_bandwidthFloor : my p_formantFloor;
double ymax = my editingBandwidths ? my p_bandwidthCeiling : my p_formantCeiling;
(void) xWC;
(void) yWC;
* Draw all selected points as magenta empty circles, if inside the window.
for (long i = first; i <= last; i ++) {
RealPoint point = (RealPoint) tier -> points -> item [i];
double t = point -> number + dt, y = point -> value + dy;
if (t >= my d_startWindow && t <= my d_endWindow)
Graphics_circle_mm (my d_graphics, t, y, 3);
if (last == first) {
* Draw a crosshair with time and y.
RealPoint point = (RealPoint) tier -> points -> item [first];
double t = point -> number + dt, y = point -> value + dy;
Graphics_line (my d_graphics, t, ymin, t, ymax - Graphics_dyMMtoWC (my d_graphics, 4.0));
Graphics_setTextAlignment (my d_graphics, kGraphics_horizontalAlignment_CENTRE, Graphics_TOP);
Graphics_text (my d_graphics, t, ymax, Melder_fixed (t, 6));
Graphics_line (my d_graphics, my d_startWindow, y, my d_endWindow, y);
Graphics_setTextAlignment (my d_graphics, Graphics_LEFT, Graphics_BOTTOM);
Graphics_text (my d_graphics, my d_startWindow, y, Melder_fixed (y, 6));
示例4: Transition_drawAsNumbers
void Transition_drawAsNumbers (I, Graphics g, int iformat, int precision) {
iam (Transition);
double maxTextWidth = 0, maxTextHeight = 0;
Graphics_setInner (g);
Graphics_setWindow (g, 0.5, my numberOfStates + 0.5, 0, 1);
double leftMargin = Graphics_dxMMtoWC (g, 1);
double lineSpacing = Graphics_dyMMtoWC (g, 1.5 * Graphics_inqFontSize (g) * 25.4 / 72);
Graphics_setTextAlignment (g, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_BOTTOM);
for (long col = 1; col <= my numberOfStates; col ++) {
if (my stateLabels && my stateLabels [col] && my stateLabels [col] [0]) {
Graphics_text (g, col, 1, my stateLabels [col]);
if (! maxTextHeight) maxTextHeight = lineSpacing;
for (long row = 1; row <= my numberOfStates; row ++) {
double y = 1 - lineSpacing * (row - 1 + 0.7);
Graphics_setTextAlignment (g, Graphics_RIGHT, Graphics_HALF);
if (my stateLabels && my stateLabels [row]) {
double textWidth = Graphics_textWidth (g, my stateLabels [row]);
if (textWidth > maxTextWidth) maxTextWidth = textWidth;
Graphics_text (g, 0.5 - leftMargin, y, my stateLabels [row]);
Graphics_setTextAlignment (g, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
for (long col = 1; col <= my numberOfStates; col ++) {
wchar text [40];
print4 (text, my data [row] [col], iformat, 0, precision);
Graphics_text (g, col, y, text);
if (maxTextWidth)
Graphics_line (g, 0.5 - maxTextWidth - leftMargin, 1, my numberOfStates + 0.5, 1);
if (maxTextHeight)
Graphics_line (g, 0.5, 1 + maxTextHeight, 0.5, 1 - lineSpacing * (my numberOfStates + 0.2));
Graphics_unsetInner (g);
示例5: EditDistanceTable_draw
void EditDistanceTable_draw (EditDistanceTable me, Graphics graphics, int iformat, int precision, double angle) {
long rowmin = 1, rowmax = my numberOfRows;
Graphics_setInner (graphics);
Graphics_setWindow (graphics, 0.5, my numberOfColumns + 0.5, 0, 1);
double leftMargin = getLeftMargin (graphics); // not earlier!
double lineSpacing = getLineSpacing (graphics); // not earlier!
double maxTextWidth = getMaxRowLabelWidth (me, graphics, rowmin, rowmax);
double y = 1 + 0.1 * lineSpacing;
autoNUMmatrix<bool> onPath (1, my numberOfRows, 1, my numberOfColumns);
for (long i = 1; i <= my warpingPath -> pathLength; i++) {
structPairOfInteger poi = my warpingPath -> path[i];
onPath[poi.y] [poi.x] = true;
for (long irow = my numberOfRows; irow > 0; irow --) {
Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_RIGHT, Graphics_HALF);
if (my rowLabels && my rowLabels [irow] && my rowLabels [irow] [0])
Graphics_text (graphics, 0.5 - leftMargin, y, my rowLabels [irow]);
Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
for (long icol = 1; icol <= my numberOfColumns; icol ++) {
char text [40];
print4 (text, my data [irow] [icol], iformat, 0, precision);
Graphics_setBold (graphics, onPath[irow][icol]);
Graphics_text (graphics, icol, y, Melder_peek8to32 (text));
if (onPath[irow][icol]) {
Graphics_rectangle (graphics, icol-0.5, icol+0.5, y - 0.5*lineSpacing, y + 0.5*lineSpacing);
y -= lineSpacing;
Graphics_setBold (graphics, false);
double left = 0.5;
if (maxTextWidth > 0.0) left -= maxTextWidth + 2 * leftMargin;
Graphics_line (graphics, left, y, my numberOfColumns + 0.5, y);
Graphics_setTextRotation (graphics, angle);
if (angle < 0) {
y -= 0.3*lineSpacing;
Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_LEFT, Graphics_HALF);
} else if (angle > 0) {
Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_RIGHT, Graphics_HALF);
y -= 0.3*lineSpacing;
} else {
Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_TOP);
for (long icol = 1; icol <= my numberOfColumns; icol ++) {
if (my columnLabels && my columnLabels [icol] && my columnLabels [icol] [0])
Graphics_text (graphics, icol, y, my columnLabels [icol]);
Graphics_setTextRotation (graphics, 0);
y -= lineSpacing;
Graphics_line (graphics, 0.5, y, 0.5, 1 + 0.5 * lineSpacing);
Graphics_unsetInner (graphics);
示例6: Pitch_line
static void Pitch_line (Pitch me, Graphics g, double tmin, double fleft, double tmax, double fright,
int nonPeriodicLineType)
* f = fleft + (t - tmin) * (fright - fleft) / (tmax - tmin);
int lineType = Graphics_inqLineType (g);
double lineWidth = Graphics_inqLineWidth (g);
double slope = (fright - fleft) / (tmax - tmin);
long imin = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, tmin);
if (imin < 1) imin = 1;
long imax = Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, tmax);
if (imax > my nx) imax = my nx;
for (long i = imin; i <= imax; i ++) {
double tleft, tright;
if (! Pitch_isVoiced_i (me, i)) {
if (nonPeriodicLineType == 2) continue;
Graphics_setLineType (g, Graphics_DOTTED);
Graphics_setLineWidth (g, 0.67 * lineWidth);
} else if (nonPeriodicLineType != 2) {
Graphics_setLineWidth (g, 2 * lineWidth);
tleft = Sampled_indexToX (me, i) - 0.5 * my dx, tright = tleft + my dx;
if (tleft < tmin) tleft = tmin;
if (tright > tmax) tright = tmax;
Graphics_line (g, tleft, fleft + (tleft - tmin) * slope,
tright, fleft + (tright - tmin) * slope);
Graphics_setLineType (g, lineType);
Graphics_setLineWidth (g, lineWidth);
示例7: TableOfReal_drawAsNumbers
void TableOfReal_drawAsNumbers (TableOfReal me, Graphics graphics, long rowmin, long rowmax, int iformat, int precision) {
fixRows (me, & rowmin, & rowmax);
Graphics_setInner (graphics);
Graphics_setWindow (graphics, 0.5, my numberOfColumns + 0.5, 0, 1);
double leftMargin = getLeftMargin (graphics); // not earlier!
double lineSpacing = getLineSpacing (graphics); // not earlier!
double maxTextWidth = getMaxRowLabelWidth (me, graphics, rowmin, rowmax);
double maxTextHeight = getMaxColumnLabelHeight (me, graphics, 1, my numberOfColumns);
Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_BOTTOM);
for (long icol = 1; icol <= my numberOfColumns; icol ++) {
if (my columnLabels && my columnLabels [icol] && my columnLabels [icol] [0])
Graphics_text (graphics, icol, 1, my columnLabels [icol]);
for (long irow = rowmin; irow <= rowmax; irow ++) {
double y = 1 - lineSpacing * (irow - rowmin + 0.6);
Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_RIGHT, Graphics_HALF);
if (my rowLabels && my rowLabels [irow] && my rowLabels [irow] [0])
Graphics_text (graphics, 0.5 - leftMargin, y, my rowLabels [irow]);
Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
for (long icol = 1; icol <= my numberOfColumns; icol ++) {
wchar_t text [40];
print4 (text, my data [irow] [icol], iformat, 0, precision);
Graphics_text (graphics, icol, y, text);
if (maxTextHeight) {
double left = 0.5;
if (maxTextWidth > 0.0) left -= maxTextWidth + 2 * leftMargin;
Graphics_line (graphics, left, 1, my numberOfColumns + 0.5, 1);
Graphics_unsetInner (graphics);
示例8: Graphics_quantileQuantilePlot
void Graphics_quantileQuantilePlot (Graphics g, long numberOfQuantiles, double xdata[], long xnumberOfData, double ydata[], long ynumberOfData, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, int labelSize, const wchar_t *plotLabel) {
int fontSize = Graphics_inqFontSize (g);
Graphics_setTextAlignment (g, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
Graphics_setFontSize (g, labelSize);
autoNUMvector<double> xsorted (NUMvector_copy<double> (xdata, 1, xnumberOfData), 1);
autoNUMvector<double> ysorted (NUMvector_copy<double> (ydata, 1, ynumberOfData), 1);
NUMsort_d (xnumberOfData, xsorted.peek());
NUMsort_d (ynumberOfData, ysorted.peek());
long numberOfData = xnumberOfData < ynumberOfData ? xnumberOfData : ynumberOfData;
numberOfQuantiles = numberOfData < numberOfQuantiles ? numberOfData : numberOfQuantiles;
double un = pow (0.5, 1.0 / numberOfQuantiles);
double u1 = 1 - un;
if (xmin == xmax) {
xmin = NUMquantile (xnumberOfData, xsorted.peek(), u1);
xmax = NUMquantile (xnumberOfData, xsorted.peek(), un);
if (ymin == ymax) {
ymin = NUMquantile (ynumberOfData, ysorted.peek(), u1);
ymax = NUMquantile (ynumberOfData, ysorted.peek(), un);
for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfQuantiles; i++) {
double ui = i == 1 ? u1 : (i == numberOfQuantiles ? un : (i - 0.3175) / (numberOfQuantiles + 0.365));
double qx = NUMquantile (xnumberOfData, xsorted.peek(), ui);
double qy = NUMquantile (ynumberOfData, ysorted.peek(), ui);
if (qx < xmin || qx > xmax || qy < ymin || qy > ymax) continue; // outside area
Graphics_text (g, qx, qy, plotLabel);
Graphics_setLineType (g, Graphics_DOTTED);
Graphics_line (g, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
Graphics_setLineType (g, Graphics_DRAWN);
Graphics_setFontSize (g, fontSize);
示例9: Formant_drawTracks
void Formant_drawTracks (Formant me, Graphics g, double tmin, double tmax, double fmax, int garnish) {
long itmin, itmax, ntrack = Formant_getMinNumFormants (me);
if (tmax <= tmin) { tmin = my xmin; tmax = my xmax; }
if (! Sampled_getWindowSamples (me, tmin, tmax, & itmin, & itmax)) return;
Graphics_setInner (g);
Graphics_setWindow (g, tmin, tmax, 0.0, fmax);
for (long itrack = 1; itrack <= ntrack; itrack ++) {
for (long iframe = itmin; iframe < itmax; iframe ++) {
Formant_Frame curFrame = & my d_frames [iframe], nextFrame = & my d_frames [iframe + 1];
double x1 = Sampled_indexToX (me, iframe), x2 = Sampled_indexToX (me, iframe + 1);
double f1 = curFrame -> formant [itrack]. frequency;
double f2 = nextFrame -> formant [itrack]. frequency;
if (NUMdefined (x1) && NUMdefined (f1) && NUMdefined (x2) && NUMdefined (f2))
Graphics_line (g, x1, f1, x2, f2);
Graphics_unsetInner (g);
if (garnish) {
Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
Graphics_textBottom (g, 1, U"Time (s)");
Graphics_textLeft (g, 1, U"Formant frequency (Hz)");
Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
Graphics_marksLeftEvery (g, 1.0, 1000.0, 1, 1, 1);
示例10: EditDistanceTable_drawEditOperations
void EditDistanceTable_drawEditOperations (EditDistanceTable me, Graphics graphics) {
const char32 *oinsertion = U"i", *insertion = U"*", *odeletion = U"d", *deletion = U"*", *osubstitution = U"s", *oequal = U"";
Graphics_setWindow (graphics, 0.5, my warpingPath -> pathLength - 0.5, 0, 1); // pathLength-1 symbols
double lineSpacing = getLineSpacing (graphics);
double ytarget = 1 - lineSpacing, ysource = ytarget - 2 * lineSpacing, yoper = ysource - lineSpacing;
Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_BOTTOM);
for (long i = 2; i <= my warpingPath -> pathLength; i++) {
structPairOfInteger p = my warpingPath -> path[i], p1 = my warpingPath -> path[i - 1];
double x = i - 1;
if (p.x == p1.x) { // insertion
Graphics_text (graphics, x, ytarget, my rowLabels[p.y]);
Graphics_text (graphics, x, ysource, deletion);
Graphics_text (graphics, x, yoper, oinsertion);
} else if (p.y == p1.y) { // deletion
Graphics_text (graphics, x, ytarget, insertion);
Graphics_text (graphics, x, ysource, my columnLabels[p.x]);
Graphics_text (graphics, x, yoper, odeletion);
} else { // substitution ?
Graphics_text (graphics, x, ytarget, my rowLabels[p.y]);
Graphics_text (graphics, x, ysource, my columnLabels[p.x]);
Graphics_text (graphics, x, yoper, (Melder_equ (my rowLabels[p.y], my columnLabels[p.x]) ? oequal : osubstitution));
Graphics_line (graphics, x, ysource + lineSpacing, x, ytarget - 0.1 * lineSpacing);
示例11: TableOfReal_drawTopAndBottomLines
void TableOfReal_drawTopAndBottomLines (TableOfReal me, Graphics graphics, long rowmin, long rowmax) {
long colmin = 1, colmax = my numberOfColumns;
fixRows (me, & rowmin, & rowmax);
Graphics_setInner (graphics);
Graphics_setWindow (graphics, colmin - 0.5, colmax + 0.5, 0, 1);
double lineSpacing = getLineSpacing (graphics);
double maxTextWidth = getMaxRowLabelWidth (me, graphics, rowmin, rowmax);
double maxTextHeight = getMaxColumnLabelHeight (me, graphics, 1, my numberOfColumns);
double left = 0.5;
if (maxTextWidth > 0.0) left -= maxTextWidth + 2 * lineSpacing;
double right = colmax + 0.5;
double top = 1 + maxTextHeight;
double bottom = 1 - lineSpacing * (rowmax - rowmin + 1);
Graphics_line (graphics, left, top, right, top);
Graphics_line (graphics, left, bottom, right, bottom);
Graphics_unsetInner (graphics);
示例12: v_draw
void structSpectrogramEditor :: v_draw () {
Spectrogram spectrogram = (Spectrogram) our data;
Graphics_setWindow (our d_graphics.get(), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics.get(), Graphics_WHITE);
Graphics_fillRectangle (our d_graphics.get(), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics.get(), Graphics_BLACK);
Graphics_rectangle (our d_graphics.get(), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
long itmin, itmax;
Sampled_getWindowSamples (spectrogram, our d_startWindow, our d_endWindow, & itmin, & itmax);
* Autoscale frequency axis.
our maximum = spectrogram -> ymax;
Graphics_setWindow (our d_graphics.get(), our d_startWindow, our d_endWindow, 0.0, our maximum);
Spectrogram_paintInside (spectrogram, our d_graphics.get(), our d_startWindow, our d_endWindow, 0, 0, 0.0, true,
60, 6.0, 0);
* Horizontal scaling lines.
Graphics_setWindow (our d_graphics.get(), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, our maximum);
Graphics_setTextAlignment (our d_graphics.get(), Graphics_RIGHT, Graphics_HALF);
Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics.get(), Graphics_RED);
long df = 1000;
for (long f = df; f <= our maximum; f += df) {
Graphics_line (our d_graphics.get(), 0.0, f, 1.0, f);
Graphics_text (our d_graphics.get(), -0.01, f, f, U" Hz");
* Vertical cursor lines.
Graphics_setWindow (our d_graphics.get(), our d_startWindow, our d_endWindow, 0.0, our maximum);
if (our d_startSelection > our d_startWindow && our d_startSelection < our d_endWindow)
Graphics_line (our d_graphics.get(), our d_startSelection, 0, our d_startSelection, our maximum);
if (our d_endSelection > our d_startWindow && d_endSelection < d_endWindow)
Graphics_line (our d_graphics.get(), our d_endSelection, 0, our d_endSelection, our maximum);
Graphics_setColour (our d_graphics.get(), Graphics_BLACK);
示例13: BandFilterSpectrogram_drawSpectrumAtNearestTimeSlice
void BandFilterSpectrogram_drawSpectrumAtNearestTimeSlice (BandFilterSpectrogram me, Graphics g, double time, double fmin, double fmax, double dBmin, double dBmax, int garnish) {
if (time < my xmin || time > my xmax) {
if (fmin == 0 && fmax == 0) { // autoscaling
fmin = my ymin; fmax = my ymax;
if (fmax <= fmin) {
fmin = my ymin; fmax = my ymax;
long icol = Matrix_xToNearestColumn (me, time);
icol = icol < 1 ? 1 : (icol > my nx ? my nx : icol);
autoNUMvector<double> spectrum (1, my ny);
for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i++) {
spectrum[i] = my v_getValueAtSample (icol, i, 1); // dB's
long iymin, iymax;
if (Matrix_getWindowSamplesY (me, fmin, fmax, &iymin, &iymax) < 2) { // too few values
if (dBmin == dBmax) { // autoscaling
dBmin = spectrum[iymin]; dBmax = dBmin;
for (long i = iymin + 1; i <= iymax; i++) {
if (spectrum[i] < dBmin) {
dBmin = spectrum[i];
} else if (spectrum[i] > dBmax) {
dBmax = spectrum[i];
if (dBmin == dBmax) {
dBmin -= 1; dBmax += 1;
Graphics_setWindow (g, fmin, fmax, dBmin, dBmax);
Graphics_setInner (g);
double x1 = my y1 + (iymin -1) * my dy, y1 = spectrum[iymin];
for (long i = iymin + 1; i <= iymax - 1; i++) {
double x2 = my y1 + (i -1) * my dy, y2 = spectrum[i];
double xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2;
if (NUMclipLineWithinRectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2, fmin, dBmin, fmax, dBmax, &xo1, &yo1, &xo2, &yo2)) {
Graphics_line (g, xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2);
x1 = x2; y1 = y2;
Graphics_unsetInner (g);
if (garnish) {
Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
Graphics_marksLeft (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
Graphics_textLeft (g, 1, U"Power (dB)");
Graphics_textBottom (g, 1, Melder_cat (U"Frequency (", my v_getFrequencyUnit (), U")"));
示例14: FFNet_Eigen_drawIntersection
void FFNet_Eigen_drawIntersection (FFNet me, Eigen eigen, Graphics g, long pcx, long pcy, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) {
long ix = labs (pcx), iy = labs (pcy);
long numberOfEigenvalues = eigen -> numberOfEigenvalues;
long dimension = eigen -> dimension;
if (ix > numberOfEigenvalues || iy > numberOfEigenvalues || my nInputs != dimension) {
Melder_assert (ix > 0 && iy > 0);
double x1, x2, y1, y2;
if (xmax <= xmin || ymax <= ymin) {
Graphics_inqWindow (g, & x1, & x2, & y1, & y2);
if (xmax <= xmin) {
xmin = x1;
xmax = x2;
if (ymax <= ymin) {
ymin = y1;
ymax = y2;
Graphics_setInner (g);
Graphics_setWindow (g, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
for (long i = 1; i <= my nUnitsInLayer[1]; i++) {
long unitOffset = my nInputs + 1;
double c1 = 0.0, c2 = 0.0, bias = my w[ my wLast[unitOffset + i] ];
double x[6], y[6], xs[3], ys[3]; int ns = 0;
for (long j = 1; j <= my nInputs; j++) {
c1 += my w[ my wFirst[unitOffset + i] + j - 1 ] * eigen->eigenvectors[ix][j];
c2 += my w[ my wFirst[unitOffset + i] + j - 1 ] * eigen->eigenvectors[iy][j];
x[1] = x[2] = x[5] = xmin; x[3] = x[4] = xmax;
y[1] = y[4] = y[5] = ymin; y[2] = y[3] = ymax;
for (long j = 1; j <= 4; j++) {
double p1 = c1 * x[j ] + c2 * y[j ] + bias;
double p2 = c1 * x[j + 1] + c2 * y[j + 1] + bias;
double r = fabs (p1) / (fabs (p1) + fabs (p2));
if (p1 *p2 > 0 || r == 0.0) {
if (++ns > 2) {
xs[ns] = x[j] + (x[j + 1] - x[j]) * r;
ys[ns] = y[j] + (y[j + 1] - y[j]) * r;
if (ns < 2) {
Melder_casual (U"Intersection for unit ", i, U" outside range");
} else {
Graphics_line (g, xs[1], ys[1], xs[2], ys[2]);
Graphics_unsetInner (g);
示例15: VocalTract_drawSegments
void VocalTract_drawSegments (VocalTract me, Graphics g, double maxLength, double maxArea, bool closedAtGlottis)
Graphics_setInner (g);
double maxCrossection = sqrt (maxArea);
Graphics_setWindow (g, 0, maxLength, -maxCrossection, maxCrossection);
for (long isection = 1; isection <= my nx; isection++) {
double x1 = (isection - 1.0) * my dx, x2 = x1 + my dx;
double crosssection2 = sqrt (my z[1][isection]);
Graphics_line (g, x1, crosssection2, x2, crosssection2);
Graphics_line (g, x1, -crosssection2, x2, -crosssection2);
if (isection > 1) {
double crosssection1 = sqrt (my z[1][isection - 1]);
Graphics_line (g, x1, crosssection1, x1, crosssection2);
Graphics_line (g, x1, -crosssection1, x1, -crosssection2);
} else if (isection == 1 and closedAtGlottis) {
Graphics_line (g, x1, crosssection2, x1, -crosssection2);
Graphics_unsetInner (g);