本文整理汇总了C++中GetWorld函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GetWorld函数的具体用法?C++ GetWorld怎么用?C++ GetWorld使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: GetMesh
void AZombieCharacter::Attack()
//This function is used only when it's permitted by the zombie's animation instance
//It creates a raycast in a sphere shape and checks for possible hits
//If the hits contain our player it makes sure it applies damage to him
//Setting up the start and end location of the raycast
FVector StartLocation = GetMesh()->GetSocketLocation(FName("MeleeStartSocket"));
FVector EndLocation = GetMesh()->GetSocketLocation(FName("MeleeEndSocket"));
//Raycasting in a sphere to detect collisions
TArray<FHitResult> HitResults;
//Setting up the shape of the raycast
FCollisionShape CollisionShape;
CollisionShape.ShapeType = ECollisionShape::Sphere;
//Object query parameters
FCollisionObjectQueryParams ObjectQueryParams;
//Handling ignored actors
FCollisionQueryParams QueryParams;
UWorld* World = GetWorld();
if (World && ZAnimInstance->bEligibleForAttack)
bool bHit = World->SweepMultiByObjectType(HitResults, StartLocation, EndLocation, FQuat::Identity, ObjectQueryParams, CollisionShape, QueryParams);
//Raycast visualization
/*FVector Center = ((EndLocation - StartLocation) / 2) + StartLocation;
DrawDebugSphere(World, Center, AttackRaycastRadius, 20, FColor::Green, false, 2.f);*/
//Checking for possible hits
if (bHit)
for (auto It = HitResults.CreateIterator(); It; It++)
ARoguelikeChar* Char = Cast<ARoguelikeChar>(It->GetActor());
if (Char && ZAnimInstance && GetCharacterMovement())
//Calling the attack function from character
//Closing the flag which checks for the attack function
ZAnimInstance->bEligibleForAttack = false;
//Updating with new movement speed
GetCharacterMovement()->MaxWalkSpeed = InitialMaxWalkSpeed;
ZAnimInstance->Speed = InitialMaxWalkSpeed;
示例2: AddControllerPitchInput
// look up rate
void AClashOfBallsBall::LookUpAtRate(float Rate)
//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("LookUp/Down"));
// calculate delta for this frame from the rate information
AddControllerPitchInput(Rate * BaseLookUpRate * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds());
示例3: TEXT
void ASpawnEnemy::SpawnRandomEnemy()
TArray<FString> Parsed;
TArray<FString> HowMuch;
TArray<FString> TypeEnemy;
const TCHAR* Delims[] = { TEXT(":"), TEXT(";") };
float RandomNumber = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
int SetNumber = RandomNumber * (Enemies.Num());
Enemies[SetNumber].ParseIntoArray(&Parsed, Delims, 2);
int SizeOfArrayParsed = Parsed.Num() - 1;
for (int x = 0; x <= SizeOfArrayParsed; x = x + 2) {
for (int x = 1; x <= SizeOfArrayParsed; x = x + 2) {
for (auto Itr(HowMuch.CreateIterator()); Itr; Itr++) {
APawn* NewPawn = NULL;
FVector BoxOnWorld = GetActorLocation();
FRotator RotatorBoxOnWorld = GetActorRotation();
FBox BoxInfo = GetComponentsBoundingBox();
FVector BoxSize = BoxInfo.GetSize();
if (TypeEnemy[Itr.GetIndex()] == "PegEnemyLight")
EnemyClass = PegLightEnemyClass;
else if (TypeEnemy[Itr.GetIndex()] == "PegDarkEnemy") {
EnemyClass = PegDarkEnemyClass;
else if (TypeEnemy[Itr.GetIndex()] == "GarbageEnemy") {
EnemyClass = GarbageEnemyClass;
else if (TypeEnemy[Itr.GetIndex()] == "MeleeBookEnemy") {
EnemyClass = MeleeBookEnemyClass;
else if (TypeEnemy[Itr.GetIndex()] == "RangeBookEnemy") {
EnemyClass = RangeBookEnemyClass;
else if (TypeEnemy[Itr.GetIndex()] == "PianoChargeEnemy") {
EnemyClass = PianoEnemyClass;
else if (TypeEnemy[Itr.GetIndex()] == "BarrelChargeEnemy") {
EnemyClass = BarrelEnemyClass;
else if (TypeEnemy[Itr.GetIndex()] == "FridgeChargeEnemy") {
EnemyClass = FridgeEnemyClass;
if (GetWorld())
int32 MyShinyNewInt = FCString::Atoi(*HowMuch[Itr.GetIndex()]);
for (int x = 1; x <= MyShinyNewInt; x++) {
float random = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
float randomy = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
int xValue = 1 + random * ((3) - (1));
int yValue = 1 + randomy * ((3) - (1));
float z, y;
if (xValue == 1)
z = random * (0 + (BoxSize[0] / 2));
z = random * (0 - (BoxSize[0] / 2));
if (yValue == 1)
y = random * (0 + (BoxSize[1] / 2));
y = random * (0 - (BoxSize[1] / 2));
BoxOnWorld[0] += z;
BoxOnWorld[1] += y;
if (ShouldSpawnEnemies)
if (BoxInfo.IsInside(BoxOnWorld))
NewPawn = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AAI_BasicEnemy>(EnemyClass, BoxOnWorld, RotatorBoxOnWorld);
FVector BoxOnWorld = GetActorLocation();
if (NewPawn != NULL)
if (NewPawn->Controller == NULL)
if (BehaviorTree != NULL)
AAIController* AIController = Cast<AAIController>(NewPawn->Controller);
if (AIController != NULL)
示例4: GetWorld
float APhysicsVolume::GetGravityZ() const
return GetWorld()->GetGravityZ();
示例5: PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation
void APawn::PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation()
// always consider Location as changed if we were spawned this tick as in that case our replicated Location was set as part of spawning, before PreNetReceive()
if( (ReplicatedMovement.Location == GetActorLocation() && ReplicatedMovement.Rotation == GetActorRotation()) && (CreationTime != GetWorld()->TimeSeconds) )
if( Role == ROLE_SimulatedProxy )
// Correction to make sure pawn doesn't penetrate floor after replication rounding
ReplicatedMovement.Location.Z += 0.01f;
const FVector OldLocation = GetActorLocation();
const FQuat OldRotation = GetActorQuat();
SetActorLocationAndRotation(ReplicatedMovement.Location, ReplicatedMovement.Rotation, /*bSweep=*/ false);
INetworkPredictionInterface* PredictionInterface = Cast<INetworkPredictionInterface>(GetMovementComponent());
if (PredictionInterface)
PredictionInterface->SmoothCorrection(OldLocation, OldRotation, ReplicatedMovement.Location, ReplicatedMovement.Rotation.Quaternion());
示例6: AddControllerPitchInput
void APluginsCharacter::LookUpAtRate(float Rate)
// calculate delta for this frame from the rate information
AddControllerPitchInput(Rate * BaseLookUpRate * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds());
示例7: GetNavData
bool UNavigationComponent::GeneratePathTo(const FVector& GoalLocation, TSharedPtr<const FNavigationQueryFilter> QueryFilter)
if (GetWorld() == NULL || GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem() == NULL || GetOuter() == NULL)
return false;
// Make sure we're trying to path to the closest valid location TO that location rather than the absolute location.
// After talking with Steve P., if we need to ever allow pathing WITHOUT projecting to nav-mesh, it will probably be
// best to do so using a flag while keeping this as the default behavior. NOTE:` If any changes to this behavior
// are made, you should search for other places in UNavigationComponent using NavMeshGoalLocation and make sure the
// behavior remains consistent.
// make sure that nav data is updated
const FNavAgentProperties* NavAgentProps = MyNavAgent ? MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentProperties() : NULL;
if (NavAgentProps != NULL)
FVector NavMeshGoalLocation;
UE_VLOG_LOCATION(GetOwner(), GoalLocation, 34, FColor(0,127,14), TEXT("GoalLocation"));
UE_VLOG_BOX(GetOwner(), FBox(GoalLocation - ProjectionExtent, GoalLocation + ProjectionExtent), FColor::Green, TEXT_EMPTY);
if (ProjectPointToNavigation(GoalLocation, NavMeshGoalLocation) == QuerySuccess)
UE_VLOG_SEGMENT(GetOwner(), GoalLocation, NavMeshGoalLocation, FColor::Blue, TEXT_EMPTY);
UE_VLOG_LOCATION(GetOwner(), NavMeshGoalLocation, 34, FColor::Blue, TEXT_EMPTY);
UNavigationSystem* NavSys = GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem();
FPathFindingQuery Query(MyNavData, MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentLocation(), NavMeshGoalLocation, QueryFilter);
const EPathFindingMode::Type Mode = bDoHierarchicalPathfinding ? EPathFindingMode::Hierarchical : EPathFindingMode::Regular;
FPathFindingResult Result = NavSys->FindPathSync(*MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentProperties(), Query, Mode);
// try reversing direction
if (bSearchFromGoalWhenOutOfNodes && !bDoHierarchicalPathfinding &&
Result.Path.IsValid() && Result.Path->DidSearchReachedLimit())
// quick check if path exists
bool bPathExists = false;
DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Pathfinding: HPA* test time"), STAT_Navigation_PathVerifyTime, STATGROUP_Navigation);
bPathExists = NavSys->TestPathSync(Query, EPathFindingMode::Hierarchical);
UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Log, TEXT("GeneratePathTo: out of nodes, HPA* path: %s"),
bPathExists ? TEXT("exists, trying reversed search") : TEXT("doesn't exist"));
// reverse search
if (bPathExists)
DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Pathfinding: reversed test time"), STAT_Navigation_PathReverseTime, STATGROUP_Navigation);
TSharedPtr<FNavigationQueryFilter> Filter = QueryFilter.IsValid() ? QueryFilter->GetCopy() : MyNavData->GetDefaultQueryFilter()->GetCopy();
FPathFindingQuery ReversedQuery(MyNavData, Query.EndLocation, Query.StartLocation, Filter);
Result = NavSys->FindPathSync(*MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentProperties(), Query, Mode);
if (Result.IsSuccessful() || Result.IsPartial())
CurrentGoal = NavMeshGoalLocation;
if (IsFollowing() == true)
// make sure ticking is enabled (and it shouldn't be enabled before _first_ async path finding)
return true;
UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Display, TEXT("Failed to generate path to destination"));
UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Display, TEXT("Destination not on navmesh (and nowhere near!)"));
UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Display, TEXT("UNavigationComponent::GeneratePathTo: NavAgentProps == NULL (Probably Pawn died)"));
return false;
示例8: UE_LOG
bool ANUTActor::NotifyControlMessage(UNetConnection* Connection, uint8 MessageType, FInBunch& Bunch)
bool bHandledMessage = false;
if (MessageType == NMT_NUTControl)
uint8 CmdType = 0;
FString Command;
FNetControlMessage<NMT_NUTControl>::Receive(Bunch, CmdType, Command);
// Console command
if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Command_NoResult || CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Command_SendResult)
UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("NMT_NUTControl: Executing command: %s"), *Command);
FStringOutputDevice CmdResult;
bool bCmdSuccess = false;
bCmdSuccess = GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), *Command, CmdResult);
UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("NMT_NUTControl: Command result: %s"), *CmdResult);
bool bSendResult = CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Command_SendResult;
if (bSendResult)
uint8 ReturnCmdType = (bCmdSuccess ? ENUTControlCommand::CommandResult_Success :
FNetControlMessage<NMT_NUTControl>::Send(Connection, ReturnCmdType, CmdResult);
// Console command result
else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::CommandResult_Failed || CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::CommandResult_Success)
bool bCmdSuccess = CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::CommandResult_Success;
if (bCmdSuccess)
UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("NMT_NUTControl: Got command result:"));
UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("%s"), *Command);
UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("NMT_NUTControl: Failed to execute command"));
// Ping request
else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Ping)
uint8 TempCmdType = ENUTControlCommand::Pong;
FString Dud;
FNetControlMessage<NMT_NUTControl>::Send(Connection, TempCmdType, Dud);
// Pong reply - this should only be implemented by custom unit tests; hence the assert
else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Pong)
// Custom implemented events, with the result triggered through 'NotifyEvent'
else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::WatchEvent)
// NOTE: Only the last NetConnection to request a WatchEvent, will receive notifications
EventWatcher = Connection;
// Watch for the end of seamless travel
if (Command == TEXT("SeamlessTravelEnd"))
// Event watch notification - should only be implemented by custom unit tests
else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::NotifyEvent)
// Create an actor instance (the 'summon' console command, doesn't work without a cheat manager)
else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Summon)
const TCHAR* Cmd = *Command;
FString SpawnClassName = FParse::Token(Cmd, false);
bool bForceBeginPlay = FParse::Param(Cmd, TEXT("ForceBeginPlay"));
// Hack specifically for getting the GameplayDebugger working - think the mainline code is broken
bool bGameplayDebuggerHack = FParse::Param(Cmd, TEXT("GameplayDebuggerHack"));
UClass* SpawnClass = FindObject<UClass>(NULL, *SpawnClassName);
if (SpawnClass != NULL)
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParms;
SpawnParms.Owner = GetOwner();
AActor* NewActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AActor>(SpawnClass, SpawnParms);
if (NewActor != NULL)
示例9: GetActorLocation
void ALaser::checkLaserCollisions(float dt)
FHitResult hit;
FCollisionQueryParams queryParam;
queryParam.bFindInitialOverlaps = false;
queryParam.bReturnFaceIndex = true;
FCollisionObjectQueryParams objectParam = objectParam.DefaultObjectQueryParam;
if ( !canHitBall ) queryParam.AddIgnoredActor( GetWorld()->GetGameState<AProjectTapGameState>()->GetPlayer() );
auto pos = GetActorLocation();
auto rayStart = pos + dir * 5.0f;
auto laserVector = dir * length;
auto laserEmitter = laserParticle->EmitterInstances[0];
//ray cast to see if laser hits anything
GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByObjectType(hit,rayStart, pos + laserVector, objectParam,queryParam);
auto hitActor = hit.Actor.Get();
if (hitActor != nullptr)
currHitPoint = hit.ImpactPoint;
if(!laserSparkParticle->bIsActive) laserSparkParticle->ActivateSystem();
//kills ball if laser hits it
auto ball = Cast<ABallPawn>(hitActor);
if (ball != nullptr)
laserEmitter->SetBeamTargetPoint(hit.ImpactPoint, 0);
//if not set laser end point
laserEmitter->SetBeamTargetPoint(hit.ImpactPoint, 0);
bool typeFound = false;
//if hits deflective tile then spawn a new laser object
auto tile = Cast<ADeflectiveTile>(hitActor);
bool isFrame = false;
if (tile != nullptr)
typeFound = true;
TArray<USceneComponent*> Children;
tile->frameCollisionsComponent->GetChildrenComponents(true, Children);
for(int i = 0; i < Children.Num() && typeFound ; ++i)
// printonscreen(hit.Component.Get()->GetName());
// printonscreen(Children[i]->GetName());
if(hit.Component.Get() == Children[i])
typeFound = false;
isFrame = true;
//cut the laser length to make sure new sub laser start doesn't hit the same object
if (typeFound && CanSpawnSubLaser()) SpawnSubLaser(hit.ImpactPoint + hit.ImpactNormal * 10.0f, hit.ImpactNormal);
//if sub laser already exists then keep updating its rotation and position
auto subLaserExistsHitDeflectiveTile = currentDepth < MAX_DEPTH && nextLaser != nullptr && tile != nullptr;
if (subLaserExistsHitDeflectiveTile)
auto incomingVector = hit.ImpactPoint - GetActorLocation();
//if the incoming vector's angle is too small then kill sublasers to avoid laser flickering
auto dot = FVector::DotProduct(-incomingVector.GetSafeNormal(), hit.ImpactNormal);
auto angle = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(FMath::Acos(dot));
if (angle < 70.0f)
auto newDir = FMath::GetReflectionVector(incomingVector, hit.ImpactNormal);
auto start = hit.ImpactPoint + newDir * 2.0f;
nextLaser->dir = newDir.IsNormalized() ? newDir : newDir.GetSafeNormal();
nextLaser->laserParticle->EmitterInstances[0]->SetBeamSourcePoint(hit.ImpactPoint, 0);
nextLaser->laserParticle->EmitterInstances[0]->SetBeamTargetPoint(start + newDir * length, 0);
//if the laser hits turret then kills it
if (!typeFound)
auto turret = Cast<ATurretPawn>(hitActor);
if (turret != nullptr)
typeFound = true;
APortalTile* portal = nullptr;
if (!typeFound)
portal = Cast<APortalTile>(hitActor);
if (CanSpawnSubLaser() && portal != nullptr)
示例10: GetWorld
void ANUTActor::ServerClientStillAlive_Implementation()
LastAliveTime = GetWorld()->RealTimeSeconds;
示例11: ServerAddItemOnSlot
void UGISInventoryBaseComponent::AddItemOnSlot(const FGISSlotInfo& TargetSlotType, const FGISSlotInfo& LastSlotType)
//Before we start swapping item, let's check if tags match!
if (GetOwnerRole() < ROLE_Authority)
ServerAddItemOnSlot(TargetSlotType, LastSlotType);
//check if all data is valid.
if (!TargetSlotType.IsValid() || !LastSlotType.IsValid())
//next check should be against item tags, but that's later!
if (LastSlotType.CurrentInventoryComponent->bRemoveItemsFromInvetoryOnDrag)
if (TargetSlotType.GetItemData() == nullptr)
UGISItemData* TargetItem = LastSlotType.GetItemData();
UGISItemData* LastItem = TargetSlotType.GetItemData();
if (!CheckIfCanAddItemToSlot(TargetItem, TargetSlotType.SlotTabIndex, TargetSlotType.SlotIndex, LastItem))
if (!TargetItem->HasAnyMatchingGameplayTags(TargetSlotType.GetTags()))
if (TargetItem)
if (!TargetItem->CanItemBeSwapped())
if (LastItem)
if (!LastItem->CanItemBeSwapped())
TargetItem->AssignInventory(LastSlotType, TargetSlotType);
if ((LastTargetTab != INDEX_NONE) && (LastOtherOriginTab != INDEX_NONE)
&& LastOtherOriginInventory)
LastOtherOriginInventory->CopyItemsFromOtherInventoryTab(this, LastOtherOriginTab, LastTargetTab);
SlotSwapInfo = FGISSlotSwapInfo(LastSlotType, LastItem, TargetSlotType, TargetItem);
if (GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_Standalone)
//we will do it on server, to give chance for other
//componenets/actors to do something if item is removed/swapped in inventory.
if (GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_DedicatedServer)
Last copy item from last inventory, to be placed in Target inventory.
UGISItemData* TargetItem = LastSlotType.GetItemData();
Copy item from target inventory, to be placed in last inventory.
UGISItemData* LastItem = TargetSlotType.GetItemData();
if (!CheckIfCanAddItemToSlot(TargetItem, TargetSlotType.SlotTabIndex, TargetSlotType.SlotIndex, LastItem))
if (!TargetItem->HasAnyMatchingGameplayTags(TargetSlotType.GetTags()))
if (!LastItem->HasAnyMatchingGameplayTags(LastSlotType.GetTags()))
if (TargetItem)
if (!TargetItem->CanItemBeSwapped())
if (LastItem)
if (!LastItem->CanItemBeSwapped())
Assign current inventory to current item.
TargetItem->AssignInventory(LastSlotType, TargetSlotType);
示例12: CreateRagdollExperiment_0
void CreateRagdollExperiment_0(const dMatrix& location)
static dJointDefinition jointsDefinition[] =
{ "body" },
{ "leg", 100.0f,{ -15.0f, 15.0f, 30.0f },{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 180.0f }, dAnimationRagdollJoint::m_threeDof },
{ "foot", 100.0f,{ -15.0f, 15.0f, 30.0f },{ 0.0f, 90.0f, 0.0f }, dAnimationRagdollJoint::m_twoDof },
const int definitionCount = sizeof (jointsDefinition)/sizeof (jointsDefinition[0]);
NewtonWorld* const world = GetWorld();
DemoEntityManager* const scene = (DemoEntityManager*)NewtonWorldGetUserData(world);
DemoEntity* const modelEntity = DemoEntity::LoadNGD_mesh("selfbalance_01.ngd", GetWorld(), scene->GetShaderCache());
dMatrix matrix0(modelEntity->GetCurrentMatrix());
//matrix0.m_posit = location;
//modelEntity->ResetMatrix(*scene, matrix0);
// add the root childBody
NewtonBody* const rootBody = CreateBodyPart(modelEntity);
// build the rag doll with rigid bodies connected by joints
dDynamicsRagdoll* const dynamicRagdoll = new dDynamicsRagdoll(rootBody, dGetIdentityMatrix());
// save the controller as the collision user data, for collision culling
NewtonCollisionSetUserData(NewtonBodyGetCollision(rootBody), dynamicRagdoll);
int stackIndex = 0;
DemoEntity* childEntities[32];
dAnimationJoint* parentBones[32];
for (DemoEntity* child = modelEntity->GetChild(); child; child = child->GetSibling()) {
parentBones[stackIndex] = dynamicRagdoll;
childEntities[stackIndex] = child;
// walk model hierarchic adding all children designed as rigid body bones.
while (stackIndex) {
DemoEntity* const entity = childEntities[stackIndex];
dAnimationJoint* parentNode = parentBones[stackIndex];
const char* const name = entity->GetName().GetStr();
for (int i = 0; i < definitionCount; i++) {
if (!strcmp(jointsDefinition[i].m_boneName, name)) {
NewtonBody* const childBody = CreateBodyPart(entity);
// connect this body part to its parent with a rag doll joint
parentNode = CreateChildNode(childBody, parentNode, jointsDefinition[i]);
NewtonCollisionSetUserData(NewtonBodyGetCollision(childBody), parentNode);
for (DemoEntity* child = entity->GetChild(); child; child = child->GetSibling()) {
parentBones[stackIndex] = parentNode;
childEntities[stackIndex] = child;
SetModelMass (100.0f, dynamicRagdoll);
// set the collision mask
// note this container work best with a material call back for setting bit field
// transform the entire contraction to its location
dMatrix worldMatrix(modelEntity->GetCurrentMatrix() * location);
worldMatrix.m_posit = location.m_posit;
NewtonBodySetMatrixRecursive(rootBody, &worldMatrix[0][0]);
// attach effectors here
for (dAnimationJoint* joint = GetFirstJoint(dynamicRagdoll); joint; joint = GetNextJoint(joint)) {
if (joint->GetAsRoot()) {
dAssert(dynamicRagdoll == joint);
} else if (joint->GetAsLeaf()) {
//return controller;
示例13: check
ULocalPlayer* UGameInstance::CreateLocalPlayer(int32 ControllerId, FString& OutError, bool bSpawnActor)
check(GetEngine()->LocalPlayerClass != NULL);
ULocalPlayer* NewPlayer = NULL;
int32 InsertIndex = INDEX_NONE;
const int32 MaxSplitscreenPlayers = (GetGameViewportClient() != NULL) ? GetGameViewportClient()->MaxSplitscreenPlayers : 1;
if (FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId( ControllerId ) != NULL)
OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT("A local player already exists for controller ID %d,"), ControllerId);
else if (LocalPlayers.Num() < MaxSplitscreenPlayers)
// If the controller ID is not specified then find the first available
if (ControllerId < 0)
for (ControllerId = 0; ControllerId < MaxSplitscreenPlayers; ++ControllerId)
if (FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId( ControllerId ) == NULL)
check(ControllerId < MaxSplitscreenPlayers);
else if (ControllerId >= MaxSplitscreenPlayers)
UE_LOG(LogPlayerManagement, Warning, TEXT("Controller ID (%d) is unlikely to map to any physical device, so this player will not receive input"), ControllerId);
NewPlayer = NewObject<ULocalPlayer>(GetEngine(), GetEngine()->LocalPlayerClass);
InsertIndex = AddLocalPlayer(NewPlayer, ControllerId);
if (bSpawnActor && InsertIndex != INDEX_NONE && GetWorld() != NULL)
if (GetWorld()->GetNetMode() != NM_Client)
// server; spawn a new PlayerController immediately
if (!NewPlayer->SpawnPlayActor("", OutError, GetWorld()))
NewPlayer = NULL;
// client; ask the server to let the new player join
OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT( "Maximum number of players (%d) already created. Unable to create more."), MaxSplitscreenPlayers);
if (OutError != TEXT(""))
UE_LOG(LogPlayerManagement, Log, TEXT("UPlayer* creation failed with error: %s"), *OutError);
return NewPlayer;
示例14: GetCharacterMovement
void AMMO_Character::BeginPlay()
GetCharacterMovement()->MaxWalkSpeed = MovementSpeed;
Player_SkeletalMeshComponent = FindComponentByClass<class USkeletalMeshComponent>();
Player_SpringArmComponent = FindComponentByClass<class USpringArmComponent>();
Player_Widget = FindComponentByClass<class UWidgetComponent>();
CurrentHealth = MaxHealth;
OverheadUI = Cast<UMMO_OverheadUI_HUD>(Player_Widget->GetUserWidgetObject());
OverheadUI->CharName = CharacterName;
float TempPercetage = CurrentHealth / MaxHealth;
OverheadUI->HPBarValue = TempPercetage;
AnimInstance = Cast<UMMO_Char_AnimInstance>(Player_SkeletalMeshComponent->GetAnimInstance());
MyController = Cast<AMMO_Player_Controller>(GetController());
TArray<UCameraComponent*> Cameras;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Cameras.Num(); i++)
if (Cameras[i]->ComponentHasTag("MainCam"))
MainCam = Cameras[i];
LockOnCam = Cameras[i];
if (!bIsWarrior)
TArray<UStaticMeshComponent*> StaticMeshes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < StaticMeshes.Num(); i++)
if (StaticMeshes[i]->ComponentHasTag("HandArrow"))
HandArrow = StaticMeshes[i];
else if (StaticMeshes[i]->ComponentHasTag("ArrowShooterLoc"))
ShootingLocation = StaticMeshes[i];
else if (StaticMeshes[i]->ComponentHasTag("ShootTarget"))
ShootTarget = StaticMeshes[i];
//Get Reference to Other Character.
if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
for (TActorIterator<AMMO_Character> ActorItr(GetWorld()); ActorItr; ++ActorItr)
if (*ActorItr != this)
OtherCharacter = *ActorItr;
for (TActorIterator<AObjectPool> ActorItr(GetWorld()); ActorItr; ++ActorItr)
if (ActorItr->ActorHasTag("ObjectPooler"))
GlobalPool = *ActorItr;
示例15: GetWorld
void AWorldSettings::NotifyMatchStarted()
UWorld* World = GetWorld();
World->bMatchStarted = true;