本文整理汇总了C++中GetWidth函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GetWidth函数的具体用法?C++ GetWidth怎么用?C++ GetWidth使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: Stretch
void Stretch(ConstImageBuffer src) {
Stretch(0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(),
src, 0, 0, src.width, src.height);
示例2: m_Width
GeometryTerrain::GeometryTerrain(int size, int patch_size, int num_hills, float smoothness, int smooth_passes )
: m_Width(size),
if(patch_size < 2) patch_size = 2;
if(patch_size > size) patch_size = size;
m_pHeight = new float*[m_Width+1];
m_fOffsetX = 1.0f;
m_fOffsetY = 1.0f;
m_fOffsetZ = 1.0f;
for(int i = 0; i <= m_Length; i++)
m_pHeight[i] = new float[m_Width+1];
memset(m_pHeight[i], 0, sizeof(float)*(m_Length+1));
m_pVertices = NULL;
m_nVertexCount = ((unsigned int)GetWidth()+1)*((unsigned int)GetLength()+1);
//memset(m_pVertices, 0, m_nVertexCount);
//memset(m_pNormals, 0, m_nVertexCount);
m_pVertices = new flx_Vertex[m_nVertexCount];
m_pTexCoords = new flx_TexCoord[m_nVertexCount];
m_pNormals = new flx_Normal[m_nVertexCount];
//Add some random Hills and smooth it
for(int i = 0; i < smooth_passes; ++i)
int deg_x = 0, deg_z = 0;
for(int z = 0; z <= GetLength(); z++)
for(int x = 0; x <= GetWidth(); x++)
//fill Vertex array with data
m_pVertices[x + z * (GetWidth()+1)].x = (float)x * m_fOffsetX;
m_pVertices[x + z * (GetWidth()+1)].y = getHeight(x, z);
m_pVertices[x + z * (GetWidth()+1)].z = (float)z * m_fOffsetZ;
//fill TexCoord array with data
m_pTexCoords[x + z * (GetWidth()+1)].u = (float)((float)x/(GetWidth()+1));
m_pTexCoords[x + z * (GetWidth()+1)].v = (float)((float)z/(GetWidth()+1));
//Create Indices
for(int z = 0; z < GetLength()-1; z++)
//Even rows move left to right
if(z % 2 == 0)
int x;
for(x = 0; x < GetWidth(); x++)
m_Indices.push_back( x + (z * GetWidth()) );
m_Indices.push_back( x + (z * GetWidth()) + GetWidth() );
if(z != GetLength() - 2 )
m_Indices.push_back( --x + (z * GetWidth()) );
//odd rows move right to left
int x;
for(x = GetWidth() -1; x >= 0; x--)
m_Indices.push_back( x + (z * GetWidth()) );
m_Indices.push_back( x + (z * GetWidth()) + GetWidth() );
if(z != GetLength() - 2 )
m_Indices.push_back( ++x + (z * GetWidth()) );
//Fill the buffers with data
//VertexBuffer.setElementList(m_pVertices, m_nVertexCount);
//TexCoordBuffer.setElementList(m_pTexCoords, m_nVertexCount);
//...and calculate the Normals
//Buffers ready to bind!
//delete [] m_pVertices; m_pVertices = NULL;
示例3: getBytesRequired
ImageLoader::GetBytesPerLine () {
return getBytesRequired(GetWidth(), _myEncoding);
示例4: shadowMapTexture
void GeometryTerrain::computeLightmap(Vector3 _vlightSource, bool update)
bool bIntegrateNormals = false;
std::vector<GLubyte> shadowMapTexture(GetWidth()*GetWidth()*4);
float maxHeight = -99999.0f;
for(int z =0; z <= GetLength(); ++z)
for(int x = 0; x <= GetWidth(); ++x)
maxHeight = max(getHeight(x,z), maxHeight);
for(int z =0; z <= GetLength(); ++z)
for(int x = 0; x <= GetWidth(); ++x)
float ambientLight = 255;
Ray lightRay(Vector3(x, getHeight(x, z), z), _vlightSource );
Vector3 current_ray_pos(Vector3(x, getHeight(x, z), z));
Vector3 direction_to_sun = lightRay.m_v3Direction.normalize();
int numRayHits = 0;
while(!(current_ray_pos.x <= 0 || current_ray_pos.x >= GetWidth() || current_ray_pos.z <= 0 || current_ray_pos.z >= GetWidth() ))
if(current_ray_pos.y > maxHeight) break;
// Is the terrain blocking the ray at this point?
if(getHeight((int)floor(current_ray_pos.x), (int)floor(current_ray_pos.z)) > current_ray_pos.y)
//light still traveling...
current_ray_pos += direction_to_sun;
float ambientLightNormals = 0;
Vector3 n(
m_pNormals[x+z * (GetWidth()+1)].x,
m_pNormals[x+z * (GetWidth()+1)].y,
m_pNormals[x+z * (GetWidth()+1)].z
ambientLightNormals = 0.5*( 1.0f + dot(n.normalize(), direction_to_sun) );
if(ambientLightNormals > 1.0f) ambientLightNormals = 1.0f;
if(ambientLightNormals < 0.0f) ambientLightNormals = 0.0f;
if(numRayHits > 0)
//ambientLight = (current_ray_pos - Vector3(x,getHeight(x,z),z)).magnitude() - ambientLightNormals * 255;
ambientLight = 170;
if(ambientLight > 255) ambientLight = 255;
if(ambientLight < 170) ambientLight = 170;
int index = (x + z * GetWidth()) * 3;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
shadowMapTexture[index + i] = (GLubyte)ambientLight;
for(int z =0; z <= GetLength(); ++z)
for(int x = 0; x <= GetWidth(); ++x)
int factor = 2;
ColorOGL colCurrent;
colCurrent.m_fRed = shadowMapTexture[(x + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0];
colCurrent.m_fGreen = shadowMapTexture[(x + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1];
colCurrent.m_fBlue = shadowMapTexture[(x + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2];
ColorOGL colT;
ColorOGL colD;
ColorOGL colL;
ColorOGL colR;
if(shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0) &&
shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1) &&
shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2)
colT.m_fRed = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0];
colT.m_fGreen = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1];
colT.m_fBlue = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2];
if(shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0) &&
shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1) &&
shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2)
colD.m_fRed = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0];
colD.m_fGreen = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1];
colD.m_fBlue = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2];
示例5: Vector3
Vector3 GeometryTerrain::getNormal(int x, int z)
return Vector3(m_pNormals[x+z * (GetWidth()+1)].x,m_pNormals[x+z * (GetWidth()+1)].y,m_pNormals[x+z * (GetWidth()+1)].z);
示例6: SetPos
void CUIQuestRestore::ResetPosition( PIX pixMinI, PIX pixMinJ, PIX pixMaxI, PIX pixMaxJ )
SetPos( ( pixMaxI + pixMinI - GetWidth() ) / 2 , ( pixMaxJ + pixMinJ - GetHeight() ) / 2 );
示例7: CCreate_Rock_Fall_Message
void CEarthBoss::Update(float fElapsedTime)
if (m_pEState->GetState() == EntityState::DEAD)
m_fUpdateOldPos += fElapsedTime;
if(m_nCoolDown > 0)
m_nCoolDown -= fElapsedTime;
if( m_fPunchCoolDown > 0.0f && m_bPunching == true)
m_fPunchCoolDown -= fElapsedTime;
m_fPunchCoolDown = 2.5f;
m_bPunching = false;
if (m_fSpecialTimer > 0.0f)
m_fSpecialTimer -= fElapsedTime;
CCreate_Rock_Fall_Message* pMsg = new CCreate_Rock_Fall_Message();
pMsg = nullptr;
m_fSpecialTimer = 15.0f;
//if not rushing do basic path finding to the player
if(GetTarget() != nullptr)
float tar_pos_x = GetTarget()->GetPosX();
float tar_pos_y = GetTarget()->GetPosY();
if(tar_pos_x > GetPosX())
//set Grunt's animation's facing to the right
if(m_fMoveAway <= 0)
// tar_pos_x += (m_bFlipped) ? -236 : 236;
//Simple Pathing twards the player
if(tar_pos_y != GetPosY())//Above the Player
float min_Distance = (float)(GetTarget()->GetWidth()/2 + GetWidth()/2);
if(GetPosX() + min_Distance > tar_pos_x && GetPosX() - min_Distance < tar_pos_x)
if( tar_pos_x < GetPosX())
SetVelX(speed * fElapsedTime);
SetVelX(-speed * fElapsedTime);
if( tar_pos_y < GetPosY())
SetVelY(-speed * fElapsedTime);
SetVelY(speed * fElapsedTime);
if( tar_pos_x < GetPosX())
SetVelX(-speed * fElapsedTime);
SetVelX(speed * fElapsedTime);
if( tar_pos_x > (GetPosX() - 64) && tar_pos_x < (GetPosX() + 64) )
if( tar_pos_y > (GetPosY() - 32) && tar_pos_y < (GetPosY() + 32) && m_bPunching == false)
m_bPunching = true;
if( tar_pos_x < GetPosX())
示例8: Hide
void CTargetMenu::Update( POINT ptMouse )
if( !IsVision()) return;
CTDialog::Update( ptMouse );
if( m_iTargetAvatarID )
CObjCHAR *pObj = (CObjCHAR*)g_pObjMGR->Get_CharOBJ( m_iTargetAvatarID, true );
/// 유효하지 않은 타겟이다.. 마우스 컴맨드 초기화
if( pObj == NULL )
if( g_pAVATAR->Get_DISTANCE( pObj ) >= 1200 )
POINT ptNew;
pObj->GetScreenPOS (PosSCR);
ptNew.x = (int)PosSCR.x - GetWidth() / 2;
ptNew.y = (int)PosSCR.y - ( GetHeight() * 2 / 3 );
MoveWindow( ptNew );
CWinCtrl* pCtrl;
for( iter = m_listChild.begin(); iter != m_listChild.end(); ++iter)
pCtrl = *iter;
if( pCtrl->GetControlType() == CTRL_IMAGE )
if( pCtrl->IsInside(ptMouse.x, ptMouse.y ) )
// g_itMGR.DrawToolTip( (short)ptMouse.x, (short)ptMouse.y, GetDialogType(), pCtrl->GetControlID());
int iTargetID = g_pAVATAR->m_iServerTarget;
if( iTargetID )
CObjCHAR *pObj = (CObjCHAR*)g_pObjMGR->Get_CharOBJ( g_CommandState.GetCurrentTarget(), true );
/// 유효하지 않은 타겟이다.. 마우스 컴맨드 초기화
if( pObj == NULL )
///Target이 아바타일경우에만 현재 스크린 좌표에 따라서 윈도우의 위치 조정
if( pObj->Get_TYPE() == OBJ_AVATAR )
POINT ptNew;
pObj->GetScreenPOS (PosSCR);
ptNew.x = (int)PosSCR.x - GetWidth() / 2;
ptNew.y = (int)PosSCR.y - ( GetHeight() * 2 / 3 );
MoveWindow( ptNew );
m_iTargetAvatarID = iTargetID;
// Show();
示例9: assert
void PlayScene::Start()
const auto fitsH = static_cast<int32_t>(std::ceil(static_cast<float>(GGame.GetWidth()) / kSpriteWidth)) + 1;
const auto fitsV = static_cast<int32_t>(std::ceil(static_cast<float>(GGame.GetHeight()) / kSpriteOddYOffset)) + 1;
_columns = fitsH;
_rows = fitsV;
SpriteParams params;
params.persistant = false;
params.texture = nullptr;
params.z = 5;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < kMap.size(); i++)
params.textureName = kMap[i];
auto sprite = GGame.Create<Sprite>(params);
assert(kSpriteWidth == sprite->GetWidth());
assert(kSpriteHeight == sprite->GetHeight());
auto pos = VectorIndexToXY(i);
sprite->SetCenterPosition(pos.first, pos.second);
params.z = 6;
params.textureName = "landingPlatform";
_landingPlatform = GGame.Create<Sprite>(params);
auto pos = VectorIndexToXY(RowColumnToVectorIndex(3, 5));
_landingPlatform->SetCenterPosition(pos.first, pos.second);
params.z = 7;
params.textureName = "spaceCraft";
_spacecraft = GGame.Create<Sprite>(params);
pos = VectorIndexToXY(RowColumnToVectorIndex(3, 5));
pos.first += kLandingOffset.first;
pos.second += kLandingOffset.second - 150;
_spacecraft->SetCenterPosition(pos.first, pos.second);
ResourceBarParams resourceBarParams;
resourceBarParams.persistant = false;
resourceBarParams.initialWood = 150;
resourceBarParams.initialCrystal = 20;
resourceBarParams.z = 100;
_resourceBar = GGame.Create<ResourceBar>(resourceBarParams);
BuildingPanelParams buildingPanelParams;
buildingPanelParams.persistant = false;
buildingPanelParams.z = 100;
_buildingPanel = GGame.Create<BuildingPanel>(buildingPanelParams);
_buildingPanel->SetPosition(GGame.GetWidth() - _buildingPanel->GetWidth(),
_landingTimer = 0.0f;
_landingFinished = false;
_landingDestination = VectorIndexToXY(RowColumnToVectorIndex(3, 5));
_landingDestination.first += kLandingOffset.first;
_landingDestination.second += kLandingOffset.second;
_uiSlideTimer = 0.0f;
_uiSlideFinished = false;
示例10: return
// Returns true if given co-ordinate is in this area
BOOL CSectionHandler::HasPoint(int iX,int iY)
return (iX>=m_iX && iY>=m_iY &&
iX<m_iX+GetWidth()+GetWidthOffset() && iY<m_iY+GetHeight()+GetHeightOffset());
示例11: ResizeRelation
/* Automatic type deduction, and placement
void TableSystemWidget::Insert( Widget *pwidget )
/* Try for IWTable interface
if ( IWTable *pi_tb = dynamic_cast<IWTable*>(pwidget) )
TableWidget *ptw = &pi_tb->Table();
if ( _p_main_table ) { APP_ERROR( Error("Insert: Table allready exists"), "TableSystemWidget"); }
_p_table_scroller->AttachWidget( (_p_main_table=pi_tb)->AtomPtr() );
_pri_tbl_width = pi_tb->Atom().GetWidth();
_pri_tbl_height= pi_tb->Atom().GetHeight();
pi_tb->Atom().OnResize.TieVoid( this, &TableSystemWidget::UpdateTableSizes );
if ( _p_caption_sizer )
_p_caption_sizer->Atom().Posses( new
ResizeRelation( _p_caption_sizer->Atom(), _p_main_table->Atom(), true, false )
/* Try for IWSizer interface
else if ( IWSizer *pi_siz = dynamic_cast<IWSizer *>(pwidget) )
SizerWidget *psw = &pi_siz->Sizer();
if ( _p_caption_sizer ) { APP_ERROR( Error("Insert: Caption sizer allready exists"), "TableSystemWidget"); }
_p_caption_scroller->AttachWidget( (_p_caption_sizer=pi_siz)->AtomPtr() );
_cs_height = _p_caption_sizer->Atom().GetHeight();
if ( _p_main_table )
_p_caption_sizer->Atom().Posses( new
ResizeRelation( _p_caption_sizer->Atom(), _p_main_table->Atom(), true, false )
/* Try for IWScrollbar interface
else if ( IWScrollbar *pi_sb = dynamic_cast<IWScrollbar*>(pwidget) )
ScrollbarWidget *psbw = &pi_sb->Scroller();
if ( psbw->IsHorizontal() )
if (_p_horiz_scrollbar ) { APP_ERROR( Error("Insert: H Scrollbar allready exists"), "TableSystemWidget"); }
HubWidget::Insert( (_p_horiz_scrollbar = pi_sb)->AtomPtr() );
_sb_height = _p_horiz_scrollbar->Atom().GetHeight();
new AdvScrollRelation( *_p_table_scroller, *_p_horiz_scrollbar, false )
_p_horiz_scrollbar->Atom().OnVisible.TieVoid( this, &TableSystemWidget::UpdateScrollbarSizes );
if ( _p_verti_scrollbar ) { APP_ERROR( Error("Insert: V Scrollbar allready exists"), "TableSystemWidget"); }
HubWidget::Insert( (_p_verti_scrollbar = pi_sb)->AtomPtr() );
_sb_width = _p_verti_scrollbar->Atom().GetWidth();
// if top gadget was inserted then relation type is disable-scrollbar relation
if ( _p_top_gadget )
_vertical_scroll_rel = new AdvScrollRelation2( *_p_table_scroller, *_p_verti_scrollbar, true );
// else it is hide scrollbar-relation
_vertical_scroll_rel = new AdvScrollRelation( *_p_table_scroller, *_p_verti_scrollbar, true );
_p_verti_scrollbar->Atom().OnVisible.TieVoid( this, &TableSystemWidget::UpdateScrollbarSizes );
/* Check if it's supposed to be a surrounding frame
else if ( FrameWidget *pfw = dynamic_cast<FrameWidget*>(pwidget) )
HubWidget::Retrieve( _p_table_scroller );
HubWidget::Retrieve( _p_caption_scroller );
HubWidget::Insert( _p_table_frame = pfw );
_p_table_frame->Insert( _p_table_scroller );
_p_table_frame->Insert( _p_caption_scroller );
/* We can place two small gadgets
else if ( !_p_bottom_gadget )
// if top gadget is beig inserted then change relation type to disable-scrollbar relation
if (!_p_top_gadget && _p_verti_scrollbar)
示例12: GetWidth
void TableSystemWidget::Fit()
int w = GetWidth(), h=GetHeight();
int sb_width = _sb_width;
int sb_height = _sb_height;
if (_p_verti_scrollbar && _p_verti_scrollbar->Atom().IsVisible() )
_ResizePositive( _p_verti_scrollbar->AtomPtr(), sb_width, h-(_cs_height+sb_height) );
_p_verti_scrollbar->Atom().SetPosition ( Pos( w-sb_width, _cs_height) );
if (_p_horiz_scrollbar && _p_horiz_scrollbar->Atom().IsVisible() )
_ResizePositive( _p_horiz_scrollbar->AtomPtr(), w-sb_width, sb_height );
_p_horiz_scrollbar->Atom().SetPosition ( Pos( 0, h-sb_height ) );
if (_p_table_frame)
int frame_w = w-sb_width;
int frame_h = h-sb_height;
_p_table_frame->Fill( Rect( 0, 0, frame_w, frame_h ));
Rect c = _p_table_frame->GetClientRect( _p_caption_scroller );
_p_caption_scroller->Resize( c.GetW(), _cs_height );
_p_caption_scroller->SetPosition( c.GetPos() );
_ResizePositive( _p_table_scroller, c.GetW(), c.GetH()-_cs_height );
_p_table_scroller->SetPosition( c.GetPos() + Pos( 0, _cs_height) );
if (_p_caption_scroller)
_p_caption_scroller->Resize( w-sb_width, _cs_height );
_p_caption_scroller->SetPosition( Pos(0,0) );
if (_p_table_scroller)
_ResizePositive( _p_table_scroller, w-sb_width, h-(_cs_height+sb_height) );
_p_table_scroller->SetPosition ( Pos(0,_cs_height) );
if ( _p_top_gadget )
_p_top_gadget->SetPosition( Pos( w-_p_top_gadget->GetWidth(), 0) );
HubWidget::BringOnTop( _p_top_gadget );
if ( _p_bottom_gadget )
if ( sb_width && sb_height )
_p_bottom_gadget->SetPosition( Pos( w-sb_width, h-sb_height) );
if ( !_p_bottom_gadget->Atom().IsVisible() ) { _p_bottom_gadget->Atom().Show(); }
else if ( _p_bottom_gadget->Atom().IsVisible() ) { _p_bottom_gadget->Atom().Hide(); }
if ( _auto_cover )
int pri_tbl_width = _pri_tbl_width;
int pri_tbl_height= _pri_tbl_height;
int table_w = pri_tbl_width;
int table_h = pri_tbl_height;
int client_w = _p_table_scroller->GetWidth();
int client_h = _p_table_scroller->GetHeight();
// try to cover all client area by table (if table is smaller than area)
if ( client_w > table_w )
_p_main_table->Atom().Resize( client_w, table_h );
else if ( client_w < pri_tbl_width )
_p_main_table->Atom().Resize( pri_tbl_width, table_h );
table_w = _p_main_table->Atom().GetWidth();
if ( client_h > table_h )
_p_main_table->Atom().Resize( table_w, client_h );
else if ( client_h < pri_tbl_height )
_p_main_table->Atom().Resize( table_w, pri_tbl_height );
table_h = _p_main_table->Atom().GetHeight();
// right scrollbar dissappears only if top-gadget does not exist
if ( !_p_top_gadget )
// Check if full table would be visible if we hide both scrollbars
bool would_fit_width = client_w + sb_width >= table_w;
bool would_fit_height= client_h + sb_height >= table_h;
if ( would_fit_width && would_fit_height )
示例13: CopyOr
void CopyOr(const Bitmap &src) {
CopyOr(0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), src, 0, 0);
示例14: assert
void vfeDisplay::DrawPixel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, const RGBA8& colour)
assert (x < GetWidth() && y < GetHeight());
m_Pixels[y * GetHeight() + x] = colour;
示例15: OnDeviceReset
void DiRenderWindow::OnDeviceReset()
if (mSceneManager)